Realtime Challenges for Audience Engagement

What Is Audience Engagement?

A simple example of online audience engagement could be a Livestream with a host and a chat system for audience members to interact with each other in real-time. Other audience engagement solutions include features such as chat or QAs for participants to communicate while sharing an experience, such as a Watch Party, polls, quizzes, and leaderboards.

Typical audience engagement features

Device and User Presence

One aspect of audience engagement is the ability to know who’s participating in a virtual event or a user’s “presence”. Closely linked to presence is the user’s state, for essential functionality such as indicators when someone is typing a message into a chat window, or the real-time location of a device.

True Servant Leadership Places Followers First (and the Results Are Staggering)

A true servant leader is (literally) worth his weight in gold.

The concept of 'servant leadership' is certainly not new, but it's perhaps also fair to say that it's a concept that many still struggle to adopt.

Why Is Servant Leadership Crucial in an Agile Organization?

If any evidence were needed, a recent study from the University of Exeter Business School aims to provide it. It shows that tailoring training and recruitment to help managers with empathy, integrity, and trustworthiness has a profound impact on the productivity of the company.

The Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Adoption of the IoT by businesses and enterprises has made mobile banking, online shopping, and social networking possible. While it has opened up a lot of opportunities for us, its not altogether a safe place because its anonymity also harbors cybercriminals. So, to protect yourself against the cyber threats of today, you must have a solid understanding of cybersecurity. This article will help you get a grip on cybersecurity fundamentals.

Let’s take a look at the topics covered in this cybersecurity fundamentals article: