Diagonal Stripes Wipe Animation

I was playing this game on Apple Arcade the other day called wurdweb. It’s a fun little game! Little touches like the little shape dudes that walk around the screen (but otherwise don’t do anything) give it a lot of character. I kinda want little shape dudes that walk around on websites. But another UI choice caught my eye, the way that transitions between screens have these diagonal lines that grow and fill the screen, like window blinds closing, kinda.

Here’s a quick screencast showing how those wipes work:

I wanted to have a crack at building this.

The first thing that went through my mind is repeating-linear-gradient and how that can be used to build stripes. So say we set up like this:

.gradient {
      #ff8a00 10px,
      #e52e71 10px,
      #e52e71 20px

That would buy us stripes like this:

We can use transparent as a color though. Meaning if we covered the screen with stripes like these, we could see through where that color is. Say like this:

In that gradient definition, we use 10px as the “start” and 20px as the “end” of the gradient before it repeats. Part of the trick here is keeping that 20px “end” the same and animating the “start” number up to it. When we do that, it actually covers the screen in a solid color. The problem is… how do you animate it? You can’t do this:

Screenshot of a CSS code snippet on a dark gray background with syntax highlighting. An arrow is pointing from the repeating linear gradient on the element to another repeating linear gradient inside keyframes. A note that says not going to animate is displayed in large white letters above a crying emoji.

What we need to do is animate that “start” pixel value number alone. We can use a custom property, but it’s a little tricky because without declaring them, custom properties are just strings, and not animatable lengths. So we’d have to do it like this.

@property --start {
  syntax: "<length>";
  inherits: false;
  initial-value: 10px;
#cover {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
    #ff8a00 var(--start),
    transparent var(--start),
    transparent var(--end, 20px)
  animation: cover 1s linear infinite;
@keyframes cover {
  to {
    --start: 20px;

We’ve got to use @property here to do this, which I really like but, sadly, has limited browser support. It does work though! I’ve got all that set up, including a quick prefers-reduced-motion media query. I’m using a smidge of JavaScript to change the background halfway through the animation (while the screen is covered) so you can see how it might be used for a screen transition. Again, note that this is only working in Chromium-based browsers at the moment:

Notice I’ve used CSS custom properties for other things as well, like the angle and size of the stripes and the speed of the animation. They are both very trivial to change! I’ve chucked in knobs so you can adjust things to your liking. Knobs? Yeah, they are cool:

Like and subscribe

This whole thing started as a tweet. In this case, I’m glad I did as Temani Afif chimed in with a way to do it with masks as well, meaning pretty solid support across all browsers:

I don’t think animating background color stops or a mask position is particularly performant, but since we’re talking “screen wipes” here, one could imagine that the page isn’t likely to be interacted with anymore until the page transition is over, so maybe that’s not the world’s biggest deal.

Recreating the Apple Music Hits Playlist Animation in CSS

Apple Music has this “Spatial Audio” feature where the direction of the music in your headphones is based on the location of the device. It’s tough to explain just how neat it is. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

I opened up the Apple Music app and saw a featured playlist of hit songs that support Spatial Audio. The cover for it is this brightly-colored pink container that holds a bunch of boxes stacked one on top of another. The boxes animate in one at a time, fading in at the center of the container, then fading out as it scales to the size of the container. Like an infinite loop.

Animated GIF showing the Apple Music UI we are recreating. It's brightly colored shades of pink against a dark gray background with information about the playlist to the right of the pattern, and options to play and shuffle the sings in orange buttons.

Cool! I knew I had to re-create it in CSS. So I did.

Here’s how it works…

The markup

I started with the HTML. There’s obviously a container we need to define, plus however many boxes we want to animate. I went with an even 10 boxes in the container.

<div class="container">
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <!-- etc. -->

That’s literally it for HTML. We are free to jump right into the CSS!

Styling the container

Nothing too fancy here. I measured approximate dimensions based on what I saw in Apple Music, which happened to be 315px × 385px. then I took a screenshot of the cover and dropped it into my image editing app to get the lightest possible color, which is around the outside edges of the container. My color picker landed on #eb5bec.

.container {
  background-color: #eb5bec;
  height: 315px;
  width: 385px;

As I was doing this, I knew I would probably want this to be a grid container to align the boxes and any other elements in the center. I also figured that the boxes themselves would start from the center of the container and stack on top of one another, meaning there will be some absolute positioning. That also means the container ought to have relative positioning to reign them in.

.container {
  background-color: #eb5bec;
  height: 315px;
  position: relative;
  width: 385px;

And since we want the boxes to start from the center, we can reach for grid to help with that:

.container {
  background-color: #eb5bec;
  display: grid;
  height: 315px;
  place-items: center;
  position: relative;
  width: 385px;

If the boxes in the container are growing outward, then there’s a chance that they could expand beyond the container. Better hide any possible overflow.

.container {
  background-color: #eb5bec;
  height: 315px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;
  width: 385px;

I also noticed some rounded corners on it, so let’s drop that in while we’re here.

.container {
  background-color: #eb5bec;
  border-radius: 16px;
  height: 315px;
  position: relative;
  width: 385px;

So far, so good!

Styling the boxes

We have 10 .box elements in the markup and we want them stacked on top of one another. I started with some absolute positioning, then sized them at 100px square. Then I did the same thing with my image editing app to find the darkest color value of a box, which was #471e45.

.box {
  background: #471e45;
  height: 100px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100px;

The boxes seem to fade out as they grow. That allows one box to be seen through the other, so let’s make them opaque to start.

.box {
  background: #471e45;
  height: 100px;
  opacity: 0.5;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100px;

Cool, cool. We’re unable to see all the boxes as they’re stacked on top of one another, but we’re making progress!

Creating the animation

Ready to write some @keyframes? We’re gonna make this super simple, going from 0 to 100% without any steps in between. We don’t even need those percentages!

@keyframes grow {
  from {
    /* do stuff */
  to {
    /* do stuff */

Specifically, we want two things to happen from start to finish:

  • The boxes go from our starting opacity value of 0.5 to 0 (fully transparent).
  • The boxes scale up to the edges of the container.
@keyframes grow {
  from {
    opacity: 0.5;
    transform: scale(0);
  to {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(3.85);

How’d I land on scaling the boxes up by 3.85? Our boxes are 100px square and the container is 385px tall. A value of 3.85 gets the boxes up to 385px as they fade completely out which makes for a nice linear animation when we get there.

Speaking of which…

Applying the animation

It’s pretty easy to call the animation on our boxes. Just gotta make sure it moves in a liner timing function on an infinite basis so it’s like the Energizer Bunny and keeps going and going and going and going and…

.box {
  animation: grow 10s linear infinite; /* 10s = 10 boxes */
  /* etc. */

This gives us the animation we want. But! The boxes are all moving at the same time, so all we see is one giant box growing.

