IT Staff Augmentation: A Smart Way To Hire Top Talent in 2022

Technology is being so essential in today's world that it can be referred to as the "Lifeline of today's survival". This dramatically increases the demand for expertise, qualification, specialization, and professionalism in the field of software development and IT staff augmentation. 

Staff augmentation generally refers to having an outsourced company for hiring workers and employees for the knowledge or research purpose that makes the company or organization focus on the core activities for both long-term and short-term purposes.

IT Staff Augmentation vs. Managed IT Services

The current digital transformation is tough in terms of the demands that organizations need to meet. More companies are searching for IT outsourcing services. Finding and hiring in-house IT staff can be time-consuming, costly, challenging, and inconvenient for a limited time period. 

There are two IT outsource models: staff augmentation service and managed IT service. These two models are widely accepted by custom software development companies worldwide. Both the models are strong alternatives to making the full-time hires in-house, but the IT outsourcing models depend on the scale and type of your project. Don’t worry, a perfect approach to the issue and a clearly defined understanding of the difference between the models will help you to choose an optimal solution.

Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing vs Hybrid Approach: A Detailed Comparison


IT companies must deliver projects on time with quality. However, the needs in software development are ever-changing. As a result, it becomes impossible for one company to possess all the skill sets needed to deliver challenging projects. This is where the three IT models become important, namely,

  • Staff augmentation 
  • IT outsourcing services 
  • Hybrid approach 

Is one model better than the other? What motivates companies to choose one over the other? Let us discuss. 

Functional and Non-Functional Testing: The Basics You Should Know

Testing is an essential part and success factor of the software development process. If the test management is carried out correctly, tests can help to avoid software errors and ensure a high quality of the product. There are a lot of testing practices to make sure that your solution works correctly and can be used easily across multiple environments and platforms. These methods are usually divided into functional and non-functional tests.

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What Is Agile Process in Testing: A Short Guide

In today’s fast-paced software world, quick delivery of the product is often not an option but a necessity. Building software also requires a high level of flexibility in responding to the constantly changing market trends and customers’ demands. The problem is that with traditional project management, a quick change of plans inevitably leads to higher costs or longer project duration. Luckily there are agile methods that allow us to avoid such pitfalls. This refers not only to software development but also to testing processes.

What Is Agile Testing?

Agile in software development is an approach that focuses on the people performing their work and their cooperation aimed at delivering the right product to the customer. It is an iterative development process that creates requirements through constant collaboration between the client and cross-functional self-organizing teams. Agile testing is a practice that follows the rules of agile development and helps create solutions tailored to customer needs.

Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020 and Beyond

What are this year's trending topics?

2020 is just around the corner with new technologies and approaches that bring us ever closer to the 4th Industrial Revolution. The increasingly rapid pace at which technology is evolving today makes it extremely hard but crucial for companies to keep up with every change, every bit of progress in the digital world.

What was but a theory yesterday may as well become a standard tomorrow. From the exponential growth of the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, and immersive digital experiences to the future of data security, management, and storage, here are the eight most promising technologies you should keep a keen eye on in the next decade.

How to Manage Technical Debt and Keep the Codebase at the “Low” Tech Debt Level

computers on a wooden table
Learn how to manage technical debt!
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What defines the Quality of software? The number of bugs and errors. Many people would probably answer this way. But there is a much bigger concept that stands behind the code quality and the ability of developers to implement new features quickly and easily. It is called technical debt.

How can we define tech debt? Technical debt is fueled by numerous issues. Those can be traced to coding practices, documentation, duplication, complexity, test coverage and others. No matter what causes technical debt, tech debt, if not controlled, can have a huge negative impact on project outcomes, thus, on business scalability and profitability. How can we avoid those risks? How can we manage technical debt?

Dark Side of Offshore Software Development, Part 2

Airbus lost $6 billion; the company’s senior management was forced to tender their resignations because of the project management jumbles surrounding the launch of Airbus A380. With 16 technical teams spread across four countries, the lack of proper supervision caused misunderstandings and losses.

Miscommunication led to designs by German and Spanish teams to be inconsistent with those of French and British engineers. They used different versions of the same CAD package that were not compatible. As a result, over 300 miles of wiring cables that ran the length of the fuselage did not fit.