Growth in Java Development for Web and Mobile Apps

Java is the fifth most used programming language with a market share of 35.35%. It is a viable technology for enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Java has become the primary programming language for companies across multiple domains in recent years. It is powerful, scalable, and enterprise-grade. As a result, Java software development services are highly popular for such applications. 

Today, Java has found applications in some of the leading technical industries of the world. From data science to AR & VR, Java is usable for all advanced programming applications. However, while enterprise Java development is the fastest-growing use case, web and mobile have been the long-standing winner for the technical applications of Java.

Top 10 Most Promising Programming Languages for 2021

As of 2020, there were approximately 700 programming languages available, according to the latest web development studies. Some of these are applied only to specific domains, while others are widely used across a range of applications.

If you're considering adopting or learning a new programming language in 2021, keep reading to discover the benefits of our top 10 programming languages for 2021.

JavaTea Tutorial: Using a Test Tool as a Demonstration Tool

When giving a demonstration of a web app, there are many chances for things to go wrong. You may be distracted by manual operations and loose what to say next. You may make the audience wait for a long time before showing a target page due to entering required values. To avoid those troubles, this article proposes using the JavaTea test tool as a demonstration tool.

JavaTea is an end-to-end test automation tool built on Selenium WebDriver. It is originally designed to execute test scripts against a browser, but, here we will execute demonstration scenarios instead of test cases so that we can focus on speaking while giving a demonstration. Moreover, JavaTea allows us to decorate web pages with CSS effects and balloons to draw the audience's attention to particular features. Below is an example of decorated web site for a demonstration: