Testing Schema Registry: Spring Boot and Apache Kafka With JSON Schema


Apache Kafka is the most widely used reliable and scalable eventing platform. It helps in providing the base for a fast, scalable, fault-tolerant, event-driven microservice architecture. Any type of data can be published into a Kafka topic and can be read from. Kafka does not provide an out-of-the-box schema validation system and hence is prone to junk data being fed into a topic.

Confluent has devised a concept of a schema registry that can be used to implement type checking of messages in any Kafka installation. The Schema Registry needs the message schema to be registered against a topic and it enforces that only messages conforming to the schema are sent to the topic.

Coupling Schema Registry (Confluent) With Multi-Broker Apache Kafka Cluster

This article aims to explain the steps to coupling Confluent Schema Registry with existed/operational multi-broker Apache Kafka cluster(Local deployment). The Confluent is an integrated platform bundle with Apache Kafka and multiple different components starting from ksqlDB for stream processing, numerous connectors (Database, File, AWS, Azure, Google, etc), Schema Registry, Control Center, etc. Please click here to know more about the Confluent Platform.

In short, Schema Registry preserves a versioned history of all schemas, provides multiple compatibility settings, allows the evolution of schemas, etc. It supports Avro, JSON Schema, and Protobuf schemas. Can read here about the importance of Schema Registry on Kafka Based Data Pipelines