How to Easily Embed Instagram in WordPress (Step by Step)

Do you want to embed Instagram feeds in WordPress?

Showing Instagram photos and videos on your website helps keep your content fresh, increases user engagement, and builds trust. It’s also a great way to promote your Instagram account and get more followers.

In this article, we will show you how to embed Instagram in WordPress, step-by-step.

How to easily embed Instagram in WordPress (Step by step)

Why Embed Instagram on Your WordPress Site?

With over 1.21 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a great place to promote your products and services, build brand awareness, and grow your audience.

However, people won’t see your Instagram content if they just visit your website. With that in mind, it’s smart to embed your Instagram feed in WordPress, so everyone can see it.

This is an easy way to promote your social media page and encourage more people to follow you on Instagram. It can also keep your WordPress website fresh, since new Instagram posts will appear on your site automatically.

All of this new content can improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your site, and encourage visitors to keep coming back to check the latest posts.

You can even display reviews in WordPress, show hashtag feeds, and embed any posts you’ve been tagged in. All of this is powerful social proof that can build trust and get you more sales.

With that being said, let’s see how you can embed an Instagram feed in WordPress.

How to Install an Instagram Photos Plugin

The best way to embed Instagram in WordPress is by using the Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed.

This free plugin lets you show photos from one or more Instagram accounts, in a fully customizable feed.

An example of an embedded Instagram feed, created using Feeds for Instagram

In this guide, we’ll be using the free version of Smash Balloon as it has everything you need to add an Instagram feed to your WordPress website. However, there’s also a pro version that allows you to display hashtag feeds, add Instagram shoppable images, and more.

Before getting started, you’ll need to connect your Instagram account to a Facebook page. If you have a personal Instagram account, then you may also want to turn it into a business account as this allows Smash Balloon to show your Instagram bio and header automatically.

For step-by-step instructions on how to do both of these things, see the FAQ section at the end of this guide.

When you’re ready, go ahead and install and activate the Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

How to Connect an Instagram Account to WordPress

After activating the plugin, your first task is connecting your Instagram account to WordPress. Simply go to Instagram Feed » Settings and then click on ‘Add New.’

How to create a new Instagram feed in WordPress

With Smash Balloon pro, you can create feeds from tagged posts and hashtags, or even create a social wall with content from lots of different social media websites.

Since we’re using the free plugin, simply select ‘User Timeline’ and then click on ‘Next.’

How to add an Instagram timeline to your WordPress account

Now, simply choose the Instagram account where you’ll get the photo feed from.

To get started, click on the ‘Add Source’ button.

Adding an Instagram account as a Smash Balloon source

On the next screen, choose whether you want to show photos from a personal or business Instagram account.

If you check the box next to ‘Personal’ then Smash Balloon won’t include the Instagram avatar and bio in your header by default. However, you can always add the Instagram avatar and bio later in the plugin’s settings.

Adding a personal or business Instagram account to WordPress

After choosing ‘Personal’ or ‘Business,’ go ahead and click on ‘Login with Facebook.’

You can now select the Instagram account that you want to feature on your WordPress website, and click on ‘Next.’

Choose an Instagram account to use with Smash Balloon

After that, check the box next to the Facebook page that’s linked to your Instagram account.

When you’ve done that, click on the ‘Next’ button.

How to add a Facebook page to your WordPress website

You’ll now see a popup with all the information Smash Balloon will have access to and the actions it can perform.

To restrict Smash Balloon’s access to your Instagram account, just click any of the switches to turn it from ‘Yes’ to ‘No.’ Just be aware that this may affect the photos and videos that you can show on your WordPress blog or website.

With that in mind, we recommend leaving all the switches enabled.

When you’re happy with the settings, click on ‘Done.’

How to change the Instagram permissions with Smash Balloon

You’ll now see a popup with the Instagram account you just added to your website.

Simply check the box next to that account and then click on ‘Add.’

Choosing an Instagram account to add to your WordPress website

Smash Balloon will now take you back to the Instagram Feeds » All Feeds screen.

To create a feed, simply check the box next to the Instagram account that you want to use. Then, click on ‘Next.’

How to create an Instagram feed using Smash Balloon

The plugin will now create an Instagram photo feed that you can add to any page, post, or widget-ready area.

However, before embedding the Instagram feed you may want to customize how it looks and add any missing information.

How to Customize Your Instagram Photo Feed

By default, Smash Balloon will open your feed in its editor ready for you to customize.

On the right, you’ll see a preview of your Instagram photo feed. On the left-hand side are all the settings you can use to customize the photo feed.

The Smash Balloon instagram editor

Most of these settings are self-explanatory, but we’ll quickly cover some key areas.

To start, you can change the Instagram photo layout and add padding by selecting ‘Feed Layout’ from the left-hand menu.

As you make changes, the preview will update automatically so you can try different settings to see what looks the best.

Changing the layout of an Instagram feed in WordPress

By default, Smash Balloon shows the same number of photos whether the users are on desktop computers or mobile devices.

You can preview how the Instagram feed will look on desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones using the row of buttons in the upper-right corner.

Previewing how the Instagram feed layout looks on smartphone and mobile

Smartphones and tablets typically have smaller screens and less processing power, so you may want to show fewer Instagram photos and videos on mobile devices.

To do this, just type a different number into the ‘Mobile’ field under ‘Number of Posts.’

Showing a different number of posts on desktop and mobile

By creating different layouts for smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers you can make sure the feed looks great, no matter what device the visitor is using.

By default, the plugin feed shows fewer columns on smartphones and tablets, compared to desktop computers. This helps your photos and videos fit comfortably on smaller screens.

To change these default settings, simply type new numbers into the ‘Columns’ settings.

Showing a different number of Instagram columns on desktop, smartphone, and tablet

After making your changes, click on the ‘Customize’ link.

This will take you back to the main Smash Balloon editor, ready for you to explore the next settings screen, which is ‘Color Scheme.’

Smash Balloon's color scheme settings

By default, Smash Balloon uses a color scheme inherited from your WordPress theme, but it also has ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ themes that you may want to use instead.

Another option is creating your own color scheme by selecting ‘Custom.’ Once that’s done, simply use the controls to change the background color, change the text color in WordPress, and more.

Changing the Instagram column scheme using Smash Balloon

By default, Smash Balloon adds a header to the Instagram feed, which is your profile picture and the name of your page. To change how this section looks, click on ‘Header’ in the left-hand menu.

On this screen, you can change the size of the header, add a new color, or show your Instagram bio.

Customize the Instagram header on your WordPress website

Sometimes, you may want to show a different profile picture. For example, your Instagram avatar may not stand out from your theme so you want to show a custom logo instead.

To change the profile picture, click on ‘Add Image’ under ‘Show custom avatar.’ You can then either choose an image from the WordPress media library or upload a new photo.

