Top 40 Questions for a Spring Framework Interview

The Spring framework makes J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) development easier and is used to create testable, high performing, reusable code. Spring is commonly applied in the information technologies and financial sector due to its modularity and dependency injection features.

Financial technology is an exciting and evolving field for developers who want to work at companies like MIT, Accenture, or Visa, which prefer Spring over Java EE. These companies are looking for developers like you with Spring Framework experience to help digitize their enterprise needs.

How to Transform Any Type of Java Bean With BULL


BULL (Bean Utils Light Library) is a Java-bean-to-Java-bean transformer that recursively copies data from one object to another. It is generic, flexible, reusable, configurable, and incredibly fast.
It's the only library able to transform Mutable, Immutable, and Mixed beans without any custom configuration.

This article explains how to use it, with a concrete example for each feature available.