#21 – Chris Coyier Talks About Why He Sold CSS-Tricks

On the podcast today we have Chris Coyier.

Chris has been a user and educator in the WordPress and web development space for many years. He’s an author, podcaster, developer, but is perhaps best known for his website CSS-Tricks.

CSS-Tricks has been a valuable source of information about CSS for over 15 years. Updated multiple times a week, the site has articles about every aspect of styling your website. It’s gone through several iterations over those years, not just in how it looks, but in the manner in which it is managed and maintained. If you’re searching for any CSS related content, it’s quite likely that CSS-Tricks will be one of the top results.

A few weeks ago Chris decided it was time for CSS-Tricks to find a new home and it’s now owned and operated by Digital Ocean, a popular cloud computing service provider.

This podcast is all about the journey that Chris has had running CSS-Tricks.

We go right back to the start and talk about what his motivations were for starting, and then continuing to run the site. Were there any low points where he lost his motivation to keep it going? How has the site changed over the years? Why did he finally decide to sell the site, and how he landed upon Digital Ocean as the new custodian?

It’s been a remarkable journey, and you’ll hear that there were many twists and turns along the way.

Useful links.


Chris’ personal website

Digging into WordPress



[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things, WordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case CSS. If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast, player of choice, or by going to WP tavern dot com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can also copy that URL into most podcast players. If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you and hopefully get you, or your idea featured on the show. Head over to WP tavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Chris Coyier. Chris has been a user and educator in the WordPress and web development space for many years. He’s an author, podcaster, developer, but it’s perhaps best known for his website. CSS-Tricks. CSS-Tricks has been a valuable source of information about CSS for over 15 years.

Updated multiple times a week, the site has articles about every aspect of styling your website. It’s gone through several iterations over those years, not just in the way it looks, but in the manner in which it’s managed and maintained. A few weeks ago, Chris decided that it was time for CSS-Tricks to find a new home, and it’s now owned and operated by Digital Ocean, a popular cloud computing service provider.

This podcast is all about the journey that Chris has had running CSS-Tricks. We go right back to the start, and talk about what his motivations were for starting, and then continuing to run the site. Were there any low points where he lost his motivation to keep it going? How has the site changed over the years? And why did he finally decide to sell the site and how he landed upon Digital Ocean as the new custodian? It’s been a remarkable journey, and you’ll hear that there were many twists and turns along the way.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WP tavern dot com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes.

And so without further delay, I bring you Chris Coyier.

I am joined on the podcast today by Chris Coyier. Hello Chris.

[00:03:05] Chris Coyier: Hello Nathan, pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me.

[00:03:08] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, thank you for joining us on the Tavern Jukebox podcast today. We’re here to talk about a project which has been going on, it really feels like as long as I’ve been into the internet, and that is CSS-Tricks. I am pretty certain that if you are in any way connected with web design, development, WordPress, whatever, you will have come across CSS-Tricks, and the podcast has come about because of a choice that you made.

I was going to say last week, but I bet it goes back way further than that, to sell CSS-Tricks. And Chris, can we get into that a little bit later? First of all, can I just ask you some generic questions? I hate to be boring, but it would be good for anybody that hasn’t heard of you, small though that audience would be, tell us about you. What’s your background with WordPress and technology? Just give us your backstory basically.

[00:03:57] Chris Coyier: Oh, sure. To kind of focus it I suppose on CSS-Tricks a bit. It was started in 2007, so it is kind of old, I think there is something of a generation of front-end specific developers that where, I was coming up in this industry at the same time that they were. And you know, I’ve been a very consistent blogger, I guess, throughout that time, you know, I would probably write a blog post today for those 15 years practically. Most of them landing on CSS-Tricks.com. It’s a WordPress website. It’s always been a WordPress website. I’ve tried to run it as a pretty like stock WordPress site. Just go with the flow of what WordPress does. I only mentioned that because this is a WordPress specific website.

So I feel like WordPress people might like to know some specifics about the WordPress nature of it. Even as far as, Gutenberg and the block editor and all that, trying to get on board as soon as possible and embrace that a bit. So it’s kind of a middle-aged website in a way that when I started it, I didn’t feel like I am riding the wave, the early wave of blogging or anything like that. Not at all. I feel like I was, at the time, I might’ve felt late to it.

[00:05:05] Nathan Wrigley: Did you begin because you had a burning desire to blog or was it a burning desire to blog about CSS? What was the purpose?

[00:05:14] Chris Coyier: I think it was both of those things. Well, just because there was some desire that writing and publishing, somewhere deep in me was a good idea, or that I got a kick out of it in some way. The idea that the words that I write can be published so quickly and so easily, and that anybody in the world can read it and react to it. And I can just be part of this global community. I think that’s cool. I still think that’s very cool.

[00:05:40] Nathan Wrigley: How did you land on CSS as the thing? Were you in employment at the time where that was a concept that you were learning or really getting into? Was it a hobby?

[00:05:48] Chris Coyier: I mean the short answer is that I was into the web, but I wasn’t getting exposure to it at school, as much as I wanted to. We didn’t really learn HTML and CSS web stuff at school. And I was like, why not? This is weird. You know, this is clearly happening, but it was just too early for a state university to have latched on early enough to it.

So I was kind of learning on the side and getting kicked out of wow, I can, I can actually make websites. And I graduate college and that hobby persists, what I really want is this point, I’m like, I wish this was my job. Because clearly it’s some people’s jobs.

Why can’t it be my job? And I’m looking for jobs, I can’t get one. I try and try and just couldn’t be hired as a web. I think I was probably focused on being a web designer mostly because my degree from university ended up being in art and graphic design, and focusing on ceramics really, and I knew I couldn’t hack it as a ceramic artist, but I was interested in the aesthetics, mostly, and the communication aspects of the web.

So I’m trying to get a job as a web designer and I’m like, I know I’m not very good, but I still want to work in it. But I relegated myself to like, I’m not good enough yet. So, let me just work on getting better at it while I do something else. And that’s something else was working in the printing industry. I worked for years and years in digital prepress it was called, which is essentially taking documents from designers and getting them ready to run on physical printing presses.

I worked in the printing industry for a long time. That’s the industry that my mom is in. And she kind of helped me find jobs in that arena. Which was nice, it was fine. At least it was working on computers, and my whole life just learning computer stuff was always of interest to me. It’s not like I was masterful at it, but I feel like I took to the job of digital prepress, which was manipulating these documents.

Being clever with design stuff and solving the issues that designers had and getting their documents to press. You’d be surprised at the kind of the garbage shape that design documents come in. They’re almost never really quite ready to be printed. They’re full of mistakes and bad assumptions and things.

Anyway, even while I’m doing that, and I end up working some really weird shifts, like some graveyard shift, 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM stuff because these printing shops run 24 hours a day to get the jobs done and they need somebody in prepress on staff all night long. And it was the less busy of the shifts to, you know, there’s nobody in the office.

So if there was nothing to do, I’d be poking around at building websites. And then I go home and work on websites. It was such a fun hobby to me that I’d enjoyed the spirit of making anything online. So fun.

[00:08:26] Nathan Wrigley: So there was no intention at the beginning for this to be anything more than a hobby, a labor of love. It was just tinkering and playing.

[00:08:33] Chris Coyier: Well, there was a bit, there was actually because, I’ll always remember this blog that was about earning income or at least side income from blogging specifically. It was Darren Rose’s pro blogger.com or.net or something. And he had a couple of blogs that he made money on the side. And then he would blog about that blog. It was very meta.

I think he had some like camera review website or something. He was a photographer and he would write about reviews of cameras and equipment and stuff and put affiliate links on it. And it was probably before the days of sponsored content so much, but it was the days of where display ads were good money.

He clearly made good money off just blogging. Off just the idea of, I can create content and I can monetize it. And I did have that in me somewhere. I was like, maybe this isn’t my job, but I would love to make some side income. Who wouldn’t, you know? Side income’s awesome. Even if it’s beer money fine.

So I would start various blogs with the idea of, all I gotta do is, stick with this, make content, put ads on it, get beer money, be happy, you know, as a little idea. And I had loads of different ideas of this. One of them was, you know, making websites about Adobe products, in the spirit of providing help.

And I had this friend who has working phone support for Adobe, but third party. Adobe hires some third-party company to do their phone support, or they did at the time. And he would know, he had his finger on the pulse of what people call in about, and be like, let’s turn that into a blog post.

It’s like dang near every phone call. Might as well leverage that in an SEO kind of fashion and be like, what does this error code mean? Or how do I turn my PDF into a EPS or who knows what. So we’d blog those and then, hopefully get some SEO value on it, and put Google Adsense on it and get some beer money. And that we did, it just that it wasn’t very passionate.

I didn’t care that much about solving people’s PDF problems, in retrospect, you know. At the time I’m like, I don’t even know how much you need to care. If it made money, hand over fist, maybe I could have gained the passion for it. I don’t know. But one of the blogs I started was a, at this point, I’d built probably dozens of websites, all garbage, but Hey, I built them. And I built it with WordPress notably because I don’t know how I picked it, I just did. It seemed like the right choice at the time for spinning up a website fairly quickly. And as far as I know, WordPress was always kind of a CSS, even the very early days of WordPress, all the themes were CSS. You know, even though it was very early web, I think that embraced that early spirit of CSS.

[00:11:10] Nathan Wrigley: So it was a case of throwing spaghetti against the wall of various different topics. And CSS was the one that landed and stuck.

[00:11:16] Chris Coyier: Yeah, it was the least successful of them, but it was the most fun one to write. And then that success changed as I, as the other ones dropped off. I focused on this one. Mostly because it was just fun. And I think fun has a way of sticking, it’s the stickiest spaghetti as it were. And then little early success started to happen, you know. Like I get an email from, at the time, one of the big businesses, at least in this little niche industry I was in was PSD to HTML. And that was just a generic term, meaning all y’all know Photoshop, but very few people know HTML and CSS. So just send them your Photoshop file and they’ll send you back a website.

And it ended up being this kind of commoditized industry where there’s not just one, but lots of companies doing this, and charging really, like a hundred bucks, they would do that for. And I was always like, weirdly, not fundamentally opposed to it, but I was like the kind of people I’m talking to on this website, aren’t the kind of people that would use that service because they’re trying to do it themselves.

But at the same time, I think there was probably people that were trying to do it themselves, but then would give up and be like, oh, this is too complicated. I’ll just pay somebody a hundred bucks and get it. So I think those companies must have saw that in my audience and wanted to pay me money to put display ads on the website for them.

And one of them was quite literally called PSD to HTML. And it was so unofficial, I was just like, oh, I dunno, PayPal me a hundred bucks or something. And I put the little ad on there, and then I would notch up the price over time. Once in a while they would want to go bigger, you know, can you make the ad bigger? Sure. How about 250 bucks then, you know? And then I hand managed that for a long time. We had Treehouse became a sponsor for many years, and that was also very much just a handshake agreement and PayPal transfers. And I would hand craft the ads that I would put on the site, but the, eventually that fell away to more like traditional self service. Send us the asset. And I became a partner with this company called buy sell ads, who was our advertising partner all the way until I sold the website. They’re a great company that handles the sales and placement of ads on websites.

[00:13:33] Nathan Wrigley: Over time, it’s become something which was a hobby, which you didn’t anticipate becoming successful it because of the content became successful. And you stumbled into ways of monetizing it and justifying it in terms of the hours that you were spending on.

[00:13:48] Chris Coyier: Exactly. that’s a good way to say it.

[00:13:50] Nathan Wrigley: I do like that it wasn’t intentional. It was just, it just occurred over time and it may have done, and it may not have done. Rewind history 15 years and maybe that spaghetti didn’t stick and something else would’ve done.

[00:14:03] Chris Coyier: Yeah. I mean, I don’t know that it was entirely chance and I mean, it was a, that was a big part of it, but it was evolved to rank content that worked. And learned from that. And I evolved business model wise to double down on the things that were working and get rid of the things that weren’t working. It definitely was like labor and trying to understand the business and changing the business to make sure that it worked.

[00:14:30] Nathan Wrigley: Did it become more intentional over time? So as you began 15 years ago and it was what it was. And then five years later it was something slightly different. There was a financial benefit to keeping it going. And five years later after that, it was even more so. Did you modify it to become a business? Did you take on staff and guest writers so that your audience was satisfied?

[00:14:50] Chris Coyier: Yeah. there was some kind of moments where those things happened. For one thing, the first employee I ever hired, I think was Sarah Cope. The idea was we wanted to sell t-shirts and swag and stuff. So maybe I would just print a bunch of stuff. And then when somebody ordered it, we’d ship it out. We’d have a kind of a permanent swag business. But there wasn’t really companies around at the time that would just manage that all for you. Like there probably is now. So Sarah just did it. I had all this stuff printed, it went to her house. She lived in Ohio. She had a whole room of her house that got kind of taken over by swag.

And she would just, every day or every other day or whatever, run to the post office and mail out the orders that came in and all that. So that kind of cracked the nut on having an employee. And then she would help with more site stuff over time and then got too busy for it or swags started to diminish and sales and stuff, you know, things change over time.

I forget what was the end of it, but eventually she stopped working for CSS-Tricks and then other people would come on. You know, I had Jeff Graham was with me for so many years all the way up until the end at CSS-Tricks. And now he’s even going to go over to Digital Ocean and help continue working on the site there. He came on as like an editor and a writer, but then, you know, fell into more editing and more like site management and dealing with sponsors and just dealing with authors and just doing a ton of stuff on the site. That was kind of a moment when Jeff helped take over on some of that stuff. Partially naturally, just cause I, I felt too busy and I needed the help. These things are little moments in time where the site shifted and changed. Like, there was a whole, a whole period of time where I was trying to get staff writers.

I wanted to have a staff, like a magazine would. Of writers and that kind of worked for a little while, and then kind of stopped working for whatever reason. I can’t really remember. And we kind of fell back into a, just a one-off writer spirit, which was, the model that we ended with. I’m sure if I kept running the site for years to come, that that model would shift again over time. I’m not sure.

That model was pretty nice. Write in with your pitch, we work with you on your pitch. We publish the article, we pay for it. That’s what CSS-Tricks is today. And I think is the plan of how Digital Ocean is going to run it as well, because vibes pretty well with their content model.

[00:17:07] Nathan Wrigley: We’ll come to that in a minute. I’m just going to stay on the personal side of things, if that’s all right. We’ll split the next few minutes up into upsides and downsides. So you’ve got this project, CSS-Tricks, it’s taken off, you got money coming in and there’s bound to be upsides and bound to be downsides.

So let’s just explore those. Let’s get the downsides out of the way shall we? What are some of the things that looking back over the last 15 years, you recall as moments of headaches, heartaches, things that you wish you’d done differently or things that you wish, perhaps you’d never done at all?

[00:17:37] Chris Coyier: That’s tricky. There’s really not that many. I didn’t take as many risks running this site as other people and specifically entrepreneurs have. I’m really betting the farm on this and, if something goes wrong, I could be risking my house and home on it. I pretty much always have had other jobs as I did this. So my worry level was always lowish on what happens at CSS-Tricks. I always had in the back of my mind, like, man, if this thing gets burned to the ground, oh, well, there’s always something else I can do. But there’d be a little moments, at one time we published a sponsored post from some company that we really shouldn’t have.

It was like a company that sold SSL certificates, but that was actually kind of slimy about doing it. And that kind of like embarrassing moment where you get called out on it and you’re like, ooh. Or we publish something that, an article that didn’t take accessibility in mind nearly as well as it should have. Not just ignored it, but straight up bad accessibility practices in it and getting called out for that and having that be embarrassing, not great. Having people disagree with other advertisers or something. Those are moments that don’t feel good, but really aren’t that bad.

[00:18:48] Nathan Wrigley: No. Did you ever find it to be? I don’t know, maybe the words treadmill are suitable here. Was it ever, ever moments where you thought, oh, really? I’ve got to write an article for CSS-Tricks because I haven’t done one for a week or so. Did you ever feel it to be a grind or a noose around your neck?

[00:19:04] Chris Coyier: Sometimes the sponsorship related stuff felt like that. Honestly, it kind of did at the end. There was moments where you’d wake up and be like, oh my gosh, I totally forgot about this. It’s got to go out today. I got to wrangle the content for it. I got to basically look up with this company does because it made it this far, so it, it’s probably not abhorrent. It was agreed upon earlier, but I haven’t really researched what they do entirely yet. And it has to be my words. So it’s going to be a really quick turnaround and like, there’s some stress to that, that I didn’t really like. You know, what’s never stressful for me was writing about web stuff. If it’s just write a blog post about some link that I’ve saved, that I really, I saved on purpose cause I’m into it, and want to share it. I always liked that. I still like that. That’s not stressful to me.

What’s stressful is the stuff that you’re like. The only reason I run ads is to keep the site going because there’s people that need to be paid. This is a business that I’ve chosen to run. The agreement has already been made. Part of that agreement is that this content is going to run at this date at this time. And I do other things as well. You know, I have a podcast of my own and I have a much, much bigger project in Codepen that I’m a boss of, I’m a co-founder of, and I have responsibility for that needs the attention.

So if I’m off writing a blog post, that’s attention of mine that’s not being spent on Codepen and that’s something I wanted to change.

[00:20:29] Nathan Wrigley: Maybe a feeling of being spread too thin, but nothing too bad.

[00:20:33] Chris Coyier: Nothing too bad, that’s, that’s exactly right. I still, you know, I’m still waiting for that relief in a way. As you and I are talking, we’re less than a month off of the sale there’s still like, so much work to do that I haven’t felt any particular, the treadmill hasn’t stopped yet.

[00:20:49] Nathan Wrigley: Maybe we should have organized this podcast six months from now, and maybe you’d have felt the full weight of the relief.

[00:20:55] Chris Coyier: I’m enjoying the fact though that I get to be out on podcasts like this and talk about it though. So I appreciate that because, it’s nice to know that it’s at least a little bit of news In this industry.

[00:21:05] Nathan Wrigley: In my book, it’s a big piece of news. Let’s do the positives. Let’s do the upsides. So you’ve got a very successful website. You’ve affected a lot of people. You’ve helped a lot of people. You’ve probably met a lot of people. But there may be some unexpected consequences as well. So again, the same sort of question, but in reverse, if you look back over the last 15 years, what are the things that you’re really pleased about, that came about because of CSS-Tricks?

[00:21:32] Chris Coyier: Well, there’s so many. I was always pleased publishing an article and hearing people’s reactions to it. I think that’s part of the motivation and why it never became so painful or it never felt like a treadmill to write actual content, because it’s so satisfying. Even the early days, all the way through it, to write something and have people say like, oh yeah, I see what you mean there, that’s interesting.

Or have it actually influenced the article, or the industry in some way, you know, that you write some code that people use on their website and then they tell you about it or that they got some job because of something that they learned from CSS-Tricks or something. So satisfying, so satisfying, you know. And to kind of help people’s career in that way.

Sometimes they write for CSS-Tricks and that’s a seminal moment in their life and good things open for them. That was true for me too, though in that that CSS-Tricks was the thing that opened the door for me in other ways, like my first job. I had one job as a web designer that I kind of fell back wards into that was, it was great. It was, it was good to be hired finally to do web design work. And I was very happy to have that job, but it didn’t quite feel like a tech job. It wasn’t a startup. I was kind of the only web guy there not a newbie somewhere where everybody else knew more about building websites than I did, which is kind of what I wanted. And if I didn’t have CSS-Tricks, I’m not sure I would have been able to break into the industry in a way.

So CSS-Tricks exists. I used it in the early days, such a fan of this website, Wufoo. Which is a form builder thing. Yeah. Really great days for me. I was able to gush about it to some degree on CSS-Tricks, which doesn’t go unnoticed, if anybody was gushing about Codepen, I would, I would know about it, but blog posts have that kind of power.

I end up getting a job at Wufoo, which was my real break into the industry of tech. It was great for me cause I made more money and it gave CSS-Tricks more clout and it helped Wufoo too I’m sure, and really was just a virtuous cycle that started by virtue of that. And then I got to experience what acquisitions were like because Wufoo got purchased by Survey Monkey, which is a huge deal in my life.

Even though I had no ownership of Wufoo, I still got to like, take the ride with everybody else who did. And we all moved out to California because that’s where Survey Monkey was based. And that was just such a big transformative moment and lots of change, but really all positive in the end.

[00:23:57] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, it’s amazing how much you can anchor back to CSS-Tricks. Just the fact that you’ve moved across country and perhaps the seed of that was a blog that you started many years before. That’s pretty remarkable.

[00:24:08] Chris Coyier: Speaking was a part of it too. It hasn’t been a huge part of my career monetarily, cause I think that it would be difficult to make your job, speaking at conferences. I don’t know if the pay is quite there in this industry. But, it can be part of a whole, that if you speak at conferences, then more people read your blog and you’re able to write a book and sell the book and all those things kind of feed into each other.

And CSS-Tricks definitely opened the door for me speaking at conferences, which I used to do a lot of. So that was a very positive thing. You know, that’s what I, and that’s what I got.

[00:24:40] Nathan Wrigley: It’s opened many doors by the sounds of it. Yeah. remarkable. So, more recently the news broke that you’d decided to sell it. Let’s just take that into two parts. The first part is why did you sell it? If you’re prepared to discuss that? And the second part is how. How do you even sell a blog? Maybe there’s a company which organized that kind of thing for you, or maybe you just stumbled into somebody and it just got done on the back of a placemat or something like that.

I don’t know. So let’s go first with why and then we’ll do the, how. Why did you decide to sell it?

[00:25:11] Chris Coyier: It’s all kind of mixed together because I didn’t set out to do it. I didn’t even shop it around really. I mean, maybe I should have or something, but I, it’s not really my style I guess. They came knocking, and I understood why. I was like, okay. Right away, it made sense to me why they would want it. I don’t think there’s a lot of suitors out there.

If I was making a list of companies that would have any desire to own CSS-Tricks. I don’t think the list is that long. I don’t mean to sell myself short, maybe it is. It doesn’t seem like blogs are a hotly traded commodity these days, you know. You don’t see a lot of blog acquisitions in a way. Especially one that’s so personal.

I think a lot of people attach CSS-Tricks to me, even though there’s so many guest writers that I’m kind of the face behind the site for better or worse. So why would you want to buy this thing that already has this face, you know? But in the case of Digital Ocean, they have long since doubled down on content marketing anyway. They would advertise on CSS-Tricks.

So they knew the potential of, surely they had analytics numbers of how successful that can be and probably were running internal numbers. That’s like, wow, what if we could do a lot more of that only, you know, we own the site so that the competition of who’s being shown advertising wise on the site falls away and it’s only us.

Content wise, I knew this, but I didn’t know to the degree of which this was true until this was further along, is that they have tons of content on their site that’s much more backend focused. I’m less backend focused as a person. So I just wasn’t as aware of it, I guess, but people that do lots of backend work, find their way to information on Digital Ocean’s site a lot.

It has just loads of good information that’s well regarded in the industry. To compliment that with buying more content that, hopefully is well-regarded content on the front end side, maybe fills a gap for them, especially knowing how important front end development is getting in the world of web development period.

I think there is a shift towards there just being a lot more front end developers because that skillset of knowing Javascript, and how much like easier hosting and stuff is getting and what a shift to JAMstack and stuff. I know that’s, a weird subject in WordPress land, but there’s a lot of that going on industry-wide.

I’m sure everyone can see that and being like, well, we should be catering, advertising, talking to front end developers as much as we are backend developers, because they’re starting to be the decision makers to, on even things like hosting. Which is what Digital Ocean is there like a cloud provider of services.

So they should be on front end developers radars as much as backend developers. And so I got it. You know, I was like, I understand why you would want this. And they’ve had some, they’re public now. So they have some money to spend and some money they, you know, so, so I was like, oh, I get that too. You know, maybe this really is a match made in heaven. And so knowing that, they could run the site, they could do it with more people than we have. You know, like I said, I’m trying to spend all my time on Codepen. So like, I haven’t sat down to say, okay, we got Jeff, we got Robin at the site. Maybe I should, like what’s a business plan for 2022, 2023 here?

Should we hire five more people and make a play at X, Y, and Z? Should we, what should we do? You know what? I would do, nothing. I would just be like, nah, let’s just keep doing what we’re doing. I don’t have the time to, to think about this. I don’t have time to staff up and, yada yada.

So when they’re like, we can put our whole community team behind this. I’m giving it to a site that I know why they want it. I have provable evidence that they do a good job with content. We can run the site with less advertising in general on it, which has always appeals to me as somebody who’s redesigned the site 19 times, the idea of redesigning the site without as much having to, to incorporate advertising into every corner of it possible seemed appealing to me. Like we could run the site a little cleaner that way and have all these people behind it and breathe new life into it.

And then of course there’s the money which I cannot talk about and don’t want to talk about, but, obviously that’s a part of decision-making duh, right. And having that be like, yeah, okay. That seems fair to me. Right on. I’ll get some of my time back, the site goes to a good place, that’s going to take care of it. It’s not even being redirected or anything. It just stays right where it is. So if you were an author who’s written for CSS-Tricks, it’s irrelevant to you.

Your, your byline stays right there. URL stays right there. If anything, your website is just being taken care of, or your article is just being taken care of by more people with even higher incentive than I had to take care of it and presented in a cleaner way, that’s just seems like a big old win-win. When I got to thinking about it and talking with my family about it, I’m like, it’s time for this change.

[00:29:58] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. In the WordPress space, there’s been lots of acquisitions recently.

[00:30:02] Chris Coyier: Oh, yeah, what’s up with that.

[00:30:04] Nathan Wrigley: The thing, which always is released in the press release, which comes out the same day as everything is finally tied up and make public always makes the point that nothing is going to change. You know, it’s going to stay exactly the same.

Did you have any sort of red lines, any things that you said, please may we keep this bit as it is right now? Or are you just handing it over and saying, okay, it’s yours. You do what you wish.

[00:30:27] Chris Coyier: They told me early on that they were going to not, they were going to leave the site where it is. So that was part of my decision making. Now I can’t enforce that. There’s nothing in the, in any legal agreement that says that they can never change anything. I mean, it’s their site now they can do whatever they want for it, but it’s held true already, you know.

They’re just running it as it is there. And I think that’s, that’s a smart decision for now, I think because it’s complicated enough site, you might as well get to know it pretty intimately before you start making changes anyway. But I’ve seen it held true before though. I mean, when I went through that Wufoo Survey Monkey transition, you can go to Wufoo.com right now and they left it alone.

If anything, they just made it a little better over time. It hasn’t seen like intensive new development or anything, but it’s still a pretty darn nice website to make a web form on. So I lived through experiences where that stuff is no lie.

[00:31:17] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. The only change that’s visible to me is they’ve put a fairly minimal logo next to the logo. If you know what I mean. It says powered by Digital Ocean.

[00:31:24] Chris Coyier: I mean, I did that.

[00:31:25] Nathan Wrigley: Oh, you did that. Okay. Yeah. But aside from that, it does seem to be exactly the same great content in exactly the same display. Just a complete aside from me, I have to commend your design. 19 ways that you’ve designed the site over many years. Every one of them breathtakingly good, so bravo for all of that.

[00:31:44] Chris Coyier: Yeah.

[00:31:45] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, you’re welcome. It’s all tied up. The deal is done. You’ve mentioned a couple of times that you are going to concentrate on the project, which I think it’s fair to say is the one which provides for your family more than any other, Codepen. Have I got that right? Or are you, are you looking to branch out and use up that time that was on CSS-Tricks with something new or are you totally doubling down on Codepen?

[00:32:08] Chris Coyier: You know, if I had time that I really wanted to spend doing a side project thing, I would, I’d rather just stare at the ceiling at this point. I could use some, I use a little break. But now that time’s going to go to Codepen. Codepen, needs, we are in the middle of big, I mean, I guess changes is the right way to do it, but we have some big ideas for what Codepen could be, and we’ve had these ideas for a long time.

[00:32:31] Nathan Wrigley: Can I just stop you there actually. And can you just tell us what Codepen is? I know what it is, but maybe there’s a collection of people that will really benefit from using it. So yeah, just, yeah. Tell us what it is.

[00:32:41] Chris Coyier: Yeah. You know, and it started off as a thing for CSS-Tricks anyway. I mean, the stories are interwoven in a way. So Codepen is like a code editor in the browser. So pen is like the term we have for a thing that you create on Codepen, and it’s a social network in that you sign up for it, you have an account, do you have a profile on it?

It’s free to do so. Uh, and then there’s pro features. So it’s, uh, it’s a SaaS product, but freemium, you know, like you can sign up for pro and you get extra stuff. But the point of it is, you know, I follow you, you follow me, you’re making work, I’m making work and we can like each other’s work and talk about it and all that.

And those work are those pens and pens are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It’s entirely focused on the front end side of the web. And people use it to like build little demos. They’re like, look at this, look at this thing that I’ve made. And sometimes it’s art. Sometimes it’s a reduced test case for a problem they’re having. Sometimes it’s a little example of something they’re going to send to a client. Sometimes it’s just an exploration of a cool idea they want to get out of their head. Sometimes they’re learning some new technology that they’ve never played with before. So why not do it on Codepen, because it’s so quick and easy to get started?

Sometimes people learning do it because it has this built in ability, basically when you stop typing into one of the editors, the code editors on Codepen, there’s a preview right next to it that instantly updates. So there’s that mental connection between the code that you’re writing in the output for it? Which of course you can wire up locally as well, but on Codepen, it’s just a website. So you click a button and you’re in that environment immediately. You don’t have to install anything. You can come back to it later and it’s still waiting there for you. You don’t have to save it to your file system and worry about losing it. You can search for it. I know I’ve just spit out a lot of words there, but the core of it is it’s easy to use code editor, right in the browser that has social features attached to it.

[00:34:38] Nathan Wrigley: So you’re going to be doubling down on work there. And presumably you’ve got a little bit of extra time to do that. What’s on the roadmap.

[00:34:44] Chris Coyier: Yeah. I mean, I can’t tell you everything in the whole roadmap, but some of it is fairly obvious in the stuff we’ve talked about already is that we want you to be able to do more on Codepen, but without losing the simplicity, that’s already there. There’s just the world of web development is ever-changing, which is just like a very obvious thing to say, but there’s always new libraries and new processors and new ways to approach building websites.

And we kind of want to embrace that change and build and change and morph our online editor experience to be just more ready forever change. You know, ready for whatever comes along the industry and gets ready for it and just make a much better online editor experience to the point where you’re like, this is so good, I want to use it. That you use Codepen because the editor experience is just so good, and integrates with everything that you need it to be integrated with and can build whatever you want to build with it, but still keeps that like simplicity keeps that catching people earlier in their careers.

That’s the one thing Codepen does well is we catch people early in their coding careers as they’re just starting to learn. I want to keep them, as they level up and learn more.

[00:35:54] Nathan Wrigley: Well, it’s linked from almost everywhere, isn’t it? If you’re learning something off a third-party website, you more or less guarantee that there’s a Codepen link on that somewhere, sort of demonstrating, okay, this bit of code will output this, okay, go and check on Codepen. It’s just used absolutely everywhere. It’s a sublimely good product.

[00:36:11] Chris Coyier: For me as I’m running Codepen, all I see is the things that it can’t do, you know, or the things that I wish that I could do. And so I want to, want to fix those, fix those gaps and get even more people. And then the business model, there’s some advertising on it like CSS-Tricks because there’s a lot of eyeballs on Codepen and it’s money worth making if you can. But I’d prefer to run it without that, if I could.

I’m sure that’s not good news to our, you know, our advertising partners or whatever, but sorry about that. I’d rather Just have the product be so good that that’s the way. It’s already 75% there. But the idea being that if you’re pro you know, you get all these extra things, you get the ability to make things private and you get the ability to collaborate with people in real time, and you get the ability to upload assets that will be your host for your assets if we want. And there’s all these things that you get for being pro.

I want to make those even bigger and better and bolder and have there be much more reasons for you to go and stay pro on Codepen. I think there’s just a lot of opportunity there. And, but this is a big thing.

Like CSS-Tricks I feel like I could run alone if I had to. You know what I mean, cause it’s just a blog, right? I know WordPress pretty well. I can write. That’s fine. Codepen I cannot. Codepen and I, there’s no way I can run alone. This is a very collaborative effort that takes lots of different skill sets to pull off. And it’s just, it’s the biggest thing I’ve ever done. And if we pull off everything that we’re trying to pull off, it will be the biggest thing I ever do.

[00:37:37] Nathan Wrigley: Just to wrangle it back to WordPress quickly toward the end. You’ve been with WordPress for a long time. You said every iteration of the website has been on WordPress. There’s been a lot of WordPress content. Obviously everything to do with CSS is helping every WordPress website. And I seem to recall purchasing digging into WordPress, your book Jeff Starr right back in the day, when I think he was still on version one. Are we going to see you hanging around the WordPress space at any point, or is that, is that a book which is closing?

[00:38:05] Chris Coyier: I’m very sure you will. I mean that would be like, absolutely no promises here, but wouldn’t that be neat. If you could build a WordPress site on Codepen? It’s not like we’re barking up that tree immediately, but like, that’s the kind of thing I have my eye on, you know, like, wouldn’t that be cool if CodePen was so advanced, you could build a WordPress site on it? Anyway, don’t read too much into that. But if I was going to build a new website tomorrow, and it was content focused in any way. I would just immediately pick WordPress to do it. I have ideas all the time. I was just driving around this morning and thought of some things that I think would be cool to build and do in WordPress. And I’m like, well, I absolutely don’t have time for that now, but I’m going to build that someday gosh, darn it.

[00:38:45] Nathan Wrigley: Well, it would be very nice to have Chris Coyier in our community for decades to come. Chris, for all of the hard work that you’ve done over the years, making everybody’s life easier to learn CSS, we thank you really, really has helped a lot of people, me included in that list. So firstly, thanks for that.

And secondly, thank you for coming on the podcast today. I really appreciate it. Just before we go. What are in the future, the best places to find you? That’s probably different to how it was six weeks ago.

[00:39:12] Chris Coyier: Well, not really, cause I you know, I’m a big proponent of having a, uh, a personal website. So mine is chriscoyier.net, a WordPress site of course. I did redesign it. It was on my list to do post-acquisition cause I was like, well, you know, I need to not have one of the first sentences say that I own and run CSS-Tricks on it. So I could have easily updated that sentence, but it’s also kind of my style to, just blah, I’m going to redesign it in an hour.

[00:39:38] Nathan Wrigley: I like it, by the way, it’s very, very bold and beautiful.

[00:39:42] Chris Coyier: That was about an hour’s worth of work this morning. Cause you know, the bones of a WordPress site, that’s this simple anyway, there’s no, it’s just a very simple header, a very simple footer and then just a couple of custom post types in there for the different types. There’s very little to this and I’ve done it so many times that really I’m not even exaggerating, it really was probably just a couple hours worth of work to knock out a little design like that and kind of update the text for what I want to that to say.

But all that said, it’s really my home base because rather than give you my Twitter or something, I’d rather give you my personal website, get the RSS feed. You know, you do want to follow me on Twitter, that’s all linked up from my personal website. Again, chriscoyier.net.

[00:40:20] Nathan Wrigley: Chris Coyier. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast today. I really appreciate it.

[00:40:24] Chris Coyier: My pleasure Nathan. Thank you.

#9 – Tara King on Encouraging Developers Towards a Gutenberg Future

About this episode.

On the podcast today we have Tara King.

Tara has recently begun working for Automattic in the developer relations role. Tara will lead a newly formed team who will get out and about; trying to understand the pain points which people are having with the new Block Editor and Full Site Editing. They will then report their findings back to the developer and contributor teams, and hopefully establish a feedback loop to make the editor better.

They are also creating blogs, podcasts, courses and many other types of content to help people get up to speed with the Block Editor.

It’s no secret that whilst there are many people who love the Block Editor, there are many who remain unconvinced. Unconvinced might not be a strong enough word, but you get the idea. I wanted to hear about the purpose of this new team and how it’s going to be working. Will it have a real impact upon the future of the Block Editor? What will they be offering? How can they be reached? Who is deciding what’s included and what’s left out? What motivations are behind all these decisions?

We also get into a chat about the fact that WordPress is changing; moving away from a legacy of easy-to-understand PHP code and moving towards a JavaScript and React based future. Is the pain of learning these new skills going to be worth it, and is there going to be any support to help people get there?

It’s a wide-ranging discussion at an important moment in WordPress’ history.

Time will tell if Tara’s team can win the hearts and minds of unconvinced developers.

Have a listen to the podcast and leave a comment below.

Tara’s email address: tara.king [at] automattic [dot] com

Automattic: Developer Relations Job Description

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the ninth edition of the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress, the people, events, plugins, themes, blocks, and in this case developers and Gutenberg. Each month we’re bringing you someone from that community to discuss a topic of current interest.

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You can also play the podcast episodes on the WP Tavern website if you prefer that. If you have any thoughts about the podcast, perhaps a suggestion of a guest or an interesting subject, then please head over to WP Tavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there. We would certainly welcome your input.

Okay, so on the podcast today we have Tara King. Tara has recently begun working for Automattic, in developer relations, and it’s an important role within the WordPress community. Tara will be leading a newly formed team who will be getting out and about, trying to understand the pain points which people are having with the new block editor and with full site editing. They will then report this back to the developer and contributor teams and hopefully establish a feedback loop to make the editor better. They are also creating blogs, podcasts, courses, and all sorts of other content to help people get up to speed, and perhaps begin using, or better understanding, the block editor.

It’s no secret that whilst there are many people who love the block editor, there are many who remain unconvinced. Unconvinced might not be a strong enough word, but you get the idea.

I wanted to hear about the purpose of this new team and how it’s going to be working. Will it have a real impact upon the future of the block editor? What will they be offering? How can they be reached and who is making the decisions about what’s included and what’s left out? And what motivations are behind all of these decisions?

We also get into a chat about the fact that WordPress is changing. It’s moving away from a legacy of easy to understand PHP code and moving towards a JavaScript and React based future. Is the pain of learning these new skills going to be worth it? And is there going to be any support to help people get there?

It’s a wide ranging discussion at an important moment in WordPress’s history. Time will tell if Tara’s team are able to win the hearts and minds of unconvinced developers.

If any of the points raised in this podcast, resonate with you, be sure to head over and find the post at WP Tavern dot com forward slash podcast, and leave a comment there. And so without further delay, I bring you Tara King.

