Art Generator With Javascript and WebGL

Modern web design often makes use of large introduction images. These large images frame a product or service at the top of the website.

This got me thinking of how we could use WebGL to make an art effect similar to The Starry Night by Van Gogh. What I created was something similar, which nicely transforms into liquid if you want it to.

Hoisting in JavaScript

Master hoisting in JavaScript

In this post, we are going to discuss hoisting. We’ll be discussing what it is and why it’s important for you to know as a Javascript developer.

This article is the first of many small articles discussing key areas and terms in Javascript, such as call stack, callback, promise, async, etc.

Three Ways to Define Functions in JavaScript

Functions are one of the key components in programming. They are defined to perform a specific task and can be called again and again to execute that task. The main difference between functions in JavaScript and other programming languages is that in JavaScript, functions are first-class objects, which means that they behave like objects and can be assigned to variables, arrays, and other objects.

This post discusses three different ways to define functions:

A Brief Introduction to Closures and Lexical Scoping in JavaScript

“Writing in ECMAScript language without understanding closure is like writing Java without understanding classes” — Douglas Crockford, father of JSON.

In this piece, we are going to discuss closures and lexical scoping in JavaScript. Understanding closures leads to a better understanding of programming itself. If you are planning on becoming a professional programmer, questions regarding closures and their applications are widely asked during technical interviews and can be really helpful to you.