Adding a custom avatar to an Instagram embed in WordPress

You can also add a different bio. For example, you might encourage people to visit your profile on Instagram or to simply follow your account.

To create a unique Instagram bio, simply type into the ‘Add custom bio’ box.

Adding a custom Instagram bio to your WordPress website

Smash Balloon automatically analyzes your Instagram photos and shows them at the best resolution. We recommend using these default settings, but you can make the Instagram images bigger or smaller if you need to.

To change the image size, click on ‘Posts’ from the left-hand menu. Then, select the ‘Images and Videos’ option.

Changing the resolution of embedded Instagram photos and videos

You can now choose between thumbnail, medium, and full-size images using the dropdown menu that appears.

If you’re unhappy with how the feed looks, then you can go back to this screen at any point and select ‘Auto-detect (Recommended)’ from the dropdown.

How to auto-detect the resolution of your Instagram feed

By default, Smash Balloon adds a ‘Load More’ button to the bottom of your Instagram feed so visitors can scroll through your photos and videos.

You can change how this button looks by selecting ‘Load More Button.’

Customize the Instagram Load More button in WordPress

Here, you can help the ‘Load More’ button stand out by changing its background color, text color, and hover state.

You can also try adding your own messaging to the button, by typing into the ‘Text’ field. This way your visitors will be more inclined to click.

Adding custom messaging to the Load More button

While we do recommend leaving this button enabled, you can remove it. For example, you might encourage people to visit your Instagram by limiting the number of photos they can see on your site.

To remove the button, simply toggle the ‘Enable’ slider to turn grey.

How to easily embed Instagram in WordPress

If visitors like what they see, they may decide to subscribe using the ‘Follow on Instagram’ button that appears below the embedded feed.

Since it’s such an important button, you may want to add some custom styling to help it stand out.

You can do this by selecting ‘Follow Button’ in the left-hand menu. Here, you can change the button’s background color, hover state, and text color.

Customizing the social media Follow button

By default, the button shows a ‘Follow on Instagram’ label.

You can replace this with your own call to action by typing into the ‘Text’ field.

Customizing the Follow Us On Instagram button

When you’re happy with how the Instagram feed looks, don’t forget to click on ‘Save’ to store your changes.

You’re now ready to add the Instagram feed to your WordPress website.

How to Embed Instagram Feed in WordPress

You can add the Instagram feed to your website using a block, widget, or shortcode.

If you’ve created more than one feed using Smash Balloon Social Photo feed, then you’ll need to know the feed’s code if you’re going to use a widget or block.

To get this code, go to Instagram Feed »All Feeds and then look at thefeed=""part of the shortcode. You’ll need to add this code to the block or widget, so make a note of it.

In the following image, we’ll need to usefeed="1"

Getting the code for a custom Instagram feed

If you want to embed the Instagram feed in a page or post, then we recommend using the Instagram Feed block.

Note: If you’re using a block-enabled theme, you can follow the instructions below to add the block anywhere on your site using the full-site editor.

Just open the page or post where you want to embed your Instagram photo and video feed. Then, click on the ‘+’ icon to add a new block and start typing ‘Instagram Feed.’

When the right block appears, click to add it to the page or post.

The Feeds for Instagram block

The block will show one of your Smash Balloon feeds by default. If you want to show a different Instagram feed instead, then find ‘Shortcode Settings’ in the right-hand menu.

Here, simply add thefeed=""code and then click on ‘Apply Changes.’

Adding an Instagram feed code to WordPress

The block will now show the photos and videos from your Instagram account. Just publish or update the page to make the feed live on your website.

If you’re using a theme that does not use full-site editing, you can add the Smashballoon Instagram Feed to any widget-ready area, such as the sidebar or similar section so visitors can see it anywhere they go on your site.

Simply go to Appearance » Widgets in the WordPress dashboard and then click on the blue ‘+’ button.

Adding an Instagram feed to a WordPress widget

In the search bar, type in ‘Instagram Feed’ and select the correct widget when it appears.

WordPress has a built-in ‘Instagram Feed’ block, so make sure you choose the one that shows the official Instagram logo.

How to add an Instagram Feed to a widget-ready area

After that, simply drag the widget onto the area where you want to show the Instagram feed, such as the sidebar or similar section.

The widget will automatically show one of the feeds you created using Smash Balloon. If you want to show a different Instagram feed, then just type the feed’s shortcode into the ‘Shortcode Settings’ box.

As long as you are adding the shortcode to the ‘Shortcode Settings’ box, you do not need to include the brackets around it.

After that, click on ‘Apply Changes.’

Adding the Instagram Feed block to a sidebar or other widget-ready area

You can now make the widget live by clicking on the ‘Update’ button. For more information, please see our step-by-step guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

Another option is embedding the Instagram feed on any page, post, or widget-ready area using a shortcode.

Simply go to Instagram Feed »All Feeds and copy the code in the ‘Shortcode’ column. You can now add this code to any Shortcode block.

For help placing the shortcode, please see our guide on how to add a shortcode.

Finally, if you have a block-enabled theme, then you can use the full-site editor to add the Instagram Feed block anywhere on your site.

In the WordPress dashboard, simply go to Appearance » Editor.

Opening the full-site editor (FSE)

By default, the full-site editor will show the theme’s home template. If you want to add the Instagram feed to a different template, then click on the arrow next to ‘Home.’

You can then choose any design from the dropdown, such as the footer template.

Choosing a template in the WordPress FSE (full-site editor)

If you don’t see the template in the list, then click on ‘Browse all templates.’

The full-site editor will now show a list of all the templates you can edit. Simply click on the template where you want to show the Instagram feed.

How to add an Instagram feed to your WordPress website

After choosing a template, just hover your mouse over the area where you want to add the Instagram photo feed.

Then, click on the blue ‘+’ button.

How to add an Instagram block using the full-site editor and a block-enabled theme

After that, start typing in ‘Instagram Feed.’

When the right block appears, click to add it to the template. This will be the one with the official Instagram logo.

Adding a social media feed using the WordPress full-site editor (FSE)

As always, Smash Balloon will show a feed by default if you do not add a specific shortcode. You can change this feed by adding a shortcode following the same process described above.

FAQs About Embedding Instagram in WordPress

Smash Balloon makes it easy to show Instagram photos and videos on your website. That being said, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about adding an Instagram feed in WordPress.

How Do I Create an Instagram Business Account?

Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed can display photos from either a personal or business Instagram account.

However, Smash Balloon can’t automatically fetch the Instagram avatar and bio from a personal Instagram account. With that in mind, you may want to check whether you have a personal or business account, and then switch to a business account so Smash Balloon can fetch your avatar and bio automatically.

To check, just visit your Instagram account and click on the three-lined icon in the side menu.

How to check whether you have a personal or business Instagram account

After that, select ‘Settings.’