I am joined today on the podcast by Tara King. Hello, Tara.

Tara King

Hello. Thanks for having me.

Nathan Wrigley

You are very welcome. It is an absolute pleasure. We’ve spent the last couple of minutes just getting to know one another. We haven’t ever spoken before, so this’ll be a really interesting chat. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover. And first of all, I’d like to congratulate you on your brand new, shiny new job over at Automattic. I wonder if you might spend the first couple of minutes telling us what your new job is and what your title is and what you do.

Tara King

Yeah. So I’ll give you the short version first, which is that my job is to lead a team that is basically going out into the community to hear where people are struggling with Gutenberg, struggling with full site editing. Bring that context back into the development teams and the contributor teams that are building the product and then make it better. And in addition to that feedback cycle part of things, we’re also creating content, courses, blogs, podcasts, all kinds of things to help people get up to speed with where Gutenberg is right now, where it’s going to go next and how to make the leap over from the Classic Editor.

Nathan Wrigley

That’s really interesting. I did actually read the job description that was posted on the website. I don’t know obviously what the final job description entails, but I was really fascinated to see that it was very much bolted on to the Gutenberg project as opposed to something a bit wider. And that is fascinating. It does feel at this moment in time, we’re recording it towards the latter end of 2021. And it does feel at this time that there’s quite a lot of, disagreement shall we say about how the WordPress project is being taken forward? And a lot of that disagreement is centering around Gutenberg and it seems that a few new roles, not just your role, but some others have been created particularly to handle the way that the community interact and the way that they feel and the way that they’re receiving knowledge about it. Have I got that right? Are Automattic putting jobs out there for people to do exactly that.

Tara King

Yeah, I think my team especially it came out of the 5.0 retrospective. So when Gutenberg came out and it was pushed out into the community, I think anybody who was around at that time of the WordPress community was aware of the pushback and the unhappiness in the community, around some of the things that happened.

And looking at that, I was not part of the project in a serious way, at that point, I was actually doing support, so I was hearing all of the people who are unhappy tell us how can I change away from Gutenberg? How can I fix this? So that was my role in it at the time was just living through person by person with the impact of it.

What I’ve heard is basically they looked at the 5.0 release and said we need to communicate better, first of all right, but it’s not just pushing information out, it’s also, we need to listen better. We need to be aware of what people are feeling earlier so that when we’re trying to make this work, it’s not only perceived as, but I think experienced as a one-way street kind of thing, because I don’t think that’s ever been the spirit of the WordPress project, and I don’t think Gutenberg actually was meant to change that feeling, if that makes sense. But it did so for some people it really did. And so my team especially is really about listening and trying to engage more people, bring more people into the room to be part of those discussions, to be part of those decisions, because I don’t think anybody wants Gutenberg to succeed just for Gutenberg’s sake.

I think it’s a really good tool. And so we’re trying to make sure that everyone can be involved. So that’s my team in particular, but I think in general, there is a sense that Gutenberg is still struggling to be understood. It’s a really big change for the community on a technical level. And so we just need to be putting more energy and more attention to helping people bridge the gap between where they are now and where they need to be for Gutenberg.

Nathan Wrigley

Just dwelling on the team for a moment you may be allowed, you may not be allowed I don’t know, to describe how big that team is and what the specifics are about how it’s going to be implementing that. I’m just wondering if you can give us some insight, because it would be interesting, certainly from my part, it would be interesting to know how many people are on the ground now, doing that kind of work specifically in your team.

Tara King

Yeah, there are four people aside from myself, so five people in total. We have people doing specific programs. Anne McCarthy has been doing amazing work around the full site editing outreach program. So that’s been part of this team before I started, they were doing that work. And then we have other folks doing courses and meet up presentations. Daisy Olson has been doing those also for a while. We have two new teammates, so Birgit from Gutenberg Times, which is a very amazing connection to have, is going to keep doing that. We’re basically supporting Birgit to do more and more Gutenberg Times as much as she’s willing to do. And then we have Ryan Welcher, a new hire from TenUp, who is helping on the sort of more technical side.

So we have four people which means each person is responsible for, I think, 10 and a half percent of the internet. So it’s quite a big job, I would say.

Nathan Wrigley

That’s a fascinating way of actually thinking about it. Forgive me, I’m going to quote from the Automattic job description that came to you. This is the thing that you applied for. And again, please forgive me if this has now morphed in some way, but it basically says “We’re looking for someone to join our Automattic team dedicated to aiding the WordPress open source systems effort, specifically around developer relations. Your focus will be communicating with community developers about WordPress, Gutenberg and the surrounding ecosystem to build a positive and sustainable relationship with WordPress developers and reduce barriers to Gutenberg adoption”. And then there’s a bullet point list of what the ideal candidate will have, which presumably you met admirably. Congratulations. The thing that jumps out for me, there is the word developer is used multiple times. And is that where your efforts are going to lie? You’re reaching out to developers as opposed say to end users or perhaps people that are new in the community who are unfamiliar with how Gutenberg and WordPress works.

Tara King

Yeah. So we are one month in. So we’re still working out the details, but very much focused on developers. I think I’ll say for myself, I am actually from the Drupal project, I’ve been in WordPress for a long time, but I have a much deeper kind of contributor history in Drupal actually. And in the Drupal project, it’s always like developers first. Basically it’s not official, but it’s very focused on the developer experience and, coming to WordPress, I was always looking around… who’s talking about developers and WordPress, where are they meeting? Where are they talking? So it’s a very natural thing to focus on developers for me. But I do think it’s a little bit new in the WordPress project. Certainly not developer first. I think the user is still always, maybe even the visitor is always going to be first, but the user of WordPress is always going to be the primary audience. But I think Gutenberg is really a product, a tool for the user, but in order to get it out there, I think developers really need to adopt it. Especially anybody who’s extending WordPress. We need them to understand how to make Gutenberg work with that. Because that really does, I am blown away every time I use Gutenberg, and I know that’s my job to say that, but it’s actually also true. It’s part of why I took the job. I think it’s such a fantastic tool when you’re giving somebody a site and they’re going to be managing it. Without any code, they can do really advanced things in terms of layout and display.

We need all the developers in the community to get on board and make it available via their various extensions. So we really are focused on developers and that goes everywhere from, so there’s the theory of care in the WordPress community? I don’t know if you’re familiar. It’s there’s the leadership. There’s the contributors. There’s the extenders. Users and visitors, I’m kind of sticking with that model. There’s developers all the way down to the user level. People who are not writing a lot of new code necessarily, but maybe a little bit here and there. So we’re talking to those folks. We’re talking definitely to the extender group. So people who are writing plugins and themes, people who are running hosting companies or agencies, large universities, anybody kind of working with WordPress at a larger scale. And then of course the contributors who are literally developing the project. So it doesn’t sound very focused when I say it like that, because that’s a lot of people, but it’s everybody who’s writing code to support WordPress, whether that’s for one site or for all of WordPress.

Nathan Wrigley

I am really interested by the fact that this role in this team now exists. As far as I’m aware it’s the first time that your role has existed. That’s right, isn’t it? You are the first person to.

Tara King

That is correct.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. So that speaks to me that the team over at Automattic, as you said, they’ve listened and they’ve realized that this team needs to exist. WordPress is growing and fortunately Automattic have the capability to put this together. I suppose later on in the podcast, we’ll get into the problems that people are experiencing and some of the things that presumably you’re going to be addressing, but I am also keen to understand how people will be interacting with you.

So in the future, how are they going to be getting their concerns in front of you and your team. Is it all about outreach from you or is it doors open, you can email me. How are people going to make contact with you and your team and express what it is that they need to express?

Tara King

Yeah, that’s a great question. Going back to the 10.5% of the internet per person. It’s a really hard problem to solve. We can’t be everywhere at once. As much as I would like to have someone who’s on every WordPress related Stack Overflow or Stack Exchange, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, I could keep going with where we might go to listen to the community.

We’re still working that out in terms of the details. We’re in Make Slack all the time, but I know Make Slack isn’t always terribly welcoming. It’s welcoming, nobody’s mean, but it’s a bit confusing, I think when you’re new to the community or new to that space, there’s always meetings happening. I know I personally have had the experience of, I don’t know when I’m supposed to talk with, if I’m interrupting a meeting.

You know, there are places that we definitely are. I think my email is going to, I assume it’ll be in the podcast notes, it’s tara dot king at automattic dot com. I am happy to hear from folks. I may regret saying that I don’t know how many emails I’ll get, but I think for me right now, especially because I am transitioning from having one foot in both Drupal and WordPress into being more WordPress focused, I’m really looking to meet people and genuinely hear what folks are struggling with because it’s wide. So my mandate is Gutenberg focused, but, that’s not the only thing that causes problems. You might be also struggling with some particular part of Core that isn’t Gutenberg. Like it’s a very tangled knot in terms of when you’re having issues with WordPress. So I like to hear about it because maybe right now the radar is focused on Gutenberg, but we’re not going to be focused on Gutenberg forever. We can expand out from that narrow focus.

So long story long, I wish I had a super simple answer other than to email myself personally. We are listening as much as we can or going to events, camps, and meetups and things. We are listening on Twitter. We’re listening on Post Status. We are trying to be in all the major places, but feel free to reach out to myself or anyone else on the team that you feel comfortable with.

There’s a lot of people out there for a very small team, but we are trying to listen. One other thing I’ll say before I finish on this topic, is there are very specific calls for testing that we’re doing. So if you want to be more involved in the full site editing development before it happens, right? So a lot of people have a very reactive approach, which is, it comes out and they’re unhappy, but actually there are pathways to be involved sooner. And this was one of the easiest ones. You can go to the Make Slack, there’s a channel called F S E dash outreach. And if you join that channel, you will be presented with calls for testing that are, in my opinion, I hope that other people find this to be true as well, fairly clearly outlined. You know, step-by-step how to do the test in question. And then where to give your feedback. This is helping with everything from how a navigation block works from how widgets work. There’s been some open-ended ones around what themers, theme builders needs. So that’s one way to get a very specific kind of feedback, right? It’s not general, but it’s very effective to get specific feedback.

Nathan Wrigley

I sometimes feel that despite the fact that those channels are publicly available and anybody can hop in, I do sometimes wonder if things like the Make Slack and Github and so on, I do wonder if there’s room for improvement there. And I don’t mean throw the baby out with the bath water, but they can be quite intimidating. It is difficult to backtrack and figure out where the conversation began that’s currently going on. The interface for Slack is excellent if you’re a part of a team and your daily grind is to be in a particular Slack channel, and you’re constantly checking in and you see where the conversation has flowed from and where the conversation is right now. But I feel it’s difficult for people who are just hopping in to make almost any sense of those conversations at all. And so of course, the easy thing to do is to glance in open the door at a tiny bit, stare through the crack and then just run away in fear and continue to feel annoyed.

Tara King

Yeah, I totally agree. I think, here I am barging in kinda new to the community. It was lots of opinions. I’ve been feeling very much like the Make Slack and the Make blogs are more welcoming to people who are contributing because they’re in it every day. It’s easy for them to understand what’s happening. Whereas I don’t actually feel like we have a great location for developers at large. We have documentation. We have the Github for Gutenberg, but again, they’re very contributor focused. There are people who just need to know how to build a plugin. How to build a block pattern on WordPress in general. And I don’t feel like we have a great place for those discussions to happen right now. I don’t know what we’re going to land on, but that’s one thing that this team is working on, trying to figure out what would be the right way to consolidate conversations for that community. Because right now it does feel like if you’re a developer who has a WordPress problem, you shout into the void and you hope somebody hears. That might happen on Twitter. It might happen at a WordCamp. There are ways to be heard, but they’re hard to find. I think we need much better pathways. To have those conversations.

Nathan Wrigley

I am not committing you to any particular platform or any particular piece of software, but it’s just, it is nice to hear though, that you have that, on the radar, you’re thinking about that because I think that’s really important. Many of us are used to different platforms, probably more social in nature that seem to work in inverted commas, better, but that’s fascinating, thank you.

Okay. Let’s get stuck into the side of Gutenberg where people are concerned. Feeling disgruntled. Now I do want to definitively spell out at this point that you are not responsible for the way that Gutenburg is right now. I really want to make that very clear. So anybody listening to the podcast, it is not your fault, but people have concerns.

I think right now we seem to be seeing more concern than ever before. I’ve been using WordPress for about, I’m going to go for nine years, that feels more or less, right. Prior to that I was using a piece of software, which you just mentioned, Drupal. And I was extremely happy with Drupal. Drupal did everything that I wanted to do. It really was fabulous. In fact, if you could rewind the clock, I was telling my clients that Drupal was probably going to overtake WordPress in its use. How wrong could I have been? But there came a moment in time where that community became something that I no longer was part of. And it was because of the fact that Drupal deals with point releases, so from five to six to seven. There is a real line drawn in the sand. Drupal five doesn’t sit well with Drupal six and six doesn’t sit well with seven and so on. And I left at the point where there was one of these moments. It was from Drupal seven to Drupal eight, and I couldn’t cope with the fact that I was going to have to do an enormous amount of work, just to keep things that had already built, up and running. Now the parallels that are there are fairly major I think, WordPress has done an unbelievably good job of being backwards compatible, but now we have what feels like, I’m going to call it a Drupal moment. Where we are at an inflection point, something radical has changed in WordPress, and it really is bifurcating the path. Some users extremely happy, giving it a go, getting involved, loving it, other people, disliking it, not wanting to be a part of it and ultimately, just stopping being part of the community and not using WordPress at all. So I hope my analogy there with Drupal sits and you understand what I’m saying?

Tara King

Yeah, it does. Yep. I was in the community of the Drupal community when that happened as well. It is very interesting. I think for a long time, I’ve talked to people in both communities, I’ve talked to people using both software. And one of the differences, when people ask what’s the difference is that WordPress is backwards compatible and Drupal’s not. And the seven to eight was Drupal becoming object oriented, was the main change. And so people were used to writing procedural PHP, and now they had to write object oriented and they weren’t used to it. And, not only were they not used to it, it was just unbelievable amount of work to update all of the extensions and make everything work. And then there’s no migration path that’s very clean between seven to eight in Drupal. Having lived through that, the Drupal project forked at that point, there’s now a separate fork of the project called Backdrop. It was a very painful time. It was honestly a very painful time for me personally. I’m sure it was painful for other people as well, but it was painful for me because I had gotten into Drupal in Drupal six and I was essentially a solo shop. I was building sites by myself, occasionally getting in a contractor and I could make sites pretty cheaply and pretty easily for lots and lots of people on Drupal. And like you said, loved, I just loved the software. I loved it so much. And the switch to Drupal eight felt very personal, like we don’t care about people like you Tara. Obviously, no one’s said that to me, but that’s what it felt like. It felt like I don’t have the resources to make this kind of a change for my clients. And I think ultimately it led me to stop freelancing and start working for agencies because they did have the resources. So it actually did change my career trajectory. So it’s very serious for people. These kinds of changes in a software project, it seems kind technical or niche, but it’s not, it’s people’s livelihoods and it’s people’s entire way of being in the world. Like you’re changing how someone is working, you’re changing, what kind of work they’re able to do.

So I think it’s a really relevant parallel to draw to Gutenberg because I think a lot of people are feeling that same way now, and it’s no surprise that they’re going to have very strong reactions when their livelihood is threatened. I don’t play a single person for having that struggle. The reason I took when I was talking about the job and interviewing and things like that, it definitely feels like we’re starting a little bit behind because the community is already upset. It would have been nice if we could’ve started before we Gutenberg came out and built those relationships earlier, but hindsight’s 2020.

And I thought to myself, there’s so many people doing so many cool things with WordPress right now. I think Gutenberg is a really powerful tool. And if we can help people make that bridge. Not have to build the bridge to becoming a Gutenberg developer themselves, but have one provided. If we can help people feel heard and welcomed and important again. Cause I think that’s why we come to these communities as we feel that way, we feel like we’re important and we have somewhere to matter. So anyway, for me, long story short, it’s very emotional and I really want to honor and respect people and meet them where they’re at because I’ve been there in the Drupal project.

Nathan Wrigley

A couple of quotes. I should say that I reached out to a few of my friends. I am going to name no names. They didn’t ask me to not to name names, but I won’t. Just a few little things just to give you an indication of where people are at. So this is from somebody who creates WordPress websites for a living. I don’t think they would describe themselves as a developer, but they say, “Push and you get push back. If Gutenberg had been developed as an add-on plugin, for example, which was optional, where folks could opt in, then it would have become something that they could choose. And that for me is what made WordPress so successful”.

So that was from one person, and then from another person who is involved in themes shall we say, “To every new feature or whatnot, which is added to Gutenberg, there’s a but to go with it. And those things are never addressed. All in all, that is why I’m losing passion for WordPress”.

It’s those kinds of feelings I think, I could probably have put in some stronger ones, and certainly there were some ones which were less strong than that, but it gives you an indication. This is really, like I said, bifurcating the community and it really isn’t a case of people just tutting a bit and being a little bit annoyed and then just shrugging it off and getting over it. This is genuinely people who’ve been doing things for a long time, are dedicated to WordPress, commit to WordPress, use it every day, promote it. And they’re thinking of walking away are, like I did with Drupal.

Tara King

Yeah. Yeah. It’s really hard to hear quotes like that, but it’s also just so important. Honestly, I find that the WordPress community has been very patient. Gutenberg came out now, I think three years ago. And obviously some people were not patient, some people took off. But I do feel like people have been pretty patient. And whereas in Drupal before Drupal eight even came out, people were like, I made a fork. I’m leaving. Here’s my talk at DrupalCon about how Drupal’s terrible. I really hope, I’m not here to try to save people.

Everybody has to make their own decisions about what software project is the right for them. I think in general, this is about people’s passions, whatever that might be, it’s not necessarily about WordPress. They want to be able to do what they need to do. I’m not trying to save every last person, but I do think it’s important to hear when people are having these reactions and to really hear it right, to let it sink in.

I hope if my team can’t counteract some of these feelings about the software being pushed onto people about development, ignoring the feedback that’s coming in, I think we will have failed. I am very optimistic at this time, one month in, to say that I think we have some really good people who are really passionate and very deep in the community who know what people need. They’re on the other side too, they’re also developers. We’re not hiring marketing people, no offense to marketing people, but that’s not what this team is. We sit inside the product team. We’re talking to the developers of the product. We’re talking to developers in the community. And like I said, there’s four of us, 42% of the web. Can’t really hear everyone, but I’m hopeful that as we listen. One person who stands up and says, I’m losing passion for WordPress because of this, represents a hundred people who didn’t or a thousand people who didn’t, I don’t know what the numbers actually are, but if we can address these people, one-to-one with personal caring, with strong, clear feedback to the product teams that are working on WordPress. I am hopeful that we can make this feel more like a collaboration, more like you’re opting in, and it’s your choice to use this cool tool instead of, oh, I have to. So that’s the goal for the team.

Nathan Wrigley

The two things that keep coming up in the conversations that I have on this side of the fence are that it was pushed into Core without the sort of necessary time for it to be examined and the entire community to have their say on it.

And the other one seems to revolve around the fact that it’s now been going on for such a long time, and it feels like almost like a public beta that’s been going on for two, nearly three years where we are asked to use a piece of software, which is still very much in development. And so concerns around those. And I’m interested, you may know, you may not know what the decision-making processes were in the past for how that happened. You may be able to talk about that again, you may not, but I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on whether the decision-making process for how things are going to be implemented, are going to change. Is there going to be more openness about what’s coming up? Are we able to communicate directly with the people who are making these changes? I think the feeling is it’s top down. That a few people who make very big decisions and they make them, and the rest of us have to go along with that. And I think people would like to understand whether that governance model is up for debate. That’s my question really.

Tara King

I don’t know if it’s up for debate, to be honest, in terms of the very highest levels of the project. I don’t think it is. I think that we have Matt, we have Josepha and they’re the leaders. And I think almost every major open source project has one or two people, typically one person in that position.

And I’m not in the room for those discussions. I should say there’s anything that’s it is going to change there. I don’t know about it. That said, I think it’s very clear to me, I actually have not yet spoken with Matt, but I spoken with Josepha who’s in dot org. Like we work together very pretty closely. And I can tell that Joseph is really listening. It’s obviously hard for someone who’s not seeing her regularly to know that. I fully understand why people think that it’s very top-down, but that is part of this team is to go out and to try to listen and to help people understand how their feedback can come in.

That’s why I feel kind terrible that I can’t say to you, this is exactly how you can give us your feedback, but that’s absolutely the top list of priorities. Hopefully by the end of this year, we can have something clearer. There’s the obvious ways of you can go in and contribute. But it’s a pretty high barrier to entry.

And I think what most people actually want is just to be able to give a little feedback. They don’t want to write new code to fix something, they want to be able to say, oh, this didn’t work for me because X, so that’s what my team is going to be doing. And maybe it’s not fair to call it a beta, I don’t think, but it is ongoing development in public because that’s the open-source way. But it’s very challenging, having come from the Drupal community where people are making these big changes all the time, it feels, yeah, that’s what we do. But I know in WordPress that hasn’t been the case. What we are trying to do very specifically with my team is, get ahead of the release. So 5.9 is coming out in December. We are working right now on documenting exactly what is and is not going in. Is there any kind of breaking change? Those are pretty rare still, but if there is anything like that, we want to get ahead of that. We want to know, is there education that needs to happen around a certain technology to make this a success.

And we’re trying to push that out, to, I think right now we’re going to try to push it out to things like large agencies, universities, big groups that can then disseminate it internally just for purposes of scaling. Not because we don’t care about individuals, it’s just hard to reach them. So we’re trying to work that process, get that smoothed out. While that is getting refined, also building ways for individual developers of any kind to opt into that kind of information. So it is very much an experimental piece of software at this point. It’s production ready to, it’s both. It’s very interesting to be in this middle, the middle of it all. And I know it feels like it’s been going on for a long time and I know it feels like it’s never going to end, but it actually is going to end.

And as somebody whose mandate is to work on it, there’s even almost a little bit of not dread, but existential sort of conundrum when Gutenberg ends. What do I do then? So as much as it feels like it’s never going to end it. It is, it will be done, it will finish.

Nathan Wrigley

Moving the debate ever so slightly, but more or less the same wheelhouse really, there seems to be this under current, and in a sense, it feels a little bit, I’m going to say conspiratorial. Seems to be a lot of people who are equating the Gutenberg project with, so the dot org side of things with the dot com side of things, almost as if the people on the dot org side are the Guinea pigs, for want of a better word that, is probably entirely the wrong word, but you get the idea, for the project and that the dot com side obviously has a financial model, which the dot org side doesn’t. And I just wondered if you had any thoughts on that, whether those concerns could be assuaged as well, whether there is in fact a problem there or not.

Tara King

You know, I don’t see. I have only been there a month, I don’t have this sort of deep WordPress roots that other folks do. So I’m like new, I guess I’m an outsider still a little bit. And so I was concerned, I’m not going to, when I took the job, I was a little concerned about that because when I’m not working, before I worked at Automattic, I was constantly, oh, it’s so annoying that there’s a dot org and a dot com. It’s so confusing. It’s so annoying. So coming from the outside of the company and from like a fairly commercial place, honestly, from my interactions with WordPress, I don’t see it. I have not met anybody from the dot com side. And I mean that literally like the entire non.org side I’ve met one person because she lives in my hometown. We had coffee, that’s it? So, no one has told me anything from the dot com side needs to be implemented on our side. If anything, I almost feel like it’s inverted, which is that, I would guess if you talk to folks who work on dot com, they are just maybe not just as frustrated, but close to as frustrated as folks outside the company, as they’re waiting to ingest information from dot org, I’ve heard that from folks like we need training, we need to be able to, to train dot com customers. So there’s frustrations there too. So I hear the conspiracy. I see where that comes from and why it exists. My experience has been completely not that way.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. It’s definitely something which gets raised from time to time. So I thought it was worth bringing up. But again, the caveats that we mentioned at the top of the podcast, that you’ve just begun in your line of work and so.

Tara King

Exactly, I’m very new. And the thing about conspiracy theories is you can’t really prove them wrong. Most of the time, they’re unable to be proven wrong. So I can’t prove it. I just don’t see it.

Nathan Wrigley

One of the things that I guess you are going to have repeatedly over the next year or so is the chatter about the move into new technologies in WordPress?

So React, increased reliance on JavaScript and the move away from PHP. And this also speaks to the debate about people moving away and getting alarmed that their websites that they’ve already built and their capability to build things and have a business that’s easy for them to manage in the future, is going to be difficult. And I wonder what you thought about those horizons. I wonder if you’ve got any words of comfort for people who have those concerns. And a related question, I wondered if there was possible responsibility, that again maybe too strong, a word, but I’m going to use it, a responsibility on Automattic to provide guidance, training, materials, whatever would be needed to help people cross that bridge and to ease the burden of learning these new things.

Tara King

Yeah. So I’m a PHP developer, I taught myself PHP and I always held JavaScript at arms length, right? It was like, nope, that is too far. I will not do it. When JavaScript started becoming more and more popular, I just was like, nope, I don’t have to, I know PHP. So I feel very much the pain of why do I have to learn JavaScript again?

I think the concerns I’m hearing, and again, I said my email, I’ll say it again at the end of the podcast, but the concerns I’m hearing and the concerns I’ve had are, yeah, it’s just, I don’t want to learn JavaScript because I don’t need to, why do I need to? There’s a build step, right? There’s often a more, a slightly more complicated kind of environment needed to Gutenberg development versus just straight PHP. You just write it, hit save and I’ll see if it works. So there’s additional complications of writing Gutenberg code. Not every host necessarily well, set up if you wanted to do that remotely or something like that. For some of us, I thought we stopped compiling things. I have to compile things. It feels a little, old. So I hear all of that and I’m sure there’s other objections people have. The things that I’m excited about with it, now that I’m having to do more of it, I’m realizing JavaScript’s not that hard. We’re all going to be okay. It’s not that hard. And it opens up so much in terms of greater web technologies.

And again, this feels very parallel to Drupal seven, to Drupal eight, which was moving to object oriented programming actually made me a better developer. I was a fine PHP procedural programmer. I was a reasonable developer and then having to learn it, which I know it’s frustrating when you have to learn something, but I don’t regret having done it. It made it easier actually for me to get into Gutenberg development, it’s made my whole development life much easier. I don’t think JavaScript is going away on the web in general. I think if anything, it’s going to continue to eat the web. As an individual, it’s powerful to have that tool in your toolbox as an agency, it’s powerful to be able to sell that work. Talk to people, have a more diverse kind of set of skills on the team. I’m pro learning in general, right? It’s I think something that helps every open source project grow. I think the backwards compatibility with WordPress, I hesitate to say it, but it feels like it’s gone a little bit too far. At some point, if you maintain backwards compatibility, the software can’t move forward because the old stuff is pulling it back.

I think it’s a wonderful model and Drupal is moving more towards it. It’s kind interesting to see the two communities converge there, but this might just be a case where there’s going to be a few pain points. Every web developer, no matter what tool they’re working with is going to have pain points where they have to learn something new.

I think it’s useful on an individual level. And then in terms of offering support for the transition, that is absolutely something that I think needs to happen. Whether or not it’s Auttomatic’s responsibility. I think it’s best when these things are community-wide efforts. I would love to see WordCamps and meetups offer, people volunteering to run… hey, this is how I got started. That happened a lot in Drupal. I have a friend who ran a talk about how Pokemon can teach you object oriented programming. Very accessible. And so I think, it’s not necessarily Automattic’s responsibility, but that said it is something that my team is actively working on right now is what kind of materials are needs to help people get over there. Is it, we need to help people understand how to make, build environment, that dev environment that can do the build steps for React, or is it just general JavaScript knowledge? So we’re actually, this week, looking at what options are currently out there. What’s up to date. There were, when Gutenberg launched, there were a number of products and educational things that came out from the community that were great, but have not been updated. And people are still being directed to stuff that’s two years old, and doesn’t help them now? So my team is actively working on this.

How can we help people do this? Because like I said, it’s actually not that hard, but we don’t give the tools people need. I tried to build a Gutenberg plugin recently entirely just from wordpress dot org documentation. I was like, no blog posts, no outside resources, just wordpress dot org. And it was not easy. So whether or not it’s Automattic’s responsibility, it’s something that we’re taking on, because it needs the community does need it. So look for something better in that space, soonish.

Nathan Wrigley

Thank you. Encouraging, just to hear that the flag has been raised and the concern has been written down and it does sound to me like you are actually planning to bring something to the table and it’s been thought about, so that’s really encouraging. Thank you for that.

It feels like we’ve been bashing for a long time, we’ve probably spent half an hour dissecting all the bad. So before we draw to a close let’s flip that entirely. Let’s turn it to the good. And I just want to offer you a platform to say why it is you’ve taken this job with Gutenberg as the sole focus. What is it about Gutenberg that you feel is better? Why do you think it’s the future? In other words, what I’m saying is, here’s a crowd of naysayers, here’s a crowd of people in front of you, they’ve got their pitchforks out, they are furious about the way that things are going, you’ve got an opportunity now to just address that crowd and see if you can turn some heads.

Tara King

Oh, I wish I had practiced. WordPress has always been about freedom and empowerment of people, of individuals. This is my personal take on it, this is not the Automattic take on it necessarily, it’s just how I feel. When I was building small sites, I used to run a consultancy for artists, artists are famously, not necessarily wealthy. Don’t have a lot of money to put into these things. And they’re also a very do it yourself kind of group. So I was making websites for artists. And if I could just get them started, give them a little push, install, some WordPress on a server, maybe pick out a theme for them. They could do it. People who almost refuse to touch computers because they’re just busy off making their art could come back and use WordPress and share their work, talk about it, sell it, do really cool things.

And I think I’ve always been very passionate about that kind of end user being able to make their own website. I am personally just so not interested in having to go to a developer to say I need to post my new blog post. I need to add a little widget here with my new event. It’s feels so old fashioned to me, and it’s so disempowers, like I said, the user of the website. And so when I was looking at this job, thinking to myself, self, nobody, like everybody’s mad about Gutenberg. Do you really want to talk about it and try to make them like it, what it really came down to was a genuine feeling, when I was interviewing and talking to people at Automattic, genuine feeling that they wanted this to be a collaborative experience, that they wanted it to be in conversation with the entire community, which is really where my passion derives from. And then Gutenberg itself as a tool is just incredible. I wouldn’t have taken it if I didn’t think the tool was worth it. If it was like, oh, there’s this like terrible piece of software, but it’s okay. I’m getting a salary. I’m not going to work 40 hours a week on something like that. So the tool allows people to do really powerful things and really control stuff that I haven’t seen in other CMS’s. I’ve built sites for clients in Wix and Weebly and Squarespace and Drupal and WordPress and other more niche platforms. And I just see my clients over and over again, bumping up against, oh, I just want to put two pictures next to each other. And they can’t because they don’t know HTML or they don’t know how to make a table.

I just want to be able to make all my pictures, have a little, like a header cover image with some text on it and they have to call me and I have to code that in and put it up there. And obviously Gutenberg doesn’t have every kind of block and every kind of pattern that you might imagine. But having now built several sites, just with vanilla WordPress, I haven’t installed any themes or anything like that, and just a couple of block packages that are out there, you can get pretty far, I think much farther. Yesterday I was watching a video on YouTube about, it was 10 minutes to a block theme, and it was like, make these five files and now you can put a block widget as your header, which means the users can make their own headers. And I don’t have to go in and do all of those little things for them all the time. I think that’s scary for some folks because they rely on that work. They rely on it being difficult. But ultimately, it’s really empowering. It makes more people able to make more websites. Like it really grows the size of the pie if you will. Drupal’s like jealous of it and there’s a Gutenberg port to Drupal and it’s really very cool. It’s very powerful. And I think, the community can really benefit from it. We just need to be able to actually speak to each other and hear each other and work together. And that’s the part that my team is really trying to build that bridge and to make that a reality, obviously we can’t fix everything for everybody, but we can fix more things than we have been fixing.

Nathan Wrigley

That, I feel is a really excellent place to call it a day. You mentioned just before we finish, you did mention earlier that you were going to drop your email in once more. It may be that people have heard it and haven’t written it down. Can I encourage you to do that once again?

Tara King

Absolutely. My email is t a r a dot k i n g at automattic dot com. And there are two T’s on the end of that. So it’s a u t o m a t t i c dot com. I’m also sparklingrobots on Twitter. Like I said, R I P my inbox let’s see how this goes. But I, I believe my DMs are open on Twitter or you can just tweet at me because I am actively looking to have conversations in the community. One-on-one conversations actually move things forward quite a bit. So I’m excited to have those.

Nathan Wrigley

Tara thank you very much for coming on the podcast today.

#8 – Lee Shadle on How Blocks Create New Opportunities

About this episode.

On the podcast today we have Lee Shadle.

Lee is a WordPress developer at WP Draft, and by his own admission is obsessed with building block based themes, plugins and websites. He’s been using WordPress for many years and as soon as the Gutenberg project was announced, he decided he was going to explore it and learn how it worked.

He runs a small agency building sites with blocks as well as with 3rd party page builders.

I first saw Lee when he presented at WordCamp Europe earlier in 2021, and his passion for working with blocks and React was obvious. It’s pretty clear that, right from the start, he’s embraced the possibilities that blocks offer, both now and in the future.

At the time of recording this podcast, many are still unsure about what blocks are for, and what they will be able to do down the road, but Lee has thrown himself into figuring out what’s possible, and it might come as a surprise just how powerful they are.

We start our conversation by addressing whether Gutenberg was something that the WordPress project actually needed. Was it necessary to build a new tool which would require people to learn new skills and new techniques?

We then get into some concrete examples of how blocks will add new capabilities to websites. Some of the examples show that complex operations can be handled within single blocks. These possibilities were once the domain of plugins and shortcodes, and now they can be deployed and configured by anyone who edits content.

We talk about the obstacles which Lee encountered whilst learning how to build blocks. In his case, he worked on projects which he knew he would enjoy. We also touch upon some resources he used to assist in his learning.

There’s also a discussion about the commercial landscape for block developers and how blocks might become a new way of generating revenue. Although we’re not there yet, it might well be that in the future, WordPress users will be on the lookout to purchase blocks in the same way that they now buy plugins and themes. Perhaps there’s even scope for a market of inexpensive blocks which have limited functionality.

As you’ll hear, Lee is very optimistic about the future of WordPress, with blocks at it’s core.

Useful links.

Lee’s Twitter account

Stimulus Benefits – Lee’s calculator block


Block Visibility

Newsletter Glue

React for beginners


Nick Diego

Mike Oliver

Brian Gardner

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Jukebox Podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the themes, and the blocks. Every month, we’re bringing you someone from that community to discuss a topic of current interest.

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Okay, so on the podcast today, we have Lee Shadle. Lee is a WordPress developer at WP Draft, and by his own admission is obsessed with building block-based themes, plugins, and websites. He’s been using WordPress for many years, and as soon as the Gutenberg project was announced, he decided he was going to explore it and learn how it worked.

He runs a small agency building sites with blocks, as well as third party page builders. I first saw Lee when he presented at WordCamp Europe earlier in 2021. And his passion for working with blocks and react was obvious. It was pretty clear, right from the start, he’s embraced the possibilities that blocks offer both now and in the future. At the time of recording this podcast, many are still unsure about what blocks are for and what they will be able to do down the road. But Lee has thrown himself into figuring out what’s possible and it might come as a surprise to you just how powerful.

We start our conversation by addressing whether Gutenberg was something that the WordPress project actually needed. Was it necessary to build a new tool, which would require people to learn new skills and new techniques.

We then get into some concrete examples of how blocks will add new capabilities to websites. Some of the examples show that complex operations can be handled within single blocks. These possibilities were once the domain of plugins and shortcodes, and now they can be deployed and configured by anyone who edits content.

We talk about the obstacles which Lee encountered whilst learning how to build blocks. In his case, he worked on projects, which he knew that he would enjoy. We also touch upon some resources, used to assist him in his learning.

There’s also a discussion about the commercial landscape for block developers and how blocks might become a new way of generating revenue. Although we’re not there yet, it might well be that in the future, WordPress users will be on the lookout to purchase blocks in the same way that they now buy plugins and themes. Perhaps there’s even scope for a market of inexpensive blocks, which have limited functionality.

As you’ll hear Lee is very optimistic about the future of WordPress with blocks at its core.

If any of the points raised in this podcast, resonate with you, be sure to head over and find the post at wptavern dot com forward slash podcast, and perhaps leave us a comment there.

And so without further delay, I bring. Lee Shadle.

I am joined on the podcast today by Lee Shadle. Hello Lee.

Lee Shadle

Hey Nathan.

Nathan Wrigley

It’s lovely to have you on the podcast today. Before we get stuck into it, I’ll ask the traditional set of mandatory questions at the start. Would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself, your background in WordPress, technology? You can go back as far as you feel necessary. Probably limit it to the WordPress side of things.

Lee Shadle

Okay. So I was born in Columbus, Ohio, but I shouldn’t go back to Ohio days. Huh? I shouldn’t go back all the way back to my birth. So I am a self-taught developer, mostly front end developer, and I’ve been doing it for about 10 years. I started building custom client sites and I made my way to WordPress about five years ago. And really, the thing that actually really drew me in was when Gutenberg launched, because it really used all my skillsets of JavaScript, React, CSS. And so since then, I’ve been really the last five years or so been focused on building blocks. I kind of nonstop, but kind of had an insane obsession with it. You could ask my wife, all I do is talk about blocks and building blocks. So to pay the bills, I’ve been building client sites and I’ve been trying to build tools with blocks to help streamline my processes of the client work. So that’s what brings me here today. Is that black building obsession.

Nathan Wrigley

Very nice. Well, we will get thoroughly immersed in all of that in a little while. Just before that, I wanted to know what your thoughts are on whether or not WordPress needed to put this into core, the ability to build your website now let’s say, but initially, to create your content around blocks. Did you feel at the time, obviously subsequently you’ve gotten into it and been enjoying what it has brought to the table, but I’m wondering if you can cast your mind back to that time when it did come in. Was there a light that went off and you thought, actually this is tremendously interesting or were you like many people were, and to some extent still are kind of reluctant to use it and keen to have the old editor back or move away to some sort of proprietary page builder?