We’ve gotta stagger those little fellers. No loops in vanilla CSS, unfortunately, so we have to delay each box individually. We can start by setting a custom property for the delay, set it to one second, then redefine the custom property on each instance.

.box {
  --delay: 1s;
  animation-delay: var(--delay);
  /* same as before */
.box:nth-child(2) {
  --delay: 2s;
.box:nth-child(3) {
  --delay: 3s;
.box:nth-child(4) {
  --delay: 4s;
.box:nth-child(5) {
  --delay: 5s;
/* five more times... */


Keep on rockin’

That’s it! We just recreated the same sort of effect used by Apple Music. There are a few finishing touches we could plop in there, like the content and whatnot. Here’s my final version again:

The post Recreating the Apple Music Hits Playlist Animation in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

A Handy Little System for Animated Entrances in CSS

I love little touches that make a website feel like more than just a static document. What if web content wouldn’t just “appear” when a page loaded, but instead popped, slid, faded, or spun into place? It might be a stretch to say that movements like this are always useful, though in some cases they can draw attention to certain elements, reinforce which elements are distinct from one another, or even indicate a changed state. So, they’re not totally useless, either.

So, I put together a set of CSS utilities for animating elements as they enter into view. And, yes, this pure CSS. It not only has a nice variety of animations and variations, but supports staggering those animations as well, almost like a way of creating scenes.

You know, stuff like this:

Which is really just a fancier version of this:

We’ll go over the foundation I used to create the animations first, then get into the little flourishes I added, how to stagger animations, then how to apply them to HTML elements before we also take a look at how to do all of this while respecting a user’s reduced motion preferences.

The basics

The core idea involves adding a simple CSS @keyframes animation that’s applied to anything we want to animate on page load. Let’s make it so that an element fades in, going from opacity: 0 to opacity: 1 in a half second:

.animate {
  animation-duration: 0.5s;
  animation-name: animate-fade;
  animation-delay: 0.5s;
  animation-fill-mode: backwards;

@keyframes animate-fade {
  0% { opacity: 0; }
  100% { opacity: 1; }

Notice, too, that there’s an animation-delay of a half second in there, allowing the rest of the site a little time to load first. The animation-fill-mode: backwards is there to make sure that our initial animation state is active on page load. Without this, our animated element pops into view before we want it to.

If we’re lazy, we can call it a day and just go with this. But, CSS-Tricks readers aren’t lazy, of course, so let’s look at how we can make this sort of thing even better with a system.

Fancier animations

It’s much more fun to have a variety of animations to work with than just one or two. We don’t even need to create a bunch of new @keyframes to make more animations. It’s simple enough to create new classes where all we change is which frames the animation uses while keeping all the timing the same.

There’s nearly an infinite number of CSS animations out there. (See animate.style for a huge collection.) CSS filters, like blur(), brightness() and saturate() and of course CSS transforms can also be used to create even more variations.

But for now, let’s start with a new animation class that uses a CSS transform to make an element “pop” into place.

.animate.pop {
  animation-duration: 0.5s;
  animation-name: animate-pop;
  animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.26, .53, .74, 1.48);

@keyframes animate-pop {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0.5, 0.5);

  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1, 1);

I threw in a little cubic-bezier() timing curve, courtesy of Lea Verou’s indispensable cubic-bezier.com for a springy bounce.

Adding delays

We can do better! For example, we can animate elements so that they enter at different times. This creates a stagger that makes for complex-looking motion without a complex amount of code.

This animation on three page elements using a CSS filter, CSS transform, and staggered by about a tenth of a second each, feels really nice:

All we did there was create a new class for each element that spaces when the elements start animating, using animation-delay values that are just a tenth of a second apart.

.delay-1 { animation-delay: 0.6s; }  
.delay-2 { animation-delay: 0.7s; }
.delay-3 { animation-delay: 0.8s; }

Everything else is exactly the same. And remember that our base delay is 0.5s, so these helper classes count up from there.

Respecting accessibility preferences

Let’s be good web citizens and remove our animations for users who have enabled their reduced motion preference setting:

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  .animate { animation: none !important; }

This way, the animation never loads and elements enter into view like normal. It’s here, though, that is worth a reminder that “reduced” motion doesn’t always mean “remove” motion.

Applying animations to HTML elements

So far, we’ve looked at a base animation as well as a slightly fancier one that we were able to make even fancier with staggered animation delays that are contained in new classes. We also saw how we can respect user motion preferences at the same time.

Even though there are live demos that show off the concepts, we haven’t actually walked though how to apply our work to HTML. And what’s cool is that we can use this on just about any element, whether its a div, span, article, header, section, table, form… you get the idea.

Here’s what we’re going to do. We want to use our animation system on three HTML elements where each element gets three classes. We could hard-code all the animation code to the element itself, but splitting it up gives us a little animation system we can reuse.

  • .animate: This is the base class that contains our core animation declaration and timing.
  • The animation type: We’ll use our “pop” animation from before, but we could use the one that fades in as well. This class is technically optional but is a good way to apply distinct movements.
  • .delay-<number>: As we saw earlier, we can create distinct classes that are used to stagger when the animation starts on each element, making for a neat effect. This class is also optional.

So our animated elements might now look like:

<h2 class="animate pop">One!</h2>
<h2 class="animate pop delay-1">Two!</h2>
<h2 class="animate pop delay-2">Three!</h2>

Let’s count them in!


Check that out: we went from a seemingly basic set of @keyframes and turned it into a full-fledged system for applying interesting animations for elements entering into view.

This is ridiculously fun, of course. But the big takeaway for me is how the examples we looked at form a complete system that can be used to create a baseline, different types of animations, staggered delays, and an approach for respecting user motion preferences. These, to me, are all the ingredients for a flexible system that easy to use, while giving us a lot with a little and without a bunch of extra cruft.

What we covered could indeed be a full animation library. But, of course, I did’t stop there and have my entire CSS file of animations in all its glory for you. There are several more types of animations in there, including 15 classes of different delays that can be used for staggering things. I’ve been using these on my own projects, but it’s still an early draft and I love feedback on it—so please enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments!

