Getting Started With Java EE 8, Java 11, and Eclipse for Enterprise Java and Wildfly 16

If you have been in the Java EE space over the last few years, Eclipse IDE for Java Enterprise Developersis probably one of the best IDE experiences, making the creation of applications with important EE components like CDI, EJB, JPA mappings, configuration files, and good interaction with some of the important application servers (TomEE, WebLogic, Payara, Wildfly, JBoss).

In this line, Red Hat develops the Eclipse variant "CodeReady Studio," providing you with an IDE that supports Java Enterprise frameworks, Maven, HTML 5, Red Hat Fuse, and OpenShift deployments.

Making HTTP Calls Just Got Easier With Java 11

Today, we will gonna discuss Http/2 client, which actually came in Java 9, but in Java 9, it was part of incubator module. In Java 11, a new module is assigned to this special functionality, which is Now, developers don’t need to go for any third-party library or API for async HTTP calls or for easy access callbacks method to get HTTP response after calls.

In this discussion, we will also try to draw a line between HTTP/2Client and HttpURLConnection, which came in Java1.1 or which was provided by Java for Http calls prior to Java 11. After so many years, Oracle comes with a strong and beautiful API for HTTP call handling.

Java: New Developments and Features

Oracle's latest long-term release, Java 11, has been out for several months, Java 12 has just hit the scene, licensing has changed, and MicroProfile is growing. As Java continues to move faster, DZone is committed to educating our readers about the most important new features, why you should move beyond Java 8, how developers are using Java, and more.

Mythbusters: 5 Myths About How Java Is Getting Better

Java was originally design for interactive television, but it was too advanced of technology for the cable television industry at the time. The history of Java starts with a team called Green Team, who initiated this project to develop a language for digital devices, such as set-top boxes, televisions, etc. However, it was suited for Internet programming. Later, Java incorporated by Netscape.

The main reasons for creating Java were simple: we needed a language that was robust, portable, platform-independent, secure, high-performance, multithreaded, architecture-neutral, object-oriented, interpreted, and dynamic.

JVM Calendar: Java Is Still Free

I traditionally write up a retrospective on the year from the perspective of the Java Ecosystem. But this past year, there were some major announcements by Oracle on their positioning around Java support and subscription licensing, which has sent the ecosystem into a bit of a tailspin.

The information by Oracle was often misread, misinterpreted, and misunderstood with the added complication of many folks not understanding their options going forward.

Tascalate Concurrent — Filling the Gaps in CompletableFuture API (Part 1)

The Tascalate Concurrent library provides an implementation of the CompletionStage interface and related classes. These are designed to support long-running blocking tasks (typically, I/O bound). This functionality augments the sole Java 8 built-in implementation, CompletableFuture, that primarily supports computational tasks. Also, the library helps with numerous asynchronous programming challenges like handling timeouts, retry/poll functionality, orchestrating results of multiple concurrent computations, and similar.

The library is shipped as a multi-release JAR and may be used both with Java 8 as a classpath library or with Java 9+ as a module.