How to Create a Heatmap in Pivot Grids

The ways and levels of perception have always differed from person to person. Although, in our time, most of the information is absorbed visually. This is the main reason why, for a better understanding of the user's content, you need to choose the right type of data visualization. Here, I want to talk about one of the ways of displaying information in tables; heatmaps. 

What is a heatmap?

A heatmap is a graphical representation of data where values of quantitative variables are expressed as colors, mainly by hue or intensity, giving obvious visual cues about how the phenomenon is clustered or varies over space. 

Building a Meme Generator With RedwoodJS — the JavaScript Answer to Rails

When I first heard about RedwoodJS, I thought it was just another front-end JavaScript framework. I wondered whether it would it be like React or more like Angular. As it turned out, I didn't know what RedwoodJS was, but now I can't wait to build more projects using it.

What Is RedwoodJS?

RedwoodJS is a full-stack, serverless JavaScript framework. It is the JavaScript answer to Rail's or Django. It uses the Jamstack approach to build an application with both front-end and back-end code. It also uses popular frameworks and libraries to accomplish this:

Optimize Performance and Render Websites Superfast in ReactJS

To optimize the performance of your React code, you have to make sure that it’s not re-rendering unnecessarily. This is the main reason behind performance bottleneck. Use these tips to improve your codebase and make your website super-fast:

  1. Avoid unnecessary code re-rendering.
  2. Keep your code files short and break them into components.
  3. Use minified production build.
  4. Remove console logs from production code.
  5. For big tables, render a few rows and columns at a time (like FlatList in React Native).
  6. Do not mutate state object.

Let’s discuss all these points, one at a time. Buckle up.

The Future of ReactJS Developers

ReactJS is a declarative, versatile JavaScript framework for building customizable user interfaces ( UI) with greater simplicity and usability. An application for various states provides some benefits in generating basic views and greater convenience in quickly changing and rendering the related components just as data changes.

React.js is a vital part of the above group and not just a coming and going system. Released in 2013, the list of the most creative innovations continues to grow.

How to Refactor Big Alloy Controllers

At first, you got a nicely structured Alloy controller, but as you go on, new features keep getting added, and slowly but surely you end up with a monster. Your XML file might still look okay, but your controller file starts getting hundreds of lines and the end is not in sight. Sound familiar?

How do you restructure such a mess into a well-structured file again without rewriting the entire thing? It is easier than you might think.