How To Prepare for Programming and Coding Interviews? Topics and Skills

There is no doubt cracking the Coding interviews of top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon is very hard, but you can still crack it by carefully planning and preparing the essential skills which matter most like Data structures and Algorithms, System Design, Multithreading and Concurrency, SQL and Database design, and of course, problem-solving skills.

Being an author of Java and a programming blog, I often receive queries about how to prepare for coding interviews? How to pass Google or Microsoft Software Developer interviews? Or how can I get a software development job on Amazon or Facebook?

What Is an SRE? How To Land an SRE Role Today

What is SRE?

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a relatively new term in the software industry. It is a software engineering approach designed for improved system management and problem-solving. Think of it as a new form of system administration.

In SRE, a software engineer is in charge of tasks that are usually performed by the operations team. Site reliability engineering involves ensuring the availability, latency, performance, capacity, scalability, and deployment of software systems by the engineers themselves.

Do’s and Don’ts for Software Engineer Job Interview

In my estimation, I have given over 2,500 interviews in my career, the bulk of them for Software Engineer positions. I have been interviewing Software Engineers for over 25 years and in my current role as CEO of Solution Street, I conduct, on average, two interviews a week. Solution Street has been evolving its interview process for over 18 years, and we feel like we offer a pretty robust and fair process. In this article, I will give you the tips you need to put your best foot forward and succeed in your next technical interview.

Do’s for a Software Engineer Job Interview

First, let’s talk about interview Do’s. Based on my experience, here is my list of the top seven things you should absolutely Do!

Preparing For A Remote Developer Interview

After continuously working in an office environment for 4 years I realized that working remotely was a better choice for me. As a developer, it is impossible to sit and work for 8 hours straight. It decreases productivity and you are at risk of Repetitive Stress Injury.

Working remotely comes with awesome benefits. Each benefit alone is enough to question a normal 9-5 routine. For me, the biggest influencing factor that pushed me to remote work was its amazing flexibility of time.