The Ultimate Software Engineering Job Search Guide

I am a software engineer who has worked at Microsoft and Google. A while back, I went on a 120 - day long job search journey, aced more than 30 interviews, and landed multiple offers. During my preparation and discussions with other candidates, I discovered that though there’s a lot of information about interviewing, some of the critical details are missing or hidden deep inside experience posts. This includes details like communicating your story, communicating your level through system design, or negotiating the offer when the time comes.

I have kept a record of all the resources and steps that helped me receive offers from tech companies. This article will be a sum total of all the resources I used and the experiences I gained. My goal is to create a blueprint and a roadmap that can be used by any candidate in their next job search.

Introduction to System Design Interviews

This article provides an overview of practices and areas of focus when navigating a high-level systems design interview. I expect this information will be most helpful to engineers with 1-3 years of experience or those who have never done a systems design interview.

Additionally, this article is expected to be used as a jumping-off point, and readers will likely need to leverage other resources to dig deeper into the referenced concepts and terms.

Do’s and Don’ts for Software Engineer Job Interview

In my estimation, I have given over 2,500 interviews in my career, the bulk of them for Software Engineer positions. I have been interviewing Software Engineers for over 25 years and in my current role as CEO of Solution Street, I conduct, on average, two interviews a week. Solution Street has been evolving its interview process for over 18 years, and we feel like we offer a pretty robust and fair process. In this article, I will give you the tips you need to put your best foot forward and succeed in your next technical interview.

Do’s for a Software Engineer Job Interview

First, let’s talk about interview Do’s. Based on my experience, here is my list of the top seven things you should absolutely Do!

Top 40 Questions for a Spring Framework Interview

The Spring framework makes J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) development easier and is used to create testable, high performing, reusable code. Spring is commonly applied in the information technologies and financial sector due to its modularity and dependency injection features.

Financial technology is an exciting and evolving field for developers who want to work at companies like MIT, Accenture, or Visa, which prefer Spring over Java EE. These companies are looking for developers like you with Spring Framework experience to help digitize their enterprise needs.

Preparing For A Remote Developer Interview

After continuously working in an office environment for 4 years I realized that working remotely was a better choice for me. As a developer, it is impossible to sit and work for 8 hours straight. It decreases productivity and you are at risk of Repetitive Stress Injury.

Working remotely comes with awesome benefits. Each benefit alone is enough to question a normal 9-5 routine. For me, the biggest influencing factor that pushed me to remote work was its amazing flexibility of time.