Why IntelliJ IDEA Is the Best for Java Development

Java developers are used to cranking out work and getting shit done. IntelliJ IDEA is one of my favorite tools, and I thought it would be interesting to write about the specifics I like the most. Before that, let me share my development history.

My Java development experience began in the late 90s—I used HomeSite as my editor, which was an HTML editor developed by Nick Bradbury. HomeSite made it easy to view your code because it defaulted to a normal view, rather than being WYSIWYG like FrontPage and Dreamweaver. I often look back and laugh about how I used to work: I would google import statements, then copy/paste them in the editor.

Pay What You Want: The Ultimate Android Development Bundle

When Android was first introduced in 2007, it was ranked 5th among the mobile platforms available. Since then, Android’s popularity has increased exponentially. In fact, it is now considered as the world most popular mobile platform. In fact, Android devices account for 50% of the global smartphone market. We are in the age where almost […]

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