/* ==========================================================================
Animation System by Neale Van Fleet from Rogue Amoeba
========================================================================== */
.animate {
  animation-duration: 0.75s;
  animation-delay: 0.5s;
  animation-name: animate-fade;
  animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.26, .53, .74, 1.48);
  animation-fill-mode: backwards;

/* Fade In */
.animate.fade {
  animation-name: animate-fade;
  animation-timing-function: ease;

@keyframes animate-fade {
  0% { opacity: 0; }
  100% { opacity: 1; }

/* Pop In */
.animate.pop { animation-name: animate-pop; }

@keyframes animate-pop {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0.5, 0.5);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1, 1);

/* Blur In */
.animate.blur {
  animation-name: animate-blur;
  animation-timing-function: ease;

@keyframes animate-blur {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    filter: blur(15px);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    filter: blur(0px);

/* Glow In */
.animate.glow {
  animation-name: animate-glow;
  animation-timing-function: ease;

@keyframes animate-glow {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    filter: brightness(3) saturate(3);
    transform: scale(0.8, 0.8);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    filter: brightness(1) saturate(1);
    transform: scale(1, 1);

/* Grow In */
.animate.grow { animation-name: animate-grow; }

@keyframes animate-grow {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(1, 0);
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1, 1);

/* Splat In */
.animate.splat { animation-name: animate-splat; }

@keyframes animate-splat {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0, 0) rotate(20deg) translate(0, -30px);
  70% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1.1, 1.1) rotate(15deg));
  85% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1.1, 1.1) rotate(15deg) translate(0, -10px);

  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1, 1) rotate(0) translate(0, 0);

/* Roll In */
.animate.roll { animation-name: animate-roll; }

@keyframes animate-roll {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0, 0) rotate(360deg);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1, 1) rotate(0deg);

/* Flip In */
.animate.flip {
  animation-name: animate-flip;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  perspective: 1000px;

@keyframes animate-flip {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: rotateX(-120deg) scale(0.9, 0.9);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: rotateX(0deg) scale(1, 1);

/* Spin In */
.animate.spin {
  animation-name: animate-spin;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  perspective: 1000px;

@keyframes animate-spin {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: rotateY(-120deg) scale(0.9, .9);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: rotateY(0deg) scale(1, 1);

/* Slide In */
.animate.slide { animation-name: animate-slide; }

@keyframes animate-slide {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translate(0, 20px);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translate(0, 0);

/* Drop In */
.animate.drop { 
  animation-name: animate-drop; 
  animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.77, .14, .91, 1.25);

@keyframes animate-drop {
0% {
  opacity: 0;
  transform: translate(0,-300px) scale(0.9, 1.1);
95% {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(0, 0) scale(0.9, 1.1);
96% {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(10px, 0) scale(1.2, 0.9);
97% {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(-10px, 0) scale(1.2, 0.9);
98% {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(5px, 0) scale(1.1, 0.9);
99% {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(-5px, 0) scale(1.1, 0.9);
100% {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translate(0, 0) scale(1, 1);

/* Animation Delays */
.delay-1 {
  animation-delay: 0.6s;
.delay-2 {
  animation-delay: 0.7s;
.delay-3 {
  animation-delay: 0.8s;
.delay-4 {
  animation-delay: 0.9s;
.delay-5 {
  animation-delay: 1s;
.delay-6 {
  animation-delay: 1.1s;
.delay-7 {
  animation-delay: 1.2s;
.delay-8 {
  animation-delay: 1.3s;
.delay-9 {
  animation-delay: 1.4s;
.delay-10 {
  animation-delay: 1.5s;
.delay-11 {
  animation-delay: 1.6s;
.delay-12 {
  animation-delay: 1.7s;
.delay-13 {
  animation-delay: 1.8s;
.delay-14 {
  animation-delay: 1.9s;
.delay-15 {
  animation-delay: 2s;

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  .animate {
    animation: none !important;

The post A Handy Little System for Animated Entrances in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Intrinsic Typography is the Future of Styling Text on the Web

The way we style text hasn’t changed much over the years. There have been numerous advancements to help make things more flexible, like layouts, but in terms of styling, most finite aspects of our designs, like text, remain relatively unchanged. This is especially true of text styling. We write code to style text explicitly for every portion of our layouts, and then, to make it responsive, we write more code to make it work at every breakpoint. This means that, as different areas of text compress and expand, the result is tension — palpable, experiential tension — just before the content breaks. At these places, content suffers from not being sized or spaced well, all the while being supported by overly complicated and brittle code.

Intrinsic typography shifts all this, clearing it away by starting at the code itself to affect the styling. Instead of writing explicit text styles, you define how those styles change in proportion to the text’s area. This enables you to use more flexible text components in more layout variations. It simplifies your code, increasing the opportunities for new layout possibilities. Intrinsic typography works so that text self-adjusts to the area in which it’s rendered. Instead of sizing and spacing text for each component at every breakpoint, the text is given instructions to respond to the areas it is placed in. As a result, intrinsic typography enables designs to be far more flexible, adapting to the area in which it is placed, with far less code.

Typographic superpowers beyond clamp()

The result of using intrinsic typography goes well beyond what is possible with tools like clamp(). Intrinsic typographic styling blends the component portability of element queries with the interpolation control of CSS animations, enabling seamless changes of any value across container widths. This technique enables things that aren’t possible with other CSS techniques, such as fluidly adjusting variable font settings, color, and unitless line-height as an element’s area changes. You also avoid the accessibility pitfalls of clamp() and locks where changing the browser’s default font size shifts your typography out of alignment with your breakpoints when using relative units.

How is this different from responsive typography?

Responsive typography references the viewport to transform text. It does this through media queries, clamp(), or CSS Locks. While these techniques enable granular control of typography across screen sizes, they lack the ability to control typography in different components. This means that, for a page with an array of differently sized content areas, a new headline style would need to be created for each of these areas with a responsive typography approach.

Intrinsic typography doesn’t need all that. With intrinsic typography, a single headline style can be used in all different content areas. Discrete headline styles can be consolidated into one intrinsic headline. This is a distinction similar to that of element queries versus media queries: with element queries it’s possible to bind all of the scaling information to a component, where media queries the styles always reference the viewport.

A series of entries scaling proportionally to the container they are rendered in. The font in this demo is Obviously by OHno Type Co.

The anatomy of an intrinsic style

If we were to take the intrinsic headline styles above and extrude out all the variations within them, it would look like the following:

An extrapolation of an intrinsic style along the Z-axis. As the width of an area of text changes, different cross sections of this extrapolation are used as the styles.

Within larger areas of the page, the text is typeset to be bigger, bolder, and wider. In smaller areas of the page the text is smaller, lighter, and narrower. The area in which a headline is rendered is measured, and then the appropriate slice is taken from this intrinsic headline style to be used for that specific headline.

You may notice a few things about the shape of this extruded headline style. The text goes from being smaller to larger, but the shape itself has curves. This control over how text scales from one point to another is particularly useful as screens get smaller to ensure optimal legibility. Below you can see the same set of styles being applied to two columns of text, one with a curved shape and one with a linear shape. In the curved intrinsic example the text is vastly more legible in more places, in comparison to the example using linear interpolation, where the text becomes too small too quickly.

Two panels of text that share the same start and end styles. However on the right, the styles are interpolated using a Bézier curve to optimize legibility at all sizes.

