Java Development in 2022: Predictions and Selected Trends

Last year was interesting — a new LTS release, some amazing successes, but also a global vulnerability was discovered.  In this article, we will try to guess and predict how the industry will face the new challenges, and what innovations and developments will affect it the most.

General Trends

1. Migration From Java 8

A lot of apps still work on Java 8 — and it is easy to see why. It is still supported by many vendors, and there are many steps you need to take to migrate from 8 to 9 and higher because of radical changes introduced in Java 9. But we think that 2022 could be the year many people will finally decide to move to the latest LTS version for several reasons.

Tomcat and TomEE Clustering Automation

Apache Tomcat is an open-source application server maintained by the Apache community. It is one of the most popular solutions for hosting Java applications due to its ease of use and lightweight yet versatile functionality. However, if you run the projects based on Jakarta EE 8 (or higher), you may be interested to use the TomEE server with built-in required enterprise technology that isn't found in Tomcat.

Due to the extreme popularity of these stacks globally and within Jelastic PaaS in particular, we've decided to share the tips on how to install automatically clustered Tomcat and TomEE servers to get a highly available solution that can efficiently serve a large number of users, process high traffic, and be reliable.