Data Mining in IoT: From Sensors to Insights

In a typical enterprise use case, you always start from something small to evaluate the technology and the solution you would like to implement, a so-called “Proof Of Concept” (POC). This very first step is fundamental to understanding technology’s potential and limits, checking the project's feasibility, and estimating the possible Return on Investment (ROI).

This is exactly what we did in the use-case of a people counting solution for a university. This first project phase aimed to identify how the solution's architecture should look and what kind of data insights are relevant to provide.

DolphinDB Partitioned Database Tutorial

DolphinDB is a super-fast distributed time-series database that offers powerful computing capabilities. DolphinDB has been widely used in quantitative finance, IoT, and various other fields that require high-performance data analysis with vast amounts of structured data.

1. Benefits of Partitioned Databases

Partitioned databases can significantly reduce latency and improve throughput.

AI Will Be the Game Changer for IoT

Gartner expects that three trends will affect AI in the next few years. One, better communication (both ways) with people: Natural-language processing, generation, and contextual interpretation will make AI more comfortable to use and will improve the use of all computing resources.

Secondly, more in-depth and broader integration with existing applications and IoT projects: AI has its most significant value when built into architectures that drive business and service value.

Driving IoT Adoption

IoT, as a technology, has evolved and matured in the last decade since it became an emerging technology and was introduced in Gartner’s Hype Cycle in 2011. While there have been some advancements in the use of IoT for operational efficiencies, optimal asset utilization, quality control, etc. in manufacturing, healthcare, energy, and other industries, we can all agree that it hasn’t taken off like many analysts predicted. There were predictions of the IoT market going past 50B connected devices and north of $1T in total business by 2020. That prediction of the IoT market growing to $1T is now still 5+ years away.

Headwinds Facing IoT Adoption

So, what is it that has been holding the promise of IoT back? Various surveys conducted over the last 2-3 years show different reasons being given for this slower than expected adoption, but there is a consistent theme amongst the reasons that consistently pop up. There are known technical concerns like security and connectivity, but in terms of business challenges, the gap in cost of undertaking an IoT program and expected value seems to show up as the main reason holding back the adoption of IoT across industries. Specifically, an unclear RoI coupled with the perceived long project implementation cycle or the time-to-market are big reasons why we are not even half-way to the market size we were expected to hit with the opportunity that IoT presented.

IoT Projects for Hobbyists and Professionals

IoT Projects
Learn How to Get Started on Your Own IoT Projects Today!

Interested in getting started with your own IoT project at home? Or are you embarking on a new IoT project at work? Either way, we've got some great tutorials on getting started, opinions pieces that examine different platforms you can use, and the benefits IoT devices and tech can bring to your development projects. 

Ready to get started? Then get to reading!