If you don’t have a business account, then this screen will show ‘Switch to professional account’ in the left-hand menu.

How to switch to a personal Instagram account

If you currently have a personal account and want to switch to a business account, then simply give this link a click.

How Do I Connect a Facebook Page to an Instagram Account?

Before you can add an Instagram feed to WordPress, you’ll need to connect your Instagram account to a Facebook page.

To do this, head over to the Facebook page that you want to use and then click on ‘Settings’ in the left-hand menu.

After that, click on ‘Linked Account.’ You can now select ‘Instagram’ and click on the ‘Connect’ button.

How to connect Facebook and Instagram

Facebook will now show all the information it will be able to access, and the actions it can perform on Instagram.

If you’re happy to go ahead, then click on the ‘Connect’ button.

Giving Smash Balloon access to your Instagram account

Just be aware that anyone else who manages your Facebook page will be able to see your Instagram messages, and respond to them. If you want to keep your Instagram messages private, then click to disable the option.

When you’re happy and ready to move on, click ‘Confirm.’

How to configure your Instagram permissions using Smash Balloon

This opens a popup where you can type in your Instagram username and password.

After that, go ahead and click on ‘Log In.’

Logging into your Instagram account

After a few moments, you’ll see a message saying that your Instagram and Facebook accounts are now connected.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily embed Instagram in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a custom Facebook feed in WordPress, or see our expert pick of the best social media plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Embed Instagram in WordPress (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add Instagram Shoppable Images in WordPress

Do you want to add shoppable Instagram images to your WordPress site?

Instagram shoppable images have links that people can easily click on to buy your products. This is a powerful way to showcase your products and drive more sales from Instagram.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add Instagram shoppable images in WordPress.

How to add Instagram shoppable images in WordPress

What is Instagram Shopping?

Instagram shopping allows you to tag products in your Instagram photos.

After tagging one or more products, users who are looking at the post will see a ‘View Products’ icon in the bottom-left corner.

A shoppable Instagram post

They can simply click on that icon to see the product’s name, description, and price.

This makes it easier for shoppers to learn more about the products featured in your social media posts.

Products in a shoppable Instagram post

Visitors can tap the screen again to go to your Instagram store, where they can buy the product featured in the social media post.

This is great user experience, but it isn’t easy to set up.

You will need to get approval from Instagram to use their shopping features, and some of these requirements are vague. For example, you’ll need to “have demonstrated trustworthiness, including through an authentic, established presence.” You’ll also need to maintain a “sufficient follower base.”

In addition, you’ll have to set up a  Facebook catalog, a product catalog, and a Facebook business page.

In other words: it’s a lot.

Because of that, many Instagram users are looking for an easier way to help shoppers buy products. That’s where shoppable Instagram images come in.

Why Add Shoppable Instagram Images in WordPress?

A shoppable Instagram feed is a series of photos that have a link to a product or service on your site. These URLs aren’t clickable when viewed on Instagram, as you can see in the following image.

Adding a shoppable link to an Instagram post

However, when you embed the shoppable feed on your WordPress website, these links do become clickable. In this way, an Instagram shoppable feed encourages the people who visit your website to look at specific products.

Any likes and comments you get on those posts can also act as social proof, and encourage people to click on the product’s link.

As you post new shoppable images to Instagram, they’ll appear on your site automatically, so visitors will always see the latest posts without you having to add them manually.

If visitors like what they see, they may even decide to follow you on Instagram. This can get you more followers, and gives you another way to promote directly to that person.

Even better, since these shoppable links appear on your website, you have complete control over them. This means you don’t have to follow Instagram’s strict shoppable policies, or set up a Facebook product catalog.

With that being said, let’s see how you can easily add Instagram shoppable images to your WordPress website using Smash Balloon Instagram Pro.

Creating a Shoppable Feed on Instagram

First, you need to upload the images that you want to use on your Instagram account.

Smash Balloon has a shoppable feature that allows you to link each image to a URL inside the plugin settings. With this feature enabled, visitors can click on a shoppable image on your website, and its link will open in a new tab.

These links won’t appear on Instagram.

Another option is adding the link to your Instagram captions. These links will show up on Instagram, but they won’t be clickable.

Smash Balloon's lightbox popup

However, these links will be clickable on your WordPress website. If you want to use this method, then you’ll need to spend some time adding a URL to each shoppable image on your Instagram account.

If you’re planning to use Smash Balloon’s shoppable feature, then you can skip this step as we’ll be adding each link inside the plugin’s settings.

How to Install an Instagram Photos Plugin With Shoppable Support

The best way to add Instagram shoppable images in WordPress is by using Smash Balloon Instagram Pro.

A shoppable Instagram feed, created using Smash Balloon

In this guide, we’ll be using the premium version of Smash Balloon as it has the advanced features you need to add shoppable images in WordPress. However, there’s also a free version that allows you to embed Instagram in WordPress.

Before getting started, you’ll need to connect your Instagram account to a Facebook page. If you have a personal Instagram account, then you may also want to turn it into a business account as this allows Smash Balloon to show your Instagram bio and header automatically.

When you’re ready, go ahead and install and activate the Smash Balloon Instagram Pro plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to Instagram Feed » Settings and enter your license key into the ‘License Key’ field.

Activating the Instagram Feed Pro plugin for WordPress

You’ll find this information under your account on the Smash Balloon website.

After entering the key, click on the ‘Activate’ button.

How to Connect an Instagram Account to WordPress

After activating the plugin, your first task is connecting your Instagram account to WordPress. Simply go to Instagram Feed » Settings and then click on ‘Add New.’

How to create a new shoppable Instagram feed

With Instagram Feed pro, you can create feeds from tagged posts and hashtags, or even create a social wall with content from lots of different social media websites.

We want to show shoppable images from our Instagram timeline, so simply select ‘User Timeline’ and then click on ‘Next.’

Creating a shoppable Instagram feed in WordPress

Now, choose the Instagram account where you’ll get the shoppable images from.

To get started, click on the ‘Add Source’ button.

Adding a source for a shoppable Instagram feed

After that, choose whether you want to show shoppable images from a personal or business Instagram account.

If you check the box next to ‘Personal’ then Smash Balloon won’t include the Instagram avatar and bio in your header by default. However, you can always add the Instagram avatar and bio manually in the plugin’s settings.

Linking a persona or business Instagram account to WordPress

After choosing ‘Personal’ or ‘Business,’ click on ‘Login with Facebook.’

You can now select the Instagram account that you want to feature on your WordPress website, and click on ‘Next.’

Selecting the shoppable Instagram source

After that, check the box next to the Facebook page that’s linked to the Instagram account with your shoppable images.

Once you’ve done that, click on the ‘Next’ button.

Selecting the Facebook page you want to use

You’ll now see a popup with all the information Instagram Feed Pro will have access to and the actions it can perform.

To restrict the plugin’s access to your Instagram account, simply click any of the switches to turn it from ‘Yes’ to ‘No.’ Just be aware that this may affect the photos that you can show on your WordPress blog or website.

With that in mind, we recommend leaving all the switches enabled. When you’re happy with the settings, click on ‘Done.’

Changing the information that Smash Balloon can access

You’ll now see a popup with the Instagram account you just added to your website.

Simply check the box next to that account and then click on ‘Add.’

Adding a shoppable image source to a WordPress website

Instagram Feed Pro will now take you back to the Instagram Feeds » All Feeds screen.

To create a feed, just check the box next to the Instagram account that you want to use. Then, click on ‘Next.’

How to create a shoppable Instagram feed

The plugin will now create an Instagram photo feed that you can add to any page, post, or widget-ready area.

However, before you can show shoppable images there are a few extra settings to configure.

How to Enable Smash Balloon’s Shoppable Feature (Optional)

As we already mentioned, there are two ways to make your Instagram photo feed shoppable. If you’ve added the URLs to your captions on Instagram, then simply skip to the next step.

Another option is to open shoppable links in a new tab as soon as the visitor clicks on a post. To do this, you’ll need to enable Smash Balloon’s shoppable feature.

To start, select the ‘Settings’ tab and then click on ‘Shoppable Feed.’

How to create a shoppable Instagram feed for your online store

On this screen, go ahead and toggle the ‘Enable’ slider so that it turns blue.

Smash Balloon will now show an ‘Add’ button on every photo or video in your Instagram feed.

How to add shoppable links to a WooCommerce site or e-commerce store

Simply find the first post that you want to make shoppable, and click on its ‘Add’ button.

You can now type the product or service’s URL into the ‘Product Link’ field and click on ‘Add.’

How to add a shoppable link to an Instagram post

Now, clicking on this photo will open the linked URL in a new tab.

Simply repeat these steps to make every image shoppable.

If you need to change a post’s URL at any point, then just hover your mouse over it and click on ‘Update.’

Changing the shoppable links in an Instagram feed

Once you’ve added all your links, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button.

How to Filter Your Shoppable Instagram Feed

By default, Smash Balloon shows all the images and videos from your Instagram account. However, since we’re creating a shoppable feed you may want to filter your posts, and only show photos that link to a product or service.

This can help shoppers find products to buy, without getting distracted by other photos and videos in your Instagram feed.

With Smash Balloon, it’s easy to filter Instagram posts based on their captions. You can simply add a keyword or hashtag to your shoppable images on Instagram, and then create a matching filter in Smash Balloon.

For example, in the following image we’re using the #ordernow hashtag for all the images we want to make shoppable.

Filtering a shoppable Instagram feed by hashtag

To create a filter in Smash Balloon, select the ‘Settings’ tab.

Then, go ahead and click on ‘Filters and Moderation.’

Filtering shoppable Instagram photos and videos using a hashtag

In the ‘Only show posts containing’ box, type in the hashtags or keywords that you want to use in the filter.

If you want to use multiple words in the filter, then simply separate each hashtag or keyword with a comma.

Adding a filter to a shoppable Instagram feed

When you’re happy with how the filter is set up, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Just be aware that the preview won’t update straight away, so you’ll need to refresh the page to see the filter in action.

A filtered shoppable Instagram feed

How to Customize Your Shoppable Instagram Feed

When you’re happy with the photos and videos that appear in your shoppable feed, you may want to change how the feed looks.

To customize your shoppable Instagram feed, simply click on the ‘Customize’ tab. On the left-hand side are all the settings you can use to change how the shoppable feed looks.

How to customize your shoppable Instagram feed

Most of these settings are self-explanatory, but we’ll quickly cover some key areas that can help you get more sales.

Let’s start at the top, by selecting ‘Feed Layout.’ Here, you can choose different layouts for your shoppable feed, such as carousel and highlight.

Adding Instagram shoppable images to WordPress

As you make changes, the preview will update automatically so you can try different settings to see what looks the best.

Depending on the layout, you’ll get some extra settings that you can use to fine-tune your feed. For example if you choose ‘Highlight’ then you can tell Smash Balloon to highlight posts based on a pattern, post ID, or a specific hashtag. This is great for highlighting your most popular products.

Showing Instagram shoppable images in a highlighted layout with Smash Balloon

By 2025, it’s estimated that US consumers will spend $710 billion every year shopping on their mobile devices. With that in mind, you’ll want to make sure the shoppable Instagram feed looks just as good on smartphones and tablets, as it does on desktops.

By default, Smash Balloon will show the same number of photos on desktop computers and mobile devices.

You can preview how the shoppable feed will look on desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones using the row of buttons in the upper-right corner.

Creating a mobile-friendly layout for an e-Commerce site

You can show fewer shoppable photos on mobile devices by changing the settings in the ‘Number of Posts’ and ‘Columns’ sections.

After making any changes, click on the ‘Customize’ link. This will take you back to the main Smash Balloon editor, ready for you to explore the next option, which is ‘Color Scheme.’

Changing the color scheme of a shoppable Instagram feed

By default, Smash Balloon uses a color scheme inherited from your WordPress theme, but it also has ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ themes that you may want to use for the shoppable feed instead.

Another option is creating your own color scheme by selecting ‘Custom.’ Then, simply use the controls to change the background color, change the text color in WordPress, and more.

Changing the color scheme for your Instagram shoppable feed

By default, Smash Balloon adds a header to the shoppable feed, which is your profile picture and the name of your page.

To change how this section looks, click on ‘Header’ in the left-hand menu and then use the settings to change the size of your header, add Instagram bio text, and more.

Customizing the header for an embedded Instagram feed

You can also add a different bio. For example, you might encourage people to buy your products, or offer visitors an exclusive coupon code.

For more information on creating these codes, please see our expert pick of the best WordPress coupon code plugins for your online store.

To create a unique Instagram bio, simply type into the ‘Add custom bio’ box.

How to add Instagram shoppable images in WordPress

With that done, click on ‘Customize’ to return to the main Smash Balloon editor.

Then, select ‘Posts.’

How to customize individual Instagram posts in WordPress

This takes you to a screen that has a few different options.

You can look through these settings and make any changes you want, but we’re going to focus on ‘Caption.’

Customizing the Instagram captions

If you added shoppable links to your captions, then it’s important to make the text stand out. For example, you might make the caption bigger.

You might even use a different color for the caption.

Adding a style to a shoppable Instagram caption

With that done, click on ‘Posts’ to go back to the previous screen.

Here, you’ll also see a ‘Hover State’ option, which is the overlay that Smash Balloon adds to a post when you hover over it.

Adding a hover state to a shoppable Instagram feed

This allows visitors to see any links in your captions without opening that Instagram post first.

