5 Data Models for IoT

Apache Cassandra is a rock-solid choice for managing IoT and time series data at scale. The most popular use case of storing, querying, and analyzing time series generated by IoT devices in Cassandra is well-understood and documented. In general, a time series is stored and queried based on its source IoT device. However, there exists another class of IoT applications that require quick access to the most recent data generated by a collection of IoT devices based on a known state. The question that such applications need to answer is: Which IoT devices or sensors are currently reporting a specific state? In this blog post, we focus on this question and provide five possible data modeling solutions to efficiently answer it in Cassandra.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is generating massive amounts of time series data that needs to be stored, queried, and analyzed. Apache Cassandra is an excellent choice for this task: not only because of its speed, reliability, and scalability but also because its internal data model has built-in support for time-ordered data.

Bridging the Cloud and Embedded Developer Worlds

Embedded developers haven't always followed the same path as traditional software developers. However, the introduction of cloud and cloud-native technologies like containerization is bringing these two groups together. Embedded developers seek the benefits of Linux and containers, and the proliferation of IoT devices means we need to expand talent in both directions. 

In a recent interview with Mitch Ashley (@techstrongGroup) of TechStrong TV, Ricardo Mendoza (@ricmm), CEO of Pantacor, discussed his vision of bridging the embedded and cloud developer worlds together through an open-source platform with containers and DevOps for IoT developers.

Top IoT App Development Trends in 2021

More Focus on Container Technologies in IoT Platforms

Gartner projects that over 75% of global organizations will be using containerized apps in production by 2022. So far, container technologies have been part of traditional enterprise IT environments and cloud architectures. Recent developments in industrial IoT platforms and the increased demand for vendor-neutral IoT technologies, however, have made containers increasingly relevant for the Internet of Things. 

Defining Containers

What is a container? It is a lightweight virtualization technology that includes an entire runtime environment. This means an application and all its dependencies, plus the libraries and configuration files required to run the application. Container technologies help you abstract differences in operating systems and underlying infrastructures. This is why they are often embedded in IoT platforms so that you can connect to any device and make virtually any machine or piece of legacy equipment IoT-ready. 

Popular IoT Development Platforms: 2021 Edition

The Internet of things or IoT is a real trend that is apparently gaining popularity among other things. We all might have heard about the buzzword ‘IoT’ at some point in our lives either from a friend, a blog post, or people walking by on a sidewalk. IoT is all about 'physical devices connected to the internet,' in other words, ‘Simply, the Internet of Things is made up of devices — from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables — connected together,’ Matthew Evans, the IoT program head at techUK describes IoT in a nutshell.

The Brief History of IoT

The year 1999 is considered huge for IoT. The term ‘Internet of Things' was coined by Kevin Ashton, executive director of the Auto-ID Center. According to British tech pioneer, Kevin Ashton,