Java Bytecode Simplified: Journey to the Wonderland (Part 1)

There are two ways to see a thing. One, see it as it appears to us; two, see it and appreciate it. For example, we get light when we switch on a lightbulb. We press the button and then get busy with our life. Pretty simple, but boring. On the other hand, if we know how the light gets energy from an electrical power grid far from our home with wires, and while traveling through the wires and filament, the filament heats up and starts emitting photons, we get to see in the light; we can then appreciate the blessing.

In the same way, when we write a piece of code, and if we know the mechanism behind it, we can then appreciate it more, how excellent engineering effort went into it, making our life so amazing.

Ruby Creator Yukihiro Matsumoto: ‘Do Not Fight Developer Instincts’


Our friend Yukihiro Matsumoto, creator of the Ruby programming language, joined us for an interview right after the release of Ruby 3.0! Grigory Petrov, Developer Relations at Evrone, spoke with Mr. Matsumoto about the new features in the latest major Ruby release. Mr. Matsumoto also shared details about his approach to improving Ruby and gave us insight into the future of the language.

The Interview

Grigory: My name is Grigory Petrov, and I am here to interview Yukihiro Matsumoto, author of the Ruby programming language, just a few months after the major Ruby 3.0 release with all of its new shiny features.