On this screen, you can use the settings to create an eye-catching colored overlay.

How to create a custom hover state for an Instagram photo and video feed

After selecting ‘Hover State’ you’ll be able to change the background color and text color that appears when you hover over each post.

Under ‘Information to display,’ you’ll see all the different information that Smash Balloon can show as part of the overlay. Simply check the box next to each piece of information that you want to show.

Smash Balloon's hover state settings

If the caption contains shoppable links, then make sure you leave ‘Caption’ enabled.

When you’re happy with your changes, click on ‘Customize’ to return to the main Smash Balloon editor screen. You can now select the next option, which is ‘Load More Button.’

Smash Ballon's Load More button settings

By default, Smash Balloon adds a ‘Load More’ button to the bottom of your Instagram feed so visitors can scroll through your shoppable posts.

Here, you can change the button’s background color, text color, and hover state.

You can also add your own messaging to the button by typing into the ‘Text’ field.

How to add a load more button to a shoppable Instagram feed

While we recommend leaving the ‘Load More’ button enabled to get more sales, you can remove it. For example, you might encourage people to visit your Instagram page by limiting the number of photos they can see on your site.

To remove the button, simply click on the ‘Enable’ slider to turn it from blue to grey.

How to remove the Load More button from a social media photo feed in WordPress

If shoppers like what they see, they may decide to follow you on Instagram using the ‘Follow on Instagram’ button that appears below the shoppable feed.

Since it’s such an important button, you may want to help it stand out by selecting ‘Follow Button’ from the main Smash Balloon editor screen.

Adding a follow button to a shoppable Instagram feed

Here, you can change the button’s background color, hover state, and text color.

You may also replace the default ‘Follow on Instagram’ text with your own messaging.

How to get more followers with a Follow button

As always, when you’re finished with these settings, click on ‘Customize’ to return to the main editor screen.

If you’ve enabled the Smash Balloon shoppable feature, then clicking on any post in the Instagram feed will open a new tab and take them straight to the linked product page.

However, if you haven’t enabled the shoppable feature then you may want to take a look at Smash Balloon’s lightbox feature.

This feature allows visitors to open the image or video in a lightbox popup, without leaving your WordPress website. They can then click on any shoppable links in the captions.

Smash Ballon's Instagram lightbox popup

To enable or disable the lightbox, simply select ‘Lightbox’ from the left-hand menu.

Here, you can remove or add this feature using the ‘Enable’ slider.

How to enable or disable the Instagram lightbox popup

You can also change how many comments Smash Balloon will show in the lightbox. Lots of positive comments can be a powerful form of social proof, which will often help you sell more products and services.

However, they can also be distracting so you may want to type a maximum number into the ‘No. of comments’ box.

How to limit the number of comments in a shoppable Instagram feed

Another option is to hide comments completely, by clicking on the ‘Comments’ toggle.

When you’re happy with how the Instagram feed looks, don’t forget to click on ‘Save’ to store your changes. You’re now ready to add the shoppable Instagram feed to your website.

How to Embed Instagram Feed in WordPress

You can add the shoppable feed to your website using a block, widget, or shortcode.

If you’ve created more than one feed using the Smash Balloon plugin, then you’ll need to know the feed’s code if you’re going to use a widget or block.

To get this code, go to Instagram Feed » All Feeds and then copy the value in the ‘Shortcode’ column.

The code for a shoppable Instagram feed

If you want to embed the Instagram feed in a page or post, then we recommend using the Instagram Feed block.

Just open the page or post where you want to embed your shoppable photo and video feed. Then, click on the ‘+’ icon to add a new block and start typing ‘Instagram Feed.’

When the right block appears, click to add it to the page or post.

The Instagram Feed WordPress block

The block will show one of your Smash Balloon feeds by default. If you want to show a different Instagram feed instead, then find ‘Shortcode Settings’ in the right-hand menu.

Here, simply add the shortcode and then click on ‘Apply Changes.’

Adding a shoppable Instagram feed to a page or post

The block will now show all the photos and videos from your Instagram feed. Just publish or update the page to make the feed live on your website.

Another option is to add the feed to any widget-ready area, such as the sidebar or similar section. This allows visitors to shop using your Instagram feed from any page of your site.

Simply go to Appearance » Widgets in the WordPress dashboard and then click on the blue ‘+’ button.

Adding a shoppable feed to any widget-ready area

In the search bar, type in ‘Instagram Feed’ and select the right widget when it appears.

Just be aware that WordPress has a built-in Instagram widget, so make sure you choose the one that shows the official Instagram logo.

Adding a shoppable Instagram widget to WordPress

Next, simply drag the widget onto the area where you want to show the shoppable Instagram feed, such as the sidebar or similar section.

The widget will automatically show one of the feeds you created using Smash Balloon. If this isn’t the shoppable Instagram feed you just created, then type the feed’s code into the ‘Shortcode Settings’ box.

After that, click on ‘Apply Changes.’

You can now make the widget live by clicking on the ‘Update’ button. For more information, please see our step-by-step guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

Another option is embedding the Instagram feed on any page, post, or widget-ready area using a shortcode.

For help placing the shortcode, please see our guide on how to add a shortcode.

Finally, if you’re using a block-enabled theme, then you can use the full-site editor to add the Instagram Feed block anywhere on your website.

In your dashboard, simply go to Appearance » Editor.

How to add a shoppable Instagram feed to your WordPress theme

By default, the full-site editor will show the theme’s home template. If you want to add the shoppable feed to a different template, then click on the arrow next to ‘Home.’

You can then choose any design from the dropdown, such as the footer template.

Selecting a different template in the WordPress FSE full-site editor

If you don’t see the template in the list, select ‘Browse all templates.’

The full-site editor will now show a list of all the templates you can edit. Simply click on the template where you want to show the shoppable Instagram feed.

Choosing a WordPress template in the full-site editor (FSE)

After choosing a template, just hover your mouse over the area where you want to add the shoppable Instagram feed.

Then, click on the ‘+’ button.

Adding a block to your WordPress theme using full-site editing (FSE)

After that, start typing in ‘Instagram Feed.’

When the right block appears, click to add it to the template.

Adding a Smash Balloon instagram block to a WordPress theme

As always, Smash Balloon will show a feed by default. You can change this feed by adding a shortcode following the same process described above.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add Instagram shoppable images in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a free business email address, or see our expert pick of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Instagram Shoppable Images in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Best Instagram Plugins for WordPress (Easy to Use)

Are you looking for the best Instagram plugins for WordPress?

Whether you want to display your Instagram photo feed, create an Instagram slider, add the Instagram icon with a link to your profile, or create an Instagram giveaway to grow your followers, this list is for you.

In this article, we’ve hand-picked the best Instagram plugins for WordPress to help you increase your followers and boost engagement.

