How IoT Technology Enhances Fuel Level Monitoring System

Internet while also being a source of information also facilitated a worldwide network that allowed people to connect with each other. The new concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) allows the internet to be used as a communication medium for “Things” as well. This device interoperability between devices is allowing companies to leverage a myriad range of benefits.

The advent of IoT technology in any new organization not only allow the information and data to be used in field research and survey but also its applications are now being seen in more practical places. Accuracy, facts, and references are key to the development of any standard product-based organization. All can be achieved by IoT.

IoT in Healthcare: How IoT Will Improve the Quality of Medical Services

IoT (Internet of Things) technology is penetrating deeply into everyday human life. IoT can be a car, kitchen appliances, and even heart rate monitors connected via the Internet into one network where they exchange data. For example, having received data from the alarm clock in your smartphone, an IoT coffee maker will know when you get up for work and brew coffee at your desired time, down to the minute.

However, one of the most promising areas for the implementation of IoT devices is in healthcare. According to a study conducted by analysts from the Aruba Networking Department, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Russia, six out of ten global healthcare organizations are already using IoT devices.

How Java Language Is Best for IoT Systems Development

Java is one of the most used languages in the world and the most successful language in the field of IT. This programming language owes its runaway success to WORA (write once, run anywhere), an important feature that removes the platform dependencies during application execution.

In older days, Java was easy to understand, write, compile, learn, and debug, which allows you to design modular programs and reusable resources. 

AI Will Be the Game Changer for IoT

Gartner expects that three trends will affect AI in the next few years. One, better communication (both ways) with people: Natural-language processing, generation, and contextual interpretation will make AI more comfortable to use and will improve the use of all computing resources.

Secondly, more in-depth and broader integration with existing applications and IoT projects: AI has its most significant value when built into architectures that drive business and service value.

How to Build IoT Infrastructure and App Using AWS IoT

There are numerous IoT platforms available in the market that can help you handle the challenges of building IoT applications. But, it is vital to choose a suitable and effective platform to create such diverse applications. Amazon Web Services IoT platform is one of the most sought-after platforms for developing IoT applications. But before getting into the technicalities of building IoT applications on AWS IoT, we must understand the platform in detail. In this article, we will talk about:

  1. What is AWS IoT?
  2. What are the features of AWS IoT?
  3. How does AWS IoT work?
  4. Why should you choose the AWS IoT platform?
  5. What are the use cases of AWS IoT?
  6. How to create an IoT infrastructure and build an IoT app using AWS IoT?

Let’s begin by understanding the concept of AWS IoT.

Top 10 IoT Development Tools in 2020

The internet of things or IoT is impacting our way of life in numerous ways. From the TV which you can control from your smartphone to smartwatches which monitors your everyday exercises. It is a massive network that is associated with gadgets. They are all constrained by sensors that are inserted in electronic gadgets. IoT gives a typical platform to dump their information and a common language to communicate with each other. It provides an efficient way of completing the project, and it helps in saving money as well. A report study has claimed that there were 15.41 billion IoT gadgets in 2015, which have now extended to 26.66 billion. It is expected to surpass 75 billion by 2025. As the scope of IoT development tool increases, many IoT based applications and solutions are being developed. 

10 Best IoT Development Tools of 2020

Various sectors are operating their projects in IoT, including healthcare, factories, and businesses. There are countless IoT application development and IoT solution provided. And therefore, it becomes challenging to decide on which development tool to choose from. In case, if you want to hire IoT developers for developing an IoT platform, here are the Top 10 IoT development tools that will help the developers:

IoT Applications Are Headed for Edge

Edge computing continues to gain force as an increasing number of companies get on board, even if they’re tipping their toes with small scale pilot deployments at the edge. The term edge computing has been broadly used to describe everything from actions performed by tiny IoT devices to datacenter-like infrastructure. 

At the conceptual level, edge computing refers to the idea of bringing computing closer to where it's consumed or closer to the sources of data.

IoT App Development: Impact, Challenges, and Process

In a span of ten years, from 2020 to 2030, IoT devices will grow from 75 billion to more than 100 billion, and the improvement from 4G to 5G in terms of increasing IoT is most important. Today's 4G network can support up to 5500 to 6000 NB-IOT devices on a single cell.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology of the future that’s already becoming a reality. Its possibilities for health, agriculture, manufacturing, and daily life are crazier than anything a sci-fi writer of the last century could have imagined. Mobile apps will be a point of connection for many IoT devices, and in this article, we explore how to build an IoT app of the future.