How We Use a Video Membership Site to Grow Our Email List

Our WPBeginner video site is a membership community where we offer free WordPress courses to our readers.

Many of you have asked how we benefit from offering these free resources.

Our main goal is to help users learn WordPress and bridge the knowledge gap. Our secondary goal is to promote our business by growing our email list.

In this article, we will show you how we use a video membership site to grow our email list, which helps us reach more customers and grow our business.

Growing email list with a video membership website

Note: This article is part of our WPBeginner Insider series, where we talk about the products we use to grow our business. WPBeginner Insider is published every other Thursday.

Here is a list of topics we will cover in this article:

Why Make a Video Membership Website?

Videos are the most engaging form of content, and building a membership community around videos helps us leverage that user engagement.

In fact, users are more likely to follow a video course online than other interactive training and educational materials.

The motivation behind offering free WordPress video courses on WPBeginner is to bridge the knowledge gap and help beginners learn WordPress for free.

Here is how Syed Balkhi, Founder and CEO of WPBeginner, puts it:

I am tired of self-proclaimed “blogging experts” charging hundreds of dollars to teach how to use WordPress. I believe basic education like this should be FREE. I created WPBeginner to offer users what I wish I had when starting out.

Syed Balkhi – Founder & CEO of WPBeginner

The following are some of the benefits of running a membership website.

  • Building authority in your niche – A membership community helps you establish your brand as an authority in the industry.
  • Make money online – We don’t monetize WPBeginner videos because we believe basic education like this should be free. However, you can replicate our strategy and monetize your membership site to generate recurring revenue for your business.
  • Build an Email List – A membership community can be used to build an email list and capture leads to grow your business.

Online membership subscriptions are a multi-billion dollar industry expected to be worth $1.5 trillion by 2025.

Plus, more than 48% of people do not mind paying a subscription fee to access exclusive content. (Source: Creator Economy Statistics)

You can use our video membership site marketing playbook to build a successful membership website and generate recurring revenue for your business.

How Does Our Video Membership Site Work?

As we explained earlier, we believe basic WordPress education should be free. That’s our main motivation behind WPBeginner’s video membership site.

Users simply visit the WPBeginner Videos website. From here, they can browse individual videos from our YouTube channel or sign up for our free WordPress courses.

WPBeginner's WordPress courses

After creating their free account, they will get access to all our WordPress courses. In return, we add users to our email list, where they get subscribed to our weekly WPBeginner newsletter.

These courses are designed to be comprehensive and well-structured. Users can follow them at their own pace. And they can move on to a different course at any time.

That said, let’s take a detailed look at how we use our membership site to grow our email list.

1. Build Authority With a Video Membership Website

We use MemberPress for our video membership website. It is the best WordPress membership plugin on the market that makes it very easy to build a subscription-based membership community online.


It also has a built-in LMS (learning management system), which allows you to easily create and sell courses online.

Why Do We Use MemberPress?

  • It is incredibly easy to use and set up. This is important because we didn’t want to spend too much time managing software instead of creating content.
  • It comes with MemberPress Courses, which allows us to easily add and manage courses.
  • Courses are presented to the users in an easy-to-follow layout. This was important for us because our users are mostly beginners.
  • It integrates with other tools and services like email marketing services, contact form plugins, top WordPress page builders, and more.

Adding Courses in MemberPress

Adding courses in MemberPress is quite easy. You can create a curriculum with sections and lessons, add quizzes to your courses, and more.

Creating courses in MemberPress

Another feature that many course creators may find useful is the ability to drip content instead of just giving it all at once.

Access Control for Subscribers Only

As a membership plugin, MemberPress lets us restrict courses behind a free membership plan (you can add paid subscriptions, too).

MemberPress access control

Users are required to sign up and then log in to access these courses. Users are then added to our mailing list to receive weekly WPBeginner updates.

Free but premium subscriber-only content helps us build a loyal following of users. It also establishes the WPBeginner brand as a go-to resource for all things WordPress.

2. Build an Email List With a Loyal Following

At WPBeginner, we use Drip for email marketing.

One of the top reasons we switched from Mailchimp to Drip was its automation features and integrations with other WordPress plugins and tools.

Drip website

Why Do We Use Drip?

