Messaging and Data Infrastructure for IoT

IoT technology is all around us and can no longer be ignored. At the core of IoT technology is messaging and data infrastructure. Download this Refcard to learn more about how to use modern messaging and unified data infrastructure to gain business insights from IoT devices.

IoT World Today: Why Do We Need to Build IoT Projects?

This article is about the prospects of IoT and why we need to build IoT projects. You may think the reason is new technologies like 5G but that is not the case. After the pandemic of last year, we witness an unprecedented usage of the internet and heavy reliance on network-based applications. Today, in 2021, we can say that consumer behavior has changed and it has changed for good. Consumers start relying on IoT devices and that's why you need to build one today. Here is why.

Technology Diversity Drives IoT Growth

The Covid-19 pandemic drove companies and consumers to become more technology-reliant. No wonder the IoT grew by double-digit. We witness increasing sophistication of the IoT technology and this trend is going to dominate in the upcoming years. In this part, we will talk about some of the challenges and advantages of technology when it comes to IoT.

AI Will Be the Game Changer for IoT

Gartner expects that three trends will affect AI in the next few years. One, better communication (both ways) with people: Natural-language processing, generation, and contextual interpretation will make AI more comfortable to use and will improve the use of all computing resources.

Secondly, more in-depth and broader integration with existing applications and IoT projects: AI has its most significant value when built into architectures that drive business and service value.

Using Flux to Get IoT Sensor Metadata From MySQL

Learn how to use Flux.

If you've deployed an IoT solution, you've had to decide where, and how, to store all your data. At least from my perspective, the best and easiest place to store the sensor data is, of course, InfluxDB.

My saying that can't come as a surprise to you. What about the other data you need to store? The data about the sensors? Things like the sensor manufacturer, the date it was placed into service, the customer ID, what kind of platform it's running on. You know, all the sensor metadata.

Solving Common IoT Challenges

Learn more about solving common IoT challenges in this post.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot subject amongst technology companies today. According to Forbes, we expect to see over 20 million connected devices by 2020. As a result, we will begin to see a lot more IoT services and solutions to current IT problems.

But IoT solutions come with challenges. Among those challenges, IoT solution providers fall in the realm of connectivity, power, security, and integration. We'll look at each of these challenges and potential solutions to them in this post.

AI and IoT, Part 3: How to Apply AI Techniques to IoT Solutions — A Smart Care Example

This is the third part of a three-part blog series. You can read the first part here and the second part here.


In this final part of the series, I will be using the real-life example of an elderly care field trial in order to explain how we combine different AI techniques, in our case, using the Waylay platform. The DIoTTO project was developed by three partner companies (Studio Dott, Sensolus, and Waylay) and was funded through the Flanders Care Living Labs and supported by the VOKA Health Community. Studio Dott prototyped the app and was leading the overall concept; Sensolus provided sensors for the project, and Waylay worked on data mining and rules implementations.

Understanding Industrial IoT Potential to Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy saving is directly related to money saving, and in any industrial sectors, operational costs heavily influence big decisions about manufacturing, production, and maintenance processes. Of all, manufacturing and development sectors consume more energy than other industries, swallowing nearly 54 percent of total global electricity production. Since energy consumption majorly contributes to massive operating costs, businesses must cluster round to leverage technologies that help optimize energy efficiency while performing core operations.

This infers that, despite frequent changes in energy and fuel cost, industrial sectors will continue to be the largest user of electricity with factories and plants dissipating tons of energy for output management. This is where industrial IoT technology can aid in the conservation of energy and making industry-wide operations more energy efficient.