Lee Shadle

Being a front end developer, when I started hearing about React being in WordPress, that really got me going, because to me, it really opens up a bunch of possibilities that can really allow you to build, you know, really snappy interfaces and really fun products and stuff that you couldn’t build before.

You can almost, I know there’s been talk about WordPress being the OS of the internet. And I think it really opens up that possibility. I started dipping my toes into WordPress right before Gutenberg launched. And I did a deep dive into building themes and plugins the old way. And then right about a year into me learning how to do that, I started diving deep into Gutenberg. And, I definitely think it was a good move. Although all change, you know, change can sometimes be painful and there’s definitely a steep learning curve, but I think the pain is going to be worth it in the long run.

Nathan Wrigley

I feel that at the moment, there is a lot of pain being experienced by a variety of different people. And some people like yourself have decided to absorb that pain and go with it. Other people have found it very difficult and there’s been politics, shall we say has crept into WordPress in a way that I’ve not really seen too much of before, and people wishing that it hadn’t have been put into core and that it had of been a plugin instead. Other people obviously just wished that the entire thing would go away and ended up forking WordPress and creating this ClassicPress version of WordPress. So it has really divided the community. I feel that maybe talks like this, will address that a little bit because you’ve obviously been exploring it and you’ve probably got some great ideas about things that it will enable that perhaps the rest of us haven’t really foreseen.

I know for my part, I’ve seen a few videos of things that people are building. Products that are either just about to come out or have already come out and you just think, okay, that’s interesting because that’s totally wedded to the idea of a block and without the block methodology, that exact thing could not have been done, possibly even as a plugin. So I’m just curious if you’ve got any thoughts about what can be done with blocks that we could not have done before.

Lee Shadle

I’m going to go as a bold as to say, I think, think of every traditional plugin or theme business in WordPress. I believe with the advent of Gutenberg, everything is ripe for disruption.

I think every single aspect, like think about forms or think about pop-ups or think about payments. Really any facet of the WordPress economy that you can think of, that people are making a living on, I think it could be disrupted with Gutenberg.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah. I think you’re probably right. We’ve certainly seen some . Of those things. I’ve seen some projects certainly around the forms space where, you know, you just think, oh, well the interface of Gutenberg really does lend itself to creating sort of drag and drop form builder. It’s really remarkable for that. Aside from those sort of more general ideas, do you have any concrete examples of things that you’ve gotten yourself into and projects that you’ve created, or been party to where there’s been an end result that we could all identify with and understand why you’re so excited about it.

Lee Shadle

I’ve been building blocks, all kinds of different types of blocks, trying to uncover. I run a small agency, so my workflow and system of building a site for client is super important to me. And I know there are a ton of tools with the classic way of building WordPress built around optimizing that workflow. But that’s really been my focus is how do we leverage the system to really like streamline the workflow of building sites for clients? I build a lot of sites for fun for myself. Really. I’m all about building quickly.

I don’t know if I told you this Nathan, but when I was in my previous life, I used to own a restaurant and I came up with, you know, the menu and the food, and imagine it was an Italian version of Chipotle at the early days of Chipotle, and, you know, I ran it for a couple years and it just failed miserably. I lost, I kind of lost everything in that. But I learned a lot of great lessons and one of those lessons was I want to be able to keep stepping up to the plate. And in order to do that, to keep trying, I needed to come up with systems and processes that allow me to do that in a way that it isn’t heavy handed. And I can just hack away at an idea in a day. And I kinda think that is the essence of WordPress. And I think that Gutenberg is kind of taken us back to that essence of, okay, what can I hack away at? I think we’re just starting to hit the point of stability with Gutenberg and with full site editing coming out and block-based themes where you’re going to be able to build full blown prototypes and mock-ups of, you know, not just like static sites, but some pretty complex stuff pretty quickly. Imagine launching, you know, I don’t know if you saw Flip WP, they’re launching a marketplace for selling WordPress plugins and themes and WordPress businesses. I think something like that is going to become a lot easier to do. Like iterating on an idea like Flip WP, like say I want to try it, test the waters of building a marketplace for buying and selling WordPress businesses. I think, being able to build startups and more complex businesses is going to become a lot easier to do with Gutenberg

Nathan Wrigley

When you’ve been creating your blocks at the beginning, I’m just curious as to how obviously you fell into it and you’re now enjoying it. Were there any significant obstacles along the way that you encountered? So as an example, was there enough documentation? Was it fairly easy to get yourself up to speed with how to create your own blocks? Was there a lot of support around? Were there some channels or books that you perhaps ended up relying upon? I’m just trying to get to the idea of how easy or difficult it was, or perhaps still is.

Lee Shadle

I’ll be honest with you. It’s been a challenge. It’s been a frustrating journey. There’s been documentation and there’s been the Gutenberg GitHub repo has been a great resource for, learning as well. Just seeing how they’re doing things, but it hasn’t been easy. I actually, you know, a tool. I think you actually heard me talking about it at wpplugin dot com where you can quickly generate a block plugin. And the idea behind that is there’s all these different mental models of building a block. I think the hardest part is learning, what can you do with a block? How can you do it? And shaping that mental model has really been a challenge. Honestly, I’ve been very self driven and if it wasn’t for that, that really has kept me going. I’ve had a long-term view of where everything’s going and from the place I’m coming from being a front end developer, it’s really made it, it has made it easier for me. I do think, if somebody really wants to learn blocks, they need to learn React. And I think something like taking like Wes Bos’s React for beginners course, I took that course and it’s a great resource for learning React. Just getting kind of the nuts and bolts of, you know, the underpinnings of Gutenberg.

Nathan Wrigley

Would you say that, obviously it was fairly difficult as you’ve described, but were you able to begin to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel fairly quickly? Or was it one of these learning journeys where it’s more of a cliff climb until finally you reach the pinnacle? You’ve acquired enough knowledge that suddenly it becomes, oh, I can do it all now. This is fabulous. Or were you able to get something out from your limited learning?

Lee Shadle

I feel like I’m there now. I’m at that place. I mean, I’m still learning, but I feel like I’m at a point now where I can kind of shape the editor to what my vision is. But it has been a lot of hard work, but I’ve, I feel like I’ve kind of seen the vision for where WordPress wants to go for a long time. It really resonated with me and I can really get behind where they ultimately want to go. I think that all of this, it’s going to be worthwhile taking the time to really dig in and learn. And I don’t know if you’ve seen it, there’s been some talk about creating. I know there’s like Advanced Custom Fields has a block builder. There’s been some talk about creating some PHP based tools for building blocks. I’m not sure it might be a third-party. It’s just a, some conversation I saw on Twitter there quite an extensive conversation about people testing out ways to build blocks from a more PHP standpoint, where the PHP would kind of generate the React for you. And so like this layer between, okay, we have Advanced Custom Fields for doing 80% of what you want to do. And then this other PHP solution potentially being like a similar tool that gets you most of the way there. If you really want to dive deep and do some more complex stuff, take you the rest of the 20% of the way, then you’d really need to learn React and how it works in the editor.

Nathan Wrigley

I feel maybe this is the point at which people who are struggling with the way things are going in WordPress at the moment. Maybe this is the point of contention, it was introduced and suddenly all of the skills and the techniques and, the years and years of expertise that they built up, it kind of felt like it was crumbling before their eyes. And they may be in a position where they’re managing to carry on their business, whatever it is, something to do with WordPress, their agency, or what have you. And simply don’t have the time to upskill and to learn new things. And maybe that’s the problem is that there’s a lot of people out there who simply don’t have the time. They don’t have the energy anymore. They don’t have the desire. And they want to just sort of keep going with the same tools that they’ve been using for a such a long time. Obviously it sounds like you, fairly driven, able to allocate enough time to do all of that and obviously fit it in around your business. But maybe there’s, maybe there’s some people for whom that is just too much of a stretch?

Lee Shadle

You know, I can understand if all of a sudden Gutenberg was pulled out from under me, I think I’d throw my hands up right now. Uh, I’ve had a business, I was working on, pulled out from under me and I, it hurts. And it’s like, ah, dude, you know, do I want to do I want to keep going? But, but here’s the thing is I think Gutenberg is getting to the point where, we’re hitting a stability that could be used in production for like client sites. I think we’re hitting that point right now. Once Full Site Editing, I think after the next release. I’ve started building, I’ve kind of been doing both the old way of doing things for some clients and the new way of doing things. I’ve been doing it simultaneously to see, okay, how stable are we for using this stuff in production versus using something like Elementor page builder or Beaver Builder or something like that?

I think we’re coming up on that point where people can start making the switch and dipping their toes in. And I don’t think you have to focus a hundred percent of your time or focus a big chunk of your time to start diving into that. The new block-based themes, it uses this thing called a theme bot json file and that really sets up. You just fill out this file, like basically a data structure with what you want and you have a full flesh theme in the block editor. I think that the tools and the tooling and WordPress and Gutenberg itself are all getting to this point where we can start using it, and it’s not going to be a ton of time. And then once you start using these tools, You’re going to want to start doing more and more with them, and you can start easing your way into building blocks with ACF or from scratch or whatever.

Nathan Wrigley

It seems to me that it might be the case that many people who have not really dabbled too much in the block editor have gone in there at some point, installed vanilla version of WordPress, made sure that it was all up and running and what have you, and then when in, started typing and found that experience fairly decent, certainly from my part, it’s much better for simply typing things than the classic editor ever was. Just for the ability to move paragraphs and things around. And then of course you notice this sort of curious sidebar, which is full of these blocks that you can put on to the page, and so, a paragraph is a block. A button is a block. A heading is a block. And so it kind of feels a bit like this text interface where the blocks are a bit like, okay, obviously I’m using paragraphs now. That’s fine. I can understand that. But then you sort of notice that there’s a lot of stuff attached to the block and the block brings along with it, all these different settings. And so you can modify that one paragraph in its entirety, all in one, go by clicking some buttons, you know, that might be the color or what have you. And all of a sudden, your mind starts getting taken over with, oh, so the block has got settings with it. Oh, that’s interesting. Okay. So what I’m trying to say there is if you’ve not been back into the block editor for a long time, and you’ve just really seen it as a conduit to creating content, it is much more than that. And it’s hard to express how much more it is unless you’ve actually configured or played with a block that does a lot more than you could ever have done inside the classic editor. So I’m wondering if you’ve got any nice concrete examples of things that you’ve achieved, the things that you’ve been able to do inside of a block where people might go, oh, that’s curious. I didn’t realize that blocks could even do that kind of thing.

Lee Shadle

Actually, my brother is an accountant and, he does a lot of work with startups and when COVID first hit and they started doing the PVP loans and everything, I actually built a calculator for him, for his business to share with his clients. And I built it all in blocks and the calculator would, it would generate, you know, you would just put in whatever your income is and how many employees and it would generate. You can actually see it in the wild. If you go to stimulus benefits dot com, I have a calculator in there. That’s it’s a block. All this is all built in WordPress. You’ll probably notice this theme. I think this was the 2020 theme. And honestly, it’s pretty cool. It’s pretty snappy. And this is just like something that I built for fun for my brother, you know? So if you want it to build, imagine, you’re in the real estate business and you wanted to build out a full fledged mortgage calculator. I know there’s a ton of realtors, real estate agents, real estate businesses that use mortgage calculators in their business to direct their clients to. I mean, you could absolutely do that. Very quickly and easily.

Nathan Wrigley

The principle there is that your brother then has a block inside of his WordPress installed, which he can then just with the click of a button throw on to any post or page, uh, it’s not a weird shortcode thing where he’s got a plugin installed over there and he’s got to go and find the right shortcode and then copy and paste it into the right part. It’s just all of that functionality. The logic behind the calculator is all contained inside of a block. And so for him as the end user, presumably it’s just really easy to deploy that.

Lee Shadle

It’s a custom plugin. He could add it to any, you know, any site anywhere and what you see on the front end, of the site is what you also see in the editor. And then in the editor, you can change things like the background color, the border radius, the font color, the text. I mean, all the texts editable, which was really important because, everything was always changing. The rules of the game were changing. So he needed to be able to go in and edit the content of the calculator. So to me, it’s like, it’s super exciting that here’s this thing that, like you’re saying it would have been a short code. You throw the short code in and then say you go to the customizer. If you want to change the background color, you know, the fonts and add some custom CSS. This no, you you stay in the block editor and you just click a button. Okay. If you look at the calculator now it’s got a black background. It’d be really easy to change it to a white background with black text and then change out the font. And really you can kind of go as far as you want to go with this, I could see endless just calculators alone. I could see endless business opportunity.

Nathan Wrigley

In a way, the idea of blocks, just being a conduit for putting content on the website. Yes. But it’s also in a sense it’s like a mini it’s like a mini little application it’s as you said, you created a plugin and what have you, but the complexity really has no limits. It’s only the limits of what you’re capable of coming up with and whatever it is that you’ve built with all of its amazing, difficult capabilities could just be dropped in ad infinitum all over the place. And the sky, as you say, is the limit. And I feel like we’re just turning a bit of a corner and some of the ideas are starting to come into the marketplace. Now, some really curious ideas about a whole different functionalities that are being wrapped up into blocks that we simply couldn’t have done before.

Lee Shadle

I’m super excited because the fact that I could just create a calculator and drop it into a hundred sites, and then imagine I build a block base theme, say I build a block-based seam for like realtors, for example, I add this mortgage calculator, it’s baked into it. I just can see all kinds of different, you know, additional tools like you’re saying that you can get as complex as you want, but I also think blocks also offer this, a perfect canvas for constraint as well. You can go as complex as you want, but you also do want to make it easy for people to make changes to these little mini applications that we’re building.

Nathan Wrigley

I think one of the concerns that I have, amongst many other people, I’m sure is. It’s just this notion of people getting a bit click happy when installing blocks. The idea that there’s a plugin for that in WordPress could easily be flipped to, well, there’s a block for that. Non-technical users going out and looking through the block repository and installing things, and then kind of having to scratch their head and say, Hmm. My site really does seem to be very slow and then ultimately blaming WordPress for that, because that’s the software it’s built upon. I think you’re right. Is it a good point to raise the one of constraint? Just because something exists, it doesn’t mean you should install 50 of them and use them all at the same time.

Lee Shadle

I do think that a certain level of constraint does breed creativity. So I think that, you know, the more we can focus on making it really easy for people. Make it as easy as possible to do something, the better. So I think like patterns, the block patterns for example, are going to be a huge boon to making it easy. Try multiple homepages or contact pages about pages or pricing tables or any part of a site that you can think of. It’s going to be really easy to add that to your site.

Nathan Wrigley

Have you been playing with block patterns a lot? And if so, are you pleased with where the system is right now for making all of that and surfacing them in the UI for you?

Lee Shadle

I am super excited about where block patterns are going. I think they open up a ton of possibilities. If I were going to be dipping my toes right now, say I haven’t started building blocks. That’s where I would start honestly, is start building out some patterns because it’s really cool to go into the editor and create this pattern and then be able to just move it from site to site seamlessly, and have it just work.

Nathan Wrigley

Do you feel there’s a new marketplace, a new job, if you like, emerging? We’ve traditionally in WordPress, we’ve had lots of people employed building websites, that’s one niche, if you like, and then had other people working within agencies, possibly building bigger websites and on the code side, if you like, we’ve had people creating plugins and themes and making commercial products out of those. Do you see blocks in that way that there’s going to be a nice commercial interest in people going out and finding affordable blocks that do the one or two simple things that they need?

Lee Shadle

I do think there will be. I just, I don’t know if those are out there quite yet to find. What I’m seeing a lot of though, is these ecosystems popping up around a set of custom blocks, and then patterns to use with those blocks and core blocks and then multiple themes. And so I see the business evolving into more of these like mini ecosystems and that’s where I’ve been building is focused on here’s a set of custom blocks, custom patterns and themes for different types of use cases to get you quickly up and running.

Nathan Wrigley

One of the things that I’ve noticed is I’ve seen that there are quite a few people at the moment trying to make a living out of this, and it seems, the most common way to do it at the moment is to come out with these block packs. And we’re just going to use that phrase. I don’t know if that’s what these companies go by, but they release a suite of 5, 10, 15, 20 or so on, blocks that hopefully will cover almost every aspect.

Do you get yourself involved in any of those? Do you use any of the things which are available on the market at the moment, or are you all about just if I need it, I’m going to make it myself?

Lee Shadle

I definitely do. I love to see, and use what’s out there. I’ve used a bunch of different block collections on different projects, such as CoBlocks. And I don’t know if you’ve seen Stackable, WP Stackable? I know we were just talking about the GenerateBlocks and I see a lot of chatter on Twitter about people using GenerateBlocks. I don’t know if you’ve seen another one, that I just think is it’s just beautiful called Aino Blocks, A, I, N, O, WP Aino dot com. Ellen Bauer has put together. I used to buy her WordPress themes and her and her co-founder put together a set of blocks, a limited set of custom blocks and then patterns. And they’re going to be creating themes as well. Right now it’s free to start using I’m sure there’s going to be, you know, some way of them monetizing that product.

Nathan Wrigley

I’m pretty sure that there’s going to be more people dipping their toes into the commercial waters as time goes on, because it does feel as if this is the future for WordPress. And one thing that I’m quite interested to see is, there’ll be like an, almost like little micro blocks that just do one thing, but do it really well and go into some sort of different pricing structure. So as an example, on the PC or the Mac, if you buy an app, it’s usually there’s a reasonable amount of dollars expended on purchasing that app. I mean, if you go onto the iOS or the Android side, something much more slim is available and it costs significantly less, just a few dollars. And I’m curious to see if this business model emerges, where we get an innovative block, which just does one small thing, but does it really well, I can’t actually conjure anything up at the moment out of my head that may fulfill that bill, but I’m really interested to see if those kinds of things start to emerge.

Lee Shadle

I definitely think there will. I personally, I would love to focus just on building those, but I feel like I almost feel like it’s got a, it feels like things need to go broad first and then narrow down to the specific use cases. But I have seen one really cool niche plugin is block visibility by Nick Diego. If you, if you’re not following Nick on Twitter, you should. His plugin makes it really easy to show and hide blocks depending on different use cases, even. For example, he has an integration with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. And you can set visibility based on a schedule and if a customer purchased a product or not. So say you bought a product and two weeks ago, and then you can have a block pop up two weeks later and say, Hey, how’s it going? Would love your feedback if you’re enjoying using our plugin, leave us a review. So I do think that we’re starting to see those and that is, you know, one of the best examples that I’ve seen out there.

Nathan Wrigley

It’s like a little application just inside of a block. There’s a lot of heavy lifting going on there. Isn’t that, you know, if it’s checking, the conditions to be right to, to make itself visible. You can imagine all sorts of permutations for the usefulness of that. Certainly in terms of marketing or perhaps hiding content that you want to be invisible to people who aren’t members of your subscriber base or whatever it might be.

And that’s kind of the point for me is that blocks bring all of this, as yet un thought-out, potential. Whereas previously, there was just essentially text on a page with a bit of formatting and some shortcodes thrown in if you wanted to add extra functionality. And now the functionality is all within the block. And so are the settings and it’s all in one simple, hopefully, user interface. Speaking of the user interface, just staying on the block editor. So we’re recording this kind of near to the middle of 2021. And I’m just conscious that there’s a lot of comparisons made all the time between what the commercial page builders can do and what the block editor can do, and I’m always curious to know what people’s opinions are about how easy it is to put things together, put complicated block layouts together and create things which are beautiful because, I certainly still experience moments where I’m really not sure if what I’m looking at in the block editor is going to look how I expect it to when I finally publish it and check it out on the front end. So just wondered if you had any thoughts about its utility as a sort of what you see is what you get, or if there’s still a ways to go?

Lee Shadle

I think that ultimately that is going to come down to the themes and then any supporting block plugins that ship with those themes. With any page builder, any like major commercial page builder, there’s a learning curve and yeah, what you see, what is, what you get out of the box with Elementor, but if you want to change something, if you’re just getting started, it can feel daunting to dive into all those settings. I do think the responsibility falls more to the theme builders in and the plugin builders to make sure that that experience happens. Myself, I’m working on what I’m calling a minimalis page builder that I’m hoping to shorten that learning curve. And to also, I want to take responsibility for making sure that what you see in the editor is what you see on the front end.

So, you know, I do. It’s up to me and everyone else that is building out these experiences to make that happen. Off the shelf, if you used, you know, a core WordPress theme, you get your experience in the editor and on the front end is pretty seamless. There may be minor differences, but I mean, you’re, you’re pretty much seeing what you’re getting on the frontend.

Nathan Wrigley

Just curious because you dropped a few names earlier and I thought that was quite interesting because some of the people that you’d mentioned I’d heard of, and some of them, I hadn’t. So I’m wondering if you wouldn’t mind just rattling off a couple of projects that you have seen and you thought that was good. And if you can attach some names to those as well, we’ll try and make sure they go in the show notes along with this, on the WP Tavern website. So yeah, just a list of block projects that you think are worth keeping an eye on either because they’re already fully fledged or they just seem like they’re onto the cusp of doing something great. And some names to go with that.

Lee Shadle

Nick Diego, his block visibility, plugin block visibility wp dot com. And then I follow Nick on Twitter too. He’s always sharing updates. And if you’re into building blocks, valuable content there, Ellen Bauer with WP Aino A I N O dot com has some beautiful block patterns and custom blocks that you can start using right away. GenerateBlocks, of course, we mentioned Mike Oliver. He just released a new set of block patterns that, a beautiful set of block patterns that you can start using. And then I know you and I mentioned Brian Gardner’s launching Frost WP. He’s going to be launching a set, I think it’s already launched actually at frostwp dot com.

So I can’t go without saying too that Rich Tabor, he is the creator of CoBlocks and he, I think he sold that to GoDaddy. He’s always working on something interesting and sharing cutting edge stuff with regards to building blocks block-based themes and plugins. So he’d be worth taking a look at.

Nathan Wrigley

That’s very nice. I will be sure to mention those. One which I’ll drop in, which I think is quite an interesting block-based, well, it is literally like a little application within WordPress. There’s something called Newsletter Glue. Don’t know if you’ve come across this, but…

Lee Shadle

Lesley, how could I forget Lesley?

Nathan Wrigley

Lesley Sim and her colleague, her co-founder have created a mechanism whereby you can repurpose your blog posts and they will instantly become newsletters, which sounds like the sort of thing you’ve been able to do by scraping an RSS feed or something like that. But there’s a lot more to it. For example, you can drag in a block, which will only be visible inside the post or alternatively, you could make it only visible inside the newsletter. And it does a lot more than that, but just that one simple little thing that you can do means that you can create a newsletter and have it look completely different in the newsletter than it does on your, the front end of your website. It’s really interesting for me, it demonstrates perfectly why the block editor is going to be so useful in the future, because this was unimaginable without the context of blocks. It couldn’t have been made in what we used to use in WordPress.

Lee Shadle

To think about making a newsletter you generally have to, I would think go off site. And I use Newsletter Glue in a lot of my clients sites and it really makes it effortless to put together a newsletter and send it out. When you hit that send button. So like, did that really just send that this from WordPress, this is crazy!

Nathan Wrigley

But just the level of complexity going on there, the fact that it’s doing a lot of heavy lifting, it’s reaching out to third-party services and doing things, but only at the moment that you click publish and it’s sending over HTML and telling the websites over there, right, go on, publish it right away to this list or that list. It’s really remarkable. And it’s, for me makes me feel that in the future, there’ll be a lot more interoperability with SaaS platforms and other things like that built inside of blocks. So that I don’t know, maybe your content management system, WordPress can reach out and have interactions with blocks with your CRM in some way, who knows?

This is what I’m finding exciting is that we’re at the point where the technology is now available, but we don’t yet have the history of developers trying out all their ideas. We did that with plugins. There must’ve been a similar moment with plugins where it was a lovely idea. Look, we can extend WordPress, but there wasn’t really so much out there yet. So plugins felt a bit like, well, it’s a thing, but you know, I’m not that bothered, but then look what happened. There really was a boom in plugins and they became… you know, you couldn’t really have a functioning WordPress website without a few plugins here and there. And I feel the same will be true in the near future with blocks.

Lee Shadle

I really hope we can make building blocks easier because I think we’re just starting to see, like you’re saying some of these really neat things come out and you really could build anything you wanted in WordPress, if you know what you’re doing. So excited for what the future holds.

Nathan Wrigley

Indeed, that feels like a perfect place to jump off this train. But before we do that, or before I do that, I always want to know where people can contact you. What’s the best place for you to be reached. It could be an email address or a Twitter handle, whatever you’re comfortable with..

Lee Shadle

Twitter, it would be the best twitter dot com slash leeshadle. That would be the best place to reach me.

Nathan Wrigley

I will make a hundred percent sure to put that into the show notes and all that remains for me to say is Lee, thank you so much for joining us today and telling us a bit about your journey and your excitement about blocks.

Lee Shadle

Thank you Nathan, it’s been so fun to talk to you today. I really appreciate you having me on the show.

#6 – Cory Miller on the WordPress Mergers and Acquisitions Landscape

About this episode.

So on the podcast today we have Cory Miller.

Cory is likely well known to many of you, he’s been a big part of the WordPress community for many years. He founded, grew and sold iThemes and is now the owner of Post Status, which is a community dedicated to informing WordPress professionals and enthusiasts about the industry.

So the topic of the podcast today is the WordPress Mergers and Acquisitions Landscape, and it’s the perfect subject for Cory. He’s been on both sides of the equation having sold iThemes to Liquid Web in 2018 and then buying Post Status earlier in 2021.

When we talk about Mergers and Acquisitions in WordPress, it really seems to polarise opinions. Companies are being bought and sold on an almost weekly basis at present.

There are those who worry that we’re at a point where larger companies have bought, and continue to buy up, smaller businesses. They see this as a cause for concern; a concern that we’re in danger of straying into a future where a few big brands own ‘all-the-things’.

On the other hand there are people who see this as a sign of the maturation of the WordPress ecosystem. It’s a consequence of the success of the WordPress economy that smaller teams have a pathway to profitability, one in which the possibility of being acquired is an attractive option.

There’s a great deal to discuss here, some of it unexpected, and I’m sure that you’ll have your own opinions.

We try to tackle the subject by going through a list of the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ of WordPress Mergers and Acquisitions. We don’t attempt to cover every single angle, but we do try to look at it from both sides.

It’s great to get Cory’s take on the topic.

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the sixth edition of the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast all about WordPress and the community surrounding it. Every month, we’re bringing you someone from that community to discuss a topic of current importance, and this month is no different. If you like the podcast, I’d suggest that you ought to subscribe, and you can do that by going to WP Tavern dot com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. Use your favorite podcast player and click the subscribe or follow button. If you have any thoughts about the podcast, perhaps a suggestion of a guest or an interesting subject, then head over to WP Tavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there because we’d certainly welcome your input.

Okay, so on the podcast today, we have Cory Miller. Cory is likely well-known to many of you. He’s been a big part of the WordPress community for many years. He founded, grew and sold iThemes and is now the owner of Post Status, which is a community dedicated to informing WordPress professionals and enthusiasts about the industry.

So the topic of the podcast today is the WordPress mergers and acquisitions landscape, and it’s the perfect subject for Cory. You see, he’s been on both sides of the equation, having sold iThemes to Liquid Web in 2018 and then buying Post Status earlier this year.

When we talk about mergers and acquisitions in WordPress, it really seems to polarize opinions. Companies are being bought and sold on an almost weekly basis at present. There are those who worry that we’re at a point where larger companies have bought and continue to buy up smaller businesses. They see this as a cause for concern, a concern that we’re in danger of straying into a future where a few big brands own ‘all the things’.

On the other hand, there are people who see this as a sign of the maturation of the WordPress ecosystem. It’s a consequence of the success of the WordPress economy, that smaller teams have a pathway to profitability. One in which the possibility of being acquired is an attractive option.

There’s a great deal to discuss here, some of it unexpected, and I’m sure that you’ll have your own opinions. We try to tackle the subject by going through a list of the good and the bad of WordPress mergers and acquisitions. We don’t attempt to cover every single angle, but we do try to look at it from both sides. It’s great to get Cory’s take on this subject.

If any of the points raised in this podcast, resonate with you, be sure to head over and find the post at wptavern dot com forward slash podcast, and why not leave us a comment there?

And so without further delay, I bring you Cory Miller.

I am here with Cory Miller. Hello Cory.

Cory Miller

Hey, Nathan. Good to see your face. And I know this is a podcast, but also hear your voice again.

Nathan Wrigley

I don’t think Cory that we need to introduce you in all honesty, I think you are one of those people that goes with no introduction, but nevertheless, just in case there is a handful of people out there who’ve not heard of you before or come across you. Would you just take a moment to explain a little bit about your journey with WordPress and how come we’re chatting to you on a WordPress podcast?

Cory Miller

Yeah. So my original start with WordPress started in 2006 as a blogger. In 2008, I started a company called iThemes. Ran that for 10 plus years, we did backups security and maintenance for WordPress websites, in addition to in the early days themes, thus the name iThemes. And then in 2018, we were acquired by Liquid Web. 2019 I started on my next chapter in my journey. Currently, I am the… I don’t know what my title is, but Post Status dot com is now I’m full owner of it. Brian Krogsgard, the founder, and I partnered up and then he is onto awesome stuff in the crypto software space. And I’m now the community lead, I guess, for Post Status, a awesome community of WordPress entrepreneurs and professionals.

Nathan Wrigley

There’s an awful lot to unpack there, but regrettably, we don’t have time to go through the history too much. But what was highlighted there is that you have been through the very thing that we’re going to be talking about because we’ve got Cory on the call today to talk about mergers and acquisitions and whether this is potentially for the good or for the bad, whether there’s upsides or downsides. And let’s go back to your journey. I’m sure that things are different now, that is to say, I think things have hotted up since you sold iThemes, probably there’s a lot more paperwork going involved and a lot more scrutiny on how things are transferred and so on. But just wondering if you could tell us, what was your journey like, how did you come to sell iThemes? What were the reasons behind it? And what were the options available to you at the time that you sold iThemes? Were there people clamoring at that time, or was it very much we don’t know, people don’t sell things in the WordPress space. How did it all work out?

Cory Miller

There had been a couple of acquisitions in the WordPress space, for sure, and I shouldn’t say a couple, numerous acquisitions in the space, but it wasn’t like the last year. Last year, the space has been on a tear with mergers and acquisitions, but there had been acquisitions before, in fact, at Post Status, we’re working on a page to document all that, the acquisitions that happened in WordPress.

So in 2016 or so I started to think, what does the future look like? It feels like one day somebody at all the hosting companies goes, I wonder how much this thing called WordPress, what kind of footprint is it in our customer base, in our stack and somebody came back and probably said 40%, 50% or something like that, I’m sure way back in the day. And it seemingly overnight a bunch of money and attention from particularly the hosting space turned to WordPress and rightfully so, I mean WordPress is a huge CMS and its footprint on the web is enormous. So around that time, I’m seeing all these players kind of come in and, big money, start to come in, and we’re talking about billion dollar companies or billion dollar valuation companies or companies with private equity in the billions coming into the space and really turning their attention, and I thought, my job as the leader is to fast forward the movie and see where we’re going and make sure, you mentioned in our pre-talk about Monopoly, the game Monopoly, and I thought, wow, we are definitely the David versus Goliath now. We’ve been bootstrapped from the beginning from 2008 on, and what does the future look like, and our toolset, the software we’re offering at the time, it was very utility, backup security, and maintenance. GoDaddy had bought Sucuri, ManageWP. Automattic was already kind of our competition from the beginning anyway, with Jetpack and at one point their backup service VaultPress. And so Jetpack is another behemoth out there. And, I just go, I think it’s time for us to figure this out, what’s the next step in a big way, and really that ultimately came down to being acquired. We had a partner in Liquid Web. So they were obviously the first people that had been partnered with him for like a year and really appreciated their leadership team. Eventually my friend, Chris Lema joined them and then my friend AJ Morris was the one that put us on the map for Liquid Web. And they were doing some, wanting to really do some big things and WordPress and long story short that just all worked out. But for us, it was like, at what point do you just need to pull up your stakes and tents and move on and see what you can get? And two reasons, one is financial, of course, but the other is my team. You know, we had about 25 people at that time and I want to make sure our team has a place to land and a great career, and that up until that point, it was either Matt Danner and I, and we had to leave for anybody to have upward mobility really well. When we joined a Liquid Web, at the time, they were like 600 people. So there was a lot of opportunity, career opportunity to move within the company. And they were also doing some great stuff. Now, maybe early in my worries, you know, Mark from Wordfence a great founder, co-founder over there told me, he said, great book called only the paranoid survive. I spent about 10 years in paranoia, like insecurity. But it was time it’s turned out to be everything Joe Oesterling and the C Suites team over at Liquid Web, everything they said to me, they have been to the letter of their word. I have really great respect for them. And so iThemes is under the leadership now of Matt Danner is killing it. There have been on the acquisition tear in the last year.

Nathan Wrigley

It is amazing because I think there’s two sides to look at it. And we’ll explore that as the podcast goes on. There are the good sides and there’s possibly some downsides to this whole thing. And certainly from your perspective, it sounds like you had a really positive experience. You managed to hook up with a company who delivered on everything that you hoped that they would. So that’s great. But then of course, I suppose there’s the other side. The customer side, where there may be more concerns about, well, what does this mean for the product going forward? How is this going to affect the thing that I’ve deployed on all my websites? Will it still be maintained? Are these people good custodians and so on? So just to unpack this a little bit. Over the last, like you said, maybe a year or something, we seem to have a real landslide of things happening. There’s lots and lots of things, to the point where really a week doesn’t go by where there is some merger and acquisition news.

Cory Miller


Nathan Wrigley

Yeah. You follow this probably more closely than I do, but it’s happening every single week. And some of them are big names, some of them are much smaller names, but there’s a story there every week if you choose to go and find it. I’m just wondering if you think this is inevitable. And what I mean by that is, was this always going to be the case? A rising tide carries all boats. If WordPress is getting bigger, it’s inevitable, all the things which are supporting WordPress and are built on top of it are going to get bigger as well. Did you see this happening all over the place five, ten years ago? Or did you feel yourself to be a slight exception all those years ago?

Cory Miller

No, no, no, no, no. 10 years ago I was just living my dream as an entrepreneur growing a business. Most of the time, just holding on to the runaway stagecoach and was just loving every day and every week and every month and every year of our journey. I had a five-year commitment when I started the business, because I knew I’ve been a career hopper since I was 16. I’ve had a job on average about every two years. Until I started iThemes. I knew when I started iThemes, I had to have a five-year commitment minimum just to get the bird off the ground? So when five years came up, I was like, well, do I want to renew and this is about that time that I’m talking about. And I was like, heck yeah, I want to re renew. I want to keep renewing these things. I worked with the most amazing people on earth. That were my friends and my coworkers who held my babies when they’re born, who’ve been in my house for dinners and fun times, and I got to meet their children, because we had a hybrid remote team. And so I just wanted to keep pushing renew, renew, renew, renew. And it was just at the point where I was like, I don’t know what the renew button looks like now. I probably got in a little bit of a dark space in my fast forward in the movie to the end, but no 10 years ago, didn’t understand the world of all of this M&A stuff.

But as I’ve come to learn, this is a by-product to WordPress’ success. That’s it. First and foremost, it’s a by-product that people would go there’s money here, there’s value to capture all that kind of stuff. And this is what’s called we’re kind of seeing it, it’s call it a roll-up that they say in that kind of a industry, the M&A kind of field. You’re just seeing right now, a big roll-up going on. Small players been scooped up adding features or customers or revenue and all that, but I just wanted to keep renewing until I thought, I don’t think my chances are very strong to be able to renew, was concern for all parties involved.

Nathan Wrigley

The thing that I find curious is that I was in a forum the other day, and we were talking through this exact topic. It was a real split. Essentially the conversation was fairly polarized. It was, is this a good thing that we’ve got all of these acquisitions? Is it a bad thing, you didn’t really get to sit on the fence? You were either going to be one or the other and the people on the, this is a good thing side really were talking about the fact that this is what happens. This is a maturing thing. When an ecosystem, an area of business matures, this is what goes on. There is a coagulation that the people who’ve been successful, the people that have got the money to buy things, they go out and they shore up the offering that they’ve got. So that was the one side. This is just maturation of an industry. And then on the other side, there were the people who didn’t see it that way. And they saw it more as it’s just the big guys getting bigger, and there’s concerns there because that’s going to stifle all of the competition and we’re terribly concerned about whether or not things that we’ve been built with dedication and heart and by an individual are going to be consumed and they’re going to lose their focus and they’re going to lose their way. So it really split either way. And because of that, because it was so split, I decided that we’d take the podcast in that direction and we’d talk about the good bits and the bad bits. So let’s go with the good, let’s start with all the good things. And I actually think the good list, I was able to come up with more good things than bad things, not many more, but more, some of them really unexpected to me.

So first of all, If you want to espouse all of the things that you think are good, and then I can do my list or I can do my list, and then you can tell me whether or not you agree with it. It’s entirely up to you.

Cory Miller

Before we dive into that, I wanted to say, if you pushed me to say yes or no on it, I’m very conflicted. Given a broad statement, I’m very conflicted. And I started to parse out, is it good for the platform, WordPress? Is it good for the entrepreneurs in the space? Is it good for the people doing the acquisitions? That’s a firm yes. The firm yes is for the people acquiring. This is a great thing for the people acquiring. Because of WordPress’ success the entrepreneurs that have built and help build WordPress to what it is today. I’m talking specifically the service agencies, the freelancers, the users, the people that built products like me and my team and others out there that have really contributed to the success of 40% or whatever the footprint is to WordPress today.

That’s been a significant contribution by the commercial community, the Post Status type tech community, the people of WordPress. So I wanted to say that first cause I was like, oh, that’s interesting, if you forced me to pick, I’m really conflicted. But if I parse out some of those, I’m like, okay, maybe I can share. It’s still a yes here and a no there, yes here, on each audience. So all that to say, you go with your list and we can talk to you that for sure.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. So this list in part came out of conversations that I was having with people who had been in the middle recently of acquisitions, and some of them were unexpected to me. I couldn’t have worked them out myself. So imagine you’re working in a company, a small company, much like you had at iThemes, 25 employees. Curious thing, better working conditions came out. So that is to say that the people working at the small company are now working at a big company and they were able to make use of all sorts of things that weren’t available to them. So that might be heathcare.

Cory Miller

Yeah, I would reframe the phrase, working conditions to benefits and the worker benefits, absolutely, at least in my case. Way better PTO policies, way better health insurance. I’m still on Liquid Web, we went on what’s called Cobra because my wife worked there before we were acquired, by the way she’d worked there three or four years or so. And then when she left last year to start Content Journey for her business, we continued on with Cobra. I’ve been on Liquid Web health, probably five years, I think, five years now, I want to say. And so absolutely. And most of the other ones, yeah, they can do it at scale. So, yes.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why the word conditions came into my list of there, but yeah. So job security. Better healthcare and… the UK, we have a different healthcare system and it doesn’t require quite so much money up front if you know what I mean? So those kinds of things don’t matter.

Cory Miller

Ah, so jealous.

Nathan Wrigley

Well, yeah, health insurance and so on. But then, more of the nuts and the bolts. There’s obviously more resources to throw the development of the project, because it may be the developer of a particular project. Maybe they were a solo person, or maybe they were working with a small team and they’d reached the end game of what it was that they felt that they could achieve. That really, they were running out of runway. They’d run out of inspiration, perhaps they were fed up with it and it gave them an opportunity to hand it on. Maybe they’re going to carry on the journey. Maybe they’ve been acquired as a part of the deal, but it gives them more people to talk to more ideas and more resources to update their plugin, theme or whatever it might be.

Cory Miller

I would say yes, with this caveat, is the direction is no longer in the hands of the original founder, entrepreneurial team, always, there’s new owners, they get to decide what the direction is. That’s why you got to be really careful what you carve out in your agreements. But, it’s a new owners. Yes, I would think for sure, like us going to Liquid Web, we had the resources of a hosting company who owned their own data centers. I want to say that again, hosting company actually owned their own data centers, which I had set foot in and go, wow, this is kind of rare in today’s age. So that was exciting for us because we’re like, what would happen if we could control the server hosting environment. Wow. Okay. That’s awesome. So, yes, I think in theory and most what I’ve seen in practice, absolutely more resources in terms of team products, money, even to fund.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah, I guess everything that we raise on one side probably has a flip side, but in this case, I think we can easily understand and pass the good side of that. The other thing of course is that if you bring along your product or service, just to keep it simple, let’s say that you are a plugin developer and you brought along a plugin, then you are rolling into a bigger ecosystem of plugins. And so it becomes a more desirable thing. So from the end user’s point of view, my point of view, if I can subscribe to one subscription service and get four or five different plugins all rolled into one. That’s a real benefit for me. I’m getting them from one vendor. I’ve got one support channel, one price to pay. And I don’t have to worry now about those three or four different plugins, which I’m hoping will cobble together and make my website work perfectly. They’re now being managed by the one team. And so there’s something to be said about the fact that it’s all getting rolled in and you might have just one subscription. I mean, obviously you tried to do that and succeeded with that at iThemes, you had a whole bunch of stuff going on, loads of different things and having them all under one subscription was a great offering. And the bigger that subscription gets in the more things that you can feed into it, the better it is.

Cory Miller

Yeah. I think the team that probably does this the best that I’ve seen is Syed and his team over at Awesome Motive, which has brands of Optin Monster, WP Forms, Monster Analytics, all that. I don’t know if I see a lot of cross selling going on, but I see them being able to take products and promote to an ecosystem to expand that. You’re right, at iThemes we call it the Toolkit and it was like the treasure chest. I don’t know if you ever get to a dentist’s office, and there’s this big treasure chest, like a pirate treasure chest. And after you get your teeth cleaned or whatever you did, you can go and dig through that. And that’s the way I thought about our toolkit. If I fast forward the tape, I want to see a company within the space actually do that.

I don’t know if I see that right now, one subscription to rule them all kind of thing. I get hosting. I get my plugins, maybe themes in there too, but really, hosting and plugins. I want to see a company doing that. Maybe if we get close to that is maybe Jetpack, where they bundled security and backups and maintenance. And now they’ve got these, in their whole ecosystem. Jetpack just rolled out their own mobile app. That’s really interesting to me where it’s like one price, because here’s the problem. Nathan, you’ve seen this, you know this. Wix, Weebly and Squarespace, when I first started back in 2006 with WordPress and in 2008 with iThemes, we could gobble up all this, what I probably think of as the lowest end of the market, the ones that I just want to buy hosting for five bucks a month, they want to get a domain name and cobble their site together and do it for under a hundred bucks a year or something like that. Wix Weebly Squarespace came on the scene. I can’t remember what it was. I want to say 2013, 14, 15, somewhere around that maybe, and started eating at that bottom level. And now as WordPress has gotten more complex and maybe the dashboard hasn’t been updated as much as it should have been, Wix, Weebly and Squarespace come in and just provided this complete ecosystem for one price.

They don’t have to go over here and buy a theme or plug in and pull it in, separate recurring fees and all that stuff. I don’t have to worry about updates because it’s SaaS and they started eating at the bottom of that. Now that affected our theme business in a big way. And that’s a dynamic I’d love to see like awesome motive can pull it off. GoDaddy can, they’ve made some huge strides with their onboarding. It is pretty dang incredible. I think WP Engine has with their Studiopress acquisition is starting to do some of this, pull it in, into their ecosystem. Liquid Web for sure. Now they’ve rolled out Stellar WP, which is basically their brain for all their WordPress products, but I want to see it. I want to see it. I don’t have to have 15 subscriptions, I can have one. Now somebody smarter than me, with financial engineering is going to have to do all the math and see if that plays out. But I want to see it as a user.

Nathan Wrigley

I feel that that’s the inevitable direction of travel and we’ll come back to that because I think possibly that has negatives as well as positives, but yeah, good point. Although the promise of one subscription is a nice one. We don’t appear to have that.

Cory Miller

You mentioned, here’s a subset of this whole conversation is WooCommerce itself. WooCommerce is a platform in itself, even though it’s technically a WordPress plugin and all that. But its footprint is enormous. It’s the default defacto software e-commerce software on the planet and it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. But if you have five ad-ons, you could probably go through the store to do that. Again, somebody had done initially when they rolled everything together, it’s like how much you would spend on a WooCommerce store. I have any commerce operation I’m partnered in called the vidibars dot com [?] And it’s my first physical product and stunt months it’s Anna’s who runs it, CEO, but we are not going to go with WooCommerce, we’re going to go Shopify. We were started on Big Commerce. Because I didn’t want to handle the tech stack. I’m not a developer. I might seem sometimes like one second at a, you know, a whole interview that I know what I’m talking about, technically, but I wanted to relay all that over there. I didn’t want to have to worry about separate plugins and updates and potential car crashes. I wanted SaaS for that. So we went Big Commerce, now we’re going to move over to Shopify soon, and it’s probably going to be cheaper than tagging those together. I think WooCommerce is fantastic, but that’s this result of now one company can controls the ecosystem too, which it has all along, but, you start add up these separate things and it’s quite a bit of money.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah. So a good example of that would be Stellar, who just recently acquired Iconic. So they’ve obviously got the hosting side taken care of, and now they’ve got Iconic WP, which is a suite of WordPress plugins specifically for WooCommerce. You feel that that could become an interesting rival for something like shopify in the e-commerce space because you know that those plugins are going to work. Hopefully they’ll maintain them. They’re going to sell it as a part of a package. Presumably the support will go with it as well. Just feels like that could become a one subscription rival. And then of course you’ve got companies which are still independent, people like Yith and so on, who knows maybe by the time this goes out that have been bought. But for now, it remains by itself.

Okay. That’s intriguing. The other thing which occurred to me is still on the good, is innovation. The ability to innovate, and grow things. Obviously, if you are a solo developer, you are probably hands down, writing code most of the time, your ability to market is going to be constrained. And I actually see this quite a lot in other things that I do. I get quite a lot of email from people who have been building their own plugin. They’re simply asking for a bit of advice and a bit of help. And can you assist me in marketing this and you feel that the quickest way to do that would be if it was sold and then the company who have all the chops, they have a marketing department, they could do that on your behalf. So I saw that as another possible area, the ability to grow it, market it, and just push it out in front of more.

Cory Miller

Yes. If the leverage all, when you pull in, let’s say in your latest example, Iconic. Pull their customer base and then be able to share that with the Liquid Web, Nexcess customer base. That’s awesome. Fantastic. Yes, absolutely. From an innovation standpoint, I will say my commentary on it and you probably have bad where I can say good or whatever, but my thoughts are, you and I root for the little guy, the David or the Sally or whatever, we root for the entrepreneur. I think today, capitalism or entrepreneurship, the ability to go out there, make money by innovating and serving people and their problems. Now I subscribe to the mantra of purpose plus profit is awesome entrepreneurship. It’s not just profit. Profit shows, we’ve seen so many weak, terrible examples of people bulldozing other people to just make a buck. I don’t believe in that kind of entrepreneurship, but the real awesome entrepreneurship when you want to innovate to serve someone’s need better, make their life better, that kind, I bet on all day, every day, because that’s where I think innovation comes. Not to say that innovation can’t come from any of these companies. It can and does, and will like, for instance, in 2015, 16, maybe, people they’d ask me, do you think someone can start a theme business in 2016, 15, 16. And I was like, no, I don’t think so. I think the likelihood is very small that would be successful. And then you had companies like, even though they’re, I guess technically a plugin, Beaver Builder. You had Elementor, even though those we could nuance that and say their plugins and all that stuff, they innovated in the theme space. And I was like, nope, it’s done. But see there again, entrepreneurs will prove you wrong. They’ll show, I’ve got an idea, I’ll execute on the idea and innovate for my customers. And I did look at those two companies, Elementor is gigantic. They are a platform in itself just like WooCommerce is a platform within a platform, but they’re a platform. So I think innovation happens in the spark from entrepreneurship, but that’s my comment there. It will happen at the bigger companies for sure.

Nathan Wrigley

Maybe it starts with the smaller companies, that seems to be my experience, certainly over the last 10 years, is that the real fascinating innovation is happening on the solopreneur side or the small team side. And then I wonder maybe it gets stifled a bit, but certainly from a marketing point, you’ve got the opportunity to spread your message wider. That’s interesting.

Cory Miller

This comes back to our discussion. Overall, our theme is M&A, and let’s take a company like Apple. Huge. I mean, insanely profitable on that. The one I think about a lot is Shazam. It started out as an app on the platform where you could hear something, push the button and like me, this is how I learned, finding music is like, I would Shazam it and it would tell me what the song was and then I’d go buy it from iTunes.

Well, Apple at some point goes. Wow, this app is big, they have technology we want. I don’t know if Apple actually acquired them or how. I think they eventually did. And I don’t know what the details were, but think about that big company like Apple known for innovation takes a smaller startup, pulls it up into their platform. That’s a great example of how M&A can work, where the smaller people, the innovation labs known as entrepreneurs in my mind get snapped up by the bigger one, that’s harder sometimes to innovate on a large scale like that and pulled in and done that. parts of iThemes we’re a strategic acquisition for Liquid Web in that we had iThemes Sync, which does software updates, theme plugins for wordPress websites from one dashboard. They wanted to do that in their product. Cool. Now they got to do that with that product. So connecting that back, you see how there’s an natural progression of flow, where an industry like a WordPress starts, at least entrepreneurs innovating, putting products out, making money, and then big money comes in and goes or big companies, whatever, and I was like, wow, let’s see what we can do. And they start to pull these pieces in. Like Iconic WP. That is a great product set. I know James, he’s a member of Post Status, talk to James. I love his products. That’ll be a great add on to whatever WooCommerce hosting that Nexcess – Liquid Web has, you know, to accelerate, I guess, is the word, accelerate their technology.

Nathan Wrigley

The big companies, which as you say are often hosting companies, they get to fill in the gaps as well with their offering. You just described Shazam, it’s a perfect way of Apple making more money because you discover it and you go and buy something off iTunes. Nearly said iThemes then. And so it just fills in the gaps. You can acquire things where you feel that you want to be going in this direction as a bigger company, but you don’t have that technology, build it yourself, or just buy it out from somebody who’s already built and on 90% of the hard work that you need.

The other option of course, is just from the point of view of the developer, they might want to just move away. They may just wish to have a slightly different life. They want to stop what it is that they’re doing and having a bulk injection of cash very quickly and suddenly being able to take a breather and reevaluate what it is that they want to do with their lives. I know that’s a bit of a peculiar one, but I’m sure, maybe there was a bit of that with what you were doing at iThemes.

Cory Miller

You mentioned that in our pre-talk with Elliot Condon, from Advanced Custom Fields, that’s the stories. I don’t know him personally, but everything I’ve heard and saw written about it was he wanted his startup baby to go to a good company. And it did with Delicious Brains, and Brad Touesnard over there is fantastic, and this whole team. But Elliot was ready for a next chapter and whatever that is, he was ready for the next chapter. When I was going through mine, I will not say Nathan, consciously, it was like, I’m ready for my next chapter. I was really in, oh, wow, we got to figure this out. I got to transition our team, make sure they’re taken care of. I want to pull value out of the business, that’s my 401k. That’s my nest egg, was the business. And so all those things needed to happen, but I’ll tell you now what, three years after it, I needed a kick in the butt for my next chapter, I would have kept pressing renew and what had happened to me and here’s the downside for entrepreneurs is I put, at some point you experienced some success and you’re like, oh gosh, this was tough. Maybe I just want to sit back and enjoy the ride for a little bit. But what happened was I put my career, my skills on autopilot and didn’t really grow some key skills, cause I didn’t have to. What the acquisition did, and when I left was actually put me in the box of like no other torch, you got to. I didn’t get live on a beach forever money. And I didn’t, I don’t want to live on a beach forever. I want to work. I want to do things that makes people’s lives better. And in this thing we call video game, we call it entrepreneurship, but I’ll tell you, in retrospect, looking back, I needed that, even though I hated, I still miss my team, I still miss my friends. I still get to talk to some of them, but I’m like, I miss those people. They were incredible people. They still are. That was the biggest pain of that. The other probably secondary was identity, and, what am I going to do next? I didn’t have a plan B. I put all my eggs in one basket.

Nathan Wrigley

It’s just a great option though, isn’t it? You mentioned Elliot in that particular case, if those were the thoughts going through his head, he could either just walk away from it, and let the product stagnate, or he can move it along to somebody that he, in his case, like you said, Delicious Brains, trust them feels that that’s a perfect place for it to go. He’s happy. It’s going to have a good future. Millions of people are using it and they continue to be happy, but also he gets to do what he wants, which is to take a bit of time out and have a bit of a change of lifestyle, which is really nice.

Okay. That’s my list of goods. I don’t know if you’ve got any that you feel we missed, but we’ll move on to the bads if you don’t.

Cory Miller

No, let’s go.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. Let’s do the bads. One of the things which I fear in all of this is the stifling of competition from it. So you get to the point where a particular product has so much reach. It’s got so much marketing clout, they’ve got all the money to spend on the advertising of it, and it just becomes… there is no competition. The other thing which I’ve seen happen, I won’t mention any names, but people who have the money simply buying out the competition and then just letting it go to waste. They literally take out the competition with money so that their own product is the last man standing for want of a better word. So I don’t know if you have any thoughts on that, but that was one negative.

Cory Miller

Your competition is a very valid point because what happens when there’s only four players, right? Which, it may be like four players in a couple of years, four or five, maybe, I don’t know. And that’s a very fair point that you see these entrepreneurial companies like us. We’re scrappy. Every day, we felt like we had to wake up and earn our right to continue to serve our customers because we’re not hugely funded and got all the steam in the world to own it. We were ultimately building on another platform and actually two platforms, WordPress and hosting. Whatever the hosting company they were with.

So I think that’s a very fair point, like competition, where you kind of seen that within the managed WordPress hosting industry, look at all the different players. And I won’t say about names cause you know them all, but go and just research and look at the prices and the feature sets. They’re pretty similar. I know because about six months, eight months ago, I was looking for managed WordPress hosting. I was dismayed. So you see that where I’m not saying there’s collusion or anything, but you go, well, there’s just this many competitors. They’re going to all look at each other and see how they can co-exist and outmaneuver each other.

But I fundamentally believe even though I hated us as an entrepreneur, Nathan, I’m never going to tell you otherwise I hate competition as entrepreneur, but it is absolutely essential, for entrepreneurs for our customers because without competition, you’re absolutely right. So they’re going to be in a monopoly and then you can force any changes out that you want.

A great example of this is Google. They are dominant. And from the beginning I’ve been saying like a broken record, their thing was don’t be evil. Well, I want to have a sign up that says Google… remember… don’t be evil. Remember this are you straying against this, but that’s the pressure we put within the environment because all those publicly held companies have stockholders to satisfy that stock price, they manage religiously because it’s part of their job security. And unfortunately, this is a system we’ve created is that they’ll keep pushing down and ultimately become about money. It’s a big cycle that I’ve seen that I just baffle at. Down here at the bottom, you got people that have 401ks., Like I had at Liquid Web and my team had it and iThemes and all that. Right. And that gets invested into the stock market and you want it to grow. You expect it and demand it to grow. Well, on the other side of this equation are the people that are at these big companies that you’ve invested your nest egg into you. And what’s the message out? Go increase value, make sure it’s whatever percentage, year over year, quarter over quarter, all that stuff.

And it’s a vicious cycle where then they push it back down to the same people contributing to the 401k to say more money, more money. We got to have this money. It’s a crappy viscious cycle. Back to your competition thing. That’s part of it. I think competition is good for the space and ultimately for the user, particularly the WordPress user, you got my diatribe here.

Nathan Wrigley

No, no, that’s good. It’s a pleasure to hear it. I guess the flip side of that might be the country argument may be that in a vacuum where the competition has been basically bought up, possibly stifled. The vacuum creates the opportunity for the next round of people who suddenly want to fill up that vacuum with their own plugin, keep saying plugin, it could be anything, but we’ll go with plugin.

So, okay. All of the decent things, decent plugins in the WordPress space have been acquired by these large companies. Now there’s space, now I can come in and pivot and of course the question is, whether you’ve got the nouse to compete against the giant marketing budgets, but yeah, Google was a great example. It became something gigantic. It became the incumbent. And at some point there’s no choice left. If you want to have a decent search, they seem to be the way to go.

Okay. What about this one? The fear that licensing or terms and conditions that you signed up to, maybe changed. So a plugin is acquired by another company. You’ve got it as a WordPress website builder or developer, you’ve got it on 50 sites spread around the internet and it works, and you read through the terms and conditions. You know what you’re expecting, you know, what your license fee is, you know, the tier that you’re on that fear that whoa, hang on. This is all going to change. I don’t know what’s going to happen now. All of my websites are in jeopardy. That’s a thing.

Cory Miller

I’ve seen it happen. You’ve seen it happen, Nathan. And I’ll tell you. My values are and do right. Do good. And then you do well. If you do right and good in the world, right? And well in the world, or good in the world, you should do well. If you serve people and help them make their lives better, you should do well.

You should be handsomely rewarded for that. But sadly, I’ve seen companies that kind of went back on their word or whatever had been initially agreed. And I would challenge my colleagues and my friends in the space not to do that. Do right. Do good by people, which means honoring your word. And if you did a lifetime deal or you did something like that, you got to honor that because I’ll tell you, I think in the future, Nathan, there’s going to be a swell of, in the United States back in the early part of 20th century we had unions. They came about because they were needed because workplace conditions were terrible, particularly in manufacturing and these unions sprung up. Now, today, we see some of those professional unions going down, but I think in the future, there’s going to be consumer unions. And you talk about one that’s like right, for a consumer union, it’s called WordPress, the WordPress community, because all the people around there can band together and say, we won’t accept what you’ve done.

I think that’s going to have to be the way, we the people are going to have to band together and say, no, that’s not right, Google, don’t be evil. Facebook, don’t be evil. We’re going to have to band together and put our force. And that’s the only way. And the way you do it, as you hit their hot pocket book, we felt like every customer came in with a dollar voted for our business. And if they stop paying, they voted our business out, out of office or whatever you want to call it. And we can do that, Sally is going to have to happen in the future is because there’s going to control so much of the space. So much of the key parts of the board that consumers are going to have to band together and say, no entrepreneurs are going to have to rise upand say, here’s my innovative solution. Thankfully, we have a little bit of the GPL to cover us maybe downstream. That is one. I’ll give it to Matt Mullenweg, he’s been the champion of the GPL from the beginning. Keeping products that aren’t SaaS, particularly in the WordPress repo, GPL. And I applaud him for that. I haven’t always agreed with him, but I’ve respected them. And that’s one that I think will help ultimately the WordPress user in the future.

Nathan Wrigley

Good point. That’s one of the things I’ve got down, neither in the good, nor the bad side, is that depending on how it goes, somebody with the right skills can just fork, whatever it is that they feel aggrieved about. But it does concern me that the terms and conditions change, we had a really good example of that not so long ago where there was confusion, it would appear. I think it was a tweet or an email or something led people to believe that the licensing terms were going to be changed. And then the social media storm happened. That seems to be the way at the moment to get everybody’s voices out and say, we don’t want this to happen, please honor what was the case, and in this particular case, you’ll probably know what I’m talking about. The company said, oh, okay, that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll give you. And it all resolved itself very quickly, but concern that those kinds of things in the future will happen. Especially if you’ve got a plugin, which is used on millions of sites and literally as the underpinnings of your website business, that would be terribly, terribly worrying.

The other… an another concern that I’ve got is the simple acquisition of the audience. You are buying the plugin. You have no intention to maintain it at all. You are just buying, dare I say it, you’re buying the opportunity to put a little advert in people’s WordPress admin area, or you are buying an email list or what have you, and I’ve seen that happen as well. So that’s a point of concern, not often, but I have seen it happen.

Yeah. It’s an effect, potentially effect of all this, but that’s back to let your voice be known. WordPress is so strong because, it’s eclectic, it’s so diverse in a good way, but democratize publishing is the WordPress mission. And so like that means have your voice, say your voice, share your voice. Even if I don’t like it, I still promote it. WordPress users are going to have to wake up. And I’m going to say it again. WordPress users have to wake up. They have to let their voice be known. They have to find the place to let their voice be known and congregate and share and rally.

Now it doesn’t mean like a coup all the time. It means, let your voice of displeasure be known. Mostly, I love how WordPress has been built. Obviously I’m so thankful for the thousands of contributors that have made WordPress, what it is today, selflessly over the years to build it to what it is today.

I’m so thankful for that legacy and their work, but it’s also a meritocracy where when you contribute and we listen to people. By and large, we, the community listen and let the minority voice be heard. And it’s one of the great things about our community is you can have a voice in the community if you choose so. WordPress users have to start choosing to do so.

That is basically my list. There’s a few others, but that was my good / bad list. I have a question for you to round us out and it’s a peculiar question and it’s yes, no, you got a binary choice or I suppose you could try and sit on the fence on this one.

Given the exact same plugin from a big company or a, let’s say solo preneur or a small company. So literally if they were the same Who would you buy from?

Cory Miller

Solopreneur every single day.

Nathan Wrigley

Really. That’s interesting. And is there a reason behind that? So obviously we’ve had this discussion, we’ve decided there are these merits and there are these drawbacks to both sides of the argument. Why that way?

Cory Miller

If there’s feature parity, both are doing what you need, and you can rely on support and updates and all that, solopreneur every single day. Because I go back to man, I root for the entrepreneur. I am an entrepreneur. I root for the entrepreneur. So I would for sure lend my support to the entrepreneur over the big company every single day.

Like I’m going to go for the David over the Goliath. Every single day I’m going to root for the underdog. That’s what I take a lot of calls I don’t get paid for from Post Status members and others asking, hey, how did this acquisition? Can you give us any tech ways? I’m always eager to have those calls because I’m trying to walk the talk

I root for, I believe in the entrepreneurs. I think entrepreneurship as a career vocation in the world is a sacred one. It’s a noble one. If done right. If we do the kind of equation. Do good, do right in the world, and you should do well in the world. What happens when it gets poisonous and terrible and all that is when the script gets flipped and people just say, oh no, no, the equation just profit, profit, profit.

Well, I’m sorry if you’re just in the profit, profit, profit, and you bulldoze people, I hope you fail. You’re not in the entrepreneur category, you’re a mercenary. Only about profit. So that’s why he said, this is binary and I gave you all this commentary, but I root for the entrepreneur and the one that’s doing it right, and doing good for people and serving people and taking care of their people, customers and their team. I’ll put my money there every single time.

Nathan Wrigley

Really interesting. I wonder what the take-up would be from the audience listening to this, which way they would flip on that one. I had a comment, I said earlier that I was, and I’ll round it out here. I was in a forum and we were talking about this exact same thing. Somebody in that forum, I won’t mention the name in case they didn’t want it to be mentioned, but they compared the current marketplace for WordPress to a game of Monopoly. And in that game of Monopoly, we’re at the stage where the houses are being slowly replaced with hotels.

And what was once a fun game starts to get really serious. And big money starts to move around the board and things blip out of existence with one roll of a dice. It’s just struck me as a perfect moment. We are putting hotels on the board, the WordPress board. Fascinating.

Cory Miller

That’s a very good example or analogy or metaphor, whichever one it is.

Hey, here’s another question. I’ll answer. I’m going to give you a question and I’m going to answer it. If I have a chance between a non WordPress company and a WordPress company, who am I going to buy from? And that includes Automattic. I’m going to say WordPress every single time. I’m going to go with a WordPress company for sure. I am a customer of all the companies we’ve talked about. Including Automattic. I give my money to those. So WordPress company over non-WordPress company, I’m sorry. I’m biased. I’m going to pick WordPress. Just why I live in Oklahoma. I root for every Oklahoma sports team, because this is my home.

WordPress is my home entrepreneurs are my people, which is why I love what I do at Post Status. Cause it’s the club. It’s the tribe. It’s the community of WordPress professionals. So Viva WordPress and viva the entrepreneur.

Nathan Wrigley

Cory Miller. Thanks for joining me on the podcast today.

#5 – Robert Jacobi on Why He’s Putting Gutenberg First

About this episode.

On the podcast today we have Robert Jacobi.

Robert is Director of WordPress at Cloudways. He’s been working with open source software for almost twenty years, and has been the president of Joomla, a member of Make WordPress Hosting and contributor to ICANN At-Large. He is well known for his public speaking about open source and so the discussion today is broad and thought provoking.

We talk about Robert’s ‘Gutenberg First’ approach in which he places the WordPress Block Editor at the heart of all that he does. He sees Gutenberg as a critical component for WordPress’ future; a future in which as yet unimagined technologies will be built on top of Gutenberg and leverage the ‘atomic’ way data is stored.

This leads to a discussion on how 3rd party developers will be able to use Gutenberg as an application platform, with unique pathways to create, store and display content.

The heritage of Gutenberg’s development is also discussed. Right from the start we knew that the intention of the project was ambitious; it’s aim to become a full site editor was explained at the outset. This has led to comparisons with other editing tools and Robert takes on why he thinks that the incremental steps that the Gutenberg project has taken are making it a vital part of WordPress.

We also look forward and get into the subject of how technology never stands still. The underpinnings of WordPress are shifting. New skills and tools will need to be learned, but that does not mean that existing ones are obsolete.
Shifting gears, we move into community events and how we’ve managed events during the last year. Robert is a huge proponent of in-person events, and is hoping for their return. He loves the accidental situations which arise when you’re in the same space as so many other like-minded people. Perhaps though, there’s a place for hybrid events; events in which there’s in-person and online happening at the same time?

Towards the end we chat about the plethora of mergers and acquisitions which are happening right now, as well as a discussion of Openverse, a search engine for openly licensed media, which was launched with little fanfare recently.

Useful links.


Robert’s website

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast all about WordPress and the community surrounding it. Every month, we’re bringing you someone from that community to discuss a topic of current importance. If you like the podcast, why not subscribe on your podcast player?

You can do that by going to WP Tavern dot com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. If you have any thoughts about the podcast, perhaps a suggestion of a potential guest or subject, then head over to WP Tavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox. There’s a contact form there, and we’d certainly welcome your input.

Okay, so on the podcast today, we have Robert Jacobi. Robert is director of WordPress at Cloudways. He’s been working with open source software for almost 20 years and has been president of Joomla, a member of Make WordPress Hosting and contributor to ICANN At-Large. He’s well known for his public speaking about open source, and so the discussion today is broad and thought provoking. We talk about Robert’s Gutenberg first approach in which he places the WordPress block editor at the heart of all that he does. He sees Gutenberg as a critical component for WordPress’ future, a future in which as yet unimagined technologies will be built on top of Gutenberg and leverage the atomic way that data is stored.

This leads to a discussion of how third party developers will be able to use Gutenberg as an application platform with unique pathways to create, store and display content. The heritage of Gutenberg’s development is also discussed. Right from the start we knew that the intention of the project was ambitious. It’s aim to become a full site editor was explained at the outset. This has led to comparisons with other editing tools and Robert takes on why he thinks that the incremental steps that the Gutenberg project has taken are making it a vital part of WordPress.

We also look forward and get into the subject of how technology never stands still. The underpinnings of WordPress are shifting. New skills and tools will need to be learned, but that does not mean that existing ones are obsolete.

Shifting gears, we move into the community events and how we’ve managed events during the last year. Robert is a huge proponent of in-person events and is hoping for their return. He loves the accidental situations which arrive when you’re in the same space as so many other like-minded people. Perhaps though there’s a place for hybrid event. Events in which there’s in-person and online happening at the same time. Towards the end, we chat about the plethora of mergers and acquisitions, which are happening right now, as well as a discussion of Openverse, a search engine for openly licensed media, which launched with little fanfare recently.

If any of the points raised in this podcast resonate with you, be sure to head over and find the post at WP Tavern dot com forward slash podcast, and leave a comment there.

And so without further delay, I bring you Robert Jacobi.

I am joined by Robert Jacobi on the podcast today. How are you Robert?

Robert Jacobi

Doing well. Fantastic to be here. Thank you Nathan.

Nathan Wrigley

Would you mind introducing yourself? Tell us who you are and what’s your relationship with technology and work?

Robert Jacobi

I’m Robert Jacobi director of WordPress at Cloudways. I’ve been in the open source space, wow, for almost 20 years, I’m feeling old and actually got my raising on open source with the Joomla project, which is a hundred percent volunteer, open source content management system as well, and picked up WordPress slowly got into there. And boy, that’s a lot of ands.

I love the community. I love the greater goal. That open source, espouses and tries to reach. And we’re never, always successful. But having code and information more freely accessible is something I really believe in. And I think empowers people globally and provides opportunities that wouldn’t happen if these ones and zeros were siloed away in golden towers. I’m always just so tickled to talk about open source and all the interesting things we can do with it. It powers communities, it powers, politics, powers, freedoms, it powers companies. It’s really amazing. And we talk about WordPress all the time as one of the defining tools in this space. You look at something like Linux, which pretty much literally everything uses these days. It’s crazy how, to use Matt Mullenweg’s, favorite phrase, these things democratize all of us in so many different ways.

Nathan Wrigley

We’ve got a really broad pallet of things that we’re going to discuss today, ranging from Gutenberg, right through to WordCamps and all sorts. So we’ll crack on with the smorgasbord of what we’ve got to discuss. The first of our little laundry list is Gutenberg. You wanted to talk to us a bit today about Gutenberg, what you think of it, and so on. There was an event that I attended recently, which you were also in attendance at, and you were on a panel there, and you mentioned that in the face of proprietary page builders, you always had the approach that Gutenberg should be the first relation. It should come first. And I’m curious to know, what did you mean by that? What is Gutenberg first? What is this approach?

Robert Jacobi

So Gutenberg first to me is that we recognize the benefits of Gutenberg, and don’t try to subvert them or sneak around them. I think Gutenberg is one of the most critical backend, frontend changes that has happened to WordPress in its last umpteen years and the potential for all the interesting future forward things that Gutenberg can do should be taken into account. So page builders are wonderful. They offer all this functionality, ease of use, but I think that, they should also take and utilize Gutenberg concurrently.

The advantages are, one, that Gutenberg’s not going anywhere. So God bless all the classic editor folk who loved that experience. More than just being deprecated, it’s just, that is not going to be the way of the future.

And secondly, the potential, what can happen when you start making all that content a bit more atomic. I come from a lot of database work. So you think of atomic data points and Gutenberg does that sort of automagically for you? So there are opportunities in the future with Gutenberg to start parcing that data more finely.

That’s why I think it’s very exciting and why everything should be Gutenberg first. Again, that doesn’t mean get rid of page builders or different types of themes and theming systems. It’s just that at the base, Gutenberg should be a core building block of what you’re working with going forward.

Nathan Wrigley

The way that I think many people are using Gutenberg at the moment, I should probably say the block editor, but if you’re using the Gutenberg plugin, you’ll obviously have an enhanced experience. But if you’re using the block editor at the moment, it feels as if it’s prime time for editing text, inserting images and some pretty basic stuff like that. But I can see on the horizon a whole plethora of interesting, curious, let’s call them plug-ins for now, because that’s what they are. Different block components, different plugins, which adapt and amend the capability of Gutenberg. And it feels to me as if that’s where its strength might lie. I know we’ve got the full site editing and all of that coming down the road, but it feels to me that, there’s going to be a whole plethora of third-party tools, bringing all sorts of added benefits into the ecosystem, a block for this thing, and a block for that thing. And whilst that might create some kind of bloat, that to me is an exciting area, and I just wondered if that’s something you’re interested in, if there’s any plugins or blocks that you’ve been looking at and thinking, oh, that’s curious. That seems to be stretching things a little bit.

Robert Jacobi

So, you make a, first of all, great point that there’s block editor and then Gutenberg platform as a whole, and what end users typically experience is the block editor, but the Gutenberg API, Gutenberg platform as a whole is going to allow for all sorts of crazy third party integrations. That’s great. And it might even be a little, you said the perfect word, there might be a bit of bloat and craziness. I’ll say that’ll probably exist for the next 12 to 24 months. Sure, that’s fine. As people figure out what works and doesn’t. This is a dawn of a new age around taking WordPress to the next step. We’ve talked about for many years, WordPress is just a blog, blah, blah, blah. Okay. We’ve gotten past WordPress as a blog. Now WordPress as a CMS. That’s great. I think what happens with Gutenberg is we look at it and say, WordPress is an application platform, and this is just another API that we can take advantage of in very different ways. So we can have forums that are much more catered to content creators, that get rid of all the WordPress backend and admin stuff. Okay, you’re authenticated. You’re logged in. Here’s your daily news forum that you’re going to add content to. And because we’re using Gutenberg, that makes it a lot easier to publish that content and gets rid of the technical cruft, and allows developers and third-party plugin providers to have wholly unique and valuable experiences around that. And that’s where the magic I think of Gutenberg really comes into play is where will all these third parties start finding those unique value propositions for specific content, whether it’s an, a vertical, like travel or e-commerce, in a generic sense or news or publications or whatnot. It’s really expanded the opportunities to create workflows and interfaces and make content production speedier and safer.

Nathan Wrigley

I think one of the curious things that I’ve observed over the last couple of years about it is that perhaps if we had the magic rewind button, we could go back a couple of years and potentially not really get into a conversation where it was… okay, we’ve got stage 1, 2, 3, and 4, and stages two, three, and four, start to add in functionality that things like page builders, can currently do, full site editing and all that. If it had just been touted as, we’ve got a new editor for you, here it is, I think it would have taken people along for the ride much more easily, but we’ve got this problem now, this impasse where, it got sold as it’s going to become a page builder, but the pace of development and the fact that they’ve got the legacy of 40 percent of the web, 40 plus percent of the web, to protect and so on it hasn’t been able to move in that direction potentially at the speed that people thought… well, it’s going to be a page builder. It hasn’t been able to mature at the rate that they would have liked to have done. And so I’m just curious in the next year, two years, whether it will do those things, but also I wish we could rewind and say look, slow down. Let’s get the editor experience sussed out first, then we’ll do the full site editing and don’t expect it to be all these things. Beause at the minute I hear a lot of people saying it’s not as good as the tool I’ve got over here, and it’s not as good as the tool I’ve got over there. Speaking of which do you think there’s a case where it isn’t the best tool where you would say actually, do you know what, I’m just going to relegate that and not use it first. Or is it literally, always the first thing in your toolkit for WordPress?

Robert Jacobi

It is literally the first thing in my toolkit, because it will provide the greatest longevity in whatever’s built. Gutenberg’s not going anywhere. There was a massive commitment to it from the project side of the universe. And to answer one of your earlier questions about, has it done enough? I think it’s exceeded all expectations and this is where I’ll get to it. They’re always going to be a voices like, okay, it doesn’t make bacon and eggs for me in the morning. Okay, That’s fine, it doesn’t. I think, and I truly believe what the magic of Gutenberg is, is the paradigm shift in forcing people to look at other things. So it’s hard to make a giant feature change in anything, whether it’s proprietary project, open source project. There are going to be plenty of people who are like, no, this works for me. This is great. Please don’t change. I get that. But technology moves forward. People’s expectations increase. Ten years ago, we barely had iPhones. All of a sudden we do, and now we expect everything to be infinitely easier and simpler and more responsive. I guess it doesn’t do everything that page builders do. That’s great. That’s fine. We’re not trying to cut out the middle man here, and I say we, I’m not actually involved directly in Gutenberg at any point, but it moves the technological user experience goal posts forward. All things being equal, the page builders of the world, Beaver Builder, Elementor, they’re all going to go their own way. Having Gutenberg as a critical component, soon enough, it will be just a mandatory component, that’s the end of the conversation. Says, listen, everyone, this is what we need as part of the ecosystem. This is how you’re going to connect with tools. You can absolutely go around those, but why would you want to, because this will be supported by a worldwide community.

It’s not just going to be supported by the Beaver Builder community or the Elementor community, yada yada, this is now the new core and that’s very difficult to do, and it’s not, jumping back to what I said earlier about it, I think just making that change in and of itself and committing to that change is more important than full site editor or anything else. There’ll be incremental steps, but that was the big milestone step. Wow. Okay. This is the new tech, and we’re going to have to take advantage of it.

