Extracting Data From Very Large XML Files With X-definition

X-definition is an open-source Java API that can be used to extract data from XML files regardless of their size. It will not compel the Java Virtual Machine to complain that it is out of heap memory, nor does it even require that your Java code step through the parts of your XML in the order of their occurrence until the location of the data you need is reached. It requires little more than a markup model of your XML document, and about 90 to 120 seconds of processing time for each gigabyte of XML data.

In this article, we'll download a modest (2.5 GB) file from data.discogs.com and extract data from it using a minimum of code. Our X-definition instructions will amount to the following:

The Performance Impact of java.lang.System.getProperty()

‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’ is a common API used by Java developers to read the System properties that are configured during application startup time. i.e. when you pass “-DappName=buggyApp” as your application’s startup JVM argument, the value of the ‘appName’ system property can be read by invoking the ‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’. Example:

public static String getAppName() {    
    String app = System.getProperty("appName");   
    return app;

How to Check Text Inputs for SQL Injection Attacks in Java

SQL (Structured Query Language) injection is a code injection technique used to attack data-driven applications; the SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution and wreak havoc from there. This type of attack tends to seek and target existing security vulnerabilities within websites or other databases to acquire access to sensitive information. For example, if the field of an online form is coded incorrectly, this provides an opening for the malicious user to sneak in SQL commands that the system will consider valid and return a response containing information that can be leveraged to access the data and manipulate, modify, or destroy it from there.

Despite the growing number of organizations that have reported successful SQL injection attacks, this type of threat is often underestimated in comparison to other cyber-crimes. Due to their reliance on check-out forms for their websites, retail companies have shown to be particularly susceptible to these threats. While standard firewalls may aim at protecting your website or application from SQL injection, the potential for failure can cause serious damage and data loss for your company. The following APIs can assist in providing supplementary protection by detecting SQL injection attacks from single or multiple text inputs, and will even define the threat detection level you want to utilize.

How to Protect Against XSS Attacks in Java

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a form of threat that takes advantage of vulnerabilities in web applications to prey on user information. Using malicious scripts, attackers can reach different users through a usually trustworthy web page and access any information logged in the browser by the user including cookies and other sensitive information. These kinds of attacks can occur wherever a web program accepts user input without validation and subsequently uses it within its output.

It is important to take all necessary steps toward protecting your users, and this is especially true in the case of XSS attacks, as a user may only be aware of their use of your website, and not the malicious actor who is threatening them. This can then harm your website’s reputation as users will relate any issues to its users and may be disinclined to return.

How to Validate and Geocode a Street Address in Java

When working with location services, it is important that the information you collect is accurate for your users or clients. This will prevent any mistakes in shipping, billing, and many other aspects of operations that rely on correct location information. For businesses that have applications using location services, this is especially important as any incorrect data can mean the displacement of goods or interrupted services.

The following APIs will allow you to fully validate street addresses by first parsing address data input and then verifying and normalizing the information. The last two APIs will also allow you to geocode and reverse geocode an address to receive more accurate location data for your applications.

How to Validate a Domain Name in Java

A domain name is used to represent online entities and provide users with access to websites that can help them accomplish goals like purchasing products, finding information, and connecting with others. As the internet a tool universally used in commerce throughout business practices, it is important to know what sites you are accessing, as well as any threats that may exist from those domains. 

With phishing attempts and other cyber threats on the rise, online security should be a key part of business planning. Preparing for these risks will help prevent the theft of information and protect your organization and client-base. Having a plan in place will lend your business credibility and reliability in the eyes of your users and partners, who will know that they can trust you with their sensitive data.

How to Create a Barcode Image in Java

Barcodes are used universally in commerce and retail to aid in tracking, purchasing, and inventory. This allows organizations to keep accurate records of their supplies, products, and other items that are pivotal to their operations. For international and national use, there are different barcodes that are utilized for specific contexts. For example, UPC and EAN barcodes look similar in their formatting and can be used in similar ways, but UPC is a largely North American coding system; however, both UPC and EAN are used globally. QR Codes are also used globally but are usually employed for sharing complex sets of information like item details or website links 

The following five APIs will allow you to create barcode images in the three previously mentioned formats. This will allow you to print or create packaging with your personal barcodes attached, without needing to retrieve it from an outside source. This can be especially useful for small businesses as it provides increased independence as a company and improved visual, professional appeal for your products. 

