Reduce MySQL CPU Usage Through Dynamic Binary Optimization

Dynimize, a dynamic binary optimizer, has been shown to improve MySQL performance in CPU intensive workloads. This post explores how Dynimize can be used to instantly reduce MySQL CPU usage without altering a single line of your application code or my.cnf.

You notice that the Linux top command shows that MySQL is consuming a lot of CPU resources, and you're worried that you're not leaving this server with enough breathing room. You've tried every piece of advice out there and nothing seems to make much of a difference to help reduce CPU usage. Or maybe it did help, but you'd still like to reduce CPU usage even further.

How Technology Is Making the Experience of Gaming Better

The evolution of gaming and technology has been a colossus affair with each taking a step forward in the direction shown by the other. The seeds of growth, innovation were sown and foreseen a long ago.

It has traveled a distance far away from tying us down to giant devices to shrunken into the palm of our hands. Does it sound eccentric when you ask a 50-year and 20-something about their favorite pastime, and they include gaming as one of the options?