7 Test Frameworks To Follow in 2021 for Java/Fullstack Developers

It is time to learn new test frameworks to improve your code quality and decrease the time of your testing phase. I have selected six testing frameworks that sound promising. Some have existed for quite a long time but I have not heard about them before.

At the end of the article, please tell me what you think about them and what your favorite ones are.

Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a generic open-source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).

Implement a Distributed Database to Your Java Application

Brief Description

i.o.cluster, also known as interference open cluster, is a simple Java framework that enables you to launch a distributed database service within your Java application, using a JPA-like interface and annotations for structure mapping and data operations. This software inherits its name from the interference project, within which its mechanisms were developed.

 i.o.cluster is an open-source, pure Java software.

Best Java Unit Testing Frameworks

Learn more about the best Java unit testing frameworks.

Unit testing is an important skill for programmers. With that said, what are the best frameworks you can use to write great unit tests in Java?

You may also like: 8 Benefits of Unit Testing

What We Will Learn

  • What are the best Java unit testing frameworks?
  • What is JUnit? How do you use JUnit for unit testing?
  • What is Mockito?
  • What is mocking?
  • How do you write unit tests with Junit, Mockito, AssertJ, and other frameworks?
  • What is the best Java unit testing framework for writing great asserts?

The Base Unit Testing Framework — JUnit/TestNG

Whenever you write a unit test, you execute the code and then check its output. You need a basic framework in place to run a large number of tests in a similar manner.

Automated Testing With JUnit and Selenium for Browser Compatibility

Cross-browser testing is a process by where you test your website over multiple browsers and browser versions running on different operating systems. This is done to realize the cross-browser compatibility of a website or a web app when accessed across a variety of browsers. If your web app isn’t cross-browser compatible, then not only would you be missing out on potential leads but your customer retention could also suffer. These browser differences could be anything from layout to typography, and these cross-browser differences happen as each browser has a unique rendering engine, which is responsible for rendering web elements.

However, cross-browser testing can be highly time-consuming if executed manually. Think about how many browser versions you would need to encounter from legacy to modern and the surplus variety of browsers available in the market. You also would have to consider specific browsers offered by specific mobile vending companies. There are ways you could fast track your manual cross-browser testing effort, and automation testing sits on top of the list for saving everyday time and effort.