  • Drip offers powerful automation features that help marketers create workflows for better user engagement.
  • You can personalize emails based on user data and activity on your site. When this personalization is combined with automation, emails become more relevant, meaningful, and beneficial for customers.
  • User segmentation allows you to target users based on the data they share and their activity on your site.

Adding Video Membership Subscribers to Drip

MemberPress comes with integrations for all top email marketing companies, including Drip.

MemberPress Drip integration

This allows you to automatically add users to your Drip email list when they sign up.

Optionally, you can use tags to segment video membership site users. This helps you target those users with personalized messages and on-boarding emails.

3. Convert Visitors Into Leads With a High-Converting Signup Page

MemberPress does a fantastic job of displaying courses. However, we still needed to create landing pages for our video membership website.

We have an in-house design team and developers, so we can afford a custom theme that matches our brand’s design and style.

If you’d rather design the page by yourself, we recommend using a WordPress page builder plugin like SeedProd.


Why Do We Recommend SeedProd?

  • SeedProd comes with an intuitive page builder, which makes it incredibly easy to create custom, on-demand landing pages.
  • It also includes many landing page designs optimized for conversion and sales. Just replace it with your text and images, and you are good to go.
  • You can easily add registration, user login, and sign-up forms. Plus, it works with major email marketing platforms, helping you easily add users to your email list.
  • SeedProd works regardless of which WordPress theme you are using. It can even be used to create custom WordPress themes without writing any code.

Transform Your Pages into a Lead-Generating Machine

We use landing pages for different sections of the video membership website.

For example, on the default landing page, we showcase videos from our YouTube channel.

WPBeginner video membership site homepage

These videos are always publicly available on the WPBeginner YouTube channel.

However, showcasing them here provides users with free content immediately. Users can watch the videos without leaving the page.

There are also calls to action on the landing page to join WPBeginner Academy (our course subscription).

WPBeginner video membership call to action

Clicking on the sign-up button takes users to our sign-up page. Now, if you have run an eCommerce business, then you might already be familiar with abandoned carts.

Many users leave at this point before signing up. To convince them to join our video membership site, this page showcases testimonials and course features, along with a sign-up form.

This allows us to further explain the benefits of our online videos and convince people to sign up for these free resources.

For more information, you can see our guide to the anatomy of a high-converting landing page.

WPBeginner video site sign up page

4. Craft Unique Sign-Up and Login Forms for Enhanced User Interaction

As a website administrator, you will need to provide a seamless and coherent user experience throughout your website.

WordPress themes don’t come with sign-up or login forms by default. This can hurt the user experience as forms across your website will not be consistent.

We use WPForms to create custom sign-up and login forms for our video membership site. It is the best WordPress form builder on the market and allows you to create all types of forms for your site, including login and sign-up forms.


Why Do We Use WPForms?

  • It is easy and creates beautiful forms that look great on all devices.
  • It lets us create custom login and registration forms, which we use on our video membership sign-up landing page and the login screen.
  • It supports the biggest email services, allowing us to easily add emails to Drip (the email marketing platform we use).

How We Use WPForms?

We use a custom sign-up form made with WPForms on our sign-up landing page.

For details on how to do this, you can see our tutorial on how to create a custom user registration form in WordPress.

Custom sign-up form created with WPForms

We also use a custom login form on the login page for our video membership site.

We created this page using block editor and WPForms. However, you can also create custom login pages with SeedProd.

WPBeginner video site login form

5. Use Bonus Tools to Generate More Leads on a Membership Website

Apart from the technology stack we mentioned above, you can use the following tools to boost new sign-ups further.

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster website

OptinMonster is the best lead generation software on the market. It allows you to nudge users into signing up with beautiful marketing campaigns like lightbox popups, slide-in popups, countdown timers, sticky header/footer, and more.

Related: See our case study for more methods we use to grow our email list.

2. PushEngage

PushEngage website

PushEngage is a push notification software that allows you to send custom messages to user browsers regardless of which device they are using.

It has powerful personalization and targeting rules, allowing you to create personalized messages that are more effective. This enables you to target users once they have left your website and prompt them to return.

Case Study: In an earlier WPBeginner Insider article, we shared how we use push notifications to grow return traffic.

3. Smash Balloon


A video membership website helps you build a loyal following, which you can then send to your social media accounts to boost your followers.

