Apache Kafka, KSQL, and Apache PLC4X for Industrial IoT and Automation

Learn more about IIoT automation with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and Apache PLC4X

Data integration and processing is a huge challenge in Industrial IoT (IIoT, aka Industry 4.0 or Automation Industry) due to monolithic systems and proprietary protocols. Apache Kafka, its ecosystem (Kafka Connect, KSQL), and Apache PLC4X are a great open-source choice to implement this IIoT integration end-to-end in a scalable, reliable, and flexible way.

This blog post covers a high-level overview of the challenges and good, flexible architecture to solve the problems. In the end, I share a video recording and the corresponding slide deck. These provide many more details and insights.

Why Cloud-Native Applications are the Future

Everyone is talking about applications being built in a cloud-native landscape these days. What exactly is cloud-native, and why it is so important?

Before we dig deeper, let’s look at an interesting statement. According to IDC, by 2022, 90% of all new apps will feature microservices architectures that improve the ability to design, debug, update, and leverage third-party code; 35% of all production apps will be cloud-native.