The best Instagram WordPress plugins

1. Instagram Feed Pro

Instagram Feed from Smash Balloon

Instagram Feed Pro from Smash Balloon is the best Instagram feed plugin in the market. Over 1.3 million websites use the plugin to create custom Instagram photo feeds.

There is a free version of the plugin that lets easily create a custom Instagram social photo feed.

The free version comes with a lot of features built-in, but you can upgrade to the Pro version to unlock additional features like multiple layout choices: masonry grid, horizontal layout, carousel, and more.

You can also use the Pro version to display several different Instagram feeds on your site from multiple sources including #hashtag feeds. It also letsy ou create shoppable feeds and has lightbox popup option with built-in social sharing buttons.

You can easily add your Instagram feed to any post or page using the block editor or a sidebar widget. The plugin also supports Instagram stories and brings them to your WordPress site.

By far the best part about Smash Balloon’s Instagram plugin is their smart feed cache and backup functionality. This allows you to show Instagram photos on your site without slowing your site down, and your photos will show even if Instagram API goes down (which is a huge benefit).

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create custom Instagram photo feeds in WordPress (step by step).

2. RafflePress

The RafflePress website

RafflePress is a giveaway and rewards plugin for WordPress. You can integrate it with Instagram to grow your followers.

With RafflePress, it’s incredibly easy to set up a contest that prompts your visitors to take specific actions using Instagram. That might mean visiting your Instagram profile or viewing one of your Instagram posts.

Of course, you can also use RafflePress to get users to take other actions too.

For example, you could run a RafflePress giveaway or contest for your Instagram followers where they need to visit a specific page of your website. You could even ask them to join your email list in order to enter.

RafflePress is extremely to use and it’s by far the most feature-rich giveaway and contest plugin for WordPress. You can try the free version of RafflePress plugin to get started.

3. Revive Old Posts

Revive Old Posts

Revive Old Posts is a social media scheduling plugin. It lets you easily share both old and new content on social networks, including Instagram.

You can set a custom schedule for your social media posts. If you don’t want to share all your posts, you can leave out content on your blog by setting a date range or by excluding certain categories or tags.

This plugin also has the ability to share photos from your media library on Instagram. You can even share new posts the moment they’re published and add custom UTM tags to your Instagram posts.

There is a free version of the plugin, too, but that only lets you share content on Facebook pages and Twitter.

4. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is a fast and easy to use WordPress photo gallery plugin.

It lets you create advanced photo and video galleries in WordPress with features like albums, lightbox popups, pagination, tagging, and more.

Envira comes with an Instagram Addon that lets you import your Instagram images into WordPress, so you can add it alongside your other photo galleries.

It’s up to you whether you want to bring the images onto your blog and have them open in a lightbox, or whether you want the images to link to your Instagram posts.

5. Soliloquy

The Soliloquy website

Soliloquy is a very beginner friendly WordPress slider plugin that you can use to create responsive photo and video sliders.

It comes with a Dynamic slider addon that lets you add Instagram photos along with your featured blog post thumbnails, testimonials, and others in a single slider.

You can determine exactly what content from Instagram you want to use on your slider. For instance, you could include only photos with specific tags.

You can also control the speed of your sliders and tweak lots of other settings to match your website layout.

6. 10Web Social Photo Feed

10Web Social Photo Feed

10Web Social Photo Feed is quick to set up and lets you add Instagram feeds to any of your posts or pages. With the free version, you can choose from thumbnail images or regular sized ones. The premium version offers more options.

You can use 10Web Social Photo Feed to display your Instagram posts in your WordPress sidebar. There’s a built-in widget for this, making it easy and straightforward.

The free version lets you include single feeds from your Instagram account or from a specified hashtag. With the premium version, you can create mixed feeds from multiple hashtags.

The support team is helpful and quick to get back to queries, even from free users.

7. Simple Social Icons

Simple Social Icons

Simple Social Icons lets you add social media icons in a sidebar widget. These icons have links to your profile on Instagram and other social networks. They make it very easy for your readers to find and follow you there.

Simple Social Icons is a very straightforward plugin that takes just moments to set up. It’s completely free, too.

With this plugin, you can customize the style and color of your icons and choose how to align them. Note that you can’t add more icons or change the order unless you use a filter.

We hope this article helped you find the best Instagram plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins and our guide on how to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best Instagram Plugins for WordPress (Easy to Use) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Create a Custom Instagram Photo Feed in WordPress

Do you want to create a custom Instagram feed in WordPress?

An Instagram feed can keep your site fresh and engaging while also getting you more likes, shares, and Instagram followers.

In this article, we will show you how to create a custom Instagram photo feed for your WordPress website.

How to create a custom Instagram photo feed in WordPress

Why Include an Instagram Feed on Your WordPress Site?

Adding an Instagram feed on your WordPress site lets you show fresh content to your visitors without lots of extra work. It also encourages readers to follow you on Instagram.

Instead of manually adding images in the WordPress block editor, you can simply create a feed that updates automatically every time you post new photos to Instagram. You can even show other people’s photos on your site by creating a hashtag feed.

In the following image, you can see an example of a brand that uses a custom Instagram feed to show user-generated content.

An example of user-generated Instagram content

In this way, you can use a custom Instagram feed to provide valuable social proof and make more money online.

That being said, let’s see how you can create a custom Instagram photo feed in WordPress.

How to Create a Custom Instagram Photo Feed in WordPress

The easiest way to add an Instagram photo feed to your site is by using the Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin. It is the best Instagram plugin for WordPress that allows you to display content from your Instagram account in an instant.

It’s also the easiest way to fix the Facebook and Instagram oEmbed issue in WordPress.

We will cover several steps in our tutorial, and you can use the quick links below to jump to the different sections:

How to Connect an Instagram Account to WordPress

First, you will need to install and activate the Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: In the guide, we are using the premium version of Smash Balloon, as it allows you to create a completely custom Instagram feed. with hashtag feeds and shoppable images. If you are just getting started or have a small budget, then there’s also a free Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed plugin.

After you’ve installed the plugin, head over to Instagram Feed » Settings.

You can now enter your Smash Balloon license key into the ‘License Key’ field.

Adding a license to Smash Balloon's Instagram plugin

You can find this information in the confirmation email you got when you purchased Smash Balloon and also in your Smash Balloon account.

After adding your license key, go ahead and click on the ‘Activate’ button.

Once you’ve done that, you are ready to create a custom Instagram feed. To get started, select Instagram Feed » All Feeds and then click on the ‘Add New’ button.

Creating an Instagram feed for WordPress

Smash Balloon will now show all the different types of Instagram feeds that you can create.

Simply select the type of feed you want to add to WordPress, and click on ‘Next’.

How to add an Instagram timeline feed to WordPress

If you just want to display your Instagram photos, then you can use a Personal Instagram account. However, you will need a Business Instagram account if you want to create a hashtag feed or show the posts that your account is tagged in.