Smash Balloon helps you bring your socials to your WordPress site. We use it on our community tab to showcase our X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube posts. It also works with Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

For more details, you can see our tutorial on how to add your social media feeds to WordPress.

4. All in One SEO for WordPress

All in One SEO website

All in One SEO for WordPress is the best WordPress SEO plugin with the most comprehensive SEO toolkit for WordPress websites.

Apart from the usual SEO tools, it has advanced XML sitemaps, a redirect manager, comprehensive schema markup support, Link Assistant, search stats, and more. (See more AIOSEO features).

We use it across our entire website, including our video membership website, to improve our SEO and get more traffic from search engines.

Related: How to double your SEO traffic in 6 months (with case studies).

5. MonsterInsights


All your marketing efforts need to be properly tracked to monitor their success and make data-driven decisions. Otherwise, you won’t know if your strategies are actually helping you get more signups to your membership site.

We use MonsterInsights for that. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and helps you track site visitors. It helps you track conversions, which lets you measure the success of your video membership site, email forms, landing pages, and more.

MonsterInsights even allows you to track the customer journey on membership websites if you are using MemberPress. This lets you see the steps that users take to sign up on your video membership site and use that information to get more signups.

We hope this article helped you learn about using membership websites to grow your email list and your business. You may also want to see these proven tips to grow your business online and our ultimate guide on how to make a membership site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How We Use a Video Membership Site to Grow Our Email List first appeared on WPBeginner.

How I Run Giveaways to 2x Traffic & Conversions (Case Study)

When WPBeginner turned 14 years old in 2023, we threw a giveaway to celebrate, which is a long-standing tradition we’ve been following for over a decade now.

One of the questions I often get asked is why we run giveaways on WPBeginner.

With the giveaway, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who supports WPBeginner and use the opportunity to supercharge our growth.

The birthday giveaway was a huge success. You may be wondering exactly what I did so you can use the same method to grow your own email list and conversions.

In this article, I will share how I planned and ran a giveaway on WPBeginner that grew our email subscribers while boosting our social media followers and more.

Note: This article is part of our WPBeginner Insider series, where we explain things we do at WPBeginner.

run giveaways on wpbeginner

Why I Run Giveaways to Grow Our Email List

Before I get into the nitty-gritty details of a viral giveaway, you might be wondering why I decided to run a giveaway.

Running the birthday giveaway in the first week of July is a long-standing tradition I’ve been following for over a decade at WPBeginner.

It is, indeed, one of the ways I choose to give back to the WPBeginner community.

Over the years, we’ve gifted several giveaway prizes like laptops, premium WordPress plugins, 1-hour mentoring calls with me, and even an all-expense paid trip to Florida, where I live, so I can offer a 1-1 mentorship.

viral giveaway winner

It’s also the time of the year when I look back on things I did in the previous years, communicate with our audience, and plan a year ahead.

To celebrate the birthday to the fullest with our audience, I wanted to ensure maximum reach for our giveaway.

I use viral sharing (refer-a-friend) to spread the word, which in turn helps us supercharge our user growth in terms of email subscribers, social media users, website engagement, and more.

Here are the lessons I learned by running annual birthday giveaways at WPBeginner.

1. Select the Right Prize That Connects with the Audience

The first thing you need to do is choose an attractive prize that will generate excitement and encourage your visitors to participate in the giveaway.

At WPBeginner, I often give away free licenses of WordPress plugins and themes to our winners. As you might already know, I run giveaways on several of my other brands. For example, WPForms runs monthly giveaways of cool gadgets such as MacBooks.

Because our 14th birthday was a big celebration, we offered a big prize: premium plugins worth $50,000.

I also decided to have multiple winners to encourage our readers and offer them a bigger chance to win.

Giveaway Preview

A big lesson I learned is that giveaways don’t always have to be expensive, but they should be exciting enough. So, choose a prize that connects with your business and target audience. For example, many online stores award free products, free shipping, or gift cards.

2. Choose the Right Giveaway Tool

To create our birthday giveaway, I used RafflePress, one of my portfolio products, which is a WordPress giveaway plugin that lets you create all kinds of contests using a simple drag-and-drop editor.