How to Validate and Geolocate an IP Address in Java

An IP Address is used as a unique identifier for network-connected hardware such as computers and smartphonesThese contain four sets of numbers that differentiate each device when it accesses network services such as the internetThis information can be very useful for businesses with websites, as they can verify their user’s various IP Addresses to gather important client-specific and audience information for various purposes.  

Some of the most important usages for IP Addresses is threat tracking and user data such as identifying Tor servers and providing location information that can assist with security and user-experience needs. The following four APIs are centered around these functions and can be used separately or in tandem. This will allow you to ensure the security of your site, as well as providing data that can help optimize your platforms for users. 

How to Optimize a PDF in Java

As we have discussed before, the PDF is the ideal file format for saving, sharing, and protecting documents, both small and large. Its high compatibility with most Operating Systems makes it popular amongst most users for sharing information with different parties. Furthermore, it provides a more static platform for working with important documents like contracts and manuals, as steps can be taken to prevent any unwanted access or editing to the file. 

With large and highly complex files like this, however, different systems may have difficulty uploading, downloading, and reading the formatting for your document. This can lead to file corruption or increased loading times that can halt productivity. Thus, streamlining large PDF files can greatly benefit organizations that regularly use this format in day-to-day operations. 

How to Convert Data to JSON and XML in Java

Having your important data available to you whenever you need it will increase your efficiency and boost your overall productivity. For large amounts of data such as invoices or other tracked transactions that can be logged continuously for years, trying to find one instance in a massive Excel spreadsheet is not the ideal solution. Instead, by converting your data to JSON or XML, you can transfer these logs to a computer program that can then be accessed by anyone with permission and simplify the data retrieval process.  

However, to do this, your data needs to be placed in a machine-readable format that will be easily understood by your computer systems. For example, much of your data is likely saved in an Excel or CSV file format, as these are the most familiar and user-friendly static data formats. However, data from these programs cannot be easily transferred to an online format that might be necessary for certain applications used by your organization. Thus, a data interchange format like JSON or XML is required for accessibility.

How to Convert MP4 to MP3 in Java

Extracting audio data from video content can be an arduous process, particularly when attempted by hand. If you need to perform the task with large stacks of data, it can become seemingly impossible or at least prove to be a major time vacuum. Therefore, finding an appropriate API to handle the job for you means that you will be able to efficiently produce high-quality work without losing labor hours or team members to a fairly menial task.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to convert video files to different audio file formats using four Video and Audio APIs. These include MP3, M4A, WAV, and AAC. Because we have quite a few functions to the walkthrough, we will just jump in now.

All Things Java 8 [Tutorials]

Java 8
No matter what version of the JDK we are on, Java 8 is not going anywhere.

Java 8 introduced a new era of Java. Everything from lambda expressions and functional programming to Streams and collections — DZone was there to document it all.

So whether you're migrating over to Java 9 or Java 11, or maybe even Java 13, Java 8 concepts and features are still very much alive in the JDK. And understanding these core concepts can help tremendously when it's time to move beyond Java 8.

Intro to Couchbase Transactions Java API [Video]

This video, about Couchbase Distributed ACID Transactions, is a quick guide for you, the busy Java developer, on how to get started with the new API, including some important best practices you’ll want to implement. I’m not going to cover how transactions work or dive into ACID, as there are other resources being released that cover that.

Couchbase Transactions are available for Community Edition, and there are no new services to configure, and there’s nothing new to set up on the cluster. Just add a line to your Gradle or Maven project to pull in the library, and you’re ready to go — you can check out our documentation for transactions and the Java API documentation to get started.

Turning an Excel Table Into a Web Workflow


Hi there. Today, I’d like to share a bit of code I made to turn a repetitive Excel task into an automated web application. We have so many time-consuming processes that are easy to automate and make easier.

Our administrative staff deals with contractors and suppliers. We have the usual system in which every single company working with us needs to provide its administrative information through the vendor registration form. Being added to the approved vendor list is a necessary step before we can order services or supplies from them.

Use Java EE and OpenID Connect to Secure Your Java API

In the early 2000s, Java developers used servlets and EJBs to develop their server applications. Hibernate and Spring came along in 2002 and 2004. Both technologies had a huge impact on Java developers everywhere, showing them it was possible to write distributed, robust applications without EJBs.

Fast forward to 2018, and Java EE certainly doesn’t look like it used to! Now, it’s mostly POJOs and annotations and far simpler to use.