Using Terraform for Managing Infrastructure

What is Terraform?

Terraform is a tool that is used for building, changing and versioning infrastructure safely and effectively. Using the configuration file you describe to Terraform what components are needed. Terraform then goes and generates an execution plan describing what the desired state should be. And then it goes and executes and builds it. Terraform manages all this through a state file. Now there are two flavors of Terraform:

  • An open-source version
  • An enterprise version

Terraform supports a wide variety of cloud and infrastructure platforms. This includes AWS, OpenStack, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes and much more.

Getting Started With Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes is rapidly turning into the new standard for sending and overseeing programming in the cloud. With all the power Kubernetes gives, be that as it may, comes a precarious expectation to absorb information. As a newcomer, attempting to parse the official documentation can be overpowering. There is a wide range of pieces that make up the framework. It tends to be difficult to tell which ones are important for your utilization case. This blog entry will give a disentangled perspective on Kubernetes, however, it will endeavor to give an abnormal state outline of the most significant segments and how they fit together.



A node is the smallest unit of registering equipment in Kubernetes. It is a portrayal of a solitary machine in your cluster. In most creation frameworks, a node will probably be either a physical machine in a data center or virtual machine facilitated on cloud supplier like Google Cloud Platform. Try not to give shows a chance to restrict you, in any case; in principle, you can make a node out of nearly anything.

What is Selenium? Getting Started With Selenium Automation Testing

Selenium has become very popular among testers because of the various advantages it offers. When we talk about automation testing, the first thing that often comes to our mind is our favorite automation testing tool. Selenium won the hearts of many testers and developers with its simplicity, availability, and ease of use. With its advent in 2004, Selenium made the life of automation testers easier and is now a favorite tool for many automation testers. 

What is Selenium?

Selenium was invented with the introduction of a basic tool named as “JavaScriptTestRunner,” by Jason Huggins at ThoughtWorks to test their internal Time and Expenses application. Now it has gained popularity among software testers and developers as an open source portable automation testing framework. It has the capability to automate browsers with specific browser bindings for automating web applications for testing purposes. It is a suite of four tools designed for different purposes. Let’s get to know Selenium in detail and the different tools that it offers.