Maximizing Business Value With Enterprise Integration


We are in the Digital Economy and as it applies to all economies in the world, the success of this relatively new but no longer nascent economy will depend on how well the stakeholders of this economy maximize their resources by reusing, replicating, connecting, and interoperating them. The value of synergy is always greater than the value of individual components contributing to it and this force multiplier needs to be capitalized in a massive way by modern-day enterprises if they wish to succeed in the digital economy.

The advertisement moolah that Google and Facebook rake in is precisely because they do not look at their business entities in siloes; rather they connect and integrate valuable customer data points from various entities like; for example, Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube to generate one unified persona related data impression that becomes the basis for their targeted advertisements and their consequent success rates. Likewise, Netflix integrates and converts data on the subscriber consumption pattern to intelligent movie recommendations that lead to higher viewership, greater new subscriptions, and improved Net Promoter Scores (read word of mouth).

Traditional iPaaS Doesn’t Work for Software Companies – Here’s Why

It’s no surprise that software integration is a hot topic these days. Or that there’s a growing number of iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) solutions that help companies build integrations between all the different applications they use.

Businesses are using more and more unique applications as part of their day-to-day operations. That presents challenges like siloed data and disjointed workflows, creating a need to easily connect those applications.

Designing a Successful API Strategy

Companies today realize that smart data strategy is fundamental for business success. They invest and spend resources to make sure data is protected, stored, and backed up. But, it’s just as important to manage the communication of data and ensure its seamless flow not only internally, but also with external sources, such as partners and clients. This is where APIs (application programming interfaces) come in. APIs enable applications and services to communicate. In a data-driven and multi-cloud world, APIs are essential to your business, and it’s important to develop a strategy around APIs. This is the first in a series of blog posts on API management.

A successful API strategy needs to include two essential concepts:

4 Ways an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) Fuels Efficiency

One of the major challenges that many companies face nowadays is cloud integration. As a rule, most enterprises are known for using multiple systems, each of them operating separately on a different platform, each playing a significant part but none of them integrated. In such a case, the company has all the chances not only to lose important data but also to create chaos in the business processes. Integration technology will serve here as a great solution to allow companies to control all their work infrastructure.

Defining iPaaS

iPaaS is a sort of conduit that links separate applications that companies use. The platform unifies all the existing information, allowing enterprises to integrate all their data.

A Digital Transformation Story: Enterprise Integration Through a DevOps-Driven iPaaS API Architecture, Part 1

The Problem Domain: A Typical Enterprise Technology Landscape

The enterprise IT landscape of a corporate house typically consists of a conglomerate of disparate technology stacks — ranging from huge legacy proprietary monoliths hosting the systems of records to the modern componentized systems of engagements. The very diverse nature of the 360-degree landscape involves diverse skills, reciprocal governance needs, and completely different program governance strategies. The problem at hand is how to integrate such a complex landscape. 

Figure 1: An interconnected but disparate enterprise technology landscape

Extending API Management With iPaaS: Next-Step API Integration

Ten years ago, we took on a strategy to build REST APIs for our products — to build our UI on those APIs and at the same time publish these APIs as *the* product APIs. This "eat-our-dog-food" approach helped solve an API to UI functional gap, yet we had much learning to do to really be what we can call API first. About the same time, we acquired our way into the API Management space.

We recognized the emergence of API Management and API Gateways to help customers lead in digital, and it was a natural next step as we serve the variety of edge-of-the-enterprise use cases. And wow! This opened us to the amazing world of developer communities consuming APIs and building brilliant experiences. We have invested heavily in the API Management space. Now, with an API-led integration platform, we are further extending API Management.