6 Tips For Securing IoT Devices

When discussing the current state of play for the Internet of Things (IoT), a quote comes to mind: With great power comes great responsibility. Cybersecurity becomes even more critical as more devices enter our homes and workplaces and send and receive sensitive data.

For example, in 2021, globally-connected devices grew by 9% to 12.3 billion. This accelerated growth and rapid adoption of connected devices have security experts worried. About 1.5 billion cyberattacks on IoT devices occur annually. In an ecosystem with many connected devices, infiltrating one of them puts the whole network at risk. 

Automating IoT With Camunda Platform

Some Background

When I first started at Camunda back in October 2020 (what was 2020 anyway?) the very first thing I was asked to do was come up with something I could do for a special Halloween blog post. It being COVID-times, I of course built a Camunda and IoT integration to evaluate costumes and deliver candy.

I am sort of well-known for doing weird, pointless IoT projects like this one and this one, and this one. You get the idea.

Top 10 IoT Development Tools in 2020

The internet of things or IoT is impacting our way of life in numerous ways. From the TV which you can control from your smartphone to smartwatches which monitors your everyday exercises. It is a massive network that is associated with gadgets. They are all constrained by sensors that are inserted in electronic gadgets. IoT gives a typical platform to dump their information and a common language to communicate with each other. It provides an efficient way of completing the project, and it helps in saving money as well. A report study has claimed that there were 15.41 billion IoT gadgets in 2015, which have now extended to 26.66 billion. It is expected to surpass 75 billion by 2025. As the scope of IoT development tool increases, many IoT based applications and solutions are being developed. 

10 Best IoT Development Tools of 2020

Various sectors are operating their projects in IoT, including healthcare, factories, and businesses. There are countless IoT application development and IoT solution provided. And therefore, it becomes challenging to decide on which development tool to choose from. In case, if you want to hire IoT developers for developing an IoT platform, here are the Top 10 IoT development tools that will help the developers:

IoT Projects for Hobbyists and Professionals

IoT Projects
Learn How to Get Started on Your Own IoT Projects Today!

Interested in getting started with your own IoT project at home? Or are you embarking on a new IoT project at work? Either way, we've got some great tutorials on getting started, opinions pieces that examine different platforms you can use, and the benefits IoT devices and tech can bring to your development projects. 

Ready to get started? Then get to reading!