Nathan Wrigley

You said two words in that last little bit, well you certainly said paradigm shift and you said atomic. And I think for me, the atomic bit is really interesting because what I think many people haven’t had a chance to get to grips with is literally the atomic nature of it. This little section of your blog post or whatever it may be. You can just have this little interactive thing. It might be that you’ve got a block which does, I don’t know, lead generation, or you’ve got a block, like the cover block, which will just take care of the top of your posts. And each one of those things will have a different array of settings and it doesn’t have to be built inside a proprietary thing. It’s being built inside of the default editor for WordPress. So it’s going to bring a ton of functionality and a ton of interesting things. Some of it will be bloated. I’m sure there’ll be many people who fall into the trap of installing fifty times more than they need to, or five times more than they need to. But for those of us who were curious and check things out and look and see what the end result is, you’re going to be able to create really unique experiences on this one surface, and that to me is really exciting, but have the feeling that the community got left behind in the conversation about this a little bit. So the confusion that it was going to be a page builder leads me to the whole community conversation. I know you’re all about community. This is something that you thrive on. You love the WordPress community, as you have had loved many other communities in the past. Do you have any feelings around whether there’s been enough involvement. Asking the questions, what should it look like? How should it behave? What do we want to leave on the floor and edit out that we just, it was a blind alley, we shouldn’t have had that because there are some things that I think a really excellent, there are some things that I think I’m not sure anybody’s actually going to make use of that, but there it is. And just wondering what your thoughts were around, whether the community had been involved, whether it could have been involved more.

Robert Jacobi

I’m getting chuckles about a lot of these things. Could there have been more all the editing and whatnot. Since community is, especially in WordPress, a huge word, it’s always difficult to get every stakeholder, give them the space, give them the time given the vote.

What I like about what happened with Gutenberg is that it did move, in my mind, relatively quickly, and expeditiously and said, this is what we’re doing. And I think it’s too easy to be bogged down in the politics of community to actually get stuff done. So if things fall to the wayside, if things were not edit out properly, that’s where I think, the greater ecosystem can come into play and say, we’re going to tweak this, with a plugin that makes this just a bit better. It takes this out and we have such a robust economy in WordPress. That yeah, go for it. I like to see a bit more activism from people as a whole on these projects, but it’s hard. We all have day jobs. We all have stuff to do, and I’m not going to blame the leaders of the project for trying to get stuff done. In fact, I’m going to give them kudos to just doing it because it’s very easy to get pulled back and say you didn’t listen to so and so, at some point we have to fish or cut bait, we need to do something and we need to move the technology forward because everyone else is doing it. And open source projects have a tendency, especially at their, let’s say late teens, early adult stages, getting sucked into managing the community more than managing the project and pushing it forward.

You have to do both. It’s such a tricky balance. All kudos to everyone at Make dot WordPress, that they were able to do this. And it’s a large scale change and get it done. Fine, if you want to complain, that’s great. Guess what? No software lives, at that moment in time, it’s always updated and tweaked and there are still opportunities to make changes, advocate or different functionality. Expand the API, shrink the API, all those kinds of things. I do love that WordPress was able to cut bait and just go with it.

Nathan Wrigley

One of the underpinnings of WordPress since the inception really was PHP. And obviously now we’re moving into an era where these technologies are being inspected, and improvements have been created along the way. And so now we’re moving into an era where other technologies, for example, React is coming along and that requires quite a bit of relearning, you’ve really got to down tools, get the manuals out, start to read again. Do you have any concern that that kind of thing could be a bit of a roadblock? It will be a bit of have a roadblock for certain people, but the technology has to move forward. Just curious as to what your thoughts are about how that’s being implemented and whether or not we’re taking it at a slow enough pace or whether we should have just stuck with good old PHP?

Robert Jacobi

I like to use the right tool for the right projects, And I’ve been a coder, developer, engineer in multiple languages. I’ve actually never done anything with React, that’s one of the first ones. And that’s okay. We evolve. If we hadn’t evolved all these still using C from 1969 or whenever it came out. So this stuff has to move forward. And if React is the best solution to do that on the front end, that’s great.

Some people will be excited by that. Okay. I can expand my personal knowledge and horizons by adding to React. Honestly, a lot of the headless stuff that we see these days is also React. So it’s not a bad thing to learn if you want to learn that. If you don’t want to learn it. Okay, that’s fine. There are plenty of opportunities to still expand your WordPress activities solely with PHP. Okay. Those are more personal choices. Do I want to learn another language? Do I want to improve on what I already have? Yes. Those are choices you have to make, but none of this lives in isolation. So we have to understand that a WordPress, plain old PHP site, might still need to connect up to a bunch of different things and not all those things are going to be on PHP. You still might be connecting up to something with Perl or Python. No, one’s forcing you to learn it. Granted Gutenberg injects this react universe into your face, but you can focus on the core things that you need to do without necessarily running into React. It’s a tool that more people are… here’s the trick, there are plenty of new people who are entering coding, development, open source communities, and they like React. So it makes sense to take advantage of all this new found wealth, and then also draw them back into the community. Great, you love running with all this JS stuff. Fantastic. Hey, by the way, did you know you could actually implement that as part and parcel with an old-school PHP content management system? Yeah, we can do that. That’s great. And look how you can expand your horizon. Yeah, it stinks if you don’t want to learn any kind of Node, React stuff. Okay. But, it’s sort of the nature of code. If we really want to take the analogy to the extreme, why aren’t we still coding on punch cards with ones and zeros. We’re going to abstract it and find the best tool to implement the functionality we want to see.

And I get it me personally, I’m not going to go out and learn React today. Me twenty years ago, though, I would have added it into my tool belt in a heartbeat, just because it was just one of those things that you needed at that time, that was the case. People are going to go through their own personal and professional sort of life cycles of what they think they need to have on their knee or in their tool belt to be successful. We can’t stop for people who don’t want to do anything outside of PHP.

Nathan Wrigley

We’re going to shift gears now and talk about in-person events. Under the auspices of things like WordCamp Europe, which is depending on when you’re listening to this podcast that may just have happened, or it may be it’s coming around in a year’s time or something like that.

Clearly we’ve been through a period that has really shaken the community. I feel that as a community, we were probably as well-prepared as any community could be because we were already working via the internet. We all had our computers out and so on. And yet still there is a concern. And I know that for example, people like Josepha Haden Chomposy has mentioned things like this, that the community in the absence of in-person events, there’s been a modest disengagement. And what I mean by that, this is the project, the WordPress project was propelled forward in a large part by those in-person events. So you’ve got contrib day, you’ve just got the handshaking, you can actually meet people for the first time. You can build relationships and so on. And none of that’s happened. We’ve had a year out. We don’t know quite when that is coming back, hopefully at some point in the near future, but we don’t know. And so just curious about your thoughts on that. What do you have to say about events coming back and how a project as big as WordPress, where there’s no central office where there’s no boss telling everybody what to do. So if you’re on the payroll, you’ve got to do this today and fix this thing, but that’s not how it works. And so the open source model, there may be a chink in its armor here where in-person events don’t happen, that camaraderie and those solutions don’t present themselves. And so the project, I’m going to use the word stalls, that’s a complete over-exaggeration, but bits of the project stalled because nobody’s meeting up.

Robert Jacobi

I am a huge, huge advocate of in-person anything. Whether you’re extrovert or introvert, there’s always going to be someone that you really want to talk to sit down in a corner, or have a cup of coffee with and build that relationship. I’m no anthropologist or anything, but feel that those kinds of human connections help us grow stronger in light of all the mundane things we do day to day. I don’t think the project has suffered because of a lack of in-person events over the last year. I think it’s suffered because everyone else has had a lot on their mind and there’ll be a, certainly a renaissance of activity as soon as we get into in person but this is one of those things where I don’t think correlation and causation match up. If you are worried about friends and family getting ill, did the economy, my personal economies take a downturn. That’s going to weigh a lot more on someone than, oh, did I catch up on the latest WordPress dot org, Slack notification about Full Site Editing. So I don’t think they’re completely tied together, but I will certainly tell you that as those in-person meetups start ramping up, I think that’ll be a flurry of excitement and activity. Part of that will be just because we’re not still trapped in our tiny little Covid bubbles.

Nathan Wrigley

What personally do you miss from the in-person events? You mentioned about having a coffee and sitting in a corner with somebody and so on, but anything that you find you’re missing, it could be something quite banal or it could be something a lot deeper.

Robert Jacobi

It’s really the accidents that happen at in person events. With a completely regimented online experience, I know I’m going to be talking with Nathan at such and such time. I know I’m going to be talking to whoever everything’s organized, calendars. Okay, there’s digital here, digital there. We may edit ourselves more on these platforms. When you’re in-person accidents happen. We may be walking through the sponsor hall and accidentally bump shoulders. And it’s oh my goodness, Nathan, great to see you. I haven’t seen you in 14 months. This is amazing. And you just start a conversation and those kinds of conversations are organic and random and not necessarily so overly planned and well thought out. And at those moments, I think unique ideas, exciting things can happen that just don’t happen in a much more shrunken space. I love the distributed world. And to your point, I think WordPress is not only just gone through well, it’s actually succeeded because we’ve already been in that position. We’re already ready to be online and take care of the day to day.

We need those accidental bumpings of atoms to create new kinds of alloys. Oh my goodness. carbon and oxygen linked together. Oh, no, look what happened here. I don’t know what they do, I’m not a chemist! But my point being is when you’re in person and I’m going to keep calling them accidents, but not like in a pejorative kind of way, accidents happen, and it allows for very random, unique ideas, conversations, thoughts, whatever to happen, or just even a personal pick me up. Like you do remember me from being on slack for the last year. That’s fantastic. There’s an affirmation I think that happens for all of us when we’re in that kind of proximity with other like-minded people.

Nathan Wrigley

I think one of the, there’s two points about the online events that I seem to keep coming back to. And the first one is that I feel it’s taught us that we ought to have hybrid going forward. What I mean by that is that WordCamp EU, I feel it’s going to be difficult to put the genie back in the box of you have to go to the place where the event is. I feel that the future is going to be, sure enough, if you want to turn up and you want to benefit from the hallway and all of those things, go for it. But also if you’re living halfway around the world, that now needs to be a door which is not closed to you, you need to have it open. There needs to be streaming of those talks that are happening each day so that everybody can take part. That’s one of the things that I feel is going to happen.

Robert Jacobi

I completely agree. There are events that I would have never been able to attend on a very regular basis without there being an online component. Someone will solve this puzzle, but I think it’s going to be difficult to do a online and in-person event concurrently. I feel that you’ll get the worst of both worlds in that case. What I’d like to see, let’s take WordCamp Europe 2022. There’s going to be a three, four day in person spectacle. That’s fantastic. What I would like to see is maybe two days before the in-person starts. There’s a whole online portion of that. I’d be concerned about trying to do them concurrently. Are we really going to have, we can do all the live video for example, but how interactive can we make those live portions? Oh, look from online, we have a question to the speakers. Okay. That works. But outside of those sessions, how are we going to integrate the sponsor hall, the hallway track as we talk about it? Those are those accidents that I like to refer back to just walking up and down and bumping into each other. I don’t think that’s an easy problem to solve, but I’d love to see some kind of greater online kickoff onboarding experience, where you can meet the speakers, do some quick Q and A’s, and conversely, have the speakers say, make sure you don’t miss my session on such and such date and time, then that will, of course be also livestreamed.

It’s going to be expensive. It’s going to be complicated. And I think there’s going to be multiple variations of attempts at making that succeed. I like to go with baby steps to see results. And I think just starting out with maybe a one or two day virtual camp tied to the in-person camp would be a good starter.

Nathan Wrigley

That’s what I was meaning really is just basically a camera at the back of the room where there’s a presentation going on with the possibility of questions coming, not just from the audience, sat in the auditorium, but from people in a different part of the world. And in fact, I feel it in a way, these kind of like skeuomorphic pieces of software, which tries to replicate the real world, you’ve got these AI representations of the hall. It’s nice. It’s a bit of fun. I feel it’s a dead end. Nobody ought to be under the illusion that’s what they’re going to do. But I do like the idea of just, here’s the talk, you can watch it at the same time as everybody else. And then maybe you and your pals can hang out. You can do your bit online and we can do our bit in the real world, and so it goes. It’s really just an opening up so that you don’t have to attend because the problem there would be that nobody actually makes the attempt to attend, but I don’t feel that’s the case. And my second point is that I feel that we need this stuff back just because the online stuff, there’s a fatigue associated with that, and I don’t for a minute think that everybody’s fatigued and I don’t for a minute, think the online events don’t have merit because they have enormous merit and they’ve been an amazing bridge, but I feel that there’s a proportion of the people who would love to be at live events who just can’t make the transition to the virtual events. There’s something about it. Something stifles them, perhaps they have the best will in the world, and then it’s on the screen. But then something in the real world occurs to them. The cat decides to chew up the sofas, so off you go, you’ve got to deal with the cat. You get distracted, you want to go and make a cup of tea, so you get distracted. Whereas if you’re at the WordCamp, you’re fully there. You’ve engaged, you’ve committed. You’ve potentially got on a plane. You’ve booked a hotel, all of that. And there’s no substitute for that. So that really was my second point is that I want to get the people who’ve been disengaged back in and ready to take on all of the challenges that we’ve got.

Robert Jacobi

Yeah. I think we’re on the same page. I can do virtual events. I certainly prefer in person. And the best example of how we know that in-person is very valuable is when you go to a lot of these virtual events, the networking spaces are generally very empty. People aren’t having those conversations, those random accidental conversations that they would add an in-person event because at an in-person event, you are physically, quote unquote, stuck in that space. If you don’t want to talk to someone, you’re just going to go your own way. That’s great. But if you do, who knows who’s next to you and you’re going to overhear things and interrupt the conversation and be interrupted and that’s that magic that occurs.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. Let’s talk about the third point that we wanted to discuss today. I’m straying into an area where I don’t have a great deal of experience because I watch these things happen from afar. There’s nothing that really concerned me. That concerned me in the sense that I might be a consumer of some of the things that are being bought up. But you wanted to talk about, as you described it, the WordPress economy acquisition madness. Now, what did you mean by that? Just kick us off. Explain what you mean by that phrase.

Robert Jacobi

Here’s the beauty of being a successful project, people with money will find ways to make money from it. And that’s okay, and that’s a good thing. We’re seeing the likes of Automattic, WP Engine, GoDaddy, Liquid Web, Cloudways, yada, yada, yada. All these companies, wink wink, they’re all hosting companies because they’ve been in the space for awhile under different platforms and have recurring streams of revenue and cash on hand, they’re going to look to grow their businesses, and one of the easiest ways is to find valuable niche projects, that not only will bring cool bit of code into what they’re trying to do, but also allow them to reach out to all the people who have installed that plugin.

Nathan Wrigley

Do you have concern then that certain parts of the WordPress, let’s say plugin or theme space, are going to be consumed by these bigger entities as you described? In many cases, there will be hosting companies for reasons you’ve just explained. Do you have a feeling that silos in the future are going to occur? Where if you really want a decent, let’s go for, I dunno, membership experience, you really are better off going in the direction of that company, with the brands that it’s acquired over time. Or if you want to go for a WooCommerce experience, your best bet is going to be over here, and everything else is a poor relation of that. So we get silos, which we haven’t had until now.

Robert Jacobi

I think that’ll happen in the short term, but when that happens, a vacuum is created in the overall ecosystem. So if hosting company X has a, quote unquote, monopoly on that membership plugin, you know what, first of all, it’s all open source. All it takes is company Y to be like, we want to be in that space as well, and we’re going to re-imagine the underlying open source code base in XYZ format. Yes, a lot of letters there, but it’ll happen. These kinds of acquisitions and changes in economy I feel are okay. We’re all working from an open source code base. If this was all proprietary stuff that you can never take advantage of, I think that would be bad for the community as a whole, but that’s not the case. It’s just one company saying we’re going to be owners of this project. You can still fork that project any day of the week, don’t forget. Cause it’s all GPL. So I don’t think we’re losing anything in the long run. There’ll be short term hiccups. People won’t be happy. If that plugin doesn’t do exactly what they want, but they probably wouldn’t necessarily be happy even if it wasn’t taken over by someone else. I think there’s a percentage of people that will always want to see all this independent software, but all these companies are technically, okay maybe they’re not all independent because some of them are actually listed on public exchanges, but the opportunity hasn’t been taken away, and if such and such plugin gets acquired by such and such hosting company, I certainly see another hosting company looking for that competitor also happening.

Nathan Wrigley

Do you feel that, okay, again, rewinding the clock for the second time in this podcast, if we could go back maybe 6, 7, 8 years, something like that, before these companies were buying up suites of plugins and what have you, to bulk out their offering. We basically had independent plugin developers. There may have been a team that grew up over time and they were inventing a solution for a particular problem, and they were really invested in that, and that was great. We want to solve the calendar thing or we want to solve the, I don’t know, the menu thing, whatever it may be. I’m just wondering if we’re maybe getting into the territory of designing things to be acquired. We designed something so that this can happen, so that we can become bought up, taken along for the ride by a big hosting company, and just really whether or not there’s any dynamic that changes the way that instead of serving the customer and always trying to offer the best support for the product, really your whole intention for that business isn’t to create the product for the customer, it’s to create the product for the sell in the future.

Robert Jacobi

I agree. I think there’s a potential for that. On the correlator, are you getting value in what you want out of that product? So if I use, there’s something I’m going to jump into because it’s happened recently, but on the face of it, it’s a product that is so useful to me that I’m not going to have to do custom code. It’s above and beyond every other plugin competitor in that space. Am I going to use it? I’m going to use it, yes. And to some degree it doesn’t really matter what the incentives for the developer are at that point. If it’s doing what I wanted to do, that I’m going to use it because that’s what I needed to do, and it’s going to save me 10 50, 200 hours of development time to use this plugin as opposed to trying to create something on my own. And that’s question one, or the answer one. Answer two is there certainly is an issue with, what’s a nice word for miscreant. I guess it’s gonna be miscreant, where we’ve seen recently some plugin developers literally switch out what that plugin does and what its value proposition is with, quote unquote, upgrades. And they’ve done it behind your back. Oh, well you signed up for this cute little plugin that makes banners, guess what, now it’s going to do all these things and you have to pay for it just to get banners again, and it’s like really, really is that really what you want to do? And I think those developers are getting called out on it.

The agencies and content creators, certainly in the nearby community are aware of that. I think those kinds of, yeah, they’re not necessarily illegal in any way, shape or form because you can do that, but it doesn’t really stick by the unofficial developer third party ecosystem code of conduct. And I think we’re always going to see exceptions to the rule, but as long as those are just exceptions, I think we’re in a good spot.

Nathan Wrigley

Let’s pivot again. Openverse. I’ve got to say, this is something that kind of passed me by. The radar wasn’t working properly over the last few weeks since Openverse came along. I’m going to ask you to tell us what Openverse is. I have a very vague understanding of what it is, but I’d like you to tell us why you think it’s important.

Robert Jacobi

This is a new project in the WordPress ecosystem. I should say WordPress dot org ecosystem. It comes from creative commons search project that was languishing at creative commons. They didn’t have community and developers interested in pushing the search component along and, with support from Automattic, it came into the welcoming arms of wordpress dot org. And it has it’s own thing called Openverse. I’m excited by it. One, because it expands the open source vision of WordPress, WordPress becoming even a greater open source proponent. It’s not just the CMS, but now we also have additional things that we’re caring about, which I think is fantastic. It simultaneously is going to be working on technical aspects as well as open libra software model, or content model, I should say, where the tool will be helping WordPress as well as anyone else, obviously on finding creative commons, open licensed media. So in this case, images. I think it’s a great expansion that’s completely in line with what the project is looking to do. And I think it’s going to be surprisingly helpful and people won’t even realize what’s going on, but they’ll all of a sudden be able to access a bunch of new content natively in whatever application, obviously WordPress will be at that top of the list, but, you’ll be able to access it with Drupal or proprietary systems.

Nathan Wrigley

What was the problem with the old licensing model? What was broken with it?

Robert Jacobi

What was broken was there was no one who was going to commit to keeping up the code base to make CC search working and functioning, tweaking it, bug fixes, whatnot. So, as part of the WordPress project, there will actually be active development and maintenance of the creative common search.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay, so was there any concern that things which you may have downloaded from third-party sites, we all know the ones that we customarily go to, that they were often perhaps changing the license after you downloaded things, and then suddenly you didn’t realize that you were in contravention of a license, which you thought you had full access to download, redistribute, do whatever you wanted and suddenly you realize, oh, okay, that’s no longer the case. This image that I’ve got, I need to take down.

Robert Jacobi

So, licensing is so fun and entertaining. So a lot of these download an image sites, those licenses still stand. So if you have downloaded it and are using an image that was licensed under creative comments, that’s not going away. Will they relicense new images? Possibly. The point is how easy will it be to find more creative commons based media? And I think that is the purpose of Openverse, to make that as easy and intuitive as possible. So again, it’s taking what used to exist as part of creative, common search, almost like a fork, rebranding it under Openverse and, making it part of an ecosystem that’s open source.

Nathan Wrigley

And this is going to be completely available inside the WP admin. So you’ll have search integrated there, and if you want to search for, I don’t know, a cat on cushions, for example, you’ll be able to do that and everything that’s returned, you’ll be able to use, hopefully because the search will have returned something valuable to you in this case cat’s on cushions.

Robert Jacobi

So that is my expectation. Obviously it’s not built into any of that yet, but yeah, that is that’s where I see the project going.

Nathan Wrigley

But it was a nice philanthropic gesture of Automattic to take this on board and just basically put it into WordPress so that the likes of me, and you can find our cats on cushions whenever we please.

Robert Jacobi


#4 – Dan Maby on the Importance of the WordPress Community

About this episode.

On the podcast today we have Dan Maby.

Dan has been a user of WordPress for many years. As an agency owner he’s used it to build client websites, but, as is so often the case, he came for the software and got caught up in the community.

Starting out by attending some local WordPress meetups, he engaged with his fellow WordPressers and enjoying the events he was attending. Attendance turned into organising and over time Dan became the lead of four WordPress Meetups spread all over the UK.

Meetups led to an interest in WordCamps, where he again stepped up to take on leadership roles at WordCamp London.

In the podcast today we talk about the importance of the WordPress community, not just to him as an individual, but to the future of the project as a whole. After all, it’s software created by people, and the health of that community will have a direct impact upon the contributions they make.

We recorded this podcast at a time unlike any other. In person events have had to stop; the WordCamps and Meetups have all gone virtual. Perhaps there’s light at the end of that tunnel, but it’s a perfect time to look back and see how the community has adapted to these new circumstances.

We get into whether hybrid WordPress events should be the new norm, what lessons the community can learn from the past year, and what Dan and his colleagues have done to stay connected and part of a vibrant community. They’ve built a platform to enable events and plan on releasing it as a WordPress plugin soon.

We also discuss an event which Dan has been a key player in organising – WordFest Live, a 24-hour online event with a focus upon learning and positive mental health. 

It’s a lovely episode with a member of the community who has been giving back for many, many years.

Useful links.

WordFest Live

Big Orange Heart

WordPress Meetups

WordCamp Central

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Jukebox Podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast for the WordPress community. Each month, we bring you someone who is part of that community to give you an insight into a topic or person who you might not be familiar with. If you enjoy the podcast, you can subscribe to future episodes by going to wptavern dot com forward slash feed forward slash podcast.

If you’ve got any feedback about the podcast, which could be a suggestion of a potential guest or a subject, then head over to wptavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox. There’s a contact form there for you to complete, and we’d certainly welcome your input. Thanks in advance. If you reach out.

Okay, so on the podcast today, we have Dan Maby. Dan has been a user of WordPress for many years. As an agency owner, he’s used it to build client websites, but as is often the case, he came for the software and got caught up in the community. Starting out by attending some local WordPress meetups, he engaged with his fellow WordPressers and enjoyed the events he was attending. Attendance turned into organizing, and over time, Dan became the lead for four WordPress meetups spread all over the UK. Meetups led to an interest in WordCamps, where he again stepped up to take on leadership roles at WordCamp London. In the podcast today, we talk about the importance of the WordPress community, not just to him as an individual, but to the future of the project as a whole. After all it’s software created by people, and the health of that community will have a direct impact upon the contributions they make. We recorded this podcast at a time unlike any other. In-person events have had to stop the; WordCamps and meet-ups have all gone virtual. Perhaps there’s a little light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s a perfect time to look back and see how the community has adapted to these new circumstances.

We get into whether hybrid WordPress events should be the new norm. What lessons the community can learn from the past year, and what Dan and his colleagues have done to stay connected and part of a vibrant community. They’ve built a platform to enable events and plan on releasing it as a WordPress plugin soon.

We also discuss an event which Dan has been a key player in organizing, WordFest Live. It’s a 24 hour online event with a focus upon learning and positive mental health. It’s a lovely episode with a member of the community who has been giving back for many, many years.

If any of the points raised here, resonate with you, be sure to head over and find the post at wptavern dot com forward slash podcast, and leave a comment there.

And so without further delay, I bring you Dan Maby.

Am joined on the podcast today by Dan Maby. Hello, Dan.

Dan Maby

Good. Speak to you.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah, it’s really nice to have you on the podcast today. Dan and I have a long history of chatting with each other, so this may end up being quite informal at times, but nevertheless, we’re going to talk today about the WordPress community and events in general.

To paint some context into that, I wonder Dan, if you wouldn’t mind spending just a couple of moments, introducing yourself and perhaps explain your history. Not just with WordPress, the software, but also your history with WordPress as a community.

Dan Maby

Yeah, absolutely. I guess my journey started 15 years ago with WordPress. Funnily enough, we had obviously the 18th birthday quite recently of WordPress, and I was looking back at my history, trying to figure out what had been doing with it. And I realized that I’d started with version 1.5, which at the time was really quite a major introduction. Lots of features in that 1.5 update that we still recognize today in the platform. And it’s been, an interesting journey with WordPress and the community. One that I’ve absolutely loved over that 15 year journey. But really the journey for me with the community started, I think it was around 2012. I was looking for a way to connect with people that were working with and were interested using WordPress. I was working in London at the time in the UK, looked at a meetup. I came across, there was a WordPress meetup that was being run by Keith Devon at the time, the WordPress London meetup. So I went, I headed over to the meetup, came from my day job at the time, which means I was suited and booted. Wandered into this, a room with a bunch of WordPress developers and users. And felt entirely out of place in that in that first meeting. I was the only person there in a suit. Everybody else was nice and casual, but the welcome that I received in that meetup was second to none. It was really an incredible experience, a first experience of the, the wider WordPress community.

And it was actually at that event that Keith had asked if anybody was looking to get involved and support in the delivery of the event and that having been there literally for my first time, stuck my hand up, and that’s really where it all started. And very quickly moved into a situation where Keith decided to step away from the event to focus on other things, focus on his agency, et cetera. I’ve been running the event ever since. And the WordPress London meetup has been a key aspect to everything that I’ve been doing within the community. It’s been a real pleasure to be able to be a custodian of a that event.

Nathan Wrigley

You have a lot more strings to your bow than just the WordPress London meetup. Do you want to tell us a little bit more about some of the other things that you’re, well, were involved in? We’ll get onto that a little bit later, about the way that things have had to cease, but tell us apart from the WordPress London meetup, tell us about the other things that you were doing on a monthly basis.

Dan Maby

Sure, so, for me the community was really the important bit, the people within the community. I really grew to develop a, a passion for the people that we were connecting with. And from that point from the running of the WPLDN event, I realized that actually there were other areas that were lacking in meetups across the UK. There were plenty of people running, plenty of meetups, and I was really enjoying being part of that kind of organizers community, if you like a meetup organizers community. But as I said, I noticed that there were areas that were lacking events, even in my local area, as well as further a field, I actually got to the point where I was organizing and leading four meetups a month across the UK, which saw me traveling quite substantial miles on a monthly basis, just to enable these communities to grow and develop.

And it was a real pleasure to be able to work with local communities. I always encouraged community members within the local area to come on board as co-hosts and enable them to take the lead and to sow the seed and then move on and help that community thrive. And it was going fantastically well. You know we had, as I say, we have four meetups running across the UK, and then suddenly, obviously we’re thrown into the situation where we couldn’t physically come together in person.

Nathan Wrigley

Before we move on to that, perhaps we could paint a little picture about the importance of WordPress in your life, because it strikes me that many people, they may use WordPress as a piece of software. And that’s the end of it. They have really no understanding that there is a community which can support you in your WordPress knowledge, but also it can be much more than that. And I think it’s fair to say that in your case, many of the people that you’ve met through WordPress have become actual friends who you actually socialize with. Enjoy their company and stray into non WordPress things as well. So I’m just wondering if you could tell us how it has helped you, but perhaps get into the stuff that’s not to do with WordPress. Have you met people that you’ve really jelled with and found camaraderie with.

Dan Maby

I think this is the the beauty of the WordPress community. It’s so much more than just the technology. I found it to be quite a unique community as well, in that the way people are open, the way people will communicate and discuss and talk about topics, which, by all rights where we attended an event together, we’re essentially often competing with one another. I run an agency which focuses on design and development services, and I will go and speak with many other people that also run agencies. And essentially we are competitors, but that level of competition doesn’t really surface too much in the WordPress community. It’s predominantly a community that’s very supportive and people are very open to discussing issues. Myself, I was seeking out connection, I wanted to be around like-minded individuals because I was in a situation where I was very isolated. I was looking for people to connect with that had an understanding of what I was experiencing. And that’s really what the community has been about for me. It has been about this idea of having similar experiences, having, understanding of the challenges that we can face if we’re working alone. And my company has run with distributed team members, so I don’t have a central office with a team that all works together. We work in our home offices. You miss out on that ability to be able to have those conversations that you would have, potentially in-person. That for me was where I was seeking out the community, and as I did that, I realized that this community really was very open to discussing many issues and very open to sharing experiences and knowledge, which was unique for me at the time. And as you say, that’s then led on to building of relationships and those relationships have gone further afield outside your outside of specifically WordPress related. Very happily, I’ve got some wonderful friends across the community now, and they are friends and the people that I will hopefully have the pleasure of knowing for the rest of my life. Nathan, I count you in amongst that I can remember a conversation you and I had in a car park post a meetup many years ago and, it’s been wonderful to watch the journey that you as an individual have gone on through your experiences of WordPress and podcasting, et cetera, and the many branches and tendrils that we have within the community. It’s a very rich experience. I would say being part of the WordPress community.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah, I would completely agree. And for those people who perhaps listening to this podcast, obviously this audio will go on in perpetuity, it may be that they’re listening to this and the world has become more normal. Shall we say? Perhaps we’re allowed to meet up in person again. If that were the case, what would be your best advice for digging into that community? What would your best search be? What would be the best way to go about finding where your local events are taking place?

Dan Maby

First off is look for meetups. There are thousands of meetups across the globe that are run by local communities, and I really would encourage anybody if you haven’t previously. Take a look head over to you know, there are various sites, whether it’s meetup dot com, Eventbrite, et cetera, all those kinds of events websites. Do a search for your local area for WordPress meetup event. Sign yourself up and head over. My personal experience and something that I’ve spoken about many times historically is simply getting involved in these events. We have this wonderful ecosystem of WordCamps across the WordPress space. And these WordCamps are, you’re basically taking a meetup onto a grander scale, again, encouraging local communities to try and run those WordCamps and larger events, but that can sometimes feel quite daunting, just simply turning up to an event. So if you can get yourself embedded in some way, and volunteering is by far and away, the simplest and best way to do that. Every single one of these meetups and WordCamps are run by teams of volunteers. So signing up as a volunteer, simply putting your hand up and saying, yes, I’ll get involved in some way. It gives you a purpose within the event. So you’re not simply having to be there and trying to figure out where you fit within it. You’re there and you have a role. And this was certainly my experience of getting into the WordCamps space. I’ve volunteered. I can remember experience at WordCamp Europe, or I was doing some meeting and greeting as people were arriving, and it just opened up so many interesting and wonderful conversations with people that I still have very interesting, wonderful conversations with today. And it’s just that embedding yourself in it and enabling yourself to be part of that community. First step I’d say, check meetup, look for an event. Sign yourself up, head over there. And if there’s any way that you can get involved, do. Most meetup organizers are so grateful for anybody putting their hand up and say, yeah, look, I’ll get involved or stepping forward and saying look, do you need any help with this at all? And that help can vary in so many ways. As a meetup organizer, there’s an awful lot often goes on behind the scenes that maybe attendees aren’t always aware of that really go into delivering these events.

Nathan Wrigley

What is the difference between a meetup and a WordCamp? Probably, if you’ve attended, either of those you’ll know the difference, but if you’re new to this whole WordPress community thing, it might be good to paint a bit of clear blue sky between those two different things.

Dan Maby

So if I use London as an example. Our WordPress London meetup, when we were in person delivering these events, we were seeing the, of an average of a hundred people in attendance every month. So this would run every once a month in our local environment. So the focus for both WordCamps and meetups really are about encouraging local organizers to run them. So our meetup, we feature between two and three speakers on a night. It’s usually around two, two and a half hours long. And then post that within, have a bit of a social gathering. Where we continue doing a bit of networking, et cetera. The meetup is a really a trimmed down version, should we say? Or that’s probably negative, a negative way of putting it to be honest. The WordCamp is an enlarged version of meetup. Probably the best way of putting it and WordCamps are essentially that. We’re taking the concept of a meetup, but on a much, much grander scale. And they don’t have to be enormous. I’ve attended some you know, a hundred attendee WordCamps and they’ve been absolutely spectacular, really personal. And I really enjoy the kind of smaller hundred, hundred and fifty attendee WordCamps, but equally we also have some much, much larger ones. So again, if I look at WordCamp London, the last event we ran we had around 650, I believe was 650 attendees at that event. If we then look at the regional WordCamps. So the likes of WordCamp US, WordCamp Europe or WordCamp Asia. Yeah, WordCamp Europe. I believe there’s three and a half thousand attendees at the last event, the last in-person event. So they’re often spread across multiple days as well, but not always often there’s a, a single day WordCamp as well, but the one telling difference between a WordCamp and a meetup is the WordCamps often have what we call a contributor day associated with them as well, which is a day focused entirely on contributing to WordPress in some way, shape or form. And there are so many ways to contribute. We’re not just simply talking about writing code and contributing in that way. There’s documentation, there’s marketing, there’s the multi-lingual there’s many ways to get involved. So I really, again, would encourage anybody that’s thinking about attending a WordCamp, once we are back to a situation where we are safe to be able to return to in-person events. And obviously some of the virtual events I really would encourage joining the, contributor day in any way that you can.

Nathan Wrigley

So with all of these events going on, obviously we’ve got a thriving piece of software, which is turning out to be widely used over 40% of the web. We have the statistic now using WordPress. So the software is one side, but obviously we’ve also, as you’ve just painted a picture that we’ve got this thriving community as well. An awful lot of the project perhaps was going on, at these community events, a lot of things were being organized, so contributor days, possibly different teams meeting up at various times at these events. And then sometime last year, the world paused and is still in a state of pause. I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on whether the project as a whole has been stifled. I know that we’ve gone online and we’ll come onto that in a moment, but I’m just wondering if you’ve got any thoughts about the impact that the world pausing and not being able to meet up in person. If the project itself has been stymied by that.

Dan Maby

I think this is a really interesting discussion. I can sit on both sides of the fence here. I think there is definitely an element of fatigue within the community at this stage. And I think that fatigue is being born out of the fact that potentially we are not having those in-person connections, the wonderful conversations that can be born out of the hallway track, you know it’s spectacular, what can happen, and by hallway track, you’re simply wandering around the event itself and not necessarily being in a session, but there’s, the people are mingling around and the conversations that can be born out of those chance meetings, really are spectacular. Many times I’ve run into individuals in the hallway, or we’ve just started the conversation and then somebody else has jumped in, somebody else has jumped in and before we know it, there’s, there’s a really interesting round table conversation going on about the future of the project. Because as an open-source project, we all have the potential to influence them the potential to participate in the project in some way, shape or form. I think in this virtual environment that we’re currently in, on a personal level, I believe that we’ve lost some of that. We’ve lost that ability in many ways. And it’s created this fatigue where we’re not necessarily having the opportunity to have those discussions and those new ideas, those new thoughts, or those alternative ways of looking at a problem. I think the project has possibly suffered for that, in some respects, I think is partly why WordPress as the software has been so successful is because of WordPress the community has had that really strong in-person connection and that really strong coming together as a community. Having said that equally, there are many benefits to the concept of the virtual environment that we’re in. But yes. I certainly think there are some challenges that we have come up against and we’ve tried to work towards resolving to some degree as a community in this virtual environment.

Nathan Wrigley

We’re in a strange dichotomy in that we were probably better prepared than almost any industry to move everything online at the drop of a hat, because the WordPress community is online. We understand how to put websites together and turn those websites into virtual events and all of that kind of stuff. Conversely, and perhaps somewhat unexpectedly. We were also a community, that needed to be offline in order to push the project forward. And so in some sense, we were not prepared for that. Two sides of one coin, very well prepared from the technological point of view. But perhaps we didn’t really understand that these in-person events, the interactions, the little coincidental meetings that might’ve happened, that pushed things forward. The fact that the contributor days, they were a great way of pushing the project forward. All of these little things that required us to be in-person well, they just evaporated and we weren’t really prepared for that and that’s kinda my take on it. It feels like from the tech point of view, everything’s a-okay. We can manage that side really well, but the unexpected consequences from the community going away have become slightly more obvious. And I feel it’s not really in any way, catastrophic, it’s just little paper cuts. Things haven’t perhaps worked as fluidly, perhaps interactions haven’t been made, perhaps people have become fatigued, logging onto their computer and so on. And of course, there’s the fact that there’s a great deal of excitement around turning up to one of these events and whether that’s a meetup and you just show up for the evening or you go somewhere further afield. You might need to get in the car or get on a train or get on a plane and you may have booked a hotel and your almost seeing it as a little bit of a vacation, something a little bit outside of the normal experience, all of that side has gone. And so there’s less be excited about. And perhaps as you described it fatigue, I’m describing it more as a lack of excitement, perhaps that has had a bit of an impact.

Dan Maby

I think you’re absolutely right. There’s an excitement when you’re coming together in personnel, there’s excitement. You don’t always know what to expect. You don’t always know what’s going to come in those conversations. You may have a good idea, but the ability to come together in person and really thrive off that energy of one another, it really can be quite special, but equally there are many people that don’t thrive off of that there are many people that really struggle with the idea of being in large groups of people, there’s absolutely pros and cons to all of this. And it’s something that we were in our events, in the in-person events, we were trying to be aware of, be mindful of that experience for people. Some people, as I say will thrive off that environment of being around lots of people, but those that need their own space sometimes. The idea of delivering quiet rooms at in-person events is really important because some people do just need that time away from the crowd to be able to re-energize themselves, by being by themselves. This idea of enabling all walks of life, all the variations of people that build up our community to be able to participate. And I think this is really where we’ve got a huge positive in the virtual environment at the moment we’ve brought down so many barriers. For a far greater, far more diverse mix of individuals, whether we’re talking about speakers or attendees, we’ve got some wonderful opportunities right now in the virtual environment. We’re not having to consider visas. We’re not having to consider travel expenses. The limitation that we’re running on right now in terms of attendance of an event is the bandwidth to be able to connect to that event. We were looking at the positive side of this. There are some really good things I think we need to be very mindful of as we move forward. As we move into, as we start to move into a situation where we, if we’re in a safe environment, to be able to return to the in-person events, we also need to be mindful of how do we continue to encourage that very open and very inclusive model that the virtual environment has created.

Nathan Wrigley

Do you see in the future, and we’ll talk more in a moment about specifically what it is that you and your events have done to move online over the last year or so, but just for now, do you see in the future then a model where, let’s say that we all go back and the world returns to how it was in 2018. Everybody’s allowed to get on planes and trains and everybody can move freely once more. Do you think that we have reached a point where hybrid events and by that I mean, many people will come and be present in the room, but also perhaps we need to provide the internet access so the people from further afield who don’t wish to attend, or perhaps they’re literally on the other side of the world and they only want to see two or three of the variety of sessions that are on offer that week. It’s really not worth them getting on a plane for that, but they could log in and watch them online. So do you feel that there’s a hybrid or will we just consign the online events to the realms of history?

Dan Maby

So I’m very hopeful that as a community, we will adopt the hybrid model. However, having said that, I also appreciate that we need to also figure out what this hybrid model looks like. As a meetup organizer, again, the WordPress London meets up. We were taking quite a considerable amounts of kit into the event to deliver the events. And by kit I’m talking about cameras, microphones, tripods, sound equipment, all sorts of stuff, which isn’t that common in the meetup space. And as a meet-up organizer, you don’t need to be thinking about, or how do I get low cameras, et cetera. But what it meant for us is we were pre pandemic we were already in an environment where we were live streaming the sessions. We were accepting questions coming in from the virtual audience that were consuming the content live whilst the in-person community were also consuming that content. That put us in a very strong model as we move forward, which I can get into in a moment. But the issue that I see is, are we going to try and force the experience where we’ve got the in-person and the virtual, combined together at the same time, are we actually going to create a situation where we create the worst of both worlds? So the in-person deteriorates because there’s a need for more equipment, there’s a need for more organizing and there’s need for just a very different experience where you’ve got a lot more things needing to happen from an organizer’s perspective. And then have you then got the virtual side, is their experience going to deteriorate because the organizers are having to focus on the in person. It’s an awful lot to deliver, as an organizer: an event. But to then take that event and say now I need to do at the same time, a hybrid of in-person and live, particularly on the meetup side, I think it’s something we’re going to have to be very careful of and figure out how do we do that? Are we better to have, I don’t know, for example, an in-person event and a virtual event, twice a month. Again, I’m not advocating for this for every single meetup because I appreciate every meetup is run by volunteers. It’s about the capacity for those organizers. I think when we start to look at WordCamps, it gets a little more interesting because obviously WordCamps do have a slightly larger team often, and there is often some funding supported through sponsorship, et cetera, to enable that. But again, we’ve got to look at how do we make sure that the experience is optimal for both the in-person and the virtual. And I’m not sure I have the, certainly I don’t have the answers to that at this stage, but it’s certainly something we’ve been having a lot of discussion around internally. And the platform that we’ve developed for our virtual events at the moment is something that we’re looking to roll into our hybrid model. But again, that we don’t have the answers at this stage.

Nathan Wrigley

I’m also conscious that perhaps if everything becomes available online, it may persuade people who are almost going to attend live to not attend live. It may dwindle the audience that turn up to the live event, if you know what I mean, which would be a kind of an unexpected consequence, but those people who were flip-flopping and maybe I’ll go, maybe I won’t, oh, I’ll just watch it on the screen, which is fine. But obviously you don’t want to get to the point where the in-person event is attended by just a couple of people, because everybody else is just tuning in online because the sort of sense and the purpose of that event and the camaraderie, all the good stuff that you want to happen, in-person disappears.

Dan Maby

So this was something that we discussed, a number of times pre pandemic, when we made the decision to start live streaming, the WPLDN events, and we have that exact concern and it’s a genuine concern. Are you going to deteriorate the experience by somebody has the option to just simply watch it online? It never happened. Our numbers, stayed consistent and we saw a numbers of in-person stay consistent and we saw our numbers online, grow and grow. And that really demonstrates to us that people want that in person connection, as you just said, there’s so much more to the event than simply consuming the the section that’s being delivered. So it is those conversations are happening in hallway tracks. It’s the, all the other elements to the event that you often can’t gain from a virtual environment.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. So let’s move the conversation a little bit. It was staying on more or less the exact same topic, but I’m curious to know what it is technically that you have done since March last year in the UK, March was the moment where everything ground to a halt, and we were unable to see each other. So I just wondered if you could run us through what challenges you faced, how you’ve overcome them. And I know that you spent a lot of time trying to build a platform and shape a platform, to make this work in your situation. Perhaps explaining that might encourage other people who would like to take their events online, to reach out to you and see if you can lend them a hand.

Dan Maby

Sure. Absolutely. Just to give a bit of context before I get into this, the WPLDN events, along with several other events that we deliver, now come under the umbrella of Big Orange Heart, which is a registered nonprofit with a mission to support, promote positive mental health within remote working communities. So a big focus for us is about continuing ways to help reduce social isolation and the delivery of events do that. Now the reason I’m saying that is because there’s a team of volunteers within Big Orange Heart, that have donated time into helping us deliver them. So what I wouldn’t want to portray is yeah I’m sitting here on my own and it built this platform that enabled the community to continue to do its thing. It’s taken a small village of people to continue to do this. And I appreciate not every meetup has that ability to be able to tap into that. But what we did, we actually back, as I said, previously, we were already live streaming. So we had a pretty good idea of, the, kind of the technical aspects of live streaming content and very fortunate, we’ve got a fantastic team on WPLDN, specifically Leo Mindel, Paul Smart and Diane Wallace and myself come together. Leo comes in with some fantastic technical knowledge to help support the live streaming side of it. And we took the decision back in February, so prior to the government making any announcement here in the UK, we took the decision that was going to be our last event until we had more information in relation to the pandemic. Little did we know that would obviously continue on as it is right now, but we took what we were doing in terms of our live streaming; so we did our final in-person event in February. We jumped straight into trying to do a virtual event in our next event in March. So we delivered one event a month through WPLDN. The first thing we did in March was jumped straight into Zoom and said, yep, let’s get everybody in. Within minutes, we recognize that Zoom was entirely the wrong platform for us to deliver an event on. It’s a great platform, for the purpose of meetings one-to-one or one to many meetings, but it really isn’t a good platform for any kind of event. Because if in an event you want the ability for people to freely move around. And we’ve seen many events that have used Zoom, used multiple Zoom rooms to enable the attendees to jump into different conversations. The problem with that is you don’t know what you’re jumping into. We often refer to it as Zoom roulette because you’ll be jumping into a Zoom call and you don’t know who’s in that Zoom call. You don’t know what you’re jumping into, and it adds a huge cognitive load to the attendees of an event, because not only are they having to figure out where the different Zoom links are, they’re also then having to figure out once they’ve got in who it is that they’re communicating with in that conversation, which it just simply didn’t work for us. So we very quickly started to work on a solution that would enable us to have that ability to have freedom of movement within a virtual environment. Now, this led us on to looking, we’re huge open-source advocates. And we wanted to continue to deliver, we wanted to build something that would tie in and fit with that ethos of the open source projects that we support. So we quickly discovered Jitsi as source video conferencing solution. Ran into many challenges along the way, in terms of building out the platform. But what we ultimately ended up with was a platform that enabled us to use our existing registration process. So all of our attendees are on meetup. So we wanted for people to be able to obviously log in with their meetup credentials. So register for an event on meetup, if they’ve registered, be able to then access the event online. So we built a WordPress site, built a custom app that wrapped around a Jitsi instance, which then enabled us to have this concept of tables within the platform. So attendees would register for the event, jump in. We would be able to stream content into that platform as well as then have this idea of tables where people could freely move around and see exactly who’s on what table before they were jumping in. We delivered that I believe that was around May time of that year. So two months following the decision to go to virtual and we continue to iterate and evolve that platform from that point on, which has been, it’s been a phenomenal experience, the development of this solution. I just wanted to give a shout out to Louis Cowles, who has been doing an incredible job. Taking what I had originally put together, which was this app wrapped around Jitsi and he has turned it into something far more spectacular, which we are now, almost at the stage of being able to deliver as a WordPress plugin. So if anybody has attended any of the Big Orange Heart events or any of the events, the Big Orange Heart supports, have experienced the platform, which includes WordFest. The whole platform that we have developed there will soon be available as a WordPress plugin as well, which we’re really excited about.

Nathan Wrigley

I have to say from my part, it is now feeling incredibly mature and the fact that it will soon be a WordPress plugin is remarkable. Will that be something that anybody can access and therefore use at their own meetups? Presumably there’s some sort of burden of setting up things outside of WordPress. Maybe there’s other containers with the Jitsi software that needs to be done, or does it all get rolled into just the plugin and you’re good to go.

Dan Maby

So there’s still work that we’re working through, how to enable that within the community. Really, what we’re trying to do here is build something that is enabling communities to have the experience that we’ve had with WPLDN, and also, we’re not just simply talking in this current particular space where we’ve got the, just virtual again, referring back to the hybrid model. As a platform would work particularly well for the hybrid model, but yes, there are definitely additional technical elements to it, which we will obviously be looking at how we can mitigate that technical challenge that comes with it. There are hosted versions of Jitsi, which you can simply plug into it as it is right now. So again, we’ll be able to share more information as we move forward with that. We’re really, it’s about enabling the community to be able to continue to have that very broad reach. Even as we, as we move back into the in-person.

Nathan Wrigley

You being you, you weren’t content to rest on your laurels and carry on just doing the WPLDN event. You’ve obviously got this platform and you decided at some point last year, that you wanted to manage and organize an event which spanned the entire globe. And so WordFest was born. I don’t know if WordFest was born, basically out of the fact the world was on pause or whether you’d have plans for this prior to that. But perhaps you could spend a few minutes just outlining what WordFest is and by good coincidence, there is actually a WordFest, if you’re listening to this podcast episode, soon after it was released, there is actually a WordFest event coming up really soon. So perhaps tell us why you started it and then get onto what’s going on in the next few weeks.

Dan Maby

Sure. So as a charity, we always intended to have some form of larger in-person event. Events have been something that’s had a real passion for a very long time. The ethos of bringing people together, helping reduce social isolation of lone workers is something that really fits well with everything that we’re doing in terms of Big Orange Heart. So we wanted to enable people to come together. That had always been on the cards from the very early stages of Big Orange Heart. Of course, when we got thrown into this situation with the pandemic, as I say, we moved into the virtual environment for our monthly events, that platform that I’ve been discussing, we actually opened up to other communities. So we’ve enabled other communities to be able to run their events through our platform, without any charge to them. We just simply wants to be able to create a solution for those communities to continue to come together when they couldn’t deliver them in person. What that actually meant was that we, in the first 12 months that we were delivering events through our live dot Big Orange Heart dot org site, we’d had over 12,000 attendees come through that platform, which has meant that we’d obviously had a huge amount of feedback and we’d been able to iterate very quickly across that solution to get to a point where we actually decided that we want to deliver a larger scale event. It’s always been on the cards. Why not do that as a virtual conference or virtual festival? That’s really where the concept of WordFest was born. And I want to, again, when we give a huge shout out to Brian Richards, particularly of WordSesh. WordSesh has been around, you know, as a virtual WordPress focused virtual event for many years, I can remember way back in the early days of the first WordSesh, the first few WordSesh’s, which were 24 hour events and had a lot of fun attending those. And I remember attending my first one and actually attending for the full 24 hours. So this wasn’t something that was new in our space. We were very aware that there was a desire for it, but we wanted to wrap together the two elements of what we do. Our hearts really are in WordPress, but our focus is really around wellbeing and mental health, positive mental health. So this concept of WordFest was about bringing those elements together. So if you attend WordFest, you will find content that focuses on both WordPress and our individual wellbeing as remote workers. It really was about this concept of a global celebration of our community. We talked about different ways of delivering it. We talked about do we do over multiple days because we appreciate time zones, how do we, how do we factor in a way of enabling anybody that wants to attend to be able to attend? But we didn’t want to just say here’s a set time on this day, here’s six hours that would deliver it or, over a period of days, we’ll do, it was a real challenge. So we, we kept coming back to this 24 hour concept because it would end up, if somebody wants to attend over that one day, there was some point in the day that hopefully they would be able to join us. And it has mushroomed. It’s grown and grown. We set out to deliver the first one back in January, this year, 2021, we set a target of 2000 attendees to the event we had just over two and a half thousand attend. So it was, we completely smashed all our expectations in terms of people attending the event. But also we completely smashed our expectations in terms of the number of sessions that we were delivering. We initially set out a wanting to deliver 24 sessions over the 24 hours. That turned into 36 sessions actually ended up being 48 sessions through the first event. I’m really happy. I’m not sure it’s the right word, but I’m really happy to say that this time around we’ve actually got 66 sessions that are going to be delivered in the 24 hours. It’s been a phenomenal experience, delivering this as again, as a wonderful team of volunteers, sitting behind this people like Michelle, Cate, Hauwa, Paul, just wonderful people that are really enabling us to be able to continue to grow this event into a much larger scale event than it ever was initially. So the next WordFest live is taking place on the 23rd of July. So we’ll be featuring 66 sessions over a 24 hour period. And it is, I think one of the most wonderful things I took away from the last WordFest was, as an organizer, having organized many in-person events, there’s always a connection with your co-organizers. Certainly if you’re running a larger event, such as a WordCamp, for example, you build up this rapport and you build up this relationship that on the day of delivering the event often it’s, it’s, it’s tiring. There are, yeah, there are moments of challenges, but there are just wonderful moments as well. But you experience all of those things together as a team. What I took away from WordFest live, which was a genuine surprise to me was we managed to create that same experience. We managed to create that same shared experience as we were delivering the event. I’ll never forget sitting here, I think I was in about hour 36 of because I’d been up some time before the event and I was sitting there and just the silence that was actually happening as a bunch of organizers, we all knew how, what we were experiencing in that moment. And it was just a real special time. We use various tools to deliver it. And one of the key secret ingredients for us as organizers was Discord. So having an open audio Discord channel for us to be able to just simply be able to speak to one another as we needed in that moment, it worked incredibly well for us.

Nathan Wrigley

So the event, just tell us one last time. What are the dates and where do we go if we wish to sign up and perhaps importantly, tell us how much does it cost?

Dan Maby

I’m laughing because it costs you absolutely nothing. WordFest Live is a free event, the next event is taking place on the 23rd of July where we’ll be starting at midnight UTC. So time zones are always fun in an event like this. So we base it around UTC. So midnight UTC on the 23rd of July running for 24 hours. So that’s the Friday 23rd. You can join us at any point over that 24 hour period, we will be running across six continents. Our time zone starts off in the Australia, Australian time zones. We’ll move on to Asia, Africa, Europe, south America, and ending up in North America. And then we’ve got Antarctica. You can chill out in our community tent all day long. So over that period, we would love to see you join us. As I say, registration is entirely free. There is an optional $10 donation that you can make when registering, all funds go directly into Big Orange Heart, which was the say is a registered nonprofit. There is also an option there to sign up as a micro sponsor. Should you choose to. Micro sponsorship is charged at $250. And for that, we will obviously get some exposure of your company. And it’s really a more a reflection of what it actually costs for us to put this together, in terms of the attendees tickets.

Nathan Wrigley

This podcast episode, you could probably sum it up with one word and that word would probably be community. If I was to show up to WordFest live and I had ambitions to socialize with other people. That kind of thing is possible? It’s not just about show up to the event, watch the speakers and then wait for the next speaker to start. You’ve provided opportunities to socialize. So maybe as a final thing, just explain how that works. What’s the provision for meeting up with other people and breaking out into different groups and so on.

Dan Maby

So this was as equally important as finding fantastic speakers. We also needed to make sure that the ability for people to be able to connect, the community, to be able to come together has been a focus for us. So this is where the custom solution that we’ve been developing comes into play. So if you are attending WordFest, you can obviously consume, we’ve got two tracks running over the 24 hour period. So at any point you have a choice of at least two sessions to choose from. I say at least because there’s also some evergreen content that will be available for you to consume through the events as well. And then you can head over to our community tent which we are nicknaming Antarctica this time round, where you can connect with the sponsors. So you will see all the sponsors tables, you can jump in and have conversations, discuss with them for whatever reason you need to to connect with the sponsors, highly encourage you to do that. But in the same space, you can also spin up your own community table. And this is, we try to liken it to a sponsors hall at an in-person event. You might wander into the sponsors hall. You’ll have conversations with the sponsors, but equally you might have conversations with your peers, friends, colleagues, in and around the community. So we’ve really tried to, as best we can in the virtual environment, replicates that hallway track experience where you’re not bound to specific calls, you’re not bound to specific tables. You have freedom of movement within that platform to connect with those that you want to connect with. Equally, you also have your own profile within the platform and your own profile then has your own meeting room. So should you want to break out and have you a slightly more private conversation discussion away from the community tent, then again, you have that facility. So it’s really about trying to enable people to come together and have the conversations that are so important.

Nathan Wrigley

Thank you so much, Dan, for putting an event like this on, I know that as you’ve said, it’s not just you, there’s a great large community of people in the background as well. So thank you to them equally and during the last 18 months or so, thanks for being there and making sure that the communities can keep meeting and you’ve endeavored to to keep all of that going. And I fear that unless it was for people like you who’ve really gone the extra mile, perhaps things wouldn’t be quite so bright going forward. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much, Dan, for coming on the podcast and for everything that you do.

Dan Maby

Oh I’m deeply appreciate. I thank you. Thank you very much, and likewise. Thank you for all that you do across the community. I appreciate it. I’ll see, you spent a lot of time chatting with people like me sharing some wonderful stories.

Nathan Wrigley

Thank you so much.

#3 – Benjamin Intal on Why He’s Betting His Business on Blocks

About this episode.

On the podcast today we have Benjamin Intal. He’s the founder of Stackable, which is a suite of custom blocks.

Benjamin decided early on that his company was going to take the possibilities that Gutenberg offered seriously. They had previously developed a page builder plugin, but felt that the opportunity presented by blocks was something that they could not overlook.

During the conversation, we talk about why Benjamin decided to devote so much time and energy towards creating blocks, at a time when there was almost no certainty about the status of blocks, and the block editor. Indeed, there was no clarity on whether blocks would become a core feature in WordPress.

As we now know, blocks are an increasingly important topic in WordPress, and so Benjamin’s decision, with a little hindsight, appears to have been a wise one.

We talk about some of the difficulties that have presented themselves over the last three years, and how they overcame them. These ranged from having to develop in the absence of documentation, to creating bespoke solutions to problems which were later handled by WordPress Core.

We also discuss how they went about iterating their product in a technology space which was new. What methods the team used to ensure that they were building features which their users really needed.

We also get into whether the block system is now fully mature and ready to support a growing ecosystem of developers. Is it a good idea to create ‘smaller’ blocks with a limited use case, or a large suite of blocks which work in harmony with one another? Are we entering a future in which the ‘there’s a block for that’ mentality might lead to sites with ‘block bloat’; sites with multiple blocks, with overlapping features.

It’s an interesting chat and gives an insight into a transitional moment in the history of WordPress. A moment in which blocks are taking on much of the heavy lifting in a WordPress website. A moment in which reputations are being made.

Useful links.


Gutenberg Times

Make WordPress

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the third edition of the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast and transcript for people who are interested in WordPress and the WordPress community. It’s happening once per month for now, and if you wanted to be updated when new episodes are published, you can sign up at wptavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. If you have any feedback about the podcast, then please head over to wptavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox and there you’ll find a contact form for you to complete and thanks in advance if you do. Okay, so the podcast today features Benjamin Intal. He’s the founder of Stackable, which is a suite of custom blocks. Benjamin decided early on that his company, we’re going to take the possibilities that Gutenberg offered very seriously. They had previously developed a page builder plugin, but felt that the opportunities presented by blocks was something that they could not overlook. During the conversation we talk about why Benjamin decided to devote so much time and energy towards creating blocks at a time when there was almost no certainty about the status of blocks and the block editor. Indeed, there was no clarity on whether or not blocks would become a core feature in WordPress. As we now know, blocks are an increasingly important topic in WordPress, and so Benjamin’s decision, with a little hindsight, appears to have been a wise one. We talk about some of the difficulties that have presented themselves over the last three years and how they overcame them. They ranged from having to develop in the absence of documentation to creating bespoke solutions to problems which were later handled by WordPress Core. We also discuss how they went about iterating their product in a technology space which was new. What methods the team used to ensure that they were building features, which their users really needed. We also get into the topic of whether or not the block system is now fully mature and ready to support a growing ecosystem of developers. Is it a good idea to create smaller blocks with a limited use case, or a large suite of blocks, which work in harmony with one another? Are we entering a future in which the ‘there’s a block for that’ mentality might lead to sites with block bloat. Sites with multiple blocks, with overlapping features. It’s an interesting chat and gives an insight into a transitional moment in the history of WordPress. A moment in which blocks are taking on much of the heavy lifting in a WordPress website. A moment in which reputations are made. If any of the points raised here resonate with you, be sure to head over to the post at wptavern.com forward slash podcast and leave us a comment there. And so without further delay, I bring you Benjamin Intal. I am joined by Benjamin Intal. Hi, Benjamin. How are you doing?

Benjamin Intal

Hey, Nathan. Thanks for having me here.

Nathan Wrigley

You’re very welcome. I think as with all podcasts like this, it’s a really good idea to get some perspective on who you are and where you have been in the WordPress space. Although it’s a bit of a generic question, I am going to ask it regardless. Would you just tell us what your relationship is with WordPress? How many years you’ve been using WordPress, how you got involved and so on and so forth.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah. So I started with WordPress development in 2010, and I stumbled into WordPress at first to create freelance websites. And I became a fan of WordPress. So I was surprised that you can extend it so much to create themes and plugins that did all manner of things. So I created my first theme, set it for sale. And then I moved into plugins, created actually a bunch of them. And now I had a development team here in the Philippines and our main focus is on building Stackable page builder Gutenberg blocks.

Nathan Wrigley

Thank you very much indeed. Now, as the title of this podcast will no doubt reflect. You’ve really thrown all of your weight behind the whole Gutenberg block system. I’m just curious about why it is that you’ve done that as we speak, there are a few packs of blocks, which are similar to what you offer. You jumped on board very early and therefore you must have been fairly confident in Gutenberg and what was going to be offered. So I’m just interested in that really? Why is it that you decided that blocks were going to be the future for you, your business, your company, and all of that?

Benjamin Intal

Actually, when we started building Stackable, I think we released it early February, 2018, and Gutenberg was still in very early beta back then. And back then it wasn’t yet certain if it would get included into WordPress core, but we were doing other things related to page builders during that time as well. And we thought that it wouldn’t hurt to try building blocks for a Gutenberg. So it was something very innovative and new. So previously WordPress was all about PHP and this one, it was more about JavaScript and more about React. So it was a chance to learn new technologies. So we built actually just an MVP, minimum viable product. So we turned that into a free plugin that added blocks, uploaded it to the plugin directory, and then see what would happen. So if it works then great. If it didn’t, then at least we still had fun and got the good learning experience from it. So that’s how we got started.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah. I am curious about that. That’s quite a big commitment in terms of time and energy, and moving the assets around in your company in order to make that all happen. And I guess at that time it was a bit of a gamble. Were you prepared at that time to accept that perhaps Gutenberg wouldn’t be making it into core and that your endeavors might end up just as time spent in development, but nothing would actually come out of it. Were you in some way hopeful that it would come into Core and we’re banking on that happening?

Benjamin Intal

It had something to do with timing actually, before diving into Gutenberg, we actually attempted to make our own page builder before using our own resources. In the middle of it Gutenberg suddenly popped out of nowhere. And then people were talking about that it would be a page builder killer in the future. So you had kind of a crossroads. So do we continued trying to build our page builder, or should we jump into the Gutenberg bandwagon if you say, if you can say that. So what we decided was, what if we just come out with something, and then while Gutenberg is still brewing, let’s just continue what we’re doing, the page builder. And then if Gutenberg gets merged into Core, then we can maybe focus our efforts more on that. But if not, then we can continue doing what we were originally doing.

Nathan Wrigley

Probably at various points dip into the suite of blocks that you have, which is called Stackable. I’m just curious as to what the difficulties have been over the last, roughly three years or so building this, because if you’re building something into a fully mature platform where the documentation is excellent and the roadmap is clear and everybody knows how to build things. That’s one thing, but you were building into the dark really into an area of it almost like shifting sand, something that was certain today could be removed tomorrow. It was complete state of flux. The documentation probably wasn’t as fleshed out as it could be. And the roadmap wasn’t necessarily clear. So I’m just wondering if there were any difficulties which you’ve encountered over the last three years, which meant that you had to perhaps rewrite things undo things that you’d already done or indeed find new opportunities in innovations that you didn’t expect to come, which did come.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah, I guess to start off, I didn’t realize it’s been three years already. Oh my gosh. So some of the components that we can use, especially at the start, we’re a bit barebones. So we had to invent a lot of our own. So that’s fun actually. Some parts now are getting better. So like now Gutenberg has the focal point picker and the gradient color picker. So before there weren’t any of those controls, and I’m actually excited to use these new things and Stackable as well. So that’s one difficulty. About the documentation, I think it’s okay, especially if you’re just starting out, there are a lot of examples to get you started now. But a lot of the time we had to explore the code and go inside GitHub to study how things are done and how the components are used. Although even if we did that, it was still really helpful checking the code base. Since I think it’s very well written. It’s well segregated and well-maintained, there are hundreds of people who have contributed to the code. Most of whom are more knowledgeable in Gutenberg and React than me. So I also get to learn a lot of things from it. As for the roadmap, there’s a higher overview roadmap that Matt Mullenweg brought up before, the four phases. Phase one replace the classic editor and then phase two is full site editing, phase three and four are collaboration and multi-lingual. So we go around that. But what we do is we have some big assumptions, that we mainly use as our guide on the direction on what we do. So in our minds, one of the main goals of Gutenberg is to have it replace the classic editor. So it’s not meant to be a replacement for page builders per se. So if there’s no more classic editor, Gutenberg would be the best experience for writing content in WordPress. So we work around that assumption. And also, we always anticipate whatever new feature is coming. So for example, full site editing is coming in the future. So instead of creating our own solutions like that, instead of providing the ability to edit templates and headers ourselves, we just wait for the future improvements so that we can build on top of it instead of reinventing on our own.

Nathan Wrigley

During the last three years, have there been blind alleys where you’ve begun doing something only to figure out a) it couldn’t be done possibly or b) it was going to become a part of Core? You mentioned something just there, but I’m just wonderingh how the communication from the team that are building it has impacted what you’ve been able to do. In other words, have you always felt that there’s enough information coming downstream toward you, that you could confidently put your team to work building certain things or has the last three years been a bit of a stop-start… well we didn’t know that was going to happen? I realize that we’re at a point now where things are certainly better than they were, but just because of the fact that you are one of the few people who’s done this right from the start, I’m just wondering how that process has been over the last three years.

Benjamin Intal

I’m not sure whether the communication has changed and I don’t think there’s something necessarily wrong with it. I treat the Gutenberg updates like normal WordPress updates. So what I mostly do is just good old fashioned research. So to be honest, I check WP Tavern on what’s new every now and then. And read the articles in there, although I’m more of a lurker in the comments than a commenter. What I also do is I used to check managewp.org before they shut down, actually. I occasionally also try out the Gutenberg plugin to see what’s new. So that’s, I think one of the main sources of my information on what’s coming, I read the change log rather actually try and read it since sometimes it can be quite technical. Make WordPress is also a very good resource for me on what’s coming. So some of the entries in there go into great detail on what’s new. Maybe there’s an API or a large change, and they sometimes have links to videos and show what’s actually new. And then actually there’s this video and Gutenberg times. So it’s like a news site, all about Gutenberg, by Birgit Pauli-Haack, where they demo the status of Full SIte editing before. So that was really helpful as well.

Nathan Wrigley

I know that the team themselves are very conscious that when Gutenberg was announced that there was real division in the WordPress community. There were many people who didn’t want to have anything to do with it and felt that it had been more or less forced upon them, shall we say? And there were many people who embraced it. It did bifurcate the community a bit, split it in two. And there was also the concern that, because it was a new project and there weren’t as many eyeballs and it hadn’t reached maturity that it was difficult to get involved. Like you said earlier, you’ve got to learn a whole bunch of new skills and many people who are quite happy using PHP, and that was as far as they wish to go, and all of a sudden there’s new requirements to learn new programming techniques and so on and so forth. But you obviously decided it was worth the investment. So that’s great. Well done to you. I’m just curious as to, because you’re shooting in the dark and inventing something new, I’m interested to know how it is that you discover from your growing audience, what it is that they would wish you to iterate on in Stackable. So obviously if we go back three years ago, there was very little that you had to show. If we go now and look at what it is that you’re offering, you’ve got a whole suite of different things with multiple complicated options. And I’m very curious to know if a plugin developer was keen to build their own block, what have you found to be a good way to discover from your audience, your memberships, your community, what it is that they wish you to build?

Benjamin Intal

Communication is something that we feel that is very important because while we use Stackable ourselves for some of our own projects, I feel that there are a lot of scenarios and use cases that we haven’t taken into consideration yet, and that our users would know more about. So first in communication, there’s our support. Some customers email in just to request some feature that they really need. Then there’s our Facebook community. So this is something that we started early on. So we try and foster sharing in the community. We try to be as transparent as we can. We try and share what we’re currently doing. We share GIFs and screenshots and we get feedback on those. So whether it’s a good idea or whether to continue or whether it lacks something more. And actually now it’s a bit difficult catching up with the number of requests. And we’ve discovered that what we wanted to build and what our users want, can sometimes be a bit different from each other. What’s important is to remember who you’re building for. They are the ones who tell us, what’s a good idea. So for example, we have this role manager feature where you can lock up the inspector, and it would only allow you to edit the block text, which was actually suggested by a few of our users who had clients and those clients wanted to perform edits on their site themselves, but they didn’t want them to accidentally change the design. So we wanted to add features geared towards agencies, but this was something that we didn’t even think about. So it was a good match. So that’s why we added that in.

Nathan Wrigley

I wondered if there were any things that you wish you were able to build, but you are constrained by the Gutenberg project thus far, are there any limitations that you’ve run up against? What I’m imagining here is there’s a whole bunch of people out there in the community who never use page builders, and there’s a whole bunch of people who write template files, and there’s a whole bunch of people who really embrace page builders and it’s become their modus operandi, that’s how they interact with WordPress these days. And the level of sophistication that has been built into some of these tools is pretty incredible. They can do some fairly amazing things and their team have worked very hard. But they’re in their own little silo. So as an example, page builder A over here, they’ve got their team and they’ve built all of these fantastic features and page builder B over here, they’ve built there’s and they’re completely separate, and they’re not interoperable, but we’re trying to build it a system here where everybody can bolt on top of it, Gutenberg the block editor. But I’m just wondering at the moment, if there are things which you see in third-party tools that you wish to build, but it’s simply not available to you yet. There are constraints within what’s possible.

Benjamin Intal

I think something that fits that very well, is that the ability to edit page templates. Every now and then we get this request. Would I be able to edit headers? Can I edit my footers in all of my pages? But unfortunately we can’t do something like that in Gutenberg yet. That’s probably one of the main limitations that we have right now. And for that, there’s an answer that Gutenberg has, although it’s still in the pipeline, so we just have to wait for it, and then we can dive in and add features on top of it so that people can start creating their own page templates.

Nathan Wrigley

I think people give Guttenberg flack because it’s not entirely clear unless you really go out of your way to discover what’s coming down the pipeline and so on. It can be quite a confusing experience. And the idea that it’s in the future, going to be able to do these things, and these things. It’s a fairly drawn out process and it’s taking a long time and we had Anne McCarthy on the podcast last time talking about why that was and why that’s intentionally a fairly slow rollout because they’ve got 40 plus percent of the web to protect. But I’m just interested in whether any of that. Is a cause of frustration. If you’d have been building this yourself you may be, could have advanced things quicker, but your users are asking for the ability to, like you say, alter page templates and so on, and you can’t provide it for them, but it’s not your fault. And it may be, there’s a bit of you, which is thinking, do you know, I wish they’d hurry up and get this thing finished.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah, I think that’s really something. So it’s not really a frustration, but more of something that we always have to keep in mind is that we are quite dependent on Gutenberg’s progress. So really have to time things right most of the time. So like Full Site Editing, there was a hint that it would maybe come out late last year. And there was another hint again, that it will come out earlier this year. But fortunately that didn’t happen. So we always have to be on the tip of our toes when it comes to what’s going to be released, and what can we do about it? One funny thing, but not really funny, but maybe unfortunate since we’re building something that’s tightly intertwined with Gutenberg is that some people mix up what’s with Stackable and what’s in Gutenberg. So for example, they recently changed how reusable blocks worked. And we got some emails from users asking us why we changed the behavior, a few usable blocks, but actually that wasn’t us. It was part of the WordPress update.

Nathan Wrigley

From the outside that would feel like a point of frustration because suddenly something that you have got no control over is causing you to have to spend time answering support tickets and so on. Something that, that you didn’t do is consuming your time. And while it’s not a frustration, I guess that’s just the fallout of jumping in early with this. If you’d have waited to create this for another three or four years, when everything was much more mature than it is now, you would have probably had a great deal of a smoother road, but you would have missed that opportunity to become one of the people that jumped in early and made a name for themselves. So I guess as a company, you’ve just got to accept a bit of that. That goes with the territory. You’ve done this early. There’ll be a benefit to that down the road, but there’s also going to be moments right now where things don’t go as smoothly as you’d wish.

Benjamin Intal

I think you said it quite right. So it’s just part of the territory. We just really have to accept it that way. Since if you really jump in early, there’s going to be a lot of changes, especially in Gutenberg. Where everything isn’t certain yet. So you have to keep on adjusting on what’s out there, what the people want. So I think it’s just really part of the territory. And it’s just something that you have to accept.

Nathan Wrigley

Speaking of which let’s gaze into the crystal ball a little bit and think about what it is that you’re planning to build in the near future. Now, obviously, anything that you say now, may have to go under the microscope of what Gutenberg actually allows you to do in the way that we’ve just discussed. I’m just interested to know what it is that you’re hoping to build in the future, given what the project is hoping to provide for you.

Benjamin Intal

So right now we’re busy with the version three of Stackable. So currently we’re at version two, but in the middle of adding new features and listening to feedback from the users, we realized that there were some things that we weren’t able to do with how our blocks work right now. Cause right now what we did was every block, that we have, we try and make it so that you can turn any block into a whole section of your website. So while that’s good. So that also gives us a few limitations on what we can do. So in version three, we want to make things more flexible. So for example, we want to add more dynamic content stuff and also better responsive editing. So things like, adjusting how columns would collapse in tablets and mobile. So for example, if you can specify your four column layout to be a two column layout in tablet, we want people to have that ability as well, so much more advanced editing capabilities, similar to what some page builders already have. Probably down the road, maybe towards the end of the year, we hope to be able to provide starter websites, a fully package website that you can just import and start from there and probably a design system, so you can change what all your Stackable blocks would look like. Something like that. Although that’s just something we’re currently thinking right now.

Nathan Wrigley

In terms of what you can do at the moment compared to one of the proprietary page builders that you could go and seek out in the WordPress space. Is there still a big disconnect with what they can do? So for example, you just mentioned a certain feature that page builders can currently do that you’re hoping to bring. How long into the future, and obviously again, we are crystal ball gazing. Do you see that sort of feature parity there being equal amounts of features in page builders, which you can purchase and download from the repo and what Gutenberg will provide? How far in advance do you think it’s going to be before they’re feature equal?

Benjamin Intal

Oh, I think probably around maybe two years or so, because right now, Gutenberg is still quite new. So we’re still in the area where we can just edit the contents of single pages. We’re not yet there in terms of editing the whole website in just Gutenberg and nowhere else. So I think we’re maybe around two years from that

Nathan Wrigley

In a couple of years time in two years’ time say when maybe there’ll be many more features that people require to build full sites. Do you think that there’ll ever be a point where the people who build page builders currently need to be concerned about there being a business left for them? In other words, Do you feel that Gutenberg will replace page builders? Or is it more a case of that’ll be one option, but there’ll still be a completely viable business for people who sell their page builder software.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah. So you’re asking if Gutenberg will ever replace themes and page builders? For that, I don’t think so. I think if it replaces anything Gutenberg probably just replaces the classic editor, but with the plugins that extend Gutenberg, it can be a great alternative to page builders. Yeah. But I think in the future you can just get Gutenberg and then with the power of other plugins, it can be a viable page builder. So it can just be an alternative because there’s always going to, it’d be some people that would want an alternative version. Another way of building things.

