Integration of Prometheus With Cortex

As we promised in our previous blog Prometheus as Scale – Part 1 that in our next blog we will be writing about the implementation part of Cortex with Prometheus, so here we are with our promise. But before going to the implementation part, we would suggest you guys go through our first blog to know the need for it.

Previously we talked that Prometheus is becoming a go-to option for people who want to implement event-based monitoring and alerting. The implementation and management of Prometheus are quite easy. But when you have a large infrastructure to monitor or the infrastructure has started to grow, you require to scale monitoring solution as well.

How to Run Red Hat OpenShift 4 on your Notebook

OpenShift is Red Hat's version of Kubernetes, simply put. It includes tools and features that make it very interesting for developers. But since it is a commercial product it normally comes with a fee.

You may know Minikube, a tool to run "vanilla" Kubernetes in a virtual machine on your notebook. You may also know Minishift, which does the same for OKD which is the open source upstream project of OpenShift. Minishift is based on OKD version 3.xx, though. OpenShift version 4 is very different from OpenShift and OKD version 3. There is work underway for a version 4 of OKD but this still seems to take some time.

What Is a Custom Software Installation and Its Best Practices?

Custom software installation is the installation of custom software carried out by the software development team responsible for creating it. It is different from packaged software installation in that packaged software is either installed by third-party contractors or internal company personnel. This is key because neither the contractors nor the company personnel were involved in […]

The post What Is a Custom Software Installation and Its Best Practices? appeared first on WPArena.

Tornado Web Server on Elastic Beanstalk

Using Tornado Web server for Python on Elastic Beanstalk isn't quite straightforward. There isn't much information on the internet, either. The objective of this article is to be a guide and reference.

Tornado Web Server uses non-blocking IO to support thousands of connections in parallel. It is different from most Python web frameworks. It is not based on WSGI, and it is typically run with only one thread per process. Tornado is integrated with the standard library asyncio module and shares the same event loop (by default since Tornado 5.0). In general, libraries designed for use with asyncio can be mixed freely with Tornado.

Vault: A Secure Way to Keep Your App’s Secrets

In this blog, we will discuss the Vault. In modern scenarios, we want to secure our system as much as possible. We don't want to store our secret keys and certificates in the system or configurations. We need a place where we can keep our secrets with more security and access them securely whenever we need them. We can use the Vault.

Vault is the secure place to store the secrets, password, token, APIKeys of the system with the control of their access. It provides security by encrypting the keys.

A Guide to Installing Kali Linux

If you are pursuing a career in information security, one of the most important things is to have a security-focused operating system. A suitable OS helps you in performing time-consuming and tedious tasks efficiently. Currently, there are countless Linux-based OSs, but Kali Linux is arguably one of the best choices. It is used by cybersecurity experts for penetration testing, ethical hacking, and network security assessments. In this article, we will take a look at how to install Kali Linux.

Let’s get started!