Best Java Unit Testing Frameworks

Learn more about the best Java unit testing frameworks.

Unit testing is an important skill for programmers. With that said, what are the best frameworks you can use to write great unit tests in Java?

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What We Will Learn

  • What are the best Java unit testing frameworks?
  • What is JUnit? How do you use JUnit for unit testing?
  • What is Mockito?
  • What is mocking?
  • How do you write unit tests with Junit, Mockito, AssertJ, and other frameworks?
  • What is the best Java unit testing framework for writing great asserts?

The Base Unit Testing Framework — JUnit/TestNG

Whenever you write a unit test, you execute the code and then check its output. You need a basic framework in place to run a large number of tests in a similar manner.

An Introduction to JUnit

Testing is an essential part of creating software and one that is often looked at as a second class citizen in the realm of application code. Despite this mischaracterization, test code often plays just as much — or an even larger — role in successfully releasing software that contains as few bugs as possible.

In this tutorial, we will walk through each of the steps required to develop simple but well-thought-out tests, starting with the theory and concepts behind creating tests. With this theory in hand, we will create a test fixture in JUnit 4 to exercise an example application and add test cases to this fixture as necessary. We will also learn how to mock external dependencies and use the setup mechanism provided by JUnit to abstract the initialization logic for our test cases. Along the way, we will cover the given-when-then approach to testing and the standard naming conventions used in many large-scale projects.

How to Make Simple End-To-End Tests With JavaTea

Although automated testing is an effective way to validate web applications, creating automated tests is time-consuming and maintaining the tests is painful. End-to-end testing is especially complex and taking time to execute.

To make it easier, this article proposes to use JavaTea, which is an end-to-end functional automation framework. It is built on Selenium WebDriver but it allows you to describe tests with less code compared to Selenium. The following three topics are focused in this article:

JUnit Annotations in Selenium

JUnit is a Java-based, open-source framework to help you execute unit testing. JUnit is used primarily to test each and every unit or component of your application, like classes and methods. It helps to write and run repeatable automated tests to ensure your code runs as intended. The framework offers support to Selenium for automation testing for web apps or websites.

This article is my attempt to help you use JUnit annotations in Selenium as a professional tester would. We would be looking at examples of JUnit annotations in Selenium, their order of execution, along with some special JUnit annotations that are used for a specific purpose. We will also be looking into a collective code for executing each example of JUnit annotations in Selenium. 

Changing the Order of Tests in JUnit5

Multiple tests within a suite are expected to be independent in most cases. If changing the order that the tests are run subsequently causes a different outcome, such as a failed test or different failed tests, it is possible, or even likely, a sign of an underlying bug in the test class or application under test.

A test could cause an inconsistency in the database that is only detected when tests are executed in a different order. Another possibility is that a test positioned at the end could inadvertently take into account a change in the data from an earlier test and fail when it is run in isolation or at the beginning of the suite.

Unit Testing of jBPM Process Flows

Unit testing is an important step in the software development life cycle to ensure that your product works the way it is intended to work. Back in the day, it used to be just a step that developers had to perform to evaluate their work. In today’s world, it has become an essential part of the CI/CD pipeline as it is not just used to determine quality based on functionality but also to determine code promotion eligibility based on various numbers (pass/fail ratio or code coverage percentage).

jBPM, being one of the most modern, open-source bpm products, provides rich capabilities for unit testing BPM processes. This allows jBPM processes to be treated just like any other Java-based artifact. The jBPM tool kit provides an extension of JUnit test classes that allow one to easily unit test business processes defined in BPMN2.

Neodymium: an Open-Source Framework for Web Testing

As a company focused on quality assurance and testing, Xceptance always needs test automation software, especially end-to-end automation software. Several years ago, we built a Firefox add-on that was designed to create and run browser automation. The tool was primarily used by people who didn’t necessarily have a strong background in software development. Today, the landscape is a bit different: Mozilla cut the cord on the APIs we were using, and standard programming languages have largely taken over test automation because they are more flexible and less proprietary. These changes convinced us it was time to implement an idea we had already hatched, namely our own open-source test automation project: Neodymium. It is written in and utilizes the Java platform, it is MIT licensed, and of course, you will find it on GitHub.


There are many libraries out there to aid web automation in Java, so developers are faced with the task of choosing ones they like and somehow making them work together. On top of that, there are tasks that require some custom code to work properly. We identified the overall tooling problem mostly as a hurdle in getting started and setting up a project. Finally, there are always things missing such as test data handling, concurrency, and common patterns, which you don’t want to have to develop yourself.

Automated Testing With JUnit and Selenium for Browser Compatibility

Cross-browser testing is a process by where you test your website over multiple browsers and browser versions running on different operating systems. This is done to realize the cross-browser compatibility of a website or a web app when accessed across a variety of browsers. If your web app isn’t cross-browser compatible, then not only would you be missing out on potential leads but your customer retention could also suffer. These browser differences could be anything from layout to typography, and these cross-browser differences happen as each browser has a unique rendering engine, which is responsible for rendering web elements.

However, cross-browser testing can be highly time-consuming if executed manually. Think about how many browser versions you would need to encounter from legacy to modern and the surplus variety of browsers available in the market. You also would have to consider specific browsers offered by specific mobile vending companies. There are ways you could fast track your manual cross-browser testing effort, and automation testing sits on top of the list for saving everyday time and effort.