7 Test Frameworks To Follow in 2021 for Java/Fullstack Developers

It is time to learn new test frameworks to improve your code quality and decrease the time of your testing phase. I have selected six testing frameworks that sound promising. Some have existed for quite a long time but I have not heard about them before.

At the end of the article, please tell me what you think about them and what your favorite ones are.

Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a generic open-source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).

How To Run JUnit Tests From The Command Line

JUnit is one of the most popular Java-based open-source frameworks used for testing every unit of the application, i.e., classes and methods. And for automating the testing of web applications, you can use it with the Selenium WebDriver. Though Selenium and JUnit can function independently, combining them can help develop tests in a structured format.

Though Java offers several IDEs using which you can write code and run tests, you would like to execute JUnit from the command line. Why?

Top 10 Java Testing Frameworks For 2020

When we talk about programming in the modern tech world, Java instantly comes to our mind. After all, it is considered one of the most versatile programming languages. Looking back on its history, Java has always had an extraordinary position in a back-end developer’s heart. A majority of developers enjoy Java due to its platform independence, security, ease of use, variety of accessible resources, and several other essential features. These traits appreciably contributed to the popularity of Java as a programming language – as of 2018, there were seven million or more Java developers globally.

Undoubtedly, Java has positioned itself as one of the admired programming languages for web development projects. Looking back at the results of 2019, Java was positioned in the list of Top 5 Most Popular Technology which, in turn, encouraged the usage of Java testing frameworks.

How to Automate Appium Java Tests In Parallel Using TestNG

Automate Appium Java Tests In Parallel

The beauty of Appium for mobile testing is that its tests can be written in any programming language including Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, and C#. While we have covered extensive Appium tutorials, in this article, we'll walk through how to automate Appium tests in parallel against our real devices using TestNG Java sample tests.

You may also like: How to Run a Selenium Test With TestNG

What Is and Why to Use TestNG?

TestNG, where NG denotes Next Generation, is an automated testing framework that is inspired by both JUnit and NUnit.

Mutation Testing: Covering Your Code With the Right Test Cases (Part 1)

Mutation Testing Basics

The concept of mutation testing is to modify code in a small way and verify that tests detect that modification. Undetected modification gives a hint to what test is likely missing.

Mutation Procedure Next Steps:

  1. Modify code in small way (creating mutant)
  2. Execute existing test suites (killing mutant)
  3. Verify that at least one existent test failed (mutant killed)
  4. If all test succeded (mutant survived), there is likely a missing test case

But why do we have to consider testing the result of the modified code? Let's take a look at an example:

How to Increase Java Testing ROI With Parasoft Jtest

In today's digital economy, companies have to deliver software faster to the market to keep pace with consumer demand. To achieve this without sacrificing quality and security, organizations have to be able to effectively test software code changes thoroughly and quickly. But achieving this thorough testing can be a bottleneck, bringing stress and risk to software teams, delaying delivery, and having a direct impact on the business.

One of the biggest contributing factors to software project delays are bugs discovered late in the development process, which occurs because the business puts pressure on development teams to maintain schedules, having a direct side effect on testing and product quality. To help address this issue, development teams leverage unit testing and static code analysis to expose defects earlier in the cycle; however, these practices come with drawbacks of their own, related to time and cost, that can cause a delay in achieving quality at speed.