6 Strong Reasons Behind iOS App Rejection

The first quarter of 2021 recorded over 2.2 million apps in the Apple store; reports Statista. Hundreds of iOS apps are developed and published to the Apple store daily but entering such a huge and crowded marketplace is an arduous task; if the iOS app guidelines are not followed correctly.

Apple has a very meticulous review process. No matter how amazing your app looks, if it does not abide by its guidelines, chances are certain that your iOS app would get rejected.

Benchmarking Xcode Availability Across Hosted CI Services

Xcode versions are the drumbeat that iOS teams all around the world march to. The prompt access to Xcode versions ensures that apps are submitted, and updated on time, while Xcode betas help prepare for new features, functionality, and – the dreaded deprecations.

With WWDC 2021 around the corner, enticing teams with the shiny new things the Apple folks thought up for us, this topic is more relevant than ever.

Dictionaries in Swift


Recently, I have been learning and coding in Swift. Swift is a powerful and general-purpose language. As a seasoned Java developer, I can correlate some of the Swift's concepts and it is easy to learn.

In this article, I would like to introduce and delve into the dictionary in Swift. Dictionary is a container which stores key-value pairs. All the keys in the dictionary are of the same type and all the values are of the same type. The order in the dictionary is not maintained. If you are a Java developer, you can correlate this to a Hashtable which gives fast access to its entries.