Enterprise Integration Patterns From ESB to ESP and API

Today, when we talk about enterprise application integration, we cannot avoid the pervasively-used enterprise service bus (ESB) pattern, which implements a communication system between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and has been adopted in most enterprise applications.

ESB can be used as an integration platform and primarily used in enterprise application integration (EAI) of heterogeneous and complex service landscapes. ESB is the backbone of SOA infrastructure. It has platform-agnostic nature and the ability to integrate with anything IT system with mixed environments.

API Integration Patterns

Whether you're working with on-premise, cloud, and/or third-party integrations, the questions remain the same: What is the client or user experience you need to offer? And how do you align your integration strategy with it? This Refcard explores fundamental patterns for authentication, polling, querying, and more, helping you assess your integration needs and approach the design, build, and maintenance of your API integrations in the most effective ways for your business case.

Don’t Try This at Home: The Dangers of DIY Toolchain Integration

Remember that time when your partner flagged a leak under the sink and suggested calling a plumber? "How hard can it be," you asked. A few grunts and speculative twists and bangs (and a few choice words) later, not to mention a generous application of duct tape, the leak had stopped. Disaster averted (at least until the problem resurfaced a few weeks later). And it was even worse that time. The kitchen flooded, causing more damage than Vesuvius.

DIY, unless you genuinely know what you’re doing, always comes at a cost. Sure, you can learn to become a better plumber. But plumbing is a specialty — and an expensive service — for a reason. On average, it takes nearly a decade to learn the ins and out of the trade.