JVM Memory Architecture and GC Algorithm Basics


This article discusses the basic concept of JDK8 and upwards memory management with heap and stack memory. and the basics of GC and its Algorithms.

Importance of Memory Management

Java garbage collector doesn't ensure that the heap memory will be completely free, and also, for a developer, it is not possible to force a garbage collector to run at a specific time. So it is helpful to know how memory management in Java works. 

Java Memory Management

You might think that if you are programming in Java, what do you need to know about how memory works? Java has automatic memory management, a nice and quiet garbage collector that works in the background to clean up the unused objects and free up some memory.

Therefore, you as a Java programmer do not need to bother yourself with problems like destroying objects, as they are not used anymore. However, even if this process is automatic in Java, it does not guarantee anything. By not knowing how the garbage collector and Java memory is designed, you could have objects that are not eligible for garbage collecting, even if you are no longer using them.