Comparing Test Results in JMeter


As performance testers, we are often asked to compare the difference in the performance between two versions of an application. Whatever the changes made in the second version (i.e., usage of new libraries, change of technological stack, etc.), ultimately, the business wants to know if the second version is better (or worst) and by how much.

This article discusses two solutions, including one based on a new JMeter plugin to help you "gauge" the improvement or degradation brought along by the second version of the application.

Getting Rid of Performance Testing Outliers With a New JMeter Plugin


Whether we like it or not, outliers happen in our daily lives! For instance, it can be a mansion that sells in your neighbourhood for a price three to four times higher than the average house price. In the workforce, it can also be a few professionals earning very high salaries when compared to the rest of the employees. Or if you were to look at the arrival times of planes at your local airport, you would see that most planes land in a [0..10min] interval around the scheduled arrival time, but then, from time to time, a few planes may be late by 1hr or more...

But back to performance testing where we measure the response times of our applications.

JMeter Netconf Plug-in and Network Service Automation

JMeter Netconf Plug-in and Network Service Automation

Network service automation-related requirements are usually realized by means of commercial or open-source network orchestrator or controller software system. However, for some temporary or urgent needs, software patch or version development, upgrade, and change are often involved, which sometimes makes network engineer feel like "to break a fly upon a wheel". In fact, it can be realized through a light-weight way, JMeter Netconf plug-in implementation and network service automation process customization without compiled code based on JMeter framework.

JMeter Netconf plug-in implementation includes two modules.