Through combining the ability to interpolate text styling across sizes and areas of a layout as well as shaping how those settings are interpolated, intrinsic typography gives designers an unprecedented amount of control over how text is rendered at any screen or component size.

Typeset intrinsically

Typetura developed a tool to add intrinsic typesetting functionality to CSS (I’m the creator.) This tool enables the necessary typographic styles to be written, injecting flexibility where previously there was none. Intrinsic styles are stored in CSS keyframes and change based on the width of a parent element. This enables interpolation of any animatable property across element widths. To reference back to our element queries example, think interpolated element queries.

To set up your keyframes, 0% is equal to a container width of 0px, and keyframe 100% is the maximum container width your styles will cover. This value is 1600px by default. Containers can be defined by adding the class typetura to an element, with the root element as the default container. Child elements will be styled based on the parent context’s width, unless a new context is defined.

@keyframes headline {
  0% {
    font-size: 1rem;
  100% {
    font-size: 4rem;

To attach these styles to your element, use the custom property --tt-key. Now you can see your first intrinsic style.

@keyframes headline {
  0% {
    font-size: 1rem;
    line-height: 1.1;
  100% {
    font-size: 4rem;
    line-height: 1;

.headline {
  --tt-key: headline;

To shape how these styles scale, use the custom property --tt-ease. This property accepts CSS easing functions and keywords. This enables you to rapidly bring up your base font size or taper off headline scaling and spacing. Additionally, we can constrain the range these styles cover with --tt-max to better fit the constraints of your layouts and what the text is used for.

@keyframes headline {
  0% {
    font-size: 1rem;
    line-height: 1.1;
  100% {
    font-size: 4rem;
    line-height: 1;

.headline {
  --tt-key: headline;
  --tt-max: 600;
  --tt-ease: ease-in-out;

The following example shows how flexible your page can be when all the text on it is driven by intrinsic typographic styles; from the root of the document and up. The text can seamlessly transition from a monitor serving a conference room all the way down to the size of a watch — all without media queries. Text styles can also be shared in different modules; for example, the headline at the top of the page and headlines in the next-click area are all driven by the same style. While efficiencies appear immediately at any size of website, they quickly compound: the larger site you have, the more these efficiencies build.

Editorial page demo at a desktop screen size
Editorial page demo at a small tablet screen size
Editorial page demo at a small phone or watch screen size, and no text is getting cut off

Check out this Pen. In it, I’ve added an intrinsic style inspector so you can click on each headline and see what the rendered size is. Within the inspector you can also manipulate the shape of the intrinsic style, and the upper boundary. This allows you to begin to see the typographic styling possibilities for enabled by Typetura.

Intrinsic Typography is the future of styling on the web

Baking these design rules into your content is the practice of intrinsic design, and baking these rules into your text is the practice of intrinsic typography. Intrinsic web design, coined by Jen Simmons, is a concept where common design mutations are baked into the very fabric of our components. Instead of explicitly stating the style of each individual piece of content, intrinsic layouts are given design constraints and our content responds to its environment, as opposed to explicitly defining styles. This approach both simplifies your codebase and enhances the flexibility of your designs, as components have instructions that help them respond to more than just the viewport.

Typetura brings this philosophy into text styling. With text components being our most foundational design material, a material that is reused in almost every component, intrinsic typography has significant advantages over other methodologies. Advantages of design resilience, scalability, and simplification of code exist deeper in your project and extend its lifespan. Scale down to the size of a watch or up to the size of a TV, and where text once limited how far your layout could reach, it now supports your ambitions.

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CSS Switch-Case Conditions

CSS is yet to have a switch rule or conditional if, aside from the specific nature of @media queries and some deep trickery with CSS custom properties. Let’s have a look at why it would be useful if we did, and look at a trick that is usable today for pulling it off.

Recent chatter about the possibility

While none of these things are usable today, there has been a good amount of chat about the concept of generic conditional CSS just in the last year:

So, yes. The demand for conditional CSS is there.

Imagine why conditional CSS would be useful

Perhaps a visual change after a certain amount of scrolling. A visual change after a numeric input is within a certain range. A component with a handful of states.

There is a whole genre of extremely popular JavaScript libraries for UI (e.g. React, Vue, etc.) that are essentially for building UI based on state. Clearly this is a developer need. If we could move that state-based styling to CSS, that’s all the less JavaScript we might need — and maybe a better separation of concerns.

A common theme

We already have custom properties in CSS, and we could base state-change logic on them, changing a block of styles as a side effect of the custom property changing to certain values.

It’s true that we have mechanisms for changing blocks of styles already. We can change class through JavaScript, and that class can apply whatever we like in CSS. But that doesn’t mean state-based styling in CSS wouldn’t be useful. We don’t always have the ability or may not want to write any JavaScript for this, and instead change custom properties in other ways (e.g. media queries, HTML changes, etc). Doing it in CSS means helping separate business logic and visual style logic.

A trick! Using @keyframes for state

CSS @keyframes can be used to switch specific changes. Through the power of the animation property, a possibility opens up to select exactly which frame to show, and have it pause exactly on that frame, effectively mimicking a switch-case statement or state-based styles.

Let’s see see this in action by playing with the animation-delay property:

Here’s what’s happening in that Pen:

  • animation-delay: Negative delay values force a specific frame (or between) to take effect (positive values don’t work that way). We’ll use this trick to force states.
  • animation-play-state: paused: We’re not actually animating anything, so the animation will stay paused.
  • animation-duration: The actual duration doesn’t matter, it just needs one so there is a time span to hold the different keyframes. We’ll make it a value like 100.001s so that if we delay by 100s, the last keyframe will still work. The duration needs to be longer than the delay value.

The first range input modifies the animation-delay between a range of -100s and 0s.

A real-world use-case

Before we jump straight into the working example, it’s worth discussing this trick in more detail because there’s some nuances you ought to be aware of.

First off, the trick only works with numeric values. So, color values or strings because it’s strictly performing math.

Second, there’s the boolean trick. Consider a variable --value: 10 which can take any numeric value between 0 and 100. We want to apply color if the value is above 5. How do we know if the value is over or below 5? And even if we do know, how does that help actually help us?

--is-above-5: clamp(0, var(--value) - 5, 1)
000 – 5 = -5, clamp() forces a value no less than 0
202 – 5 = -3, clamp() forces a value no less than 0
505 – 5 = 0
717 – 5 = 2, clamp() forces a value no larger than 1

clamp() is like a smarter calc(), in that it allows us to strictly confine a computed value to range while declaring an ideal value. That range is all that is needed to achieve a boolean variable.

Write any math in the second parameter of the clamp() and that will either output 0 (or below) or 1 (or above). Make sure not to write any math that might result in a number between 0 and 1.

