Understanding Jakarta EE 8 CDI (Part 2): Qualifying Your Beans

enter image description here[As we continue with this series, we will refer to some content and examples from the CDI 2.x specification].

In order for the CDI container to recognize your bean for injection, your bean needs to be qualified. This can be achieved by associating a bean with a qualifier type. A qualifier type represents some client-visible semantic associated with a type that is satisfied by some implementations of the type (and not by others). In other words, a qualifier type identifies a bean with a type that can be satisfied to one specific implementation of the same type (else it becomes an unsatisfied dependency).

Understanding Jakarta EE 8: Tutorial Series

Welcome to my new series called “Understanding Jakarta EE 8”. A tutorial series that tackle various Jakarta EE 8 technologies.

What is Jakarta EE 8?

Understanding Jakarta EE 8
Jakarta EE 8 marks the new era in the Java Ecosystem. It is essentially Java EE 8 but it is governed by the Jakarta EE Working Group, What’s important is that the Jakarta EE project is operated under an open-source process - the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP). My previous article explains the history of Jakarta EE 8.

Payara Server Is Jakarta EE 8 Compatible!

Payara Server 5.193.1 is now Jakarta EE 8 Full Profile compatible!

We are very happy to report that we've successfully passed all of nearly 50,000 test suites of Jakarta EE 8 TCK, and Payara Server 5.193.1 is Jakarta EE 8 Full Profile compatible!

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The Payara team is extremely proud to be among the first to achieve Jakarta EE 8 Full Platform Compatibility, starting with Payara Platform 5.193.1. This is a significant milestone for Payara, and the team has done a huge amount of work to get this done. I think this is a great adoption story for Jakarta EE, in general, as Payara Server is not a Java EE 8 implementation. Furthermore, this shows that Jakarta EE is an open standard and can bring in new organizations and implementations.