Deploying Board Resource Depot for Large Scale Semiconductor Companies With Multi-Geographical Teams

DevOps has evolved over the last decade as a combination of practices that combine software development and IT operations. Because of its utility, flexibility, and sophistication, DevOps has become an essential ingredient of success in supporting basic software engineering principles such as CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) and the exploratory iterations of Agile development.

Organizations that follow DevOps practices create a reusable development pipeline and overarching methodology for software development. These frameworks include highly automated workflows that facilitate rapid and repeatable coding efforts, experimentation, test automation, and production-level deployment. New software products can be conceptualized, created, and then stored systematically with archived and auditable data, code versions, documentation, toolchain configurations/dependencies, and scripts. These archives serve purposes such as re-creating original SW development environments, tracking changes, ensuring version reproducibility, and facilitating further enhancement and evolution of software products. 

How Manufacturing and Lighting Solution Companies Are Benefitting From IoT

Lights today have become more than simple means of lighting up the dark. During their evolution from a simple filament bulb to today’s connected LEDs, lights have become more efficient and intelligent. 

Digitalization Makes New Services Possible

Products and services in the field of lighting and building-services technology are taking the form of subscription models. The ongoing process of digitalization is driving the trend. Known as ‘X as a Service’ (XaaS), ‘Light as a Service’ (LaaS), ‘Security as a Service,’ and ‘Safety as a Service,’ this trend offers benefits for both providers and customers. Digitalization is not only driving this development but also giving rise to new business models offered by IoT service providers.

Solving Common IoT Challenges

Learn more about solving common IoT challenges in this post.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot subject amongst technology companies today. According to Forbes, we expect to see over 20 million connected devices by 2020. As a result, we will begin to see a lot more IoT services and solutions to current IT problems.

But IoT solutions come with challenges. Among those challenges, IoT solution providers fall in the realm of connectivity, power, security, and integration. We'll look at each of these challenges and potential solutions to them in this post.