Tip: Don’t have a Business Account? To convert your Personal Instagram account into a Business Account, simply follow Smash Balloon’s step-by-step instructions.

If you select ‘Publish Hashtag’, then you will need to type in the hashtags you want to use. To show multiple hashtags in the same feed, simply separate each hashtag with a comma.

Adding Instagram hashtags to your WordPress website

Once you have done that, just click on ‘Next’.

Do you want to show posts that your account is tagged in? You will need to select ‘Tagged Posts’ instead and then click on ‘Next’.

How to show tagged posts in a custom Instagram feed

No matter what kind of feed you are creating, you will need to connect WordPress to your Instagram account.

To get started, click on the ‘Add Source’ button.

Creating a custom Instagram photo feed in WordPress

After that, choose whether you want to show images from a personal or business account.

If you select the button next to ‘Personal’, then Smash Balloon won’t include the Instagram avatar and bio in your header by default. However, you can always add the Instagram avatar and bio manually in the plugin’s settings.

Choose between a personal and business Instagram account

After choosing ‘Personal’ or ‘Business’, just click on ‘Login with Facebook’.

You can now select the Instagram account that you want to feature on your WordPress website and click on ‘Next’.

Connecting to an Instagram account

After that, check the box next to the Facebook page that’s linked to the Instagram account you want to use.

With that done, you need to click on the ‘Next’ button.

Connecting a Facebook page to WordPress

You will now see a popup with all the information Instagram Feed Pro will have access to and the actions it can perform.

To restrict the plugin’s access to your Instagram account, simply click any of the switches to turn it from ‘Yes’ to ‘No’. Just be aware that this may affect the photos that appear on your WordPress blog or website.

With that in mind, we recommend leaving all the switches enabled. When you are happy with how the feed is set up, go ahead and click on ‘Done’.

Giving Smash Balloon access to your Instagram account

You will now see a popup with the Instagram account you just added to your website.

Simply check the box next to that account and then click on ‘Add’.

How to connect Instagram to WordPress using Smash Balloon

Instagram Feed Pro will now take you back to the Instagram Feeds » All Feeds screen.

To create a custom Instagram feed, just check the box next to the Instagram account that you want to use. Then, click on ‘Next’.

Creating a new Instagram feed in WordPress

The plugin will now create an Instagram photo feed that you can add to any page, post, or widget-ready area.

How to Customize Your Instagram Photo Feed

By default, Smash Balloon will open your feed in its editor, ready for you to customize.

On the right, you will see a preview of your Instagram photo feed. On the left-hand side are all the settings you can use to customize the social media feed.

How to create a custom Instagram feed with Smash Balloon

Most of these settings are self-explanatory, but we will quickly cover some key areas.

To change the layout, simply click on ‘Feed Layout’ in the left-hand menu. You can now choose from a Grid, Masonry, or Carousel layout.

Switching to a different Instagram layout

There is also a Highlighted layout that highlights every third photo by default.

As you click on the different options, the live preview will automatically update to show the new layout. This makes it easy to try different designs and find the one you prefer.

By default, Smash Balloon shows the same number of photos on desktop computers and mobile devices. You can preview how the Instagram feed will look on desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones using the row of buttons in the upper-right corner.

Previewing an Instagram feed on desktop, mobile, and tablet

Smartphones and tablets typically have smaller screens and less processing power, so you may want to show fewer Instagram photos and videos on mobile devices.

To do this, just type a different number into the ‘Mobile’ field under ‘Number of Posts’.

How to show a different number of Instagram posts on mobile

By default, Smash Ballon will split your photos into 4 columns on desktop, 2 columns on tablet devices, and a single column on mobile.

Do you want to use a different number of columns? Then just scroll to the ‘Columns’ section in the left-hand menu.

You can now type a new number into the Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile fields.

Showing a different number of columns in a custom Instagram feed

To make sure your Instagram feed looks good on mobile devices, it’s smart to view the mobile version of your WordPress website.

After making your changes, click on the ‘Customize’ link. This will take you back to the main Smash Balloon editor, ready for you to explore the next settings screen, which is ‘Color Scheme’.

Changing the Instagram feed color scheme

By default, Smash Balloon uses a color scheme inherited from your WordPress theme, but it also has ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ themes that you may want to use for your Instagram feed.

You can even create your own color scheme by selecting ‘Custom’ and then using the settings to change the link color, background color, text color in WordPress, and more.

Changing the Instagram color scheme

By default, Smash Balloon adds a header to the Instagram feed, which is your profile picture and the name of your page. This can provide some useful extra context so that visitors understand where these images are coming from.

To change how this section looks, return to the main settings screen and then select ‘Header’.

Adding a header to a custom Instagram photo feed

On this screen, you can change the background color, show your Instagram bio, change the header size, and more.

By default, the header includes your Instagram profile picture. However, you may want to show a different image, such as your site’s custom logo.

To change the profile picture, click on ‘Add Image’ under ‘Show custom avatar’. You can then either choose an image from the WordPress media library or upload a new photo.

Adding a custom Instagram avatar to your WordPress website

You can also add a different bio. For example, you might add a call to action that encourages people to visit your Instagram page.

To create a unique Instagram bio, simply type into the ‘Add custom bio’ box.

Adding a custom Instagram bio to your WordPress website

When you are happy with how the header looks, click on the ‘Customize’ link to go back to the main settings screen.

Now, you need to click on ‘Posts’.

Creating a custom Instagram photo feed in WordPress

To start, you can switch between boxed and regular layouts for the individual posts inside the Instagram feed.

To do this, select ‘Post Style’.

Customizing an embedded Instagram photo feed

You can now click to select the layout you want to use.

If you select ‘Boxed’, then you can change the background color, add a box shadow, and increase the border radius to create curved corners.

Adding a box style to an embedded social media feed

When you are happy with your changes, just click on the ‘Posts’ link to return to the previous Smash Balloon screen.

This time, select ‘Images and Videos’.

Changing the resolution of an embedded Instagram feed

Smash Balloon automatically analyzes your Instagram photos and shows them at the best resolution. We recommend using these default settings, as they are designed to boost your WordPress speed and performance. However, you can make the Instagram images bigger or smaller if you need to.

To change the image size, simply open the ‘Resolution’ dropdown and choose one of the default WordPress image sizes from the list.

Changing the resolution for an embedded Instagram feed

Once again, click on the ‘Posts’ link to return to the previous screen.

This time, select ‘Caption’. On the next screen, you can show the Instagram caption next to each image by clicking on the ‘Enable’ slider.

Showing Instagram captions on your WordPress website

If you add Instagram captions to your feed, then you can change the text size and color and set a maximum text length.

With that done, just click on the ‘Posts’ link to return to the previous screen.