RafflePress is designed to entice users to engage with giveaways while also growing our email list, site traffic, and social media followers.

No matter which giveaway plugin you use, make sure it encourages your site visitors to make multiple entries to stand a chance to win.

While I used the premium version, there is also a free version of RafflePress that you can use to get started. You can see our complete RafflePress review for more details.

I quickly created a new giveaway using the Classic Giveaway template. Instead of listing all of the prizes on the entry form, I just entered a simple and descriptive title. Then described the prizes in more detail in our birthday blog post.

RafflePress Setup Details

On the plugin’s Setup page, I entered the start date as July 4th, WPBeginner’s birthday, and an end date 9 days later. That gave our readers plenty of time to enter the contest while still being short enough to create a sense of urgency.

At the top of the entry form, I displayed the user’s number of entries, the total number of entries across all users, and the time remaining before the competition closed.

3. Choose a Goal for Your Giveaway

It’s important to keep your giveaway campaign focused by setting a goal. If you aim at nothing, then you’ll probably hit it.

Online brands often use giveaways to encourage their customers to post reviews on review websites like Solution Center, TrustPilot, and This helps brands foster trust among potential customers when they compare products online.

Another popular goal website owners often set is growing email subscribers. Your email list is crucial because it gives you direct access to our users’ inboxes and allows you to send them personalized content, offers, news, and more.

Fact: According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing, on average, sees a 4300% return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the USA.

Similarly, you can incentivize users to join you on social media, leave a blog comment, and more.

Here is a screenshot from last year’s giveaway:

Ways to Enter the Giveaway

4. Use Viral Sharing to Supercharge Your Growth

Whenever I run a birthday giveaway at WPBeginner, I ensure it’s easy for our readers to spread the word about the giveaway with viral sharing. This is a method of incentivizing users to supercharge your growth.

No matter what your goals are with your giveaway, you can add them as an action and encourage users to take that action. On top of that, by adding social sharing action, you can bring in more users to your giveaway as well.

RafflePress actions are the things that people need to do to enter your giveaway. They are the key to maximizing your giveaway’s conversions.

RafflePress comes with lots of different actions, so you just need to choose the ones that help you achieve your goals.

RafflePress Actions to Get More Subscribers

Actions are grouped into ones that let you get more subscribers, get more social engagement, and get more traffic.

For example, some of the actions that can help you get more subscribers include joining an email newsletter, visiting a YouTube channel, and visiting us on Facebook. These all align with the goals we set for our giveaway.

You can add as many actions as you like. Offering multiple entry methods encourages more participants to enter and can grow your following across multiple social media platforms.

RafflePress will track how many people use these actions individually so you can see how many new subscribers have been added to your email list and social channels from the giveaway.

I added 11 entry methods in total and dragged the most important ones to the top of the list, starting with ‘Join the WPBeginner Email Newsletter’.

Ways to enter WPBeginner giveaway

After that, I customized each of these actions.

I gave the email newsletter action a value of ‘+3’. This gives the user 3 entries into the competition instead of 1. The extra value will encourage users to complete this action because it gives them a bigger chance to win.

Increasing the Value of a RafflePress Action

I also gave higher values to joining our Facebook group (+5) and visiting our YouTube channel (+4) because they align with our goals. I gave ‘Refer a Friend’ the value of +4 per referral to encourage users to share the giveaway with their friends.

Besides that, I enabled the ‘Trigger on Sign Up’ option. This will automatically add users to our email list when they sign up for the giveaway.

The best thing is that RafflePress comes with integrations for the best email marketing services, such as Drip. This saved us a ton of time and effort.

I set up the ‘Join an Email Newsletter’ action to automatically add users to our email list.

RafflePress Integrations

Note: During this giveaway, we were using Mailchimp for our email list, but we’ve since moved to Drip. You can check out our WPBeginner Insider post to see why we switched from MailChimp to Drip.

5. Spread the Word

I created a new post on WPBeginner talking about what we achieved in our 14th year and introducing the competition.

RafflePress lets you easily add your giveaway to your WordPress website using a WordPress block, shortcode, or dedicated landing page.

All we had to do was drag the RafflePress block into our post and select the correct giveaway from the dropdown menu.

This allowed our visitors to enter the competition during the dates that it was active. Once the competition was closed, it automatically displayed a notification that ‘This giveaway has ended’ and didn’t allow further entries.

Next, we promoted the competition on our social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. We explained the giveaway and linked back to our 14th birthday blog post.

Promoting Our Giveaway on Facebook

It’s always a good idea to make it clear who is eligible to participate. RafflePress lets you generate rules and terms and links to them at the bottom of the entry form.

6. Pick Giveaway Winners

If a lot of people enter your giveaway or competition, then choosing a winner can be difficult and time-consuming. Luckily, RafflePress makes it easy.

Once the competition is closed, a ‘Pick Winner’ button will appear at the top of the campaign.

Choosing a winner for an online giveaway

When you click this button, you will be asked how many winners you want to pick and whether to only consider users who verified their email.

Upon clicking the ‘Choose Winners Now’ button, RafflePress quickly chose the winners for us, taking into account how many entries each user had.

Once the winners were selected, we contacted each one by email. If you only have a few winners, then you simply click the ‘Email Winner’ link under each winning user.

However, if you have hundreds of winners like we did, then you can save time by exporting the users and importing them into your favorite email marketing service.

Finally, we updated our blog post to state that the competition was closed and all winners had been contacted.

Final Thoughts

RafflePress works well for giveaways of all sizes, even those with tens of thousands of entries. I used it for our 14th birthday giveaway celebration, and RafflePress’ advanced features and usable interface made the whole process effortless despite the 20,000+ participants.

The free RafflePress plugin comes with a customizable Classic Giveaway template and is perfect for blogs, non-profits, and new businesses looking to grow their social media engagement.

The RafflePress Pro plan also connects to the best email service providers, making it the best choice if you want to grow your email list.

Overall, we recommend RafflePress for online businesses and eCommerce stores that wish to use giveaways and competitions to get more subscribers, improve their social engagement, and increase their website traffic.

Expert Guides on Using Giveaways in WordPress

Now that you know how powerful giveaways can be, you can follow these guides to do the same on your own WordPress website:

We hope you found this article helpful in finding out how to run a successful viral giveaway. You may also want to see our guide on proven ways to make money online blogging with WordPress or our expert pick of the best social media plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How I Run Giveaways to 2x Traffic & Conversions (Case Study) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Why WPBeginner Switched From Mailchimp to Drip – 4 Reasons

A few months ago, we switched our email marketing tool from Mailchimp to Drip. Many of our email newsletter subscribers have asked us to write about why we decided to switch.

When it comes to email marketing, choosing the right email marketing service that meets your needs is really crucial.

In this article, we will share 4 reasons why we switched from Mailchimp to Drip and how they help us deliver more personalized emails, automate our marketing campaigns, and more.

Note: This article is part of our WPBeginner Insider series, where we introduce you to the products we use at WPBeginner. We publish WPBeginner Insider every other Thursday.

Why WPBeginner switched from Mailchimp to Drip


In our early days, Mailchimp turned out to be the best bet for our email marketing needs. Over the years, we’ve grown from being the largest free WordPress resource with a team of 3-4 members to a software business run by 300+ people.

As we grew, we needed an email marketing service that is both easy to use and comes with all the essential email automation tools for our growing demands.

On the other hand, most of our sister brands, like WPForms, OptinMonster, and AIOSEO, had already been using Drip, which offers superior email automation tools compared to Mailchimp.

After careful consideration, we finally decided to move our WPBeginner email list from Mailchimp to Drip.

4 Reasons Why We Switched From MailChimp to Drip

Whether you are running a blog, an online store, or just about any business, choosing the right email marketing service for your needs is fundamental to your success.

Our top priorities for email marketing software include customer segmentation and personalization settings.

That being said, let’s jump into the specific reasons we made the switch from Mailchimp to Drip in the first place.

1. Better Segmentation Features

Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools. But as we grew our email list, we realized that there were a lot of limitations that would keep us from growing.

And one of those is Mailchimp’s limited segmentation feature.

Email segmentation means breaking up a list of subscribers into smaller, targeted groups so that you can send them the most relevant information.

Generally, it’s better to create lists based on demographic and behavioral data, including content users have clicked on, the optin form where users have signed up from, and past purchases.

Drip segment emails

Rather than sending all types of content to everyone, you can send hyper-personalized emails to a specific set of people.

With email segmentation, you can:

  • Increase open and click-through rates.
  • Achieve higher conversion rates and return on investment (ROI).
  • Boost revenue (In fact, 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns).
  • Receive fewer unsubscribes.
  • Improve email deliverability.

In Mailchimp, you can’t segment your list based on email engagement, like opening an email and clicking a link that leads to a certain page.

In fact, how users engage with your content is like a vote of confidence as to what type of content and products or services they want to buy from you.

Mailchimp does track opens and clicks, but they are only shown in the reporting dashboard and cannot be used as a tool for automatic segmentation.

At WPBeginner, that meant we couldn’t pinpoint exactly what type of emails you enjoyed reading and send more helpful content you’d find valuable.

On the other hand, Drip allows us to segment our email list based on an if-then command. For instance, if one of our subscribers clicks on a specific link in an email, then we can tag them as someone interested in that topic.

If-then command Drip

Plus, it allows us to manually segment subscribers when needed. That gives us the flexibility to send the right messages to the right people.

This is a big reason why we agreed to go with a Mailchimp alternative instead.

2. Better Personalization

Email personalization is a strategy that customizes email content to the specific behaviors, interests, and preferences of the individual recipients.

It goes well beyond simply addressing their name in the body content or subject line.

When done correctly, it should speak directly to the person’s wants and needs. As a result, they are more likely to open your email, interact with it, and even make a purchase if you are selling a product.

We felt limited by the personalization options provided by Mailchimp.

They do offer merge tags, which means you can dynamically replace content within an email with the data you have stored about a subscriber, but they are limited.

On the other hand, Drip can do all of that and so much more with their Liquid tags. For instance, you can personalize the email based on subscribers’ tags, their behavior, the time when the automated email was sent, and more.

3. Better Email Automation Features

Email automation means using predefined rules to trigger email messages based on specific actions that your subscribers take or don’t take.

As a marketer, your job is to get your audience from point A to point B. For example, you might focus on building trust with a newsletter subscriber to get them to purchase a product.

Drip allows you to automate your email strategies based on a feature called workflows. With workflows, you can visually design how you want to schedule your email marketing campaigns.

drip workflows

From the above screenshot, as you can see, when this workflow is turned on, someone who subscribes to your email list will receive an email after 2 minutes of subscription only if they haven’t placed an order before. With Drip workflows, if you can dream an idea, then you can build an email campaign the way you want.

We combine workflows with our email series to send custom-built email campaigns for specific audiences.

4. Minimalistic User Interface

Since email marketing platforms can feel overwhelming at first, a simple and straightforward user interface (UI) is very important for the user experience.

Mailchimp has quite a dated, clunky feel to it and tends to cram a lot of options on one page, making it more difficult to find what you are looking for.

mailchimp campaign creation

Alternatively, Drip has a cleaner, more modern UI and allows you to access all the essential features with just a click.

We believe you don’t have to be an email marketing specialist to use Drip since everything is templated and drag-and-drop.

drip campaign

Final Thoughts – Drip Review

Drip works well for our specific email marketing needs, especially since our list has grown substantially over the years. With their tags, you can create laser-targeted segments. With workflows, you can visually plan and execute how you want your email campaigns should be.

We recommend Drip for businesses that want to grow their email lists, especially for online stores, since Drip connects with all the major eCommerce platforms and allows users to track revenue metrics.

But we understand that Drip isn’t for everyone. It might be too advanced if you are a business with a small email list or just getting started with your newsletter. In that case, you may want to choose Constant Contact instead.

We recommend Constant Contact because they offer all the essential features that you need to get started with your email list at an affordable price.

We hope you found this article helpful in finding out why we made the switch to Drip. You may also want to check out our blog on how to create an email newsletter the right way or our list of easy ways to grow your email list faster.

Full Disclosure: We didn’t get paid to write this Drip review. It’s simply a platform that we enjoy using, and we want to share our thoughts on why we prefer it over Mailchimp. That way, we can provide the most value to our readers. We do include an affiliate link to Drip, so if you use our link, then we will get a small commission. That being said, we only recommend services that we believe will truly make a difference in your business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Why WPBeginner Switched From Mailchimp to Drip – 4 Reasons first appeared on WPBeginner.