Exploring the API-First Design Pattern

From a career perspective, the two things I appreciate the most are solving problems through technology and creating technical publications. The former often drives the latter: results presented in inspired-based publications are derived from a recent problem that I had successfully solved.

Along my three-decade journey, I also discovered that I enjoy making lists. Early in my career, I used quad-ruled notebooks to establish lists to work from daily.

Rapid Application Modernization Using Kong

Meet Josh (a pseudonym). Josh is your typical developer. He’s good at writing code in his native language, hates documentation, and REALLY hates the “drag and drop” approach to developing software found in bloated API management platforms. Josh would rather write code, weave in some docs and avoid worrying about security, networking, deployment, and reliability. Josh avoids venturing into newer networking technologies like Istio, labeling them unnecessarily complicated to configure and maintain. He would rather write everything in Java, Groovy, or his go-to integration library: Apache Camel.

Recently Josh stumbled across an open-source API platform called Kong. After 30 minutes of playing around, Josh discovered how easy it was to:

CI for APIs with the Kong Insomnia CLI and GitHub Actions

Insomnia is a desktop app from Kong that’s great for building, debugging, and testing backend APIs. While ad hoc manual testing is nice, wouldn’t it be even better to include our API tests in our continuous integration (CI) pipelines? With Inso, Kong Insomnia’s CLI tool, we can!

Inso allows you to run your automated API tests directly from the command line, which means setting up a workflow with GitHub Actions is a snap.