How to Do Keyword Research for Your WordPress Blog

Do you want to do keyword research for your WordPress blog?

Keyword research helps you find betters content ideas so you can grow your traffic and create highly engaging content that users will love.

In this article, we will show you how to do keyword research for your WordPress site.

How to do keyword research for your WordPress blog

What is Keyword Research and Why Do You Need it?

Keyword research is a technique used by content creators and search engine optimization (SEO) experts. It helps you discover the words that people search for when looking for content just like yours.

Once you know the words that people are entering into the search engines, you can use these keywords to optimize your blog posts for SEO. This can help you get more traffic from search engines such as Google.

Some website owners fall into the trap of assuming they already know what their audience are searching for. However, you don’t need to make guesses when there are powerful tools that can help you make decisions based on real data.

By doing keyword research as part of your WordPress SEO strategy, you can:

  • Find the words and phrases that your audience are actually entering into the search engines
  • Increase the traffic you get from search engines
  • Find content ideas that are easy to rank for and have decent search volume
  • Find out what your competitors are doing – and do better!

That being said, let’s take a look at how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog.

In this post we have hand-picked the best keyword research tools that we have personally used for our own projects. We will explore each tool and how it can help you perform keyword research like a pro.

1. Semrush (Recommended)

Semrush Website

Semrush is one of the best SEO Tools on the market. It is a complete SEO suite with tools that can help you do organic research, paid advertising research, keyword research, and in-depth competition analysis.

To get started, simply go to the Semrush website. Then type a keyword into the ‘Enter domain, keyword or URL’ field. 

Semrush - enter keyword into search bar

If you don’t already have some keywords in mind, then you can use any word or phrase related to your business. For example, if you run an eCommerce site that sells headphones, then the word ‘headphones’ might be a solid starting point. 

Click on the ‘Start now’ button and Semrush will display lots of information about the keyword you just entered. 

The Semrush Keyword Magic tool

This include the CPC for paid advertising, the number of search results, and search volume.

Scroll down a little and you will see a list of related keywords. Related keywords are search terms that are related to the keyword you typed into the Semrush homepage.

A list of related keywords in the Semrush platform

Some websites are guilty of stuffing the same keyword into their content over and over again, in an attempt to rank for that keyword. This makes your content more difficult to read.

In fact, Google may even give your website a penalty if they suspect you’re using these tactics. This can lower your position in the search engine rankings.

By adding lots of related keywords to your content, you can show the search engines that you’re writing about your chosen topic in a genuine, detailed way. For this reason, it’s smart to add related keywords to your content wherever possible. 

To see the full list of related keywords, click on the ‘View all…’ button.

How to view all keywords, in the Semrush tool

Next, scroll down to the SERP Analysis section. SERP stands for search engine results page. This is the page that the search engines display after a user searches for a word or phrase.

The SERP Analysis section displays the list of top search results for the keyword that you originally entered.

If you want to rank for this keyword, then these sites are your biggest competition.

The Semrush SERP analysis feature

To view a detailed Organic Report for each result, simply click on its URL.

By analyzing this report, you can better understand why this page ranks so highly for this particular keyword. 

Organic Research, as seen in the Semrush tool

If you want to learn more about the related keywords, then Semrush has a Keyword Magic Tool. This gives you fast access to information about a wider range of related keywords.

To see this tool in action, click on Keyword Magic Tool in the Semrush sidebar. 

Semrush's Keyword Magic tool

When you spot a promising keyword, you can click on its add (+) icon. This will add this word or phrase to Semrush’s keyword analyzer where you can learn even more about it.

Once you have figured out the best keywords with the highest search volume, the next step is analyzing competition for those words or phrases. If a keyword has a huge search volume but very high competition, then you may struggle to earn a cut of that traffic.

To see a detailed analysis, click on the links that are already ranking for your chosen keyword. You can also see the backlinks for that URL, other keywords that page ranks for, and an estimate of how much search traffic this link gets.

Overall, Semrush is the best keyword research tool on the market. It not only gives you keyword ideas, it also helps you find out how you can rank for those keywords.

Even better, Semrush integrates with All in One SEO (AIOSEO) to help you find and research related keywords directly in your WordPress dashboard. 

AIOSEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress and has all the tools you need to get more traffic from the search engines without editing code or hiring a developer. For more details, you can see our guide on how to setup AIOSEO for WordPress correctly

When you’re creating a page or post in WordPress, simply scroll down the page to AIOSEO’s Focus Keyphrase section. You can then enter the keyword that you want to target with this content.

