WorkerB Developer Automation From LinearB

“The most powerful tool we have as developers is automation.”
—Scott Hanselman

Developers automate everything about how we write, test and ship code. But when it comes to the process of how we work together as a team on projects, it’s highly manual.  

Dev Tools to the Rescue – Part 1

Whether you are a software developer working on someone else’s projects or you run a business yourself, utilizing the right tools of the trade is essential.

The market of software development tools is an ever-changing one and increasingly competitive. It’s a tough task to decide which one is best suited for you.

Best Ways to Track Time in Jira

Project management software plays a huge role in the majority of companies’ work process, and while project management products are many, Jira remains among the most popular ones.

Jira was originally designed in 2002 as an issue tracking tool for software developers. However, it has drastically evolved over the years and turned into a platform that easily meets a varying set of management needs in highly diverse teams and professional spheres.

Testing Robin, the RPA Programming Language Using Itself

Software testing in most software houses involves testing web/mobile apps, on-premise, in the cloud or hybrid installations, desktop apps, embedded software/hardware platforms and the like. What about testing a programming language though? How do you approach such a task?

Of course, given the fact there are many popular, tried-and-tested languages out there, there are a plethora of possible approaches but we will attempt to follow a different one (approach) and provide an RPA domain-specific example.

Why Be Agile: Main Metrics, Most Used Tools, Agile Planning

It’s quite difficult to imagine a modern IT company without a project manager. It is rather an important role, which includes the application of methods, skills, processes, and experience to achieve the project goals and meet the client’s needs and requirements. As Martin Barnes, the former president of the Association for Project Management said, “At its most fundamental, project management is about people getting things done”.

Why Should Businesses/Startups Care About PM?

Both big companies and startups need efficient project management. In fact, the main value of project management lies in the fact that it ensures the appropriate allocation of resources so that a project is completed effectively. Besides, project management is what gives cohesiveness to the process of software development. Meanwhile, the role of a project manager also includes making sure that the project falls within the established budget and will be completed within the deadlines.

Effective Jira Test Case Management

Delivering the best quality software is the end game for any software project. And for the sake of that, you need test repeatedly. This should specifically be the case in organizations practicing DevOps. However, there are several organizations that lack the tools in order to manage the test properly. This is especially common for Jira users to track development related issues. Due to Jira’s lack of built-in testing functionality, Jira test case management has to be manually aligned

Before diving deeper let us quickly go through what Jira testing is and why it has created a buzz.

Is JIRA a Counterproductive Project Management Software In Today’s Market?

There are numerous complaints about project management software since the inception of the IT industry. Some of the complaints elicit the counter-productivity factor of task management tools. I know that being an Agile project manager at nTask sounds like a bit of cliché’, but at the same time, I cannot help but think otherwise.

Sometimes, Project Management Tools are Overrated

Yep, they are not only overrated, but there is a very real possibility that you don’t have to rely on project management software to get by with your business activities. Why so? Consider a small business brick n’ mortar environment with old-school work aesthetics. They are running their business fine.

How Building an IDE Extension Changed the Way We Ship Code

When our team set out on the adventure of building the Atlassian for VS Code extension, our mission was simple: create an MVP to test if using Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Cloud features inside of VS Code would make a better developer experience.

To begin, we did what we all knew: scheduled planning meetings, had daily stand-ups, set up a Slack channel for all of the discussion that happens between meetings, tried to guess at release dates, and scheduled retros to discuss what went wrong and what went well.

Introducing Atlassian for VS Code: Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Extension for Visual Studio Code

Developers spend most of their day in three places: chat, their IDE, and a code repository platform like Bitbucket. In between, a lot of hours are spent context switching between apps. At Atlassian, our goal is to cut out all of the alt-tabbing and make you more productive by bringing your work closer to where you spend the most time.

That’s why we’re excited to announce Atlassian for VS Code, a new Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Cloud extension for Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code. We are bringing pull requests, CI/CD, and issues where we think they should be: in your IDE, right alongside your code.

Updating Jira on MariaDB and Running Into Database Driver Problems

We run a public instance of Jira ( Since it's public, it's good to keep it pretty up-to-date so that no known vulnerabilities are open. A couple of weeks back, we started a routine update where we first update the operating system and the libraries available through the repositories configured in the operating system.

The operating system update (apt update and apt upgrade) updated a whole lot of system libraries, but also nginx and MariaDB Server. We use nginx as a reverse proxy in front of Jira. The MariaDB Server update was a minor one; it took MariaDB Server from version 10.3.12 to 10.3.13. At this point, everything worked as normal.Image title

Release Manage Workflow Introduction and Installation

Managing a release in which multiple people with multiple roles are involved is a challenging task for an IT team. As the commitment for delivery adheres to time and accuracy, release management emerges as a crucial role in process of software delivery. Release Management is a complicated process for IT teams.

Typically, a Release Manager must perform two major things: