Your Daughter’s Favorite Dev Fixed Tech’s Mentorship Problem w/ AMEX VP Sarvenaz Myslicki

If you looked up the term “firing on all cylinders” in the dictionary, I’m fairly confident there would be a picture of Sarvenaz Myslicki next to it.

A next-gen leader who earned the role of VP of Technology at American Express by the age of 30, Savernaz is a published author, an in-demand thought-leader on mentorship and has one of the largest followings on programmer TikTok.

The Best Developer Conferences of 2022

Unlike a lot of industries, conferences for developers are actually worth it. They aren’t just an excuse to spend your T&E budget, stay in a new hotel and see some bands that are over the hill.

Why? Between learning the actual skills of programming and the actual work of building, leading and creating teams of developers, there is a massive skills gap. Unless you’re lucky enough to have a mentor with all the answers you need to grow your career, the best way to learn what you don’t know is by tapping into the developer community.