Adding a focus keyphrase in the AIOSEO tool

Then, click on the Add Focus Keyphrase button. AIOSEO will now scan your content and give you an SEO score. This is an easy way to make sure it’s optimized for the phrase that you want to rank for. 

AIOSEO will also suggest ways to improve your score. 

Performing keyword research using the All in One SEO plugin

These tips can help you rank for your focus keyphrase.

The Semrush integration also makes it easy to discover related words and phrases. 

To start, simply click on the Get Additional Keyphrases button. This launches a popup where you can log into your Semrush account. 

AIOSEO's Get Additional Keyphrase button

After connecting your Semrush account to AIOSEO, you can explore the related keywords inside your WordPress dashboard. 

AIOSEO will even display the search volume and trends for each related keyphrase. This can help you pinpoint the terms that could deliver the most visitors to your website.

Exploring related keywords, using AIOSEO

If you have AIOSEO Pro, you’ll also see an Add Keyphrase button. This makes it easy to add any keyphrase to your post. 

After adding a related keyword, AIOSEO will check all of your content for this new phrase. It will then give you a score, which reflects how well you’re targeting the related keyword.

The All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin user interface

AIOSEO will even give you feedback and suggestions on how to improve your content. By following these recommendations, you’ll stand the best possible chance of ranking for this additional keyphrase. 

2. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is one of the most powerful keyword research tools on the market. It helps you learn why your competitors are ranking so high, and what you need to do to outrank them in search results.

Ahrefs crawls more than 6 billion pages every day, with over 22 trillion links in their index from over 170 domain names. That’s a lot of data, but the real beauty is how the Ahrefs platform helps you use this data to perform keyword research. 

Ahrefs has a user-friendly interface that breaks this data into different sections. Simply type a domain into the search field and Ahrefs will display a wealth of information in an easy to understand format.

Ahref's Site Explorer page

Ahfres will start by showing you an overview of the information for this domain. This includes the total number of backlinks, referring domains, organic keywords, and content review. You can click on any of these sections to learn more.

There is lots to explore. You can see one of the most useful reports by clicking on ‘Organic Keywords.’ This will display a list of keywords for the domain name along with search volume, search rank, URL, and more.

Organic Keyword data, in the Ahfres dashboard

If you want to generate some keyword ideas, then start entering phrases or words into the search box. This can be anything from the name of your top-selling product, to a new buzzword in your industry. 

Ahrefs’ keyword explorer tool will then generate a list of keyword suggestions, along with their search volume, difficulty score, and clicks. We recommend looking for keywords that have a high search volume, and a lower difficulty score. 

The Ahrefs keyword explorer tool

Ahrefs also comes with powerful tools for content analysis, rank tracking, web monitoring, and more. You can export all reports in CSV or PDF format and then work on them in your favorite spreadsheet software.

3. AnswerThePublic

The AnswerThe Public keyword research tool

AnswerThePublic is a free visual keyword research and content ideas tool. It uses Google and Bing’s auto-suggest features, and presents this data in a format that’s easier to understand.

To get started, simply visit the AnswerThePublic website and enter a keyword or phrase. The tool will then load related keywords and present them as a visual map. 

Exploring related keywords, in the AnswerThePeople tool

You can click on any keyword and AnswerThePublic will show this word’s Google search results in a new browser tab. This is an easy way to explore the questions that people are searching for, so you can create content that answers those questions. 

AnswerThePublic presents all its keyword research on a single page. You can also download this data as images. 

Another option is exporting AnswerThePublic’s data to a CSV file. You can then explore this data using your preferred spreadsheet software.

How to download the AnswerThePeople keyword research data

More Keyword Research Tips

All the above tools will provide you with a wealth of data.

If you’re unsure where to start, then here’s some tips on how to find the keywords that will deliver lots of traffic to your website.  

1. Start With Broader Search Terms

Keyword research isn’t about finding the perfect search terms on your first try. 

After all, there’s a reason why it’s called research! 

It often makes sense to start with more general, vague search terms. This could be the name of your products, company, or important topics within your industry. 

You can then explore the results, and refine your potential keywords. If you’re using AIOSEO, then you can use the Additional Keyphrases feature to easily find related keywords.

You can then view the search volume and trends for these related words and phrases. This can help you find new keywords that could potentially bring lots of high-converting, highly-focused traffic to your website.   

