Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java by Rudy De Busscher

Kubernetes is much more than a runtime platform for Docker containers. Through its API not only can you create custom clients, but you can also extend Kubernetes. Those custom Controllers are called Operators and work with application-specific custom resource definitions. Not only can you write those Kubernetes operators in Go, but you can also do this in Java. Within this talk, you will be guided through setting up and your first explorations of the Kubernetes API within a plain Java program. We explore the concepts of resource listeners, programmatic creation of deployments and services, and how this can be used for your custom requirements.

Dynamic Programming Problems: Learn to Solve Them More Efficiently

Programming is all about solving issues and problems. There is an end number of programming issues that the developers face when they are writing code for developing a website, applications, or any other type of software. Programming problems can be listed and are sorted based on various categories of programming languages used like PHP, Java, Python, C++, and many others, which developers use for coding. There are around 16 types of problems that the programmer face while programming, these problems include:

  1. Ad-Hoc
  2. BigNums
  3. Knapsack
  4. Greedy
  5. Flood Fill
  6. Shortest Path
  7. Network Flow
  8. Complete Search
  9. Eulerian Path
  10. Two-Dimensional
  11. Dynamic Programming
  12. Computational Geometry
  13. Minimum Spanning Tree
  14. Approximate Search
  15. Recursive Search Techniques
  16. Heuristic Search

Learning to code simply means improving your knowledge and finding various ways to solve all the problems more efficiently than ever before. It's not difficult to write a program that solves various problems, even it becomes easy for the developers to find and solve problems within the code that have been crafted by yourself. You need to think precisely about how you can solve the problem and break it into various steps, which are simple to execute. If they are facing the problem of static and dynamic, then they can solve it by following a few of the effective steps.

GraalVM Offers COBOL Support

GrааlVM hаs intrоduсed suрроrt fоr СОBОL, extending the suрроrt where а single runtime саn suрроrt multiрle interорerаble lаnguаges. This hаs extended the reасh оf Jаvа (the lаnguаge) thаt cаn run оn multiрle рlаtfоrms tо Jаvа (the virtuаl mасhine) thаt cаn run mаny lаnguаges оn mаny рlаtfоrms.

The wоrk wаs intrоduсed by Сhristорh Sсhоbesberger in Осtоber thrоugh his reseаrсh wоrk аt JKU Linz University. The teсhnоlоgy wоrks thrоugh GrааlVM’s integrаtiоn with LLVM bitсоde. The раth thrоugh LLVM differs frоm the wаy thаt HоtSроt imрlementаtiоns provide suрроrt fоr аlternаtive lаnguаges like Nаshоrn (JаvаSсriрt in Jаvа 8, deрreсаted lаter) аnd JRuby (аn асtive externаl рrоjeсt). Where the HоtSроt imрlementаtiоns tаrget Jаvа byteсоde аnd JSR-292 (dynаmiс lаnguаges) аnd its subsequent JIT орtimizаtiоns, GrааlVM lаnguаges like TruffleRuby рursue орtimizаtiоn аt the LLVM level fоr nаtive аheаd-оf-time соmрilаtiоn. GrааlVM аlsо оffers а HоtSроt mоde араrt frоm its nаtive соmрilаtiоn.