Nathan Wrigley

I also feel it’s a bit of a case of a rising tide carries all boats. What I mean by that is that as WordPress’s market share seems to keep going up, a few years ago, it was in the mid thirties and then it became late thirties. And now we’re into the early forties percent of the top 10 million websites. You feel like the market is just getting bigger. And so even if you were wedded to a particular page builder and you’ve been using it for many years, it feels like the market’s just going to get bigger for them all. So there’s nothing to be particularly concerned about. It’s just going to be one option. You’re going to be able to do all sorts of different things with that option, but you’ll also be quite able to just carry on using the existing stack that you’ve got. If you’re happy with it. Speaking of developments in the future, there are some lovely initiatives in the WordPress space to make the creation of content, much more straightforward. And I know in your case, you can drop pre-configured blocks in and you can style them and make them look however you like. And there’s all sorts of options in there. I just wondered what you thought about some of the new developments, things like block patterns and reusable blocks, which allow us to save time by creating content, squirreling away somewhere, and whether you’re intending to use any of these features in the future within Stackable.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah. So reusable blocks are great for repeated content that you want to be consistent across your entire website. So something like a signup form for your newsletter that you can add in the middle or at the end of your blog posts, those are really helpful. So if you wanted to change something, you won’t have to go through every single blog post to update it. Block patterns on the other hand are great also, but I feel that they’re a bit under utilized. So they’re like reusable blocks, but unlike reusable blocks, if you’re the user, you can’t add block patterns on your own, and it’s up to the theme developer to add them. So I found that a lot of our users use reusable blocks like block patterns. So they add their designs as reasonable blocks, but when they add it into their pages, they just convert it back to regular blocks so that they can use that as a starting point and then customize them. So it’s like an unofficial way to save your own block designs or patterns. So I think that’s a use case that the Gutenberg developers can take into account and maybe add that in as a future update.

Nathan Wrigley

There are so many awkward problems with the Gutenberg UI at the moment, in terms of exposing those things to us, I feel that sometimes the proprietary page builders, I feel they do a really good job of showing you what all of that looks like with their overlays and things. I’m not sure yet that, the Gutenberg project has hit upon the perfect UI. We’ve got the bar over to the left, we’ve got the bar over to the right and the fact that they’re fixed in width and you’re not really, you’re not really able to moderate them. It feels like there’s a lot of work to be done there to improve the UI, to discover all these things, and particularly in the case of reusable blocks, and block patterns. Nice ways of seeing, not just as a tiny little thumbnail, but something, large and full screen. So you can get a real idea of what it is you’re about to drop into the page. So really a conversation about, where the UX could be improved if you’ve got any thoughts on that.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah. Yeah. I think there are a lot of things that we can still improve on. Although I think it will only just take time because right now, even if it feels like there are a lot of stuff being added to Gutenberg, and there are also a lot of things that are being studied and adjusted. So I think as an example of something that can be improved, like I mentioned a while ago, I think block patterns, I think a lot of people have, can have a good use by having the ability to add block patterns or their own block patterns. Oh, actually one of the good improvements that we can do in Gutenberg, because one of the hard things to do in Gutenberg is to know where you are, in the current page. Cause it’s if you check out the block editor, if you check out Gutenberg, it’s basically a tree of a lot of blocks and then blocks inside of other blocks. So it can easily be hard to know what you’re editing. Although the, I forgot what it’s called, the navigator button on the top. The one where you, when you click it, it’s going to show you a bullet list of the blocks. So I think that can be improved. I think that can be transformed into something that you can use to actually manipulate the blocks that where you can, for example, if you want this heading to be moved into inside another container, you can just click the navigator, and then you can move it around from there directly. So I think something like that can be a good way or a good alternative for you to be able to move around blocks and figure it out where you are. Cause it’s actually sometimes hard to click on something, especially if you’re inside a columns block because inside a columns block, there’s two column blocks, and inside that you have your other blocks inside. So it’s hard to master or it’s a bit hard to make sure that people can click around and figure out where they actually are. Actually, I think the difficulty here is that there’s a balance between building a what is what you get, editor, and then also making it spacious enough that you can click around and easily figure out where you are, because if you add spaces everywhere and add outlines. So I think that’s a solution. If you add outlines everywhere, that’s going to be easier to know what’s going on in the screen. So for example, if you have the columns block and then maybe an outline block to signify that you’re inside the column. So that’s going to be easier than if you didn’t have any spaces and they don’t have any outlines. That’s going to be way easier than what we have right now. Although it’s a delicate balance because now if you have outlines and lots of spacings, it’s not going to be a, what you see is what to get builder, no matter what you do, it’s going to be, you’re going to have people who don’t want what’s going on right now. You’re going to have people who don’t like this change, or you’re going to have people that would prefer the other way around. It’s just finding the balance on the what works.

Nathan Wrigley

One of the most fantastic features that ever I suppose, came to WordPress was the ability to add in plugins to extend what WordPress could do with extra functionality, and in the near future, we’re going to have the block directory will be available to everybody and we’ll be able to search for blocks that we don’t have yet installed and install them on our website. I’m curious about whether you think this is a good development. What I mean by that is I just wonder if there’s a concern that we need to have about people wanting to have a block for every little thing, and then downloading a ridiculous amount of blocks, most of which they don’t need, which will be consuming up resources on their website and so on and so forth. I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on this block directory, whether it’s something that you’re going to be involved in, whether you’re going to do anything like that become involved in installing directly one of your blocks at a time as opposed to selling it as a whole suite.

Benjamin Intal

To be honest, I was initially excited about the block directory. And I think it’s already live right. It’s working right now, except that, although I thought it was going to work more like the plugin and team directory, where there’s an actual directory that you can go to and browse, I think right now the current behavior is that you have to search for a block inside the inserter, the plus sign that you click on to add blocks. And if what you type doesn’t show a result. If you don’t have any block that matches that keyword, then that’s the only time the block directory shows up. So I think that process can be improved. I think it’s a bit off since you can only see the block directory, if you type in a search term that doesn’t match anything. So you’ll have a lot of instances when the block directory won’t show up at all. So for example, it won’t trigger. If you type in text like the t e x t since that’s the keyword of the native paragraph and heading block. So I think that’s something that can be improved on and they hope they’ll improve on. And I think if you have a lot of blocks turned on from the block directory, like a block bloat. So I think it’s just the same as with plugin bloat. So it’s like the notion of having just too many plugins installed. I think it depends on the plugins that you have in your setup. And they think with blocks, it’s going to be the same thing. So it’s quite possible to have this block bloat by installing lots of individual plugins. Especially if you add in lots of blocks that load their own style sheets, their own Javascript files, but they think this depends on how the blocks were made. So like with plugins, it depends on how the plugins were made. If you activate a lot of plugins that just loaded a lot of their stuff, every time. So that’s going to be a bad experience. So I think it’s going to be just the same. It’s going to be up to the block developers. It’s going to be the responsibility of the block authors to make everything optimized so that everything would load up properly.

Nathan Wrigley

I can see a future in which individual little blocks become a nice commodity. So at the moment, we’ve obviously got a very full free WordPress repository, and we’ve also got a very healthy paid for plugin and theme marketplace. And I can imagine a future where blocks also in the same way that Stackable is, you pay for the premium version of Stackable and that’s great, but I can see almost like on your Android or iPhone device where you are prepared to pay a smaller amounts of money for a smaller thing. It’s not a windows app or a Mac app, it’s just the Android app, you’re going to pay less for it. Just wonder if there’s a marketplace for. Individual little blocks and, you pay, I don’t know, $2, $3, $5 for a block that does this one thing. And does it well, and whether or not you’re interested in that marketplace, or if you’re going to keep your Stackable suite as one big thing, instead of lots of little things,

Benjamin Intal

I think maybe it might be a good idea for other blocks that provide a very large functionality in just one block. So maybe a store locator block, or maybe a contact form block, but I don’t think that’s an option for us because one benefit though, with doing things as a collection is that you get everything in one go, so you get all the blocks. Maybe you can turn some of them off if you don’t need them. But if there’s an update that adds one more block in the future, then you won’t have to pay extra. So there’s that. And going back to block bloat, I think it depends on how the blocks were made. So for example, in Stackable we have optimizations in place that affect all of our blocks. So if we add another block in their roster, the plugin won’t necessarily feel any bulkier. That’s one of the benefits of a collection. So I don’t think we’re going to offer individual blocks. I don’t know right now we’re thinking maybe not, but we don’t know sometime, maybe in the future. But right now, I don’t think so.

Nathan Wrigley

I’m just curious about this sort of slight disconnect in the way that things look in the backend of Gutenberg. So if you’re doing something Gutenberg, you’ve made it and you’ve given it the correct padding and so on, but the UI kind of gets in the way a little bit. And I’m wondering if that’s a problem for you. Do you get feedback from people saying it doesn’t look the same over here as it does when I finally publish my website. Is that a problem that you’ve had to overcome and explain to people, look, it’s just parts of the UI, you’re just going to have to cope with it. How have you overcome all of that?

Benjamin Intal

Surprisingly, we don’t have that much concerns over that. That it’s not a direct, what you see is what you get. I think it’s totally okay. Especially in desktop because technically it’s really hard to make things identical while adding all of the bits and pieces that make the content editable, like the inspector or the toolbar, but it’s easier for people to just accept that they’re not going to be identical. And they’re just going to be close enough. I think people have accepted that already, so it’s okay. And after a few edits, I think it’s easy to get the handle of it, of what your edits would look like in the front end, because basically you just ignore the sides of your website, essentially. Yeah. As I said, this is easier for desktops for mobile and tablet though, this is harder since right now, you can only do previews in Gutenberg. And all the times we see that people want to take control of how things get smooshed and how things collapse as the screen size gets smaller. So if you just keep on doing previews in Gutenberg, it’s going to be harder since, just like before you have to keep on pressing preview to view in the front end and resize your browser. So I think it’s more essential for a tablet and mobile. So first Stackable, we addressed this issue since when you do a previous in tablet or mobile our blocks would also change and you can set how they can look like on that specific screen size. Yeah, but I think it’s up to the block developers one way or they’d handle these cases as well, because Gutenberg already has some things in place. If you want to implement that in your own blocks.

Nathan Wrigley

It’s pretty clear that you’re very bullish about where this is going. I’m guessing that you are, you as a company are all in on keeping this going and supporting this and making sure that Stackable is something which is going to be around for the future.

Benjamin Intal

Yeah, definitely, definitely. I think it’s going to be a very good future for Gutenberg.

Nathan Wrigley

Ben just before we go, is there anywhere where people could contact you if they wanted to find out a little bit more about what it is that you guys are doing?

Benjamin Intal

Oh yeah. If you want to contact me, I am in Twitter. So that’s at @bfintal and I’m also in Facebook. So just search for me, Benjamin Intal, and I’m usually actually more there in Facebook than Twitter. If they want to check out Stackable, our website is wpstackable.com and we also have a Stackable community and Facebook, so you can join that as well.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay, Ben, thank you very much for joining us today.

#2 – Anne McCarthy on How Full Site Editing Will Impact WordPress

About this episode.

So the podcast today features Anne McCarthy. Anne is Developer Relations Wrangler for Automattic. Her work is focussed on the WordPress.org space, and she is leading the Full Site Editing Outreach Program.

Full Site Editing is an endeavour to make it easier to manage how your WordPress website works. It’s hoped that tasks which once required a fairly technical understanding of the WordPress code, will become available to all. Creating headers and footers, deciding what information to pull from the database and where it should be displayed. These will become part of the Block Editor interface. Complexity replaced by simplicity; or at least that’s the goal.

This, as you might imagine, is not an easy task. Now that WordPress is pushing beyond 40% of the web, there’s a lot to consider, and that’s what Anne is doing. She’s part of the team trying to work out how this might look, how it should work and when it will be ready.

We start off with an introduction from Anne and how she became involved with WordPress and the Full Site Editing initiative in particular.

Then the discussion moves to an explanation of what Full Site Editing hopes to achieve. Which areas of a website are intended to be made available with Full Site Editing?

We then get into the specific details of what constraints the project faces; and there are many points to consider. Backwards compatibility, accessibility and how commercial and free plugins feed into the project roadmap.

Towards the end of the podcast we get into the process of how Full Site Editing is moving forwards, who is making the decisions and how the WordPress community can get involved in shaping WordPress’ future through endeavours like Anne’s Outreach Program.

It’s a very timely episode. Many of the areas discussed will be landing in WordPress soon.

If any of the points raised here resonate with you, be sure to leave a comment below.

Useful links.

Full Site Editing is moving fast. Since the recording of this episode, there’s been some movement. To get the latest information and learn more, see the following links:

Full Site Editing Outreach Program

Full Site Editing for WordPress Overview

Full Site Editing Go/No Go | April 14, 2021

Full Site Editing Go/No Go: Next steps

Nathan Wrigley

Welcome to the second edition of the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Our aim here is to create a podcast and transcript for people who are interested in WordPress and the WordPress community. We’re going to create one episode each month, for the time being, but that might change in the future.

We’d love to hear your feedback about the podcast. Perhaps there’s a subject that you’d like us to feature, a person who you think would make a great guest or anything else that comes to mind. We’re very open to suggestions so long as it’s to do with WordPress and the wider WordPress community. You can do that by going to WP Tavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox. And there you’ll find a contact form for you to complete. Once again, WP Tavern dot com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and thanks in advance if you reach out.

Okay, so the podcast today features Anne McCarthy. Anne is a developer relations wrangler for Automattic. She focuses on the wordpress.org space and is leading the full site editing outreach program. Full site editing is an endeavor to make it easier to manage how your WordPress website works. It’s hoped that tasks, which once required a fairly technical understanding of the WordPress code will become available to all. Creating headers and footers, deciding what information to pull from the database and where it should be displayed.

These will become part of the block editor interface. Complexity replaced by simplicity, or at least that’s the goal. This, as you might imagine, is not an easy task. Now that WordPress is pushing beyond 40% of the web, there’s a lot to consider, and that’s what Anne is doing. She’s part of the team, trying to work out how this might look, how it should work and when it will be ready.

We start off with an introduction from Anne and how she became involved with WordPress and the full site editing initiative in particular. Then the discussion moves to an explanation of what full site editing hopes to achieve, which areas of a website are intended to be made available with full site editing.

We then get into the specific details of what constraints the project faces, and there are many points to consider. Backwards compatibility, accessibility, and how commercial and free plugins feed into the project roadmap. Towards the end of the podcast, we get into the process of how full site editing is moving forwards, who is making the decisions and how the WordPress community can get involved in shaping WordPress’s future through endeavors like Anne’s outreach program.

It’s a very timely episode. Many of the areas discussed will be landing in WordPress soon. If any of the points raised here resonate with you, be sure to head over and find the post at wptavern dot com forward slash podcast, and leave a comment there. And so without further delay, I bring you Anne McCarthy.

I am here with Anne McCarthy, Anne welcome to the podcast.

Anne McCarthy

Thank you so much for having me.

Nathan Wrigley

You’re very, very welcome. Now it’s a regular question, I often ask them at the beginning of such podcasts, but I think it’s important that we lay the foundations of who you are and how you’ve come to be on the podcast.

Would you mind giving us a little bit of backstory about how it is that you came to be on this podcast today? What’s your relationship with WordPress and perhaps tell us what the role is that you have currently?

Anne McCarthy

Great question. It’s hard to succinctly sum up who I am, but I’ll give it a try. I first got started with WordPress in 2011 as a freshmen in college, and I was using blogger for many years before that to get out all my feelings on the internet as a millennial does.

And eventually, it turned into three years working at the university and their ITS department, which led me eventually to finding out about Automattic. In 2014, I joined them as a happiness engineer and very recently, almost exactly a year ago, switched into a developer relations wrangler role focused on the wordpress dot org community. And currently part of why I’m here today is cause I’m spearheading the full site outreach program. So I’m here to talk about that and talk about full site editing and all the fun stuff that’s happening. Cause I know it’s a lot to keep up with.

Nathan Wrigley

Yeah, there is a lot to keep up with, but it is a really interesting episode.

There’s an awful lot to say when we’re recording this, in the month of April 2021, this episode will probably air shortly after we record it, and there’s an awful lot that has been going on, but there’s an awful lot to happen during the course of the rest of this year. And we know that there’s a lot of change coming.

First of all, just rewinding the clock. Would you just like to try and sum up what the ultimate ambition of the full site editing project is? I know that there may be things about that roadmap which change things you wish had been included that probably won’t get included, but just sum it up. What is the full intention of the project?

Anne McCarthy

That’s a great question. I would simply say it’s to empower users more and bring WordPress to the future. There’s a reason these projects are taking so long. It really is about planting seeds for decades to come. And it’s something that Matt, the co-founder I really admire in him as he thinks about those decades.

And so this is a part of that push into using blocks as a paradigm into empowering users, more and bringing WordPress to the future.

Nathan Wrigley

Okay. So it’s all about creating websites with blocks. What kind of areas is it getting into? What is it going to empower us to do? What things in the future will we be able to do inside the block editor?

Anne McCarthy

Yeah, so everything you can edit any part of a global style on your site. So if you want to have every font color, be one thing, you can quickly change it. Even by block, you’ll be able to change things by block, which is really exciting to have a global point of view of your site, and to be able to actually customize it to your liking unlocks things.

There was recently a test that we did around, the 404 page. Normally that’s something that a theme author decides. And you’re locked into it, and if you want to change it, you have to go digging through the code. With full site editing, you can actually go straight ahead and customize it to your liking, make it real fun, make it really clever and make it really serious.

Like you can do whatever you want with that. So a lot of template editing that normally you wouldn’t have access to. So even editing, like if you land on your blog page, you can actually adjust how that looks, what shows up, what doesn’t, in a really powerful way. I try and talk about the tangible aspects of it, but there’s also a lot underneath the hood.

So there’s a lot of design tools for theme authors as well. That there’ll be able to hook into that ideally will make it much easier to create themes and to focus more on the aesthetics and the experience rather than on coding up the basics. So there’s a lot that I think across the board, whether you’re a user or a theme developer or a plugin author, there’s a lot to be excited about in the future.

Nathan Wrigley

One of the things that keeps coming on my radar is the comparison between what we’ll call page builders, these plugins, or perhaps it’s a theme we’ve seen lots of commercial and free products available in the WordPress community, which enables you to achieve many of the goals that the full site editing hopes to achieve. So templates for this templates for that. Headers, footers, you can have global color palettes and all of the things, and it can be done within their interface. I guess the thing about those products is they are created by a team of developers and they are released presumably when they’re mature and they’re ready to go and the company believe that it’s now suitable and people will purchase it or use it and deploy it. Now you’ve got a very different set of constraints that you have to work within. And I think highlighting what those constraints are, would be really useful to give people some context as to why it isn’t where some of these other solutions might be, because you’ve got many, many things to be thinking about in the background. So if we just get into that, maybe one thing at a time, do you want to just rattle off a list of things that you’ve got to be concerned about that perhaps we didn’t know you needed to be concerned about.

Anne McCarthy

Yeah. I’ll start with the most obvious ones, which is we’re building things so that other people can build upon it, including page builders. So I think that’s something that often gets overlooked. Like some of our audience members are these page builders. So it’s an interesting dynamic there because it really is about that foundational level. Anyway, 40%, the internet, just the diversity of ways that people use WordPress, whether it’s multi-site or what have you, there’s a lot to consider.

Then you add in internationalization, which is part of like future phase four. Accessibility is a huge issue. Something that really needs to be thought about including backwards compatibility, and that’s another. A lot of page builders could easily say, hey, update to this version after this, x Y and Z will no longer be supported. Doing that with 40% of the internet is huge.

Just recently actually, I did some outreach because in 5.2, which is many releases ago, some smaller APIs were deprecated. We’re finally removing them from the Gutenberg plugin. And there were still three plugin authors who were using these APIs, and I reached out to them, let them know and made sure they were aware that this was coming, but that’s something that a page builder is not building the same APIs that are going to be used across the internet in the same way.

So there’s a lot of just scale that I think has to be thought of, which is partly why things get pulled from releases until they’re ready. But it’s also why sometimes we have to include things in releases in order to get feedback in order to, hear from people what needs to be improved and what we haven’t thought of, because inherently you can’t talk to 40% of the internet at once.

You just can’t. So part of that is that dance of, hey, this is coming up, hey, this is what’s new. And seeing how 40% response. What did we miss and how can we do better next time? And the way I think of it as it’s this nice chance with every single release of thanks for making me better. Thanks for making the web better.

And when the feedback comes in, that’s what it is. Whereas I think page builders and site builders have a unique position where they might have a very large user base, but it’s not going to be 40% of the internet. You know, there’s just a huge difference there.

Nathan Wrigley

So some of the constraints that you mentioned there were the audience size, 40% of the internet, you’ve got to be mindful of the fact that they are going to expect things to break as little as possible.

You’ve got accessibility and so on. And there were probably two or three other things that you mentioned there as well. In real terms, how does this constrain the development? How do these factors slow you down? Do they have a material impact in the amount of time it takes you to do things because you have to ask for more consultation or you have to receive feedback from various people before you can get the green light to push that and move onto the next thing.

Anne McCarthy

What you described is very, very accurate. I’ll give a specific example. So the widgets editor, which is bringing blocks to the widgets editor. Originally, it was slated for 5.5. I’m pretty sure. And it’s gotten pulled from 5.5 from 5.6. Wasn’t even considered for 5.7 and is now hopefully going to be slated for 5.8.

And a big part of this was originally, it was just going to be a separate editor, separate from the customizer and with feedback, it became very clear, customizer is a key interaction that we need to prioritize. How do we bring blocks to the customizer, which is a whole unique experience to think about.

And this is where the 40% of the internet comes into play, right? Because we understand that you’re releasing new things, that’ll cascade to new people. But what about the person who’s had a site for five years? What benefits can we bring to them? Not just brand new users who are going to be using WordPress for the first time, because the majority of the users are people who have been using WordPress and who have trusted the community and the people building WordPress, with their site, with their, who knows what is their story, their business.

So there’s a level of thought that has to go into play with that, and I think part of it is why Gutenberg, the plugin does bi-weekly releases. And I think there’s about 300,000 active installs, which is a much smaller compared to the 40% of the internet. And it allows us to test things out, have experiments, go do outreach, like the outreach program I’m running, get the feedback that we need, reach out to specific plugin authors. And in the case of the widgets editor, it became clear with each release, it just wasn’t ready. It wasn’t in the place that it needed to be. It wasn’t as stable as it needed to be. It wasn’t refined, it wasn’t intuitive enough.

And in many ways, one of the things that slowed us down was wanting to have it in the customizer, which I think is a huge win. It’s a main interaction that people are used to. It’s something that people trust. So how can we go where people trust and extend that and provide an experience that they can also in the future trust and have actually unlock more things because when you’re able to use blocks in the customizer, you’re now able to add way more stuff than you would be able to and do way more things than you’d be able to when it was just the customizer, which is pretty exciting. So it’s both like trying to get user trust, but then also providing value at the same time and going to areas that people feel familiar with and slowly incrementally having stepping stones towards this eventual idea of full site editing, where everything is through a block paradigm, and you’re able to extend your site, however you want.

Nathan Wrigley

Do you ever get feedback from people who use these tools? That sort of question I’m trying to frame is something along the lines of. How do you cope with people who wish that it were already something that their current tool can do? Take the example of a commercial page builder. There’s several, you could pick the names of, and they’ve got this tool and they’re quite happy with it. And it does all of the things that they would wish to achieve. And then they come over and they look at the project that you’re involved with, the full site editing, and they see a real difference. They see that this tool over here, which I’m familiar with that works. I’m very happy with it and it works and it does all these things that you are, you’re still trying to put together. How do you bridge the gap between what their expectations are and what you’re trying to build? Do you have conversations with people? In fact, you even download some of these commercial products and check them out and see what it is that people get excited about, about them.

Anne McCarthy

I definitely check them out. I actually love, love, love hearing about new plugins because I do, I actually test full siting every single day. I have been, it’s been a challenge of mine like last couple of weeks, but I do also love when people flag things and say, hey, this new page builder or this new plugin provides a really interesting experience.

One of the recent ones, I actually went back and checked out was the Iceberg plugin that simplifies the Gutenberg editor. And I recently checked that out again cause I was actually talking to someone in a completely different, it was a developer relations, a Slack community, and I have an alert word set up, anytime someone says, WordPress, I love doing that’s my favorite little hack, life hack for everyone just joined a bunch of communities and then set up alert words. Yeah. He was just like, oh, man, this editor sucks. I don’t know what to do with it. I immediately reached out to him and said, hey, no pressure. If you’re game to talk about this, I’d love to hear your concerns are what features are missing or what has you blocked? And I ended up sharing the Iceberg plugin with him and then went back through and tried it out again. And I bring this up because I think something to be said is that, the hope is that WordPress can provide common tools so that people, for example, aren’t locked into one single page builder.

Like you can move around, and I get the rush to say man, I want to use the core system, but right now I’m relying on this page builder, and we’re frustrated with that too. There is a sense of urgency and Matias and Josepha touched on that in a WP Briefing podcast very recently that there’s this urgency of getting features out to people now, because we know that it will benefit them.

And I think that as a really exciting position to be in. I know where we’re coming… It’s going to come, I promise, hang in in there. Which I think is a neat space rather than this impatience or hesitancy, which I also think happens, but I do seek out feedback like that, and I do enjoy talking to people whenever they explicitly have a bad experience. And one of the best questions that I ask is, what features about this page builder do you really like, what would you want to see in the core experience. And then from there, I can be honest with them and say, oh yeah, we’re working on that. That’s going to be like, here are a couple of Github issues that you might be interested in that this is the design. This is whatever it is. But then on the flip side, There is also going to be a role that plugins have to play into the future. Same with the Gutenberg editor right now, and the core editor right now with Iceberg, for example, like where it simplifies the editor.

I imagine in the future with full site editing, there will be both plugins that really open up the options in the settings, and I also can imagine there’ll be plugins that really simplify things and make it really easy for certain users to use it and people can pick and choose and customize as they’d like, same to what we see with plugins now, anyway. And the biggest thing I often say to people whenever they talk about page builders, I’m like, that’s fine, if you’re not ready to switch, that’s totally fine. But at the end of the day, when you’re starting with new client or you’re starting a new site, or you’re redoing your site at some point, you’re going to have to learn something new, and it’s better to learn the sure thing. Doesn’t mean you only have to learn this your thing. I can imagine a world where people have these like hybrid experiences for some time, but the hope is that we can provide common tools so that people are not locked into one single page builder. Ideally the page builder is actually build alongside full site editing and the editor tools that we have. And then from there, people can customize to their liking either having more options show up or having less, and I do love hearing, what do you want? What’s missing? Cause it helps sharpen our thinking, and oftentimes I hear about things that I would never think of. That’s the beauty of having 40% of the internet is it’s like, whoa, I never thought about that. You’re right. That is a really interesting use case.

Like someone recently a good example with the custom 404 test, as part of the outreach program, we had people build fun, custom 404 pages and someone reached out and said, well right now, it’d be really awesome to have different templates depending upon how the person landed on the 404, having some level of customization of what you present.

So maybe you have four different 404 templates and it cycles through them. They were like, is this possible? I would want to put a feature request in. And it was pretty easy for me to say, you know what? That probably will be done by a plugin. So, that’s a great idea. That’s a really interesting use case, and I do think that’s something that’s desired, but this is also where plugins will still play a role. And being able to tell people that, so that expectations are in line as much as possible, I think is really important. There are going to be aspects that will not be covered by the site editor and that’s good.

Nathan Wrigley

Commercial page builders if you like, the process which I often see is they’ll release a statement out into their email list or what have you, and they’ll describe the features that they have been working on that have now been released and so on. And so in many cases you don’t really know what is happening unless you probably take great interest in their team and what have you. So I’m curious to know what is the actual process that is going on in the background that iterates your project, the full site editing project. How did the little leaps forward get made? Who is involved? How can people get involved? How can they find out what it is that you’re working on currently? And ways in which they can help you. And there’s a lot in that question, so probably the first thing I’ll just rewind a little bit and say, could we just concentrate on how the full site editing, the team that’s behind that, how does it actually work? What is it that you do? How do you communicate with each other? How do you ensure that things are being built that people want to have in.

Anne McCarthy

Yeah, that’s a great question. To start, I would say Matias is kind of, I think Josepha described him as the spark behind Gutenberg, and I really love that title, so I’m going to use it, reuse it. He is the project architect. So imagining multiple steps ahead, thinking about where we need to go, thinking about truly the infrastructure of what’s being built, APIs, is design tools, all that sort of stuff. And really thinking about based on many, many, many years of experience in the WordPress community, what do we know for sure that people need? And then from there, a lot of it is just this back and forth with the community, releasing stuff, doing calls for testing. The outreach program is a big part of that. So getting feedback from the outreach program, but one of the things that I recently came up that I am working on doing a better job of communicating is the outreach program is bringing in feedback, but that feedback and the high level, top feedback items are likely going to be different than what are the top issues to solve for full site editing if that makes sense. So there’s the feedback there’s actually using the tool, and then there are, these are the things that have to be solved and sometimes there’s overlap where sometimes some of the feedback becomes a top issue. But not all the time. And that’s partly because the MVPs is a work in progress.

And as those things get clear, for example, I think after April is gonna be a jam packed month, but once there’s that decision point that go no go date, there will be a time where the full site editing outreach program can start switching into a more narrowed experience of testing. And I’m really excited for that, where it’s okay, here’s the MVP. Here’s what we’re thinking for 5.8 which are two separate goals, by the way, there’s like building MVP, and then there’s, what’s going to go in 5.8 and I think that’s important to keep in mind as well. And yeah, one of the biggest ways that we get feedback and figure out what needs to be done next, especially now that we’re in a more refinement period is through the outreach program is through people filing feature requests and just doing as much testing as possible. Ideally this is also where a theme authors start exploring what it’s like to build block-based themes and give feedback on that experience. So, yeah, there’s a lot of ways that the feature development goes on. I will say a lot of the work happens in Github and then every, probably I think, a two month cadence, there’s some high-level posts about full site editing, whether it’s about a specific release or just like a check-in post, or if it’s about FSE and themes. There have been various posts over the last six months and I expect to see a lot more in the coming months leading up to 5.8 so that people are aware and they don’t have to pay attention to the day to day with Github. Another really good post to keep an eye out on is the what’s next post. And that’s posted each month and kind of defines, this is what the team is working on next.

And a lot of that does come down to, what issues of have come up in testing, what issues does Matias think are high priority to solve? What else is remaining in the MVP that’s been discovered previously? And one thing that I think is really easy to miss with full site editing, and it almost feels weird to just say. This monolithic full site editing when actually it’s this really diverse set of projects, and each is further along than others.

So there’s this very interesting battle that goes on in my mind, whenever I talk about full site editing, cause what I really want to do is talk about a specific piece of full site editing, but that also can get too granular in a way that can be really confusing. But it’s something I like to mention where if you try out the experience and one part seems really good and one part you’re like what’s happening here, that’s on purpose. Because at the end of the day, I don’t expect the entire experience to go into 5.8. I expect certain things to fit in and for there to be a drip campaign, probably through even the 6.0 release, who knows, but definitely through the 5.9.

Nathan Wrigley

Let’s say somebody is listening to this and they’ve got no experience contributing to any software project, and they’re interested, they like the idea of full site editing and they’ve got a few things they’d like to get off their chest and they want to be of some help. What are the most effective things that can help to push the project forward right now? That could be an answer as to which website to go to, and get involved in, or it could be, well, actually, no, we need help about this specific thing right now over the next month or two, you can take that in any way you like.

Anne McCarthy

I mean the simplest answer that I would love to see is people joining the Core Editor meeting. If you can. If you can’t reading the notes and starting there, which you can see them posted on make.wordpress.org backslash core, there’s actually a tag for the Core Editor meeting. But I would start there, and I say that partially because we’re in a pandemic. Most places in the world, you can’t meet up in person. So getting connected with the people behind this work before you step into Github, before you step into anything else, I think is really important. There are humans doing this work. There are humans who are listening, who are caring, who are staying up late, thinking about problems. So join the meetings if you can, if you can’t asynchronous contributions are very welcome. So if you can comment on the post with a question and have it answered, but I want to start there with the human element, especially right now. So my answer, you’re listening to this many years in the future, hopefully we’re beyond this, but for now I really want to connect people with other people. And then from there, start as simple as just testing, get a test site up, try things out. There’s another make site, which is where we communicate in the project, make.wordpress.org backslash test. That’s where I post a lot of the stuff around this outreach program. So if you just want dip your toes in, that’s a great place to start. It walks you through, there’s instructions on how to set up everything, what to use what to pay attention to, how to actually go through the call for testing. It’s very purposely constrained right now, so that it makes it easy for people to jump in. But if you’re more advanced, I would just say, start scrolling th through Github. Look at different labels. There’s a really good label that I check regularly, the overview label. So if you want to get a sense of the top issues, or I guess the summarized issues, the overview label is my jam. I love going through that and seeing what’s new and also just seeing the status of things. It’s a really great way to dig into the project, but not too deeply. And if you’re someone who’s been around WordPress for awhile I would say starting to, try to create a block plugin or build a block based theme.

We’re going to need to see the community in the future, really adopt these things and starting early while things are almost refined, I think is super helpful because it helps us define them in a place that there’s early enough for things to shift. Getting that feedback is pretty key so that we are creating tools that you can actually use, because the whole point is this is all being built, so other people can use it. Other people can’t use it, and we don’t know that. That’s a problem and it’s hugely helpful and valuable to do that.

Nathan Wrigley

You highlight the fact that you obviously need help with the things that you just described. All those technical areas. If I was to be listening to this and I am a more casual user of WordPress, I use it to create blog posts and I’m good at writing, but I’m not really into the code, and that side of things is of no interest to me, are there avenues that would still be open to me to assist with this?

Anne McCarthy

Yeah, I would actually say the testing should be pretty basic enough that you can dig into it. I’m saying this as the person who writes the test, I purposely try to make them very contained, so anyone can jump in and if they want to spend five minutes, ten minutes, that’s great. You don’t need to spend hours on this. Some people do, some people really like to go deep with it, but the whole point is that it’s something that anyone can jump into.

And even if a call for testing is passed, it’s still great to go back through previous calls for testing and I actually have videos as part of the calls for testing so that you can see me walk through it. So if you get stuck, if you’re reading my instructions and you’re like, what is this person saying?

You can watch the video and watch me go through it. And even just watching that and giving feedback and saying, hey, this is really weird, or, I really like when my page builder does this , do you all have plans for that? And another thing that’s actually coming up that I plan to do that anyone can participate in is another big call for questions. So there was a lull in testing. I was waiting for a new Gutenberg release and a couple of months ago, I did just, anyone could ask anything about full siding and I would find the answer for it. And we ended up getting, I think it was 46, 47 questions, which was fantastic. And I grouped them into different chunks, answered them, all, publish them, pass them on to the documentation team, the marketing team, but that allowed people where if they don’t have time to test, but they’re nervous about it, or they’re curious about it or they’re excited for it, or they’re impatient, whatever their emotional state is. Ask any question and I’ll answer it. And I plan to do those, another round of that definitely in the future. Probably at the end of April, and if that’s of interest paying attention to the, make.wordpress.org backslash test as the best place to pay attention or in Slack there’s in wordpress.org Slack, there’s a FSE hyphen outreach hyphen experiment that you can join, and you can just sit back and listen to me update you as I go, but that’s also a great way is asking questions, sharing concerns. That is actually hugely helpful. It sets the foundation for documentation. It helps the people building it know what the points of confusion are likely to be. So yeah, if you just want to ask a question by all means that’s a very easy pathway to jump into.

Nathan Wrigley

Thank you. I’ll be sure to take those links off you before we finally hang up the call today and we’ll make sure they make it into the show notes. Do you feel that you have. Enough people giving you feedback to justify the decisions that you made. I mean obviously in any software development, the answer I guess, is going to be, well, it would be great to have more. Do you feel that there is enough people assisting you at the moment so that you can be confident in the direction that you’re going? We’re doing this, we’ve got some feedback, but curious whether or not, if we have more feedback, we’d go in a different direction or not.

Anne McCarthy

That’s a great question. I am always someone who wants more people involved. I don’t think I’ll ever be happy with the numbers. Right now we have between 10 to 15 people with each test. And one of the things I actually recently consulted some of our design team with an Automattic, and I asked, I said, with usability testing what kind of numbers do you look for when you all did this with 5.0 what did you look for how many people? And a lot of times I got feedback saying, Oh my gosh. Anne, five to 10 people, it was great. You can calm down. It’s fine. I’m like, no, no, no. I need like 50, you know, it is this weird sense of no, no, I want more and more and more. And I can tell you, I don’t think we can ever get too much feedback, especially if it’s relevant and its… I mean, obviously there’s like irrelevant feedback where it’s make WordPress like Facebook. I mean, whatever, it could be something outrageous. That’s not terribly helpful, you know? But imagine if we just got completely inundated with feedback in the outreach program, that would be amazing. My goal, my personal goal that I’ve been trying to say outwardly in hopes it encourages people is I would love to have 20 to 25, really dedicated, diverse testers, each release and not each release each call for testing. That’s my ideal. And the reason I mentioned engaged testers is because I want people who are along for the journey a little bit,ideally. Obviously I think it’s great if people jump in and out, I think there’s something to be said for really new perspectives and I love when people comment saying, hey, this is my first time using full site editing and here are my thoughts. That’s excellent. But the idea of quality over quantity, I think is really key, for this phase of testing. I think when things actually get merged into core and certain aspects get merged into core, that’s when things can open up and be a bit more, having 2000 people give feedback, but yeah, I don’t think there’s ever enough testing and honestly, I do worry about that.

And it’s something, one of the things I’ve been very intentional about is reaching out to the accessibility team to try and get people to help give feedback so that we’re thinking about accessibility needs and reaching out to folks in the polyglot space so that we have translations of these posts so that people can participate. I only speak English and I had been in countries where all of a sudden, you see something in English and it’s like this it’s like such a relief to have a menu in English. Like, Oh yes, this is so nice. And I want that outreach to happen because I think sometimes the software development I’ve seen this like arrogance of, oh well, we’ll just be doing the work and if they’re curious, they can come to us. And I actually think this is one of those situations where we need to go to them. And that’s what the outreach program is all about is meeting people where they are doing the outreach. Bringing people along with us and learning from them as we go. Part education, part feedback loop, and part, hey, here’s a really easy way to get involved and walk you through what’s coming.

I would love to see more engagement from folks who are non-English speaking. We’ve had Italian, Spanish and Japanese translations very consistently. I’m so grateful for the people who’ve done that. I think it’s just, oh, I’m so bad at languages that it just amazes me. I also think everything looks better in a different language. So it’s neat to see my own words translated, which is a kind of a wild experience that I never thought would happen, but I’d love to see more engagement. In those polyglot and local spaces, because the last thing you want is for all of a sudden it to land and only a specific audience benefits or sees this or understands it or knows what’s coming, right. There’s a big responsibility for 40% of the internet. And I’ll never forget the day that Matt at a State of the Word said that non-English downloads passed English downloads. And so when you think about that 40% I think a lot of us English speaking, Western world think of a certain type of person, but really it’s much more expansive than that.

