Camunda IoT Proof of Concept: Part 2

This is Part II in the series covering a Proof of Concept (PoC) project I’m working on as part of my job as Principal Developer Advocate at Camunda. I’m not sure how many posts will be in the series, but, well, at least two? If you missed Part I, you might want to catch up on it before continuing.

This part of the project was the first hardware build of the project. I have now built and deployed a complete outdoor weather station to gather data about current weather conditions outside the greenhouse. This will allow me to compare conditions inside the greenhouse with conditions outside the greenhouse, and compensate accordingly.

How IoT Data Can Help Accelerate Digital Transformation

Every business is dreaming about how digital transformation will push productivity and profits to the max. The buzzword (or rather the phrase) of the last couple of years is known for “driving efficiencies and innovation”. It is the famous digital transformation that will replace the useless manual processes, enhance the company’s productivity, and spare time for the human flight of fancy to search for new strategies and creative approaches. Digital perfection will remove human errors making the business and production processes run smoother.

The utopian idea of digital transformation continues to flourish all over the net, making digital transformation consulting even harder than ever. Why harder? Because consultants have to crash the rose-tinted glasses and “reveal” that chaotic and unreasonable investments in digitalization are time-consuming, expensive, and hence useless.

Ingesting Data From Apache Kafka to TimescaleDB

The Glue Conference (better known as GlueCon) is always a treat for me. I've been speaking there since 2012, and this year I presented a session explaining how I use StreamSets Data Collector to ingest content delivery network (CDN) data from compressed CSV files in S3 to MySQL for analysis, using the Kickfire API to turn IP addresses into company data. The slides are here, and I'll write it up in a future post.

As well as speaking, I always enjoy the keynotes (shout out to Leah McGowen-Hare for an excellent presentation on inclusion!) and breakouts. In one of this year's breakouts, Diana Hsieh, director of product management at Timescale, focused on the TimescaleDB time series database.