8 JavaScript Chart Components for Business Apps

The ability to visualize complex data in a clear and comprehensible way is one of the key requirements of modern business applications. Various types of charts make it much easier to analyze statistical data, prepare any kind of reports, and facilitate decision-making. Therefore, web developers are often asked to integrate charting tools in apps. If that’s your case, you’ve opened the right page.

You will probably agree that developing a charting functionality from scratch can be very time-consuming. That is why it can be reasonable to consider using ready-made JavaScript chart components designed specifically for this task.

Seven Essential JavaScript Functions

As a developer, you might know how important JavaScript has become. Right now, it is the most popular and commonly used programming language in the world. It is used to program desktop and server programs, webpages, web applications, mobile applications, etc. It is also used for databases like MongoDB and CouchDB.

JavaScript has come a long way since its inception. Earlier, developers were aware of only a few functions for all types of features and functionalities because every browser implemented the features according to their rendering engines, which made manual testing of web applications across browsers complicated. But, now you can automate the cross-browser testing of JavaScript web applications with the help of online Selenium Grid without writing repetitive code.

Get Started With Vue Grid in 5 Minutes

Vue is the most responsive and progressive framework which is widely used in Single Page Applications. It provides one of the more powerful and flexible ways to display data in a tabular format using the JQWidget Grid component. Grid components are widely used to show smaller/larger sets of data in readable format. You can show read-only views or editable views.

In this article, we will quickly implement JQwidget grid components in Vue with very little coding and configuration.

Pure Components in React

Pure components were introduced in React 15.3. React.Component and React.PureComponent differ in implementing the shouldComponentUpdate() lifecycle method. The shouldComponentUpdate() method decides the re-rendering of the component by returning a boolean. In React.Component, it returns true by default. But in pure components, shouldComponentUpdate() compares if there are any changes in state or props to re-render the component.

Here I am sharing my observations about how unnecessary renders are reduced by the pure component.