Here’s how that works out:

The range input’s only job is to “broadcast” its value by defining a values for --value, --min and --max, then modifying the --value using an oninput event. That is the most minimal thing that can be done get state-like behavior in CSS. No JavaScript needed.

Using CSS math functions, it is possible to infer the “completed” percentage of the progress bar from those same variables:

--completed: calc((var(--value) - var(--min) ) / (var(--max) - var(--min)) * 100);

Now, we know if the value is over a certain percentage, giving us yet another way to make changes by state:

--over-30: clamp(0, var(--completed) - 30, 1);
--over-70: clamp(0, var(--completed) - 70, 1);
/* ...and so on... */

OK, great, but how can we use this to select a specific keyframe? By using max() function:

--frame: max( 
    calc(1 - var(--over-30)), 
    var(--over-30) * 2, 
    var(--over-70) * 3, 
    var(--is-100)  * 4 

The thing with CSS booleans is that there are many ways to use them to achieve a certain goal, and one must get creative, finding a formula which is short and readable.

In the above formula, the booleans will “toggle” a frame number if the boolean has the value of 1. Since we are using a max function, the the largest toggled frame number will be the computed value of --frame.

Note that the color change has a slight transition. We could have done this with the background: currentColor; on the fill area, which inherits the color from the parent, but I chose to use CSS Houdini to illustrate the power of assigning transitions to CSS variables by declaring its type.

An example of a heavily-used CSS boolean trick can be viewed in the below Pen, which is a CSS-only component with lots of variables that allow a wide range of customization:

I am sure there are many other use cases for this little trick and am excited to see what else might be achieved by the creativity of the community.

The post CSS Switch-Case Conditions appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to Play and Pause CSS Animations with CSS Custom Properties

Let’s have a look CSS @keyframes animations, and specifically about how you can pause and otherwise control them. There is a CSS property specifically for it, that can be controlled with JavaScript, but there is plenty of nuance to get into in the details. We’ll also look at my preferred way of setting this up which gives lots of control. Hint: it involves CSS custom properties.

The importance of pausing animations

Recently, while working on the CSS-powered slideshow you’ll see later in this article, I was inspecting the animations in the Layers panel of DevTools. I noticed something interesting I’d never thought about before: animations not currently in the viewport were still running!

Maybe it’s not that unexpected. We know videos do that. Videos just go on until you pause them. But it made me wonder if these playing animations still use the CPU/GPU? Do they consume unnecessary processing power, slowing down other parts of the page?

Inspecting frames in the Performance panel in DevTools didn’t shed any more light on this since I couldn’t see “offscreen”-frames. But, when I scrolled away from my “CSS Only Slideshow” at the first slide, then waited and scrolled back, it was at slide five. The animation hadn’t paused. Animations just run and run, until you pause them.

So I began to look into how, why and when animations should pause. Performance is an obvious reason, given the findings above. Another reason is control. Users not only love to have control, but they should have control. A couple of years ago, my wife had a really bad concussion. Since then, she has avoided webpages with too many animations, as they make her dizzy. As a result, I consider accessibility perhaps the most important reason for allowing animations to pause.

All together, this is important stuff. We’re talking specifically about CSS keyframe animations, but broadly, that means we’re talking about:

  1. Performance
  2. Control
  3. Accessibility

The basics of pausing an animation

The only way to truly pause an animation in CSS is to use the animation-play-state property with a paused value.

.paused {
  animation-play-state: paused;

In JavaScript, the property is “camelCased” as animationPlayState and set like this:

element.style.animationPlayState = 'paused';

We can create a toggle that plays and pauses the animation by reading the current value of animationPlayState:

const running = element.style.animationPlayState === 'running';

…and then setting it to the opposite value:

element.style.animationPlayState = running ? 'paused' : 'running';

Setting the duration

Another way to pause animations is to set animation-duration to 0s. The animation is actually running, but since it has no duration, you won’t see any action.

But if we change the value to 3s instead:

It works, but has a major caveat: the animations are technically still running. The animation is merely toggling between its initial position, and where it is next in the sequence.

Straight up removing the animation

We can remove the animation entirely and add it back via classes, but like animation-duration, this doesn’t actually pause the animation.

.remove-animation {
  animation: none !important;

Since true pausing is really what we’re after here, let’s stick with animation-play-state and look into other ways of using it.

Using data attributes and CSS custom properties

Let’s use a data-attribute as a selector in our CSS. We can call those whatever we want, so I’m going to use a [data-animation]-attribute on all the elements where I’d like to play/pause animations. That way, it can be distinguished from other animations:

<div data-animation></div>

That attribute is the selector, and the animation shorthand is the property where we’re setting everything. We’ll toss in a bunch of CSS custom properties *(*using Emmet-abbreviations) as values:

[data-animation] {
    var(--animn, none)
    var(--animdur, 1s)
    var(--animtf, linear)
    var(--animdel, 0s)
    var(--animic, infinite)
    var(--animdir, alternate)
    var(--animfm, none)
    var(--animps, running);

With that in place, any animation with this data-attribute will be perfectly ready to accept animations, and we can control individual aspects of the animation with custom properties. Some animations are going to have something in common (like duration, easing-type, etc.), so fallback values are set on the custom properties as well.

Why CSS custom properties? First of all, they can be read and set in both CSS and JavaScript. Secondly, they help significantly reduce the amount of CSS we need to write. And, since we can set them within @keyframes (at least in Chrome at the time of writing), they offer new and exiting ways to work with animations!

For the animations themselves, I’m using class selectors and updating the variables from the [data-animation]-selector:

<div class="circle a-slide" data-animation></div>

Why a class and a data-attribute? At this stage, the data-animation attribute might as well be a regular class, but we’re going to use it in more advanced ways later. Note that the .circle class name actually has nothing to do with the animation — it’s just a class for styling the element.

/* Animation classes */
.a-pulse {
  --animn: pulse;
.a-slide {
  --animdur: 3s;
  --animn: slide;

/* Keyframes */
@keyframes pulse {
  0% { transform: scale(1); }
  25% { transform: scale(.9); }
  50% { transform: scale(1); }
  75% { transform: scale(1.1); }
  100% { transform: scale(1); }
@keyframes slide {
  from { margin-left: 0%; }
  to { margin-left: 150px; }

We only need to update the values that will change, so if we use some common values in the fallback values for the data-animation selector, we only need to update the name of the animation’s custom property, --animn.

Example: Pausing with the checkbox hack

To pause all the animations using the ol’ checkbox hack, let’s create a checkbox before the animations:

<input type="checkbox" data-animation-pause />

And update the --animps property when checked:

[data-animation-pause]:checked ~ [data-animation] {
  --animps: paused;

That’s it! The animations toggle between played and paused when clicking the checkbox — no JavaScript required.

CSS-only slideshow

Let’s put some of these ideas to work!