So I’ve been really hammering the polyglot space as much as I can, as much as volunteer time people can give to translate those posts and to try and get feedback. But it’s something that I’d love to see more of.

Nathan Wrigley

I’m curious actually, if you’ve got a really nice concrete example of an instance where somebody’s feedback turned into something actual. It was realized off the back of a piece of feedback, which you passed on to the team, and somebody reached out said, I would like this. And you were able to provide this, Hearing those stories. Ah, it is possible.

Anne McCarthy

Yeah, I can think of a really specific example that I was actually thinking about this morning when I was making coffee. A blind developer, I got connected with her through actually posting in a different Slack community. So, you would not believe how many Slack communities I’m a part of and how much I try to drop links and engage people in different spaces. And I got connected because someone said, hey, I have a friend she’s blind, she’s a WordPress developer, and she cannot use full site editing. And I was like, whoa, tell me everything.

How can I get in touch, and got in touch, her name’s Taylor. And she very kindly jumped on for about 30 minutes. We recorded the session so that I could pass along the feedback. She just walked me through the experience of both using of using two different screenreader tools. And. It was fascinating. It was awesome.

We found so many bugs. It was one of those things where I think the biggest, the most jarring one that I keep thinking about that I actually want to see if we can get some development in on ASAP, is that the save button, and the saving process for full site editing right now is pretty non-intuitive, it’s a little bit clunky and it’s something that’s come up with sighted folks as well. What is the saving process, how does it work? But for people who rely on screen readers, it’s really impossible to save. Like you basically have to search for the phrase save in order to find the save button because there isn’t an aria label. And so that’s a big one that came up and on top of that in just the session, I worked with her another piece of feedback that came up with the columns block.

So if you have columns and you’re imagining, let’s say two columns and you are using a screen reader, it doesn’t tell you which column is which. So all of you here just announces column, column it doesn’t say like column one or column two or right column or left column. There’s no identifier for how to navigate.

And so that’s actually, there’s a PR right now that’s underway. I actually just filed it for the accessibility team last week to see if someone could review and someone already stepped in to offer some thoughts to fix that, to actually announce, I think they’re going with like column one and column two and column three rather than right and left due to internationalization. And that’s going to be a huge improvement because right now Taylor was just like, columns block is so confusing. This is almost useless. Another one is the spacer block. I’d love to hear. If you use a screen reader, I’d love to hear your experiences with the spacer block, because that’s a really confusing block for people I’m relying on screen readers.

And I opened up an issue for that, and we’ve had some discussion back and forth about improvements that need to be made there as well. So those are some of the, and I can tell you, there’s probably about. I think six issues I opened just from that 30 minute conversation. Some are like a work in progress, but this was very recent and something I keep thinking about, especially as we start to refine things and decision points come up because we don’t want to release something that has such blatant problems with it.

Nathan Wrigley

It marks a very big change for WordPress this last couple of years have been really extraordinarily different, the experience that we’re all going through, but in particular, around full site editing How do you calm people’s fears that things in the future are going to be going in the direction that they wish it to go in. So, as an example, let’s imagine that we’re a theme developer. We may be getting concerned that themes are going to become a thing of the past that the livelihood that we’ve created for ourselves is going to disappear before our eyes. People concerned that the way that they’re working with at the moment, the way that they’ve taught their clients to work, this is how WordPress works, and this is how you can manage your website for yourself, and so on. What do you say to people? What is the golden light on the hill? The thing that you draw attention to, to say, look, all of this will be worth it. How do you keep people focused on the positives and not worrying about all the different things that are going on left right and center?

Anne McCarthy

Yeah. The biggest thing I say is there’s a reason that the last milestone is gradual adoption. And one of the things that I also love to talk about is the fact that full site editing is a bunch of sub projects actually gives us the flexibility to ship reliable items rather than shipping it all at once.

Yes, they’re interdependent. Yes. And some cases they rely on each other and there needs to be probably a certain order or approach to releasing things. But by having so many different tools that provide value. It actually gives us the ability to step back and say, okay, what’s ready. And that should be a big relief to people.

It’s not like there’s going to be this on-off switch full savings here is taking over your site. Good luck. That’s not going to happen. Gradual adoption is the game plan. It is the final step. And I imagine right now, a gradual adoption as a milestone is not fleshed out. But I imagine, especially you have to 5.8, that will become a much more fleshed out milestone in the same way you see other milestones, I think, Josepha has talked a lot about this, and I really love the way she basically says we want to fulfill the WordPress promise. We want to keep that trust and we want to release things in the best state possible while at the same time, recognizing that there’s this urgency to offer tools that people are just lacking right now, at some point, we need to get those out in front of people and to provide value and making that determination is super tricky. But the good news is like I was saying earlier, we have that flexibility built into the fact that these are all sub projects and that many of them can be shipped independently.

And for theme authors, Themes are going to be so important in a full siding world. And one of the things I am so excited about is that there’s going to be a ton of what they’re calling. I .. the idea of these hybrid universal themes that can work with for example, template editing.

So going and being able to edit like your single page template, your homepage template, or your 404 template. You could have a theme, that’s a classic theme or traditional theme, whatever you want to call it. And you could use template editing. You could update your theme to hook into the tools have been made to allow for template editing.

Same thing goes for global styles. You could just use one part of the full site editing machine, so to speak and all the projects and slowly integrate, more and more, as you want to, like theme authors will have a lot of control of what they opt into and what they opt out of. And for us building it, it’s on us to make it so desirable to opt in.

Right, and that’s where the gradual adoption, so many pathways are going to be created. And I’m actually really excited to see people move from this framework of anxiety to looking out across the space and going, hmm, what can I use? What is it that I hear from people all the time that I can integrate into this and moving into an exciting creative space rather than thinking, hh, I got to get caught up, I’m behind. This is so bad. Like that kind of feeling, which I hear from a lot of people was like, I don’t have time to get up to speed. And the ideal is that we’re actually providing tools that save you time and add value. And that makes me really excited. I fully understand the fear. I fully understand the fear.

I don’t say that lightly. As someone who is thinking about like how it’s going to land in 40% of the internet and who every single day is talking to people who are giving feedback about, what’s not quite there, I don’t spend a lot of time talking to people who are just like, oh, I’m so excited about this.

People don’t go out of their way to tell you that you often hear from the people who are upset or something’s missing or promises broken or whatever it is. And it’s something I think about a lot. And I understand why there is panic there, especially with livelihood in the situation that we’re in.

And I have a lot of empathy for that. And I think in the future, and one of the things that I think you’ll hear from leadership and you’ve, everyone’s priority heard this from leadership. It’s just that we are purposely moving slowly and things get pooled for a reason. And it is to fulfill that promise and to think about backwards compatibility, but at the same time, balancing that with wanting to provide value for users and empowering users, especially in a day and age, when a lot of tech companies are actually taking away a lot of the power, whether it’s in the form of privacy or what have you.

I think open source and the way WordPress is working is actually trying to resist that and really focus on giving everything we can to the user, to build the site that they want and to have the experience that they want. And also to free them up, to focus on what the site actually gives them, whether it’s a business or platform.

I think that’s the part that makes me… that hopefully makes other people excited. And that makes me really excited.

Nathan Wrigley

Speaking to that. You’ve done an incredible job answering all of my questions and you’ve obviously got to wear the Automattic hat during a discussion like this. I’m curious if we cast away the Automattic hat just for a moment and we ask you personally, what in the next six months to a year, what’s the one single thing, the thing that you are most excited about, the thing that you most want to see happen, the thing that gets you personally switched on about the project.

Anne McCarthy

It’s a great question. I would have to say block patterns, because we’re talking about all these tools and features and things coming along, but ultimately as a user, it’s like, what can I do, and what can I do quickly? And block patterns will really be the glue that ties together all these projects. You can insert a block pattern, manipulate it as you want to. And when you’re manipulating it, you probably won’t be thinking about the fact that you might be using global styles or that the block pattern is relying on block styles or whatever it is.

But the power of that. And the promise of that, I think is just such a high impact, such a high impact feature that will really be like a cherry on top. And we’ll bring together a lot of the things that we’re talking about in a way that will be really tangible. And especially in this world of, you know, we’re not able to gather in person we’re not able to have those moments.

I think having something that is easy to understand almost the point of being, so intuitive that it’s like, why didn’t we do this years ago? That’s what I want the feeling to be. And that’s when I had someone in design, tell me this one time. And it always stuck with me as like the best ideas are the ones where you’re like, well, no, duh, like, yeah, of course.

And that’s what block patterns I think you’re going to feel like, and I think it’s really gonna fulfill a lot of these things and bring a lot of these things that we’re talking about together in a way that will be really fun to play with. And also people will be able to submit to the block pattern directory, ideally in the future, similar to the block plugin directory.

So personally, I’m most excited to see the marriage between block patterns and full site editing along with these hybrid themes.

Nathan Wrigley

I know there will be no metric to judge this, but it would be fascinating in a couple of years time. Were we able to measure it, to see just how much of humanity’s time has been saved by something like block patterns, the fact that you don’t have to do things over and over again. Yeah. I completely understand why you’ve selected that one. We have gone through so many questions. If somebody at the end of this, has been listening to this and thinks I would like to help, but I want to contact Anne directly before I go to these Slack channels and Github repos and so on. How might somebody get in touch with you should they wish to?

Anne McCarthy

I would say go to my website. I am a weird millennial without social media. I jump on and off of Instagram. That’s my one holdout. I love photography too much, but yeah, my website is nomad.blog and I have a contact page and I truly welcome to hear from anyone seriously. All I ask, and this is on my website as well. I like to do pen pal. Kind of writing back and forth. I think we don’t rely, I think email, I’ve read too many books about this, but I think email has ruined our ability to relax and unwind, and I refuse to opt into this always responding world. So as long as you’re patient with me, and if I get a bunch of emails, as long as you’re patient with me responding, I promise I will respond genuinely with a lot of thought. I do not like to do short, low quality responses. So if you’re willing to engage there, that would be awesome to hear from you. I’m also an annezazu in WordPress dot org Slack, if you end up joining there as well.

Nathan Wrigley

Well, thank you very much. I appreciate all of the hard work that you and everybody connected in the project is doing. It’s making great inroads into our editing experience in WordPress. Greatly appreciated. Thanks for coming on the podcast.

Anne McCarthy

Of course. Thank you so much for having me.

#1 – Josepha Haden Chomphosy on the Past, Present, and Future of WordPress

About this episode.

The podcast today features Josepha Haden Chomphosy.

Josepha is the Executive Director of the WordPress project, and as such, she has been at the forefront of WordPress’ evolution for many years. For the last six years, Josepha has worked full time on the project, and has been the release lead, as well as being involved with community events.

Many of the WordPress updates that you’ve seen recently have been under her stewardship, and she’s heavily involved in the project’s roadmap, and so talking with her about the past, present and future of WordPress seemed like the perfect topic.

Briefly, the points discussed are:

  • Josepha’s discovery of WordPress and its community;
  • how she considers that community in the many decisions she needs to make to push the project forward;
  • who can be involved and how one can join in;
  • the release of Gutenberg and how the turbulence of its introduction into WordPress core led her to rethink how the community is involved in such releases;
  • the concern that contributors are sometimes working in ways that are not sustainable;
  • how Josepha wants to ensure that contributors have the tools that they need to do their work; and
  • how she wants to leverage LearnWP to make it easier for WordPress’ growing audience to make the most of the software.

If any of the points raised here resonate with you, please leave a comment below.

If you have any thoughts on what we should include in future episodes of the podcast, please go to the podcast contact form and tell us what you think.

Mentioned in this episode.


Nathan Wrigley: [00:00:00] Welcome to the first edition of the WP Tavern podcast, which we’re calling Jukebox. My name is Nathan Wrigley and as this is the first ever episode of the podcast, I’m going to spend a few moments, setting your expectations. Our aim here is to create a podcast and transcript for people who are interested in WordPress and the WordPress community.
As a starting point, we’re going to produce one episode each month, but that may change down the road. We’re not bound to any particular subject, so it might be an interview with a core contributor one time and an organizer of WordCamps the next. A panel discussion about a broad subject, such as the future of WordPress or an episode about a very specific topic.
As I say, we’re not bound to anything except that it’s going to have WordPress at its heart.
With that in mind, it would be great to receive suggestions from you, the audience. I’d like to hear from you directly about what you’d like the podcast to feature. That may be a topic that you’re curious about, a person that you’d like to hear from or anything else that comes to mind.
You can do that by going to wptavern.com forward slash contact forward slash Jukebox. And there you’ll find a form to complete. Once again, that URL, wptavern.com forward slash contact forward slash Jukebox, and thanks in advance to anyone who reaches out.
Okay. So the podcast today features Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Josepha is the executive director of the WordPress project. And as such, she has been at the forefront of WordPress’ evolution for many years. For the last six years, Josepha has worked full time on the project and has been the release lead as well as being involved with community events.
Many of the WordPress updates that you’ve seen recently have been under her stewardship, and she’s heavily involved in the project’s roadmap, and so talking with her about the past present and future of WordPress seemed like the perfect topic. We talk about her discovery of WordPress and its community and how she considers that community in her decisions. Who can be involved and how. We also get into the subject of Gutenberg and how the turbulence of its introduction into WordPress core led her to rethink how the community is involved in such releases. Towards the end, we discuss how, in the future, Josepha wants to ensure that contributors have the tools that they need to do their work and how she wants to leverage LearnWP to make it easier for WordPress’ growing audience to make the most of the software. If any of the points raised here resonate with you be sure to head over and find the post at wptavern.com forward slash podcast, and leave a comment there. And so without further delay, I bring you Josepha Haden Chomphosy.
I am here with Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Josepha, welcome to the podcast.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:03:42] Thanks for having me, Nathan.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:03:43] You’re very welcome. Now it strikes me, it is possible that there are some people out there in the WordPress community who don’t actually know who you are and what your role is. So the first question is exactly that. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what your role is in WordPress?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:04:00] Yeah. Well, my name, as you mentioned is Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and I am the executive director of the WordPress project. And, I help to make sure that whatever the vision is of the technology and the community and the ecosystem around it has everything that it needs to succeed, and so I look after the people who are here contributing, and I look after the tools that they need in order to contribute, and of course, look after all of our products, our events in person and online, as well as our CMS and all of the kind of design and stuff that goes into it.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:04:33] So quite a lot. Yeah, quite a lot. About that, what do you find yourself doing on a day-to-day basis other than coming on podcast episodes like this? What typically would you find yourself doing in a normal week?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:04:45] Yeah. In a normal week, I probably have about 50% of my time is taken up with meetings either in voice or video or on Slack, and a huge amount of my time is helping to make decisions from like the medium to large scale of things. And so, yeah, it’s a lot of talking to people, making sure that I know what they need, making sure that I know how to get them what they need once we get there. And yeah, it’s mostly, I guess, mostly my job is talking, planning and solving problems, which frankly sounds like a fun job to me. I realize not everyone.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:05:24] No, that sounds good to me. Did you start with WordPress a very long time ago? Is this something you’ve been doing for a really long time? In other words, what’s your path? How did you get to where you are now from where you first made contact with a CMS called WordPress?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:05:37] Yeah, I think at this point I’m technically considered a WordPress veteran, but I actually have not been in the project for as long as some people have. I first discovered, learned the word WordPress in 2009. My mom actually introduced me to the CMS. In 2010, I started, my local community with a couple of other folks in Kansas City, and then it kind of all grew from there. I actually have been, I just recently passed my six year anniversary with being a full time sponsored contributor through Automattic. So yeah, I think that makes me technically a veteran of WordPress. Matt and I were talking about that during WordCamp India this past weekend.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:06:20] You obviously liked the sort of the FOSS model that we’ve got in the WordPress community. I don’t know if you have a history of working in industry or something like that. Is this the kind of community, the kind of decision-making process that speaks to you where there’s an open way of doing things, which can be different to a more top down approach in business.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:06:39] Yeah. I came into WordPress and into leadership probably from a pretty unusual path. And so there’s that to start with. I’m not a natural born leader. I spent a lot of time learning how to do it. And as I was learning all about how to lead the way that made the most sense to me from the start was leading from within and leading from whatever seat you happen to occupy in your group at the time. And so it’s a lot of this concept of servant leadership and a lot leading groups as they exist as their own organism, as opposed to top down, just like trying to manage them. I really love group dynamics and leading mass groups of people. It is a particular passion of mine. And there are times when you do have to just say, I’m sorry, everyone, I know that this doesn’t make us happy, but we’ve got to do this because we must do this for the health of our organization or whatever it is, you know, like mask mandates to be terribly topical.
In my experience of working with nonprofits and volunteering during the course of my life. There was no other leadership style that really was as sustainable and resilient and brought people into the organization as much as this kind of style of leadership that I have now. And it happens to fit really, really well in open source and for the most part also fits really, really well in WordPress. So I guess I kind of just got lucky.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:08:13] Yeah, it’s a really nice community to be in. And it occurs to me that many people that interact with WordPress will, well, I say many people, I don’t know what the figures would be, but they would go and download the software let’s say from wordpress.org and upload it to their server, and they’re good to go. That’s their relationship with WordPress. They’re happy with that. They use it. New features come out and they’re delighted. It’s great. New features come out and they’re kind of concerned and that’s great. How do things actually get done though? How is the project moving forward? I suppose it boils down to who makes the decisions, but also what is the consultation approach? How does the consultation occur to iterate the project forward? Because I suspect there will be many people listening to this who will have, no conception of how that’s done or how the software got to where it is today, as opposed to two years ago.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:09:01] Yeah. I’m going to answer that question in two parts. The first part I’m going to take is how are these decisions generally made? And that part comes with a big caveat of… in a perfect situation, this is how this will occur. And then the second thing that I want to address in there is the question of how it probably should happen, especially for open source at scale as WordPress is.
So to answer the first part. The way that I always want it to work. And the way that when things are optimally occurring, these decisions should be made. A good idea can come from anywhere. And so anytime that a contributor brings a good idea to their team rep or to me, or to a trusted fellow contributor, and they want to get an idea of whether it would succeed or not. There is historically this idea of feature proposals, which we do in some of our teams right now, but not in all of our teams where that idea gets a review from the full community, or however many people are showing up on the blog at the moment. And after they’ve had a bit of a conversation figured out the rough parts figured out what the solution, what the problem is they’re trying to solve what the users most beneficial way forward would be, once they figure all those things out, then they bring it to in a lot of cases, Matt, in a lot of cases, me, and then we figure out based on feedback from team reps and committers and major maintainers and contributors, what are the things that we need to know about these proposals to make sure that we get the right decision in place. That is how it should work if everything’s optimal right now, there are a lot of places where people don’t feel like they are able to raise their voice for questions. There are a lot of places where there is not enough support either from the volunteers who are showing up or just from the concept of the overall roadmap, where the people aren’t there to help make the, make it past that first hurdle of, someone help me figure out if this is a good idea. For the 40% of the web that we’re supporting. And so that’s how it should work optimally. It doesn’t always work perfectly well. In cases where anyone gets a proposal or a suggestion that is, has not been discussed in their community, and hasn’t been discussed in the project and we have to kind of figure out ad hoc, what is the right way forward here?
I actually do have a number of the people that I personally speak to, to get advice on the best way forward. I’ve got some technical people who’ve been in the project for ages that I look to for advice. I reach out to some of the industry partners. I hesitate to call WordPress an industry. For some reason. The WordPress ecosystem sustaining partners, we have folks like the people over at SiteGround or Yoast or depending on who I need to talk to any other sort of company that fits in with the questions that I have, and then a bunch of our long-term community maintainers, people like Andrea Middleton or folks like that who can make sure that I understand what all of our benefits are, what all of our risks are, what all the hurdles are like. It’s been a long time since one person could do all of this work, reliably alone. And so I make a strong use of a bunch of really dedicated contributors, I would say people who are really looking out for the community and I reach out to them quite frequently.
As far as how it should go in the future, I do think that most of the lessons in the cathedral and the Bazaar, which is kind of the canonical source of how to do open source were written for much smaller projects than we are. And so I think that, there’s a feeling right now in the community of there is this cathedral and it’s not the community, the community is the Bazaar.
And on the one hand, I think that is true. Like the community itself does represent this beautiful chaotic kind of crackling energy sort of thing that we have. But I actually think our community, as small as it is compared to the number of users that WordPress has is actually that central part of what makes WordPress successful and functional. And the bizarre is actually all of those users that we don’t have any access to. Access to… that sounds really weird. We don’t have any way to talk to predictably right now. And so I think that we are due for a change in our mindsets around that it is, a one percenter thing to be able to contribute to an open source project. And we should not be forgetting that we are building this on behalf of a huge portion of the population,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:13:54] One of the things which seems to crop up from time to time is exactly what you’ve just mentioned. That the user base is enormous, but the community of people who are actually building it is obviously much smaller. And whether there’s a disconnect, in some instances between what the, as you described, the 1% might feel is required, and the Bazaar, if you’d like what they feel is required. And I really, struggle to understand how on earth one would communicate between those two different sides of the coin. If you liked it, we really want you to understand that this is what we’re proposing, this is what we feel is the future for WordPress, but how do we join those two streams together? Over here, the cathedral over here, the bazaar, and I just don’t even know how to square that circle and imagine that’s an enormous challenge.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:14:42] Yeah, it is. So, reconciling the question of building for all of our users versus building for all of our developers or for all of our, what I call our extender community. It’s a really hard task. Every feature that gets put into WordPress, whether it’s the CMS or how we manage a team or how we put our tools together. Every single feature decision that’s made is made with the best knowledge that anybody has at that moment for one, and for two, the closer and closer you get into the really heart of the work being done on the project, the more and more that you are trying to make decisions for all of core and all of the active contributors and all of the theme authors and plugin authors and all of the users of WordPress and all of their visitors to their websites. That is a huge burden. You have to think about so many groups and the community reminds me personally of this a lot. Like it comes up frequently that, we, I’m told, don’t know who our audience is and on the one hand that’s right, we don’t literally know every single type of visitor that we have here. And every single type of thing that people are building using WordPress. And on the one hand, like that’s the beauty of it is that we don’t have to know who you are to want to give you the freedoms of open-source. And on the other hand, it does really bring up a lot of, for a lot of people, some ethical questions of, should we be making decisions on behalf of other people. But I honestly, Helen said it in a core chat a few months ago, when you are making software, you’re always making decisions on behalf of other people.
Even if you do know exactly who you’re talking to. And so it’s not necessarily possible to talk to all of our audiences at the same time and it’s definitely not possible to make all of our audiences, all of our users happy in one go, but the blizzard community pretty famously many, many years ago said we serve a majority group of minority voices and we will always make someone mad and we just want to not always make the same people mad because then we’re making blind choices or at least biased choices. I think about that often.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:17:12] So when decisions are made which the community, maybe 50% of them are going in one direction and 50% think actually this doesn’t seem like the right direction. Good example may be when 5.0 came along and Gutenberg, I should say Gutenberg because that’s probably more correct, was put into core that obviously there was a real bifurcation of where the community was going at that point to some extent. How do you cope with that kind of thing? How do you tackle when people are disgruntled, when people are bringing things to you where they’re dissatisfied or they believe they’ve somehow been ignored? Is it a question of saying to them, look, you just need to be involved. If you’re involved, then we know what you’re saying. How do you deal with it?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:17:51] Yeah. Well, I first have to say that I think that communities that are comfortable dissenting, are really healthy. When we see groups of people, when we see communities where people are all constantly, always agreeing and always in the same direction, it looks great on the outside, but from the standpoint of a maintainer of that community, cause I’m a maintainer of the WordPress community itself. That is a really unhealthy organization when I wasn’t hearing anything from anyone except for when they were, shouting at each other on Twitter, that was a sign of real organizational unhealth in my mind. So I think that healthy organizations are ones that are comfortable enough to say I do have worries about this. Cause if we don’t know where the worries are, we don’t know how to make solutions to avoid the worries. But I never did say to anyone and I don’t feel like the answer was well, if you’re upset about it, you should get in here.
I don’t think that’s a fair response, especially because like I said earlier, contributing to open source is a really, really privileged thing to do. You got to have a lot of extra time to do that. And, time is money in a lot of cases. And so I never did say that. I actually, 5.0 merge was really, really hard, that whole process and not a lot of people believed in the way forward on it. And they were raising the concerns, but this was the vision that had been set out. And so what I did was not to say, well, if you’re mad show up and do some work on things, what I did was say, Hey, I know you’re mad and I’m going to come and let you tell me how mad you are. And I actually did a six month listening tour. To hear what everyone was the angriest about. And it led up to a very lengthy 5.0 slash block editor merge retrospective post, where I had spoken to basically all of the committers, basically everyone who was writing code to create Gutenberg, everyone who was writing the core code to make sure that it was ready and a bunch of our agencies in the ecosystem, a bunch of our theme authors and plugin authors. I spoke to a ton of people over those six months just to see what they were the angriest about. And we’ve been since then making changes to fix it. It is fair that they were worried and it’s fair that they had something to say about that. And I don’t think, I never did think, that the right answer was to say, well, If you’ve got an anger, you got a job. That’s not what they were trying to tell me. You know.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:20:28] It seems that you’re concerned with communicating and making sure that communication out to the community is a part of your role, and although I don’t really want to go into this in great depth. You’ve recently launched a bite-size if you like, a short 10 minute to 12 minute length podcast, every couple of weeks, we’ve got two episodes so far, it’s called WP Briefing. Is that an effort from you to try and get the message out in a different way that people can consume. Bite-sized, often, easy to understand.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:20:57] Yeah. So something like this, a way for WordPress leadership to communicate more frequently, and with a little bit more ease has been on my list of goals, list of needs that the WordPress project needs since about 2018. I did not think that I was going to be the one to do it. I was hoping that we would get a more technology project sort of person available, but at the end of the day, I was talking through it with Matt, at sometime last year, sometime in 2020 and we both kind of collectively came to the decision that, yeah, it would be nice to have some technology folks. So the way that I hope that we can do open source in WordPress and the way that I hope that we can, that I can lead a group of people while always remembering their humanity and always adhering to my concept of basic ethical practices at scale. Like why wouldn’t I be the person who should show up and say, hey, this is how I think that… we can do this in WordPress. I think it’s a good opportunity for people to hear what goes into WordPress, because it’s really easy to be like WordPress is free and it’s just available by magic, and you don’t know that there are 2000 volunteer contributors that show up every single week to make that happen for 40% of the web. You just don’t know what you don’t know when you’re first getting involved in WordPress. And so like this, I think is a good opportunity to uncover all of the hard work of the community.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:22:37] I agree. I think it’s a great initiative. I’m going to pivot the conversation slightly because we’ve had Gutenberg for several years now and we’ve got a big year ahead. There’s an awful lot going on. If you’ve been following the roadmap, you’ll understand that this year is a really, really major year. So I’m just wondering where we’re at, what is in store for this year and how you feel we’re aligned to deliver on the things that you hope in your aggressive roadmap. What’s the chances of achieving them all?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:23:05] Yeah, firstly, I do see all of the flags being raised about my aggressive timeline and my incredibly full set of goals for the WordPress project for the year, and there is a lot out there and I know tha. I am fully prepared to say that, at the end of the year, we’re going to look back and we will have missed some of those goals. And that’s going to be fine too, for a lot of things. Now, the one that is really, really raising, some eyebrows is this full site editing merge, and the merge process. Last time, you know, it took us a whole year, and so the idea that we can say at the start of 2021, we’re going to get it in by the summer has been really, really shocking to folks because it cuts that time in half. And on the one hand yeah, it is, it’s really aggressive, but on the other hand, I know absolutely that the community can rise to that challenge. Like we always do. It’s a lovely group of people that really show up to make the best solution for the WordPress users that they can, and I have been really pleased to see all of the work that’s gone into full site editing over the last 12 months already and longer technically, but definitely the last 12 months it’s made huge strides.
So I want to clarify for all of your listeners that like the first primary target date to look out for is that April 2021 date. That’s what I am considering the go, no go date because I will never take something that is super duper broken and users can’t use, and say we’re getting it in to 5.8 because I made a promise to myself. Like I’m not going to ship a broken tool when I can help it. And there is probably, I think if my guess is right, there’s going to be a Gutenberg plugin release on the 17th of April and then the 23rd of April as well. And those will be our two moments when we can say we believe we can do this.
And there’s been a lot of discussion around okay, but what is the MVP that you think is going to get in there? And I have been directing people to these milestones that there’s this ticket that has the milestones for full site editing, and we did clear one of those milestones and are getting it ready for testing right now. And this is an unofficial concept of the MVP, but I do think I’m right about this. The guiding question that I have been asking myself as I am watching full site editing, kind of get pulled together is could I using the blocks available, pull together the major functional parts of a campaign landing page.
That is what I’m using as my guiding light for do I think this is ready or not? And, you know, campaign landing pages, that’s like the smallest sentence of a smallest viable sentence. It is the I am of websites. Right. Like, you’ve got your header and footer. You’ve got your hero image. You probably have a button on the hero or a slider if you’re feeling fancy and then you’ve got text, you need to have a form you need to have a way to have a call to action. It is a functional website on its own. But it is the smallest version of a website. And so the question that I have is can you without code, pull that together? And I don’t know if that is, for instance, like Mathias Ventura. I don’t know if that is the guiding question that he’s asking himself as he’s looking toward what makes an MVP possible, but it’s hard to build software in the open, right? And so like you have to have a big enough goal so that you can display a plausible promise, to the users so that you can say this is what we believe this is going to look like, but not so big that you have gotten so far ahead of them that they don’t feel like they can catch up and finding that really narrow space between far enough that you can tell what it’s supposed to be, but that you don’t feel overwhelmed by how much has changed is really hard to get to. And so that’s why I’m bringing us into some really clear focus around like we’re driving to April so that we can ask ourselves as we go, those really poignant questions of does this get us closer to the MVP? Does this help us solve this problem for our users? Because honestly, full site editing is this intersection of the promise of the technology and the promise of the philosophy. This is where the rubber meets the road on what we’ve been saying about Gutenberg for so long, all of our promise lies in here. And so, it’s important to get the tool right, but it’s also important to get the proper landing area for the first foray of the tool, right.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:27:57] Okay. So I’ll link in the, in the show notes that we put together for this I’d link to your big picture goals, 2021 article, which promoted the debate about the MVP, but I’ll also make sure to link to the site editing milestones GitHub piece as well so that people can figure out exactly what’s going on.
Just turning away from the full site editing thing, as much as I want to keep talking about that. There’s more going on, isn’t there because in the near future, you’re highlighting a couple of other things, the need for LearnWP to become a real resource for people to get up to date, upskill their interactions with WordPress, and also contributor tools, and although we haven’t got a lot of time for those, maybe pick one of those and tell me why you’re so bullish about those.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:28:38] Gosh, let’s go with Learn. I’m bullish about contributor tools because I desperately want our community to have tools that are easy to use.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:28:45] Okay. That’s good. Yeah.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:28:48] I’m really excited for the work on Learn for a number of reasons. For one, we are a global project and right now, so much of our training about how to even get your bearings in WordPress before you are able to get to the 101 content that’s out there happens at an event. And in order to get to an event, you have to pay basically three ways. You have to pay with your money in a lot of cases, you have to pay with your time. And for any entrepreneur, you’re also potentially paying with an opportunity cost. All the time that you spend there, not only are you not working, but you’re also not working to fill your funnel. And so finding a way to take that training opportunity and remove as many barriers as possible and make it available online for anyone who needs it, to be able to get to no matter where they are, that is so important to me and so compelling. That’s my big picture, hope there. And right now there are still quite a few barriers to entry. We mostly have English based workshops and tutorials there. And so if any of your listeners are interested in joining that effort, we need a lot of translations. We need a lot of workshops\ in other languages and various things like that. But I really believe that this is a space where WordPress can be really forward facing in owning the fact that we know how to use our tools the best and that our community is the best group of people to tell each other and to tell future community members what can happen and not happen with WordPress, they are the people who know what is needed. They are the subject matter experts of their own business and their own plugins that they needed to do those things. And so getting that opportunity with as few barriers as possible, but, to really be able to say we are a canonical source of good information about how to use this, especially when you don’t know even remotely what you’re doing yet. I think that’s a good step forward for you.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:30:52] Yeah. With any software with just about any product, in fact, in the world, having fantastic documentation that you can understand and consume, and there’s one, as you said, canonical source that you can go to and if it’s not exactly there, you may well pick up another path to finding exactly where it is, and so, I just think that’s such a great thing now that we’re hitting 40% of the internet, this seems like a really valuable project.
With time being limited. I’m going to pivot once more and talk about the longer term, the things that are off in the horizon. And it’s a very broad question because I don’t want to stifle you. What are the things in the longer term, after this year that you’re getting excited about in the WordPress space?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:31:33] Gosh, you asked me a really big question and I have 20 answers. I’m going to tell you some of the things that I’m super excited about. I am for one super excited about really continuing to remove these barriers to entry for future WordPressers. I define our community as anyone who has interacted with WordPress, whether they know it or not. And at 40% of the web, it is increasingly true that the people in the, don’t know, they interacted with WordPress group is also getting bigger and because the work of all of our contributors, all of our entire community that shows up to help get this done, no matter which team they get it done in, because every time they commit changes to the work and to the greater collective project that they’re working on that change and their name with that change and their work lives in the entire history of that. They add, they take 17 years of learning that came before them add in a new learning based on new information we have today, and then they are forever in the history of what made WordPress successful and getting to a point where our 40% of the web, just websites, and also the people who interact with that 40% have some concept of what goes into that work and this community that is behind it. The more and more that they have a deep understanding of that just like wine appreciation or something, jazz appreciation. The more that you understand that the more that you see the value in what is happening here with open source. Cause you know, open source is a contentious kind of space in the world. If you look at it and how it applies to businesses and how it applies to in some cases, governmental structures and things like that. And I really feel like the more that we dignify the work that goes into this tool, and the more that we can subvert that feeling of WordPress isn’t secure because of whatever reasons, like the more that we can change those narratives, the more that we dignify the professions of all of the WordPress contributors that show up in their very tiny spare time, because they’re giving back to a project that gave them so much in the work that they do today.
I just… this is going to sound really sappy is the honor of my career to be doing this work with WordPressers, and the fact that the general public has a tendency to say Oh, well, WordPress is terrible because it’s by volunteers is just not fair to them and it’s not accurate to what they’re doing either and so I feel like the sooner that we can really shore up this concept of yeah, it is volunteers, but they are all absolutely experts in whatever field they’re in and in their spare time, they give back to something that made them so good. The sooner we can do that for the community as a whole, I think the better just dignifying the profession of being in WordPress.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:34:42] I’m going anchor my reply to that, to an article that you posted recently called making WordPress releases easier. I’ll link to it in the show notes and on some of the points that you drew out in there, marry perfectly to what you’ve just said, because one of the concerns that you were raising in the longer term is the idea of things like this discussion can came up in the context of the release cycle and whether or not we should be trying to go for a specific number four releases per year, or whether there should be some flexibility there, whatever that number may be. But you express concern for things like developer fatigue and the fact that we need to realign the number of core developers that we’ve got and the number of designers, who are helping in the system. So what were you meaning when you were describing your worry about the developers that were currently using exhibiting signs of fatigue and so on?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:35:30] As with every single time I talk about the deepest parts of my work… have to start by saying like my whole job is identifying our risks and our most weak places and finding ways to make them stronger and finding ways to steer around the risks that we have, and so sometimes what I say sounds super duper dire, but yeah, in general, I think that WordPress is in a really good space right now. It’s in a really good position, especially considering that we are still in the middle of a global pandemic. And so that general context for what I’m about to say, which is going to sound a little dire. We have a number of committers and a number of maintainers that show up to do this work every day. And that is not only for the code, but also for the design work. It’s also for our translations, it’s for folks in the support forums, like all of our 25 teams or something, everyone who shows up to do that work every day. It’s really hard in a global pandemic situation to keep everyone feeling resilient and feeling like everyone around them as a human being and keeping them mindful of the fact that they are also a human being.
Everything is really stressful for the world and for them and for our users and people who are trying to, replace their income by coming up with a WordPress site, using a WooCommerce solution or whatever it is. And it’s… on the one hand true that we would have had a little bit of difficulty with fatigue with our maintainers and committers even before this, but especially right now, especially in the context that we find ourselves in, it’s really hard for people to recharge and all of the work that would have needed to happen in order to get us to four releases this year should have happened in 2020, but we were all really, really focused on pivoting an entire arm of our community into a space that we are not necessarily terribly familiar with online events. It’s just not something that we as a project did a lot of, and so I guess my overall concern is we have two major projects that go at the same time at the same pace and the more and more people use WordPress and Gutenberg, the more and more we have tickets that are opened. And we have roughly the same number of people who can help us to make the decision, write the code create the design, whatever it is, and then review it, test it, commit it. It’s the same general number of people right now as it was in 2019. And it’s getting harder and harder for me to find ways to reliably feel like they’re getting themselves recharged and practicing sustainable self care work.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:38:24] Is this a job of recruiting more people in or trying to, like you have obviously have been doing trying to get more people in the community involved. Is it a bums on seats to use a crude analogy? Is that what’s required?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:38:37] I think it’s a bit of both. I think it’s a little bit… Get more people in here who can help us do the work, which is hard to do in a normal setting and is also harder to do when we’re not seeing each other in person. I have a whole thing about that. Um, many, many thoughts, but it’s a little bit getting people in here. And also it’s a little bit making it very clear to the people who are using 100% of their spare time. Like they have two hours a week. And so they did a patch and they showed up and they’re like, please take my patch. And if they know that we don’t have it about 110 people reviewing and testing and committing things, we really have 30. It can help to give those 30 committers a little bit more space because people don’t expect that 30 people can manage 300 new tickets every hour or something. Just to kind of uncover the mountain that we’re working with, I guess, to give everybody a little bit more breathing room, I guess that’s it.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:39:42] Well, Josepha, I know that your time is valuable and I know that I’ve consumed probably already more of it than was allowed. So just I’d just like, say thank you. I know that you have an awful lot sitting on your shoulders, certainly from my part greatest appreciation. Thanks for all the work that you do and thank you for coming on the podcast and talking to me today.
Josepha Haden Chomphosy: [00:39:59] Thanks for having me. I thought this was really fun.