How IoT Technology Enhances Fuel Level Monitoring System

Internet while also being a source of information also facilitated a worldwide network that allowed people to connect with each other. The new concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) allows the internet to be used as a communication medium for “Things” as well. This device interoperability between devices is allowing companies to leverage a myriad range of benefits.

The advent of IoT technology in any new organization not only allow the information and data to be used in field research and survey but also its applications are now being seen in more practical places. Accuracy, facts, and references are key to the development of any standard product-based organization. All can be achieved by IoT.

Shaking Down the Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera

I picked up the new Raspberry Pi High Quality camera last week. It’s pretty impressive. In this article, I’ll show you some ways to interact with this camera and do some cool stuff with it.

This is my current setup for this article. I built little stage with Mario, and I have the camera with a lens, into my Pi, and a temp/humidity sensor hooked to it. It’s the same I used in my previous live stream with this camera.

Setting Up a CrateDB Cluster With Kubernetes to Store and Query Machine Data

Because of its horizontally scalable shared-nothing architecture, the CrateDB open source database is well-suited for working with Kubernetes. Setting up a CrateDB cluster with Kubernetes can be done in just a few steps, and scaling up and down is straightforward – making the cluster particularly flexible. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to get CrateDB and Kubernetes working together.

CrateDB is used for real-time machine data processing, monitoring, and analytics. The open source database is suited for applications with high volumes of machine data (like anomaly detection), log data (like ecommerce), network data (like capacity planning), and IoT/IIoT data (like smart manufacturing, smart home products, and fitness gear). However, this database is probably not what you want to use if you require strong (ACID) transactional consistency or highly normalized schemas with many tables and joins.

5 More Reasons to Choose Apache Pulsar Over Kafka

Awhile back I wrote a post about the 7 Reasons We Choose Apache Pulsar over Apache Kafka. Since then, I have been working on a detailed report comparing Kafka and Pulsar, talking to users of the open-source Pulsar project, and talking to users of our managed Pulsar service, Kafkaesque. What I’ve realized that I missed some reasons in that first post. So, I thought I’d do a follow-up post that adds to the list.

Before diving into the new reasons, let’s quickly recap the seven reasons mentioned in the previous post:

Robot Skills and Messaging APIs

Messaging services set the stage for humans to interact with programmable robots using the same devices we already use to talk with each other. That kind of interaction feels a little like magic, but it’s magic that anyone who codes can conjure. To show you what I mean, we need to look at Misty’s Photo Booth skill, which Misty demoed at Twilio SIGNAL 2019.

When this skill runs, you can send an SMS to ask your Misty robot to take your picture. When Misty gets your text, she stops what she’s doing, turns to look at you, and snaps your portrait with the camera in her visor. She then sends that picture right back to your phone via MMS.