5 Questions About the Potential (and Limits) of AI With John Maeda

Computers can’t think the way you and I can – at least, not yet. AI technology is getting closer every day, raising fundamental questions about ethics, design, and what it means to be alive. In his book, How To Speak Machine, designer and technologist John Maeda acknowledges the concerns many laypersons have around AI: not only do robots look and sound increasingly lifelike, but they respond to input so quickly and have such stamina that we humans start to feel threatened. Nobody likes the idea of being outpaced (or replaced) by their own creation.

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Performance Analysis of ArrayList and LinkedList in Java

ArrayList and LinkedList are frequently used classes in the Java collection framework. If you know only understand basic performance comparisons of ArrayList and LinkedList, but not the minor details of these two classes, then this article is for you.

" ArrayList should be used where more search operations are required, and  LinkedList should be used where more insert and delete operation is needed."

ArrayListuses the Array data structure, and LinkedList uses the DoublyLinkedList data structure. Here, we are going to discuss how the underlying data structure affects the performance of insert, search, and delete operation on ArrayList and LinkedList.