I‘ve played with the <details>-tag a lot recently. It’s the obvious candidate for accordions, but it can also be used for tooltips, toggle-tips, drop-downs (styled <select>-look-a-likes), mega-menus… you name it. It is the official HTML disclosure element, after all. Apart from the global attributes and global events that all HTML elements accept, <details> has a single open attribute, and a single toggle event. So, like the checkbox hack, it’s perfect for toggling state — but even simpler:

details[open] {
  --state: 1;
details:not([open]) {
  --state: 0;

I decided to do a slideshow, where the slides change automatically via a primary animation called autoplay, and each individual slide has its own unique secondary animation. The animation-play-state is controlled by the --animps-property. Each individual slide can have it’s own, unique animation, defined in a --animn-property:

<figure style="--animn:kenburns-top;--index:0;">
  <img src="some-slide-image.jpg" />

The animation-play-state of the secondary animations are controlled by the --img-animps-property. I found a bunch of nice Ken Burns-esque animations at Animista and switched between them in the --animn-properties of the slides.

Pausing an animation from another animation

In order to prevent GPU overload, it would be ideal for the primary animation to pause any secondary animations. We noted it briefly earlier, but only Chrome (at the time of writing, and it is a bit shaky) can update a CSS Custom Property from an @keyframe animation — which you can see in the following example where the --bgc-property and --counter-properties are modified at different frames:

The initial state of the secondary animation, the --img-animps -property, needs to be paused, even if the primary animation is running:

details[open] ~ .c-mm__inner .c-mm__frame {
  --animps: running;
  --img-animps: paused;

Then, in the main animation @keyframes, the property is updated to running:

@keyframes autoplay {
  0.1% {
    --img-animps: running; /* START */
    opacity: 0;
    z-index: calc(var(--z) + var(--slides))
  5% { opacity: 1 }
  50% { opacity: 1 }
  51% { --img-animps: paused } /* STOP! */
  100% {
    opacity: 0;
    z-index: var(--z)

To make this work in browsers other than Chrome, the initial value needs to be running, as they cannot update a CSS custom property from a @keyframe.

Here’s the slideshow, with a “details hack” play/pause-button — no JavaScript required:

Enabling prefers-reduced-motion

Some people prefer no animations, or at least reduced motion. It might just be a personal preference, but can also be because of a medical condition. We talked about the importance of accessibility with animations at the very top of this post.

Both macOS and Windows have options that allow users to inform browsers that they prefer reduced motion on websites. This enables us to reach for the prefers-reduced-motion feature query, which Eric Bailey has written all about.

@media (prefers-reduced-motion) { ... }

Let’s use the [data-animation]-selector for reduced motion by giving it different values that are applied when prefers-reduced-motion is enabled*:*

  • alternate = run a different animation
  • once = set the animation-iteration-count to 1
  • slow = change the animation-duration-property
  • stop = set animation-play-state to paused

These are just suggestions and they can be anything you want, really.

<div class="circle a-slide" data-animation="alternate"></div>
<div class="circle a-slide" data-animation="once"></div>
<div class="circle a-slide" data-animation="slow"></div>
<div class="circle a-slide" data-animation="stop"></div>

And the updated media query:

@media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
  [data-animation="alternate"] {
   /* Change animation duration AND name */
    --animdur: 4s;
    --animn: opacity;
  [data-animation="slow"] {
    /* Change animation duration */
    --animdur: 10s;
  [data-animation="stop"] {
    /* Stop the animation */
    --animps: paused;

If this is too generic, and you prefer having unique, alternate animations per animation class, group the selectors like this:

.a-slide[data-animation="alternate"] { /* etc. */ }

Here’s a Pen with a checkbox simulating prefers-reduced-motion. Scroll down within the Pen to see the behavior change for each circle:

Pausing with JavaScript

To re-create the “Pause all animations”-checkbox in JavaScript, iterate all the [data-animation]-elements and toggle the same --animps custom property:

<button id="js-toggle" type="button">Toggle Animations</button>
const animations = document.querySelectorAll('[data-animation');
const jstoggle = document.getElementById('js-toggle');

jstoggle.addEventListener('click', () => {
  animations.forEach(animation => {
    const running = getComputedStyle(animation).getPropertyValue("--animps") || 'running';
    animation.style.setProperty('--animps', running === 'running' ? 'paused' : 'running');

It’s exactly the same concept as the checkbox hack, using the same custom property: --animps, only set by JavaScript instead of CSS. If we want to support older browsers, we can toggle a class, that will update the animation-play-state.

Using IntersectionObserver

To play and pause all [data-animation]-animations automatically — and thus not unnecessarily overloading the GPU — we can use an IntersectionObserver.

First, we need to make sure that no animations are running at all:

[data-animation] {
  /* Change 'running' to 'paused' */
  animation: var(--animps, paused); 

Then, we’ll create the observer and trigger it when an element is 25% or 75% in viewport. If the latter is matched, the animation starts playing; otherwise it pauses.

By default, all elements with a [data-animation]-attribute will be observed, but if prefers-reduced-motion is enabled (set to “reduce”), the elements with [data-animation="stop"] will be ignored.

const IO = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
  entries.forEach((entry) => {
    if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      const state = (entry.intersectionRatio >= 0.75) ? 'running' : 'paused';
      entry.target.style.setProperty('--animps', state);
}, {
  threshold: [0.25, 0.75]

const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");
const elements = mediaQuery?.matches ? document.querySelectorAll(`[data-animation]:not([data-animation="stop"]`) : document.querySelectorAll('[data-animation]');

elements.forEach(animation => {

You have to play around with the threshold-values, and/or whether you need to unobserve some animations after they’ve triggered, etc. If you load new content or animations dynamically, you might need to re-write parts of the observer as well. It’s impossible to cover all scenarios, but using this as a foundation should get you started with auto-playing and pausing CSS animations!

Bonus: Adding <audio> to the slideshow with minimal JavaScript

Here’s an idea to add music to the slideshow we built. First, add an audio-tag:

<audio src="/asset/audio/slideshow.mp3" hidden loop></audio>

Then, in Javascript:

const audio = document.querySelector('your-audio-selector');
const details = document.querySelector('your-details-selector');
details.addEventListener('toggle', () => {
  details.open ? audio.play() : audio.pause();

Pretty simple, huh?

I did a “Silent Movie” (with audio)-demo here, where you get to know my geeky past. 🙂

The post How to Play and Pause CSS Animations with CSS Custom Properties appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Mixing Colors in Pure CSS

Red + Blue = Purple… right?

Is there some way to express that in CSS? Well, not easily. There is a proposal draft for a color-mix function and some degree of interest from Chrome, but it doesn’t seem right around the corner. It would be nice to have native CSS color mixing, as it would give designers greater flexibility when working with colors. One example is to create tinted variants of a single base color to form a design palette.

