97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know with Kevlin Henney [Podcast]

In 2020, Java celebrated its 25th anniversary. Despite being more than 2 and a half decades old, it still remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world, dominating enterprise application development.

In this episode, we’re joined by the co-author of the recently released “97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know”. He shares with us his experience in collecting the various voices, advice, and even contradicting opinions that make up the book, its relevance in the “low-code, no-code space”, and why some programming languages, like Java, will never die.

4 Reasons Java Is So Popular Among Developers

The Java programming language has become so popular that, when people say the word ‘java’, most people no longer think of coffee! The Java language is object-oriented and it supports developers with a library of classes called Java API. It has a long and rich history and is widely recognized for its performance, security, and dependability. In this article, we review four important reasons for Java's popularity among developers. 

"Java is dependable and is the choice of many developers around the world so your business can be assured that it is working with a scalable, high-performance environment." 

Java 15: What You Should Know


In September 2020, Oracle released a new short-term release for the Java Development Kit platform, a.k.a. Java 15. Of course, this caused quite a bit of excitement in the development world, mainly due to the many, many changes and advanced provisions it offered to developers. 

Even though it was only a short-term release Java 15 managed to pack quite a punch; from hidden classes, text blocks, to the Z Garbage Collector, a foreign memory access API, and so much more.

Spring Boot and Java 16 Records

On March 16th, 2021, Java 16 was GA. With this new release, tons of new exciting features have been added. Check out the release notes to know more about these changes in detail. This article's focus will be on Java Records, which got delivered with JEP 395. Records were first introduced in JDK 14 as a preview feature proposed by JEP 359, and with JDK 15, they remained in preview with JEP 384. However, with JDK 16, Records are no longer in preview.

I have picked Records because they are definitely the most favored feature added in Java 16, according to this Twitter poll by Java Champion Mala Gupta.

The Best Ways to Learn Java Quickly Like an Expert

Have you been thinking of the following questions? 

  • How do I learn Java? 
  • What are the best ways to learn Java? 
  • How can I learn Java? 

If so, then you are in the right place! These are all the basic questions when someone starts learning a java programming language.

Troubleshooting the Performance of Vert.x Applications, Part I – The Event Loop Model

This article is the first in a series of three articles which share my experience with troubleshooting the performance of Vert.x applications. The first article provides an overview of the Vert.x event loop model, the second article covers techniques to prevent delays on the event loop, and the third article focuses on troubleshooting of event loop delays.

Programming with Vert.x requires a good understanding of its event loop model. From what I saw in practice, delayed or blocked event loop threads are the number one contributor to performance problems with Vert.x applications. But don't worry. In this article, we are going to review the event loop model.