2. Do Competitor Research 

Competitor research is where you use a tool to analyze your own keyword performance and then compare it with your competitors. For more details, please see our guide on how to do an SEO competitor analysis in WordPress.  

Some tools can even help you spot opportunities to outperform your competitors. For example, the Semrush sidebar has an entire section dedicated to competitor research.

Semrush's competitor research section

3. Focus on Search Intent 

Search intent is what the user hoped to achieve by searching for this particular keyword.

Some keywords have a very clear search intent. Others are a bit more vague. 

Imagine someone types ‘burrito’ into a search engine. This person may want to order takeout, or they might be searching for a burrito recipe. They may even be looking for the definition of the word ‘burrito.’ 

The search intent is unclear. Even if you manage to rank for this keyword, you may struggle to create content that matches the visitor’s search intent. This is simply because there are lots of different possible search intents for the word ‘burrito.’ 

Now, think about the search term ‘best vegetarian burrito recipe.’ Here, the search intent is much more clear.

There may be less people searching for this keyphrase, but it’s easier to create content that perfectly matches the search intent.

When it comes to keyword research, there’s always the temptation to use generic search terms that have a huge search volume.

However, it’s important to keep the search intent in mind. 

Here, a tool such as AIOSEO can help you find related keywords that have a lower search volume, but a very clear search intent. 

How to Apply Keyword Research in Your Business or Blog? 

The main goal of keyword research is to find out what your customers are searching for, and then rank for those words in the search results. There are different ways to do that depending on your content strategy.

To start, plan a proper content marketing strategy around the keywords that you want to target. This might involve creating useful content articles, blog posts, infographics, and videos about this keyword.

Business websites can create landing pages, documentation, FAQs and other content targeting their new keywords. 

When writing your content, you can enter your target keyword into a tool such as AIOSEO. AIOSEO will then help you optimize your content for this focus keyword.

If you run an online store, then you can also use those keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and product categories. If you’re using WooCommerce for your online store, then please see our step-by-step guide to ranking #1 in Google.

Need help creating engaging content? Check out our expert pick of the best content marketing tools and plugins.

How Do I Track the Performance of My Keyword Research?

Was your keyword research a success? Are you getting more traffic from the search engines, or do you still have work to do?

If you’re going to answer these questions, you’ll need to track your performance.

First, you need to sign up for Google Search Console. This tool provides insights into how Google views your website. You can also use Google Search Console to track the keywords that you rank for and your average position in the search results. 

To properly track the performance of your content, you’ll need to add Google Analytics to your WordPress website.

The best way to do that is by using MonsterInsights, the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It’s used by over 3 million businesses, including Microsoft, Bloomberg, PlayStation, and Subway. For more details, please see our guide on how to install Google Analytics to a WordPress website.

We hope this article helped you learn how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog. You may also want to see our guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way, or check out our expert comparison of the best business phone services for small business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Do Keyword Research for Your WordPress Blog first appeared on WPBeginner.

8 Best Keyword Research Tools for SEO in 2020 (Compared)

Are you looking for the best keyword research tools for SEO?

Keyword research is vital for growing traffic to your site. It helps you write the perfect content to increase your organic search traffic.

The challenge is that finding the right keyword research tool can be tricky, especially if you’re fairly new to SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

In this article, we’ll share the very best keyword research tools that experts use to grow their website traffic.

Best keyword research tools for SEO (main post image)

What is a Keyword Research Tool?

A keyword research tool helps you find topic ideas that people are searching for on search engines like Google.

This helps you find content ideas that your customers are looking for. You can then plan your content strategy to cover those topics in your blog posts and landing pages.

Keyword research tools also help you unlock the keywords where your competitors are ranking on the top. You can then improve your content to target those keywords and steal their traffic.

That being said, let’s take a look at the best keyword research tools for SEO that you can use.

1. SEMrush

The SEMrush keyword tool's front page

SEMrush is a complete SEO suite with all the tools you need to carry out keyword research.

Using the Keyword Overview tool, you can type in a keyword and get a full picture of everything you need to know. This includes how many people search for the keyword, whether it’s growing in popularity or becoming less popular (the Trend), and much more.

Using the SEMrush tool to see a keyword overview for "best wordpress themes"

After scrolling down, you can also see a handy list of other similar keywords you might want to use, along with a list of organic search results, so you can find out where your competitors rank for the keyword. You can also check out Google Ads that use that keyword.

The SEMrush tool showing more keyword options

2. AnswerThePublic

Answer the Public's keyword tool

AnswerThePublic works a bit differently from most other keyword research tools, presenting results in a nice visual format (though you can also see them in a list and download a .csv file of results).

If you’re just getting started with SEO and keyword research, then this is a great tool to try, because you don’t even need to create an account to use it. Just type in your keyword and take a look at what comes up.

AnswerThePublic's question wheel, showing the keyword WordPress Themes and lots of questions

The keyword results from AnswerThePublic are based on Google and Bing’s auto-suggest features. You can click on any of these keywords to search for it in Google, and it’ll open up in a new tab.

This will show what content is ranking for those terms and whether there’s a featured snippet on it.

3. Ubersuggest

The Ubersuggest tool

Ubersuggest is a free tool from Neil Patel that offers search volume data, keyword suggestions, an idea of how difficult your keyword will be to rank for, and more.

As well as seeing lots of suggestions for related keywords, you can view a table of the top 100 Google results for that keyword, with estimated visits, number of backlinks, a domain score, and a total number of social shares.

A keyword overview in the Ubersuggests keyword tool, showing data for the keyword Best WordPress Themes

Under Content Ideas, it also shows content related to your keyword, listing estimated monthly visits, backlinks, and number of shares on Facebook and Pinterest.

Ubersuggest's content ideas, showing ideas for the keyword Best WordPress Themes

If you sign into Ubersuggest with your Google account, then you’ll be able to get more keyword suggestions, daily rank tracking, and personalized SEO suggestions.

4. Ahrefs

The Ahref keyword tool's front page

Ahrefs offers similar features to SEMrush, and makes a great alternative to it. Using Ahrefs, you can come up with keyword ideas simply by typing a keyword into the search box. You’ll then see a whole list of keyword suggestions.

Data for a keyword in Ahrefs

You can also use Ahrefs to see content your competitors are ranking for (but that you’re not), so you can create new pieces targeting keywords related to those subjects.

More keyword suggestions in Ahrefs

Both SEMrush and Ahrefs offer a bunch of other useful tools too, like reports that find broken links on your site.

5. Google Keyword Planner

Enter a keyword into the Google Keyword Planner

Google’s Keyword Planner is really designed for use by advertisers who want to run their ads on Google. However it’s still a useful tool for SEO, and it’s free to use.

To access it, you’ll need a Google Ads account. If you don’t already have one, then you’ll need to create one and enter your payment details, but you don’t need to run an active campaign or pay for anything.

Once you’ve got access to the Keyword Planner through your Google Ads account, you can type in any keyword and view data for (very approximately) how many monthly searches it has. You’ll also see a long list of related keywords ideas, which you scroll through or download.

The results of searching for Best WordPress Themes in the Keyword Planner

6. Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro keywords front page

Like most premium keyword tools, Long Tail Pro shows an overview of data about your keyword, with a particular focus on how you rank against your competitors.

Long Tail Pro's overview of the keyword Best WordPress Themes

You can use it to take a look at the top results in search engines for your keyword, so you can figure out where you rank against your competition.

You can also enter specific keywords that you want to track, so you can see how your content is ranking for those keywords changes over time.

7. Serpstat

The Serpstat tool's front page

Serpstat is another excellent keyword research tool.

With Serpstat, you can easily view the top Google results for your keyword. These results include the site that appears in the featured snippet (if any) as the first result, which is why the post from IsItWP is featured in both first and second place in the screenshot below.

Serpstat's search engine results for keyword Best WordPress Themes

You can also view lots of details about your competitors for that keyword, with an indication of how visible they are (the higher the number here, the more visitors they likely receive).

Serpstat's table of sites competing with yours

8. SpyFu

SpyFu is designed to let you learn from your competitors by digging into their most profitable keywords (and their ads too).

You can try it out for free, without even logging in. Just type the URL of the site you want to check into the search bar and you’ll see the results straight away. If you want to take a look at more than one site, then you’ll need to create a free account and log in.

SpyFu showing a domain overview of

SpyFu collects past data, so you can see how your own site or your competitor’s site has fallen or risen in the rankings for particular keywords. You can also compare your site against other sites in your industry. Here’s a look at Moz’s website versus some other sites on similar topics.

Graph showing Moz's organic SEO keywords vs its competitors' keywords

We hope this article helped you find the best keyword research tools for SEO. You may also want to check out our guide on doing keyword research for tips on how best to carry out your research and put the results into practice.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 8 Best Keyword Research Tools for SEO in 2020 (Compared) appeared first on WPBeginner.