Protecting Hybrid Mobile Apps With Ionic and Jscrambler

Ionic is an open source framework designed to build native-like mobile web applications which target the major mobile operating systems. Targeting different systems with the same codebase speeds up the development process while reducing the time to market and maintainability efforts.

Ionic is built upon Apache's Cordova and is framework-agnostic, meaning that it can be used with any front-end framework such as Angular, Vue, Preact, React or jQuery. 

Using React Native, Ionic, and JHipster for Mobile Development

There are many options when it comes to developing mobile apps; there’s Kotlin or Java for Android and Swift and Objective C for iOS. Additionally, you have Progressive Web Apps (that have the ability to work offline and look like mobile apps) and hybrid mobile apps (apps created with web technologies that look like native apps).

I’m a web developer, and I like to use the technologies I know to create apps. This screencast shows you how to use JHipster—along with its Ionic and React Native modules—to create a health tracking application.

Mobile Citizen Engagement App in Ionic 2: Part III

The first parts of this series were focused on building a functional mobile application using Ionic 2 framework from a starter template project. Ionic leverages SASS to make theming a mobile application across device platforms easy. In this part, we will dress up the plain template to make the final application. 

SASS is a shortened acronym for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. SASS is an extension to CSS so it is fully compatible with CSS. What it does is it makes managing multiple CSS files simpler as it allows imports, variables, nesting, and many other capabilities. SASS has a preprocessing that converts a .scss file to the required .css output. The great thing with Ionic's build script already includes the SAAS preprocessing.

Benefits of Hybrid App Development With the Ionic Framework

These days there's a mobile application for everything: dating, music, insurance claims, gaming, email, ride sharing, and so forth. By the time that you imagine an application, it's most likely available for download. More importantly, as clients connect with organizations, they hope to work with them by means of their smartphones.

Hybrid mobile app development with Ionic guarantees that you have the speed of web advancement alongside the customized client experience that comes through local portable application improvement. These Ionic framework applications are worked through HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript web measures and run inside a compartment that lets them be introduced likewise to a local application. Furthermore, once made, you can distribute your hybrid application in the Apple, Google, and Windows App Stores.

New Ionic 5 Angular 8 Display, Update, and Delete Records With RxJS

Dive deep into Ionic and Angular

This post is about displaying API records with delete and update actions using new Ionic and Angular reactive programming. This is a continuation of my Ionic Angular series in an effort to explain how to distribute data between components using RxJS methods, such as BehaviorSubject.

All of the feed API responses/records are stored in a reactive object. This will help the application's DOM work seamlessly with update and delete operations. Implement this to your side project and enrich your applications.

How to Use Ionic 4 for JHipster 6 to Build a Mobile App

Developers were using JHipster for designing mobile apps before 'hipster' was even, like, a thing

New Photo in Ionic AppFor all those who know me, you know how much I love Java, Spring Boot, JHipster, and Ionic.

JHipster is the best thing ever. It’s a popular, fully open-source app generator and platform where you can quickly build Java apps with JavaScript front-ends.

Playing With TOTP (2FA) and Mobile Applications With Ionic

Today I want to play with Two Factor Authentication. When we speak about 2FA, TOTP comes to mind. There are many TOTP clients (e.g. Google Authenticator).

My idea with this prototype is to build one mobile application (with Ionic) and validate one TOTP token in a server (in this case a Python/Flask application). The token will be generated with a standard TOTP client. Let’s start

The Good and the Bad of Ionic Mobile Development

So, you’re going to build a mobile app. Your thoughts might then turn to develop an app for the two main platforms – Android (using Java or Kotlin) and iOS (using Swift or Objective C) – natively. Native development offers high performance, easy access to hardware controls, API integration, and full functionality. But native app expenses are doubled (or even tripled), depending on how many platforms you want to cover. That means two separate apps, two codebases, two development teams, and expenses for all of it – more than a little daunting. 

Instead, you can create a cross-platform app with the help of tools like Xamarin and React Native. These are close to native in performance and allow for code-sharing between the platforms, thus reducing the overall expenses on development. Still, you will need to hire native developers to do specific tasks in each of the codebases.