But this is CSS-Tricks so let’s do some CSS tricks.

We have a calc() function in CSS for manipulating numbers. But we have very few ways to operate directly on colors, even though some color formats (e.g. hsl() and rgb()) are based on numeric values.

Mixing colors with animation

We can transition from one color to another in CSS. This works:

div {
  background: blue;
  transition: 0.2s;
div:hover {
  background: red; 

And here’s that with animations:

div {
  background: blue;
  transition: 0.2s;
div:hover {
  animation: change-color 0.2s forwards;

@keyframes change-color {
  to {
    background: red;

This is an keyframe animation that runs infinitely, where you can see the color moving between red and blue. Open the console and click the page — you can see that even JavaScript can tell you the current color at any exact point in the animation.

So what if we pause the animation somewhere in the middle? Color mixing works! Here is a paused animation that is 0.5s through it’s 1s duration, so exactly halfway through:

We accomplished that by setting an animation-delay of -0.5s. And what color is halfway between red and blue? Purple. We can adjust that animation-delay to specify the percentage of two colors.

This works for Chromium core browsers and Firefox. In Safari, you must change animation-name to force browser to recalculate the animation progress.

Getting the mixed color to a CSS custom property

This is a neat trick so far, but it’s not very practical to apply an animation on any element you need to use a mixed color on, and then have to set all the properties you want to change within the @keyframes.

We can improve on this a smidge if we add in a couple more CSS features:

  1. Use a @property typed CSS custom property, so it can be created as a proper color, and thus animated as a color.
  2. Use a Sass @function to easily call keyframes at a particular point.

Now we still need to call animation, but the result is that a custom property is altered that we can use on any other property.

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Animating Number Counters

Number animation, as in, imagine a number changing from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then 3 to 4, etc. over a specified time. Like a counter, except controlled by the same kind of animation that we use for other design animation on the web. This could be useful when designing something like a dashboard, to bring a little pizazz to the numbers. Amazingly, this can now be done in CSS without much trickery. You can jump right to the new solution if you like, but first let’s look at how we used to do it.

One fairly logical way to do number animation is by changing the number in JavaScript. We could do a rather simple setInterval, but here’s a fancier answer with a function that accepts a start, end, and duration, so you can treat it more like an animation:

Keeping it to CSS, we could use CSS counters to animate a number by adjusting the count at different keyframes:

Another way would be to line up all the numbers in a row and animate the position of them only showing one at a time:

Some of the repetitive code in these examples could use a preprocessor like Pug for HTML or SCSS for CSS that offer loops to make them perhaps easier to manage, but use vanilla on purpose so you can see the fundamental ideas.

The New School CSS Solution

With recent support for CSS.registerProperty and @property, we can animate CSS variables. The trick is to declare the CSS custom property as an integer; that way it can be interpolated (like within a transition) just like any other integer.

@property --num {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

div {
  transition: --num 1s;
  counter-reset: num var(--num);
div:hover {
  --num: 10000;
div::after {
  content: counter(num);

Important Note: At the time of this writing, this @property syntax is only supported in Chrome ( and other Chromium core browsers like Edge and Opera), so this isn’t cross-browser friendly. If you’re building something Chrome-only (e.g. an Electron app) it’s useful right away, if not, wait. The demos from above are more widely supported.

The CSS content property can be used to display the number, but we still need to use counter to convert the number to a string because content can only output <string> values.

See how we can ease the animations just like any other animation? Super cool! 

Typed CSS variables can also be used in @keyframes

One downside? Counters only support integers. That means decimals and fractions are out of the question. We’d have to display the integer part and fractional part separately somehow.

Can we animate decimals?

It’s possible to convert a decimal (e.g. --number) to an integer. Here’s how it works:

  1. Register an <integer> CSS variable ( e.g. --integer ), with the initial-value specified
  2. Then use calc() to round the value: --integer: calc(var(--number))

In this case, --number will be rounded to the nearest integer and store the result into --integer.

@property --integer {
  syntax: "<integer>";
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;
--number: 1234.5678;
--integer: calc(var(--number)); /* 1235 */

Sometimes we just need the integer part. There is a tricky way to do it: --integer: max(var(--number) - 0.5, 0). This works for positive numbers. calc() isn’t even required this way.

/* @property --integer */
--number: 1234.5678;
--integer: max(var(--number) - 0.5, 0); /* 1234 */

We can extract the fractional part in a similar way, then convert it into string with counter (but remember that content values must be strings). To display concatenated strings, use following syntax:

content: "string1" var(--string2) counter(--integer) ...

Here’s a full example that animates percentages with decimals:

Other tips

Because we’re using CSS counters, the format of those counters can be in other formats besides numbers. Here’s an example of animating the letters “CSS” to “YES”!

Oh and here’s another tip: we can debug the values grabbing the computed value of the custom property with JavaScript:


That’s it! It’s amazing what CSS can do these days.

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Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly

Animations have come a long way, continuously providing developers with better tools. CSS Animations, in particular, have defined the ground floor to solve the majority of uses cases. However, there are some animations that require a little bit more work.

You probably know that animations should run on the composite layer. (I won’t extend myself here, but if you want to know more, check this article.) That means animating transform or opacity properties that don’t trigger layout or paint layers. Animating properties like height and width is a big no-no, as they trigger those layers, which force the browser to recalculate styles.

On top of that, even when animating transform properties, if you want to truly hit 60 FPS animations, you probably should get a little help from JavaScript, using the FLIP technique for extra smoother animations! 

However, the problem of using transform for expandable animations is that the scale function isn’t exactly the same as animating width/height properties. It creates a skewed effect on the content, as all elements get stretched (when scaling up) or squeezed (when scaling down).

So, because of that, my go-to solution has been (and probably still is, for reasons I will detail later), technique #3 from Brandon Smith’s article. This still has a transition on height, but uses Javascript to calculate the content size, and force a transition using requestAnimationFrame. At OutSystems, we actually used this to build the animation for the OutSystems UI Accordion Pattern.

Generating keyframes with JavaScript

Recently, I stumbled on another great article from Paul Lewis, that details a new solution for expanding and collapsing animations, which motivated me to write this article and spread this technique around.

Using his words, the main idea consists of generating dynamic keyframes, stepping…

[…] from 0 to 100 and calculate what scale values would be needed for the element and its contents. These can then be boiled down to a string, which can be injected into the page as a style element. 

To achieve this, there are three main steps.

