Testing Asynchronous Operations in Spring With JUnit and Byteman

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Testing asynchronous operations might cause some troubles and usually requires few challenges and also code changes (even in production code).

In this article, we can find how to test such operations in an application that uses spring context (with asynchronous operations enabled). We don’t have to change the production code to achieve this.

Microservices in Publish-Subscribe Communication Using Apache Kafka

Publish-Subscribe Communication Using Apache Kafka.
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Publish-Subscribe Messaging systems play an important role in any enterprise architecture as it enables reliable integration without tightly coupling the applications. The ability to share data between decoupled systems is not a problem that is easily tackled.

Consider an enterprise with multiple applications that are being built independently, with different languages and platforms. It needs to share data and processes responsively. We can achieve this using Messaging to transfer packets of data frequently, immediately, reliably, and asynchronously, using customizable formats. Asynchronous messaging is fundamentally a pragmatic reaction to the problems of distributed systems. Sending a message does not require both systems to be up and ready at the same time.

An Introduction to JUnit

Testing is an essential part of creating software and one that is often looked at as a second class citizen in the realm of application code. Despite this mischaracterization, test code often plays just as much — or an even larger — role in successfully releasing software that contains as few bugs as possible.

In this tutorial, we will walk through each of the steps required to develop simple but well-thought-out tests, starting with the theory and concepts behind creating tests. With this theory in hand, we will create a test fixture in JUnit 4 to exercise an example application and add test cases to this fixture as necessary. We will also learn how to mock external dependencies and use the setup mechanism provided by JUnit to abstract the initialization logic for our test cases. Along the way, we will cover the given-when-then approach to testing and the standard naming conventions used in many large-scale projects.