Generate Google Cloud API Credentials [Video]

This blog is a quick walkthrough for downloading GCP API credentials (keys). The credentials are at the core of any cloud computing service. Different public cloud service providers use different types of credentials to connect their services through API. So, without much ado, here are the steps required to generate API keys for GCP (Google Cloud Platform).

If you feel lazy reading this blog, here is a 100 seconds long step-by-step video to generate API keys for GCP.

Looking Beyond JSON


In a world where even services are becoming micro, I thought of writing a micro story.

The trigger point of this article is the unquestionable dominant usage of JSON. You are looked upon with suspicion if you try proposing to even evaluate an alternate. I have been amazed by the faith in JSON we have put in many architectural solutions.

Top 8 Weather APIs for 2020

The climate is a hot issue, and weather forecasting technology is suddenly cool. The urgent need for innovative weather and environmental conditions forecasting solutions is obvious whether you believe in climate change or not.

In fact, the climate is not only the topic of discussion around the water cooler. There are businesses, entire industries in fact, where weather conditions have a direct impact on day-to-day business operations. Industries like logistics, aviation, competitive outdoor sports, public safety, mining, and agriculture (to name just a few) are directly impacted by the weather. For these industries, weather forecasting accuracy can mean the difference between ending a fiscal year in profit or loss.