Showing social media captions on a website or blog

The next setting is ‘Like and Comment Summary’.

Here, you can add or hide the total number of likes and comments on each image. If your Instagram posts get a good amount of engagement, then these numbers can encourage people to visit your Instagram page or start following you on social media.

Showing social media comments and likes on a website or blog

As always, you need to click on ‘Posts’ to return to the earlier screen.

The final option is ‘Hover State’, which is the overlay that Smash Balloon adds to a post when you hover your mouse over it.

Customizing the hover state for an embedded social media photo feed

Here, you can choose the information that Smash Balloon shows when someone hovers over a post using the settings under ‘Information to display’.

You can also change the color of the hover overlay.

Adding a custom Instagram feed to WordPress

When you are happy with the changes you have made, click on the ‘Customize’ link.

This takes you back to the main Smash Balloon settings page, where you can click on ‘Load More Button’.

Adding a load more button to a custom Instagram photo feed in WordPress

Here, you can help the ‘Load More’ button stand out by changing its background color, text color, and hover state.

You can also try adding your own messaging to the button by typing into the ‘Text’ field.

Customizing the load more button on a custom Instagram photo feed

While we recommend leaving this button enabled, you can remove it. For example, you might encourage people to visit your Instagram by limiting the number of photos they can see on your site.

To remove the button, simply toggle off the ‘Enable’ slider so that it turns grey.

Removing the 'Load More' button on a custom Instagram photo feed

If visitors like what they see, they may decide to subscribe using the ‘Follow on Instagram’ button that appears below the embedded feed.

Since it’s such an important button, you might want to add some custom styling to help it stand out. To do this, select ‘Customize’ to return to the main settings screen. Then, select ‘Follow Button’ in the left-hand menu.

Here, you can change the button’s background color, hover state, and text color.

Customizing the Instagram follow button

By default, the button shows a ‘Follow on Instagram’ label.

You can replace this with your own messaging by typing into the ‘Text’ field.

Adding your own messaging to an Instagram CTA button

Smash Balloon comes with a built-in lightbox that allows visitors to open your Instagram photos and videos without leaving your website.

To configure this feature, go back to the main Smash Balloon settings screen and then click on ‘Lightbox’.

The Smash Balloon lightbox feature

Here, you can change how many comments Smash Balloon will show in the lightbox.

If you don’t want to use the lightbox feature, then you can disable it using the ‘Enable’ slider.

Enabling the WordPress lightbox feature

When you are happy with how the Instagram feed looks, don’t forget to click on ‘Save’ to store your changes.

You are now ready to add the Instagram feed to your WordPress website.

Showing a Feed of Your Instagram Photos in WordPress

You can add the custom Instagram feed to your website using a block, a widget, or a shortcode.

If you have created more than one feed using Smash Balloon, then you will need to know the feed’s code to use a widget or block.

To get this code, you must go to Instagram Feed » All Feeds and then copy the text under ‘Shortcode.’

In the following image, we will need to use instagram-feed feed=4.

Getting a shortcode for your custom Instagram feed

If you want to embed the Instagram feed in a page or post, then you can use the Instagram Feed block.

Just open the page or post where you want to embed your custom Instagram feed. Then, click on the ‘+’ icon to add a new block and start typing ‘Instagram Feed’.

When the right block appears, click to add it to the page or post.

Adding the Feeds for Instagram block to your WordPress website

The block will show one of your Instagram feeds by default. If you want to show a different Smash Balloon feed, then find ‘Shortcode Settings’ in the right-hand menu.

Here, simply add the shortcode and then click on ‘Apply Changes.’

Adding a social media feed to WordPress using shortcode

If you are happy with how the custom Instagram feed looks, then you can go ahead and publish or update the page.

Another option is to add the Instagram Feed widget to your website. This is a great way to show an Instagram feed on every page of your site. For example, you might add the Instagram widget to the WordPress theme’s sidebar or footer.

To add the Instagram Feed widget to your site, head over to Appearance » Widgets. You can then click on the blue ‘+’ icon towards the top of the screen.

Adding an Instagram feed to a widget-ready area

In the panel that appears, type in ‘Instagram Feed’ to find the right widget.

As you can see in the following image, there are two Instagram Feed widgets, so make sure you use the right one.

Adding the Instagram feed widget to a WordPress sidebar

Next, simply drag the widget onto the area where you want to show the Instagram feed, such as the sidebar or similar section.

The widget will automatically show one of the feeds you created using Smash Balloon. If this isn’t the custom Instagram feed you just created, then type the feed’s code into the ‘Shortcode Settings’ box.

After that, click on ‘Apply Changes.’

You can now make the widget live by clicking on the ‘Update’ button. For more information, please see our step-by-step guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

An example of an embedded Instagram feed

Another option is embedding the Instagram feed on any page, post, or widget-ready area using a shortcode.

Simply go to Instagram Feed » All Feeds and copy the code in the ‘Shortcode’ column. You can now add this code to any Shortcode block. For help placing the shortcode, please see our guide on how to add a shortcode.

Are you using a block-enabled theme? Then you can use the full site editor to add the Instagram Feed block anywhere on your WordPress website.

In the dashboard, go to Appearance » Editor.

How to add an Instagram feed to WordPress using the full-site editor

By default, the full-site editor will show the theme’s home template.

If you want to add the Instagram feed to a different area, then click on either ‘Template’ or ‘Template Parts’.

Adding an Instagram feed to a WordPress template

The editor will now show a list of all the template parts that make up your WordPress theme.

Simply click on the template where you want to show the Instagram feed.

A list of templates, in the WordPress full-site editor (FSE)

WordPress will now show a preview of the design.

To edit this template, go ahead and click on the small pencil icon.

Editing the WordPress homepage template using the full-site editor

After choosing a template, just hover your mouse over the area where you want to add the Instagram photo feed.

Then, click on the blue ‘+’ button.

How to add a block to a template using full-site editor (FSE)

Once you have done that, you need to type in ‘Instagram Feed’.

When the right block appears, click to add it to the template.

Adding a Instagram feeds block using the full-site editor (FSE)

As always, Smash Balloon will show a feed by default. You can change this feed by adding a shortcode following the same process described above.

Bonus: Let Customers Buy Your Products Through Instagram

If you have an online store, then you can also use your custom Instagram feed to easily sell your products.

Smash Balloon Instagram Feed Pro allows you to tag your Instagram images with product links so that users are able to click on them and buy them directly instead of navigating through your product pages. This can increase sales and boost profits in your store.

How to add a shoppable link to an Instagram post

For more details, you can see our complete guide on how to add Instagram shoppable images in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a custom Instagram feed in WordPress. You might also want to see our comparison of the best WordPress giveaway plugins to grow your social following and learn how to create an email newsletter.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Custom Instagram Photo Feed in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.