Step 1: Calculate the start and end states

We need to calculate the correct scale value for both states. That means we use getBoundingClientRect() on the element that will serve as a proxy for the start state, and divide it with the value from the end state. It should be something like this:

function calculateStartScale () {
  const start= startElement.getBoundingClientRect();
  const end= endElement.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    x: start.width / end.width,
    y: start.height / end.height

Step 2: Generate the Keyframes

Now, we need to run a for loop, using the number of frames needed as the length. (It shouldn’t really be less than 60 to ensure a smooth animation.) Then, in each iteration, we calculate the correct easing value, using an ease function:

function ease (v, pow=4) {
  return 1 - Math.pow(1 - v, pow);

let easedStep = ease(i / frame);

With that value, we’ll get the scale of the element on the current step, using the following math:

const xScale = x + (1 - x) * easedStep;
const yScale = y + (1 - y) * easedStep;

And then we add the step to the animation string:

animation += `${step}% {
  transform: scale(${xScale}, ${yScale});

To avoid the content to get stretched/ skewed, we should perform a counter animation on it, using the inverted values:

const invXScale = 1 / xScale;
const invYScale = 1 / yScale;

inverseAnimation += `${step}% {
  transform: scale(${invXScale}, ${invYScale});

Finally, we can return the completed animations, or directly inject them in a newly created style tag.

Step 3: Enable the CSS animations 

On the CSS side of things, we need to enable the animations on the correct elements:

.element--expanded {
  animation-name: animation;
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;

.element-contents--expanded {
  animation-name: inverseAnimation ;
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;

You can check the example of a Menu from Paul Lewis article, on Codepen (courtesy of Chris):

Building an expandable section 

After grasping these baseline concepts, I wanted to check if I could apply this technique to a different use case, like a expandable section.

We only need to animate the height in this case, specifically on the function to calculate scales. We’re getting the Y value from the section title, to serve as the collapsed state, and the whole section to represent the expanded state:

    _calculateScales () {
      var collapsed = this._sectionItemTitle.getBoundingClientRect();
      var expanded = this._section.getBoundingClientRect();
      // create css variable with collapsed height, to apply on the wrapper
      this._sectionWrapper.style.setProperty('--title-height', collapsed.height + 'px');

      this._collapsed = {
        y: collapsed.height / expanded.height

Since we want the expanded section to have absolute positioning (in order to avoid it taking space when in a collapsed state), we are setting the CSS variable for it with the collapsed height, applied on the wrapper. That will be the only element with relative positioning.

Next comes the function to create the keyframes: _createEaseAnimations(). This doesn’t differ much from what was explained above. For this use case, we actually need to create four animations:

  1. The animation to expand the wrapper
  2. The counter-expand animation on the content
  3. The animation to collapse the wrapper
  4. The counter-collapse animation on the content

We follow the same approach as before, running a for loop with a length of 60 (to get a smooth 60 FPS animation), and create a keyframe percentage, based on the eased step. Then, we push it to the final animations strings:

  ${percentage}% {
    transform: scaleY(${yScale});
  ${percentage}% {
    transform: scaleY(${invScaleY});

We start by creating a style tag to hold the finished animations. As this is built as a constructor, to be able to easily add multiple patterns, we want to have all these generated animations on the same stylesheet. So, first, we validate if the element exists. If not, we create it and add a meaningful class name. Otherwise, you would end up with a stylesheet for each section expandable, which is not ideal.

 var sectionEase = document.querySelector('.section-animations');
 if (!sectionEase) {
  sectionEase = document.createElement('style');

Speaking of that, you may already be wondering, “Hmm, if we have multiple expandable sections, wouldn’t they still be using the same-named animation, with possibly wrong values for their content?” 

You’re absolutely right! So, to prevent that, we are also generating dynamic animation names. Cool, right?

We make use of the index passed to the constructor from the for loop when making the querySelectorAll('.section') to add a unique element to the name:

var sectionExpandAnimationName = "sectionExpandAnimation" + index;
var sectionExpandContentsAnimationName = "sectionExpandContentsAnimation" + index;

Then we use this name to set a CSS variable on the current expandable section. As this variable is only in this scope, we just need to set the animation to the new variable in the CSS, and each pattern will get its respective animation-name value.

.section.is--expanded {
  animation-name: var(--sectionExpandAnimation);

.is--expanded .section-item {
  animation-name: var(--sectionExpandContentsAnimation);

.section.is--collapsed {
  animation-name: var(--sectionCollapseAnimation);

.is--collapsed .section-item {
  animation-name: var(--sectionCollapseContentsAnimation);

The rest of the script is related to adding event listeners, functions to toggle the collapse/expand status and some accessibility improvements.

About the HTML and CSS: it needs a little bit of extra work to make the expandable functionality work. We need an extra wrapper to be the relative element that doesn’t animate. The expandable children have an absolute position so that they don’t occupy space when collapsed.

Remember, since we need to make counter animations, we make it scale full size in order to avoid a skew effect on the content.

.section-item-wrapper {
  min-height: var(--title-height);
  position: relative;

.section {
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;
  contain: content;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  transform-origin: top left;
  will-change: transform;

.section-item {
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;
  contain: content;
  transform-origin: top left;
  will-change: transform;  

I would like to highlight the importance of the animation-timing-functionproperty. It should be set to linear or step-end to avoid easing between each keyframe.

The will-change property — as you probably know — will enable GPU acceleration for the transform animation for an even smoother experience. And using the contains property, with a value of contents, will help the browser treat the element independently from the rest of the DOM tree, limiting the area before it recalculates the layout, style, paint and size properties.

We use visibility and opacity to hide the content, and stop screen readers to access it, when collapsed.

.section-item-content {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 500ms ease;

.is--collapsed .section-item-content {
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;

And finally, we have our section expandable! Here’s the complete code and demo for you to check:

Performance check

Anytime we work with animations, performance ought to be in the back of our mind. So, let’s use developer tools to check if all this work was worthy, performance-wise. Using the Performance tab (I’m using Chrome DevTools), we can analyze the FPS and the CPU usage, during the animations.

And the results are great!

The higher the green bar, the higher the frames. And there’s no junk either, which would be signed by red sections.

Using the FPS meter tool to check the values at greater detail, we can see that it constantly hits the 60 FPS mark, even with abusive usage.

Final considerations

So, what’s the verdict? Does this replace all other methods? Is this the “Holy Grail” solution?

In my opinion, no. 

But… that’s OK, really! It’s another solution on the list. And, as is true with any other method, it should be analyzed if it’s the best approach for the use-case.

This technique definitely has its merits. As Paul Lewis says, this does take a lot of work to prepare. But, on the flip side, we only need to do it once, when the page loads. During interactions, we are merely toggling classes (and attributes in some cases, for accessibility).

However, this brings some limitations to the UI of the elements. As you could see for the expandable section element, the counter-scale makes it much more reliable for absolute and off-canvas elements, like floating-actions or menus. It’s also difficult to styled borders because it’s using overflow: hidden.

Nevertheless, I think there is tons of potential with this approach. Let me know what you think!

The